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Bailee’s Punishment Ch. 01

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Bailee goes to prison for having hairy arms.
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/26/2022
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Bailee poured herself a large glass of wine and sat on her couch to read again her company's travel guide to Jumania after she packed her bag for her two-week assignment. She knew that it was one of the most authoritarian countries in the world and was well-known for their weird laws and customs. She packed only plain clothes, without any cleavage, and some essential products like a toothbrush, some perfume and a few body lotions.

She took a pen and started to underline the most important aspects from the travel guide, thinking that she can't wait to return back home. "Do not wear anything revealing", "Use only simple make-up, but it is best if you can avoid wearing any make-up at all", "Avoid any alcohol, tobacco or other recreational drugs", the guide was filled with interdictions and Bailee did her best to remember all the points, because she read horror stories with tourists that broke the law there. Moreover, women were treated as second-class citizens, and those who are deemed as "easy" are severely punished and humiliated.

After she finished her glass of wine, she went straight to bed and set up her alarm at 6AM sharp. She woke up feeling tired and went to brush her teeth. She didn't put any make-up on and she dressed in a simple long-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans. As she grabbed her bag, she took a cigarette to smoke outside her appartment building as she waited for a taxi to the airport. Everything went well with the check-in process and she boarded her flight, which arrived 30 minutes late at Jumania's main and only airport.

She got in line to have her passport checked and sat there playing nervously with her tiny ring, the only piece of jewlery that she took with her. It seemed like everyone at the airport was looking weirdly at her but she knew from the guide that Jumanians were not too fond of foreigners. When she arrived at the passport desk, the airport staff took her passport and scanned it.

"What's the purpose of your visit?"

"Business," stated Bailee briefly. "You can find all the documents for my trip here," she said after handing a small dossier to the staff.

The staff looked over the dossier checking it thoroughly before handing it back to Bailee. They looked again at the passport and then back at her for a few times.

"Okay, you're cleared, please proceed." They handed the passport back to her, but as she reached to grab it, she revealed a portion of her forearm and she saw the staff taking a short glimpse at it. She then proceeded to the luggage area and searched the conveyor belt assigned to her flight, taking a look back at the passport desk, hearing the staff talk something on their radios. She waited a few minutes for her baggage to arrive and then she looked for the exit. When she approached the exit, two female officers approached her.

"Please follow us, miss, this is a routine baggage check. We'll have to open and search your luggage," one officer said. Bailee didn't worry, this has happened before on her travels, and she knew she didn't pack anything suspicious or illegal. She memorized the travel guide by heart after all. The two officer took Baile to a small room, with a table in the middle and asked her to open her luggage. She grabbed a small key from her wallet and opened the tiny lock on her luggage. The two officer then looked closely at all her clothes and opened every single pocket in her luggage, while Bailee was waiting patiently.

"Okay, everything is good," said one officer while handing the luggage back to Bailee. "Miss, please roll up your sleeves and hold your arms in front of you," asked the second officer.

"Sorry, can you please repeat? Roll up my sleeves? What for?" Bailee said surprised.

"As you should know, the country of Jumania has a zero-tolerance policy on body hair as of last month. All women should not present any kind of body hair while inside the territory of the country, so please roll up your sleeves, miss."

Bailee started to panic, because that was definately not present in the travel guide and she never shaved or waxed her arms in her entire life. She tried to convince the officers that this has to be some kind of mistake, she even showed them the travel guide from her company, but they didn't care, stating that not knowing the law does not make you exempt from it. Seeing she has no other choice, Bailee rolled up her sleeves revealing her lightly tanned forearms. The sun reflected on the light brunette hair covering her forearms which turned into a gentle peachfuzz abovd the elbow and up to her shoulder. She raised her arms in front of her while the officers watched closely grinning.

"Miss, you are in violation of the Jumanian Penal Code by having body hair on your arms. You have the right to say nothing, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." said one officer while taking out a pair of metal handcuffs and approaching Bailee.

"Wait, no, please, this has to be some kind of mistake, can I please contact the embassy, or I will just fly back, please!" Bailee tried ad begged for the officers to let her sort out this issue.

"You americans, think you can get away with anything. You should have shaved those disgusting hairy arms, now move it!" said the officer while she grabbed her arms and handcuffed them, pushing Bailee against the wall. They took her out of that small room and walked her in handcuffs for everyone at the airport to see, down to the basement, where a long hallway with cells on each side was located. Bailee was so ashamed to be seen in handcuffs, especially since she knew that she did nothing wrong. She tried and begged for the officers to let her go but that only angered them further.

The officers walked her to a cell at the back of the hallway and pushed her inside, taking off her handcuffs. Inside the cell, there were four bunk beds, and inside, two women, in their early 20s, around the same age as Bailee. The officers slammed the door and turned back to leave telling Bailee that this is where she is going to wait for her trial.

"Please, wait, you can't keep me in here, I have rights, I am an American citizen, I demand to speak to my embassy!" shouted Bailee desperately.

The officers turned back and looked at her with an angry look on their face. They opened the cell door and entered.

"Oh, you have rights, huh? I'll show you what rights hairy American prostitutes like yourself have here!" one officer said loudly while the other two in the cell got up from their beds and stood straight up when the officers entered.

One officer grabbed Bailee's arm and turned her around with her back towards the center of the cell. She then grabbed a pair of handcuffs and tied one cuff to the frame of the upper bed and the other cuff to Bailee's arm. She then proceeded to do the same on the other side of the bed, leaving Bailee tied up with her arms stretched to the bed's frame.

"Hey, let me go! Let me go!" shouted Bailee pulling on the handcuffs holding her pinned to the bed. The officer reached around and unbuttoned her jeans sliding them down over Bailee's wide hips revealing her slender legs and her underwear. The officer then grabbed her underwear and slid it down as well, leving her delicate bottom exposed.

"No, no, what are you doing, please, no!" Bailee almost cried, when the officer grabbed a handful of her dark blonde hair and buried her face in the mattress, mffling her words. She could hear the sound of a belt being taken off and then, she heard a loud smack, followed by feeling a wide sharp line across her buttocks which made her hips thrust forward towards the beds as she let put a muffled scream.

"Those are your rights here, bitch!" the guard who held her pinned down to the bed said with a satisfied tone, followed by another stroke of the belt across the back of her soft thighs which made Bailee's legs bend. The officer who held her down placed her hand on Bailee's abs, pushing it backwards to arch her lower back, presenting her buttocks to the other officer. This was then followed by a barrage of around 10 lashes with the belt across her bottom while Bailee was crying and pulling on the handcuffs. The officer executed the strokes almost rhytmically and timed them perfectly, because when the burn from one stroke started to subside, another one followed. The belt was sendind ripples through Bailee's bottom with each stroke, as she felt more and more humiliated, crying and screaming with her face buried in the old mattress.

The others in the cell stood there shocked, although they were not surprised, since they had a similiar treatment when they got here a few days back. After finishing the strokes with the belt, the officer then let go of Bailee's head and went behind her back. She ripped her shirt, leaving her only in her bra as she turned around and asked one of the girls in the cell.

"So, it seems like we have another hairy bitch here to keep you company. Come and say hello to your new friend." the officer said while she uncuffed Bailee and turned her around. The other girl had curly hair, going up to her shoulders. She was dressed in a black tank top and simple long training pants and her big brown eyes fixated down on the floor. She had thin blonde hair on her forearms, almost barely noticeable but still visible, especially in direct light. The officer pushed Bailee towards the girl into a forced hug as they both left the cell and slammed the door.

Bailee was still crying, and the other girl tried to comfort her and gently caress her face. She pulled up her underwear and pants as the other girl from the cell approached her and separated them. She suddenly grabbed Bailee's arm and ran her fingers through Bailee's hair, grabbing it between two fingers and pulling it.

"Pfff, disgusting, you will get good punishment, American," she said with a very thick accent. "Both you and your friend here, no respect to walk with hairy arms like this." she added before going back to her bed. Bailee went and sat on the lower bed, her bottom still stinging like hell from the officer's belt. The other girl with hairy arms went and sat next to her on the bed.

"Hey, I'm Julie, in the same situation as you, apparently, but don't worry, we'll sort this out, we'll get through this, okay?" she said with a comforting tone. Bailee then told her about herself, what happened to her at the airport, how she couldn't believe that there would be such a law, and expressed her concern and fear of what will happen next to both of them.

A few hours passed, while they both chatted and took a nap, while the other girl sat in her bed and waited. The two officers who arrested Bailee then entered the cell and handcuffed all three girls, escorting them out of the cell and then outside the airport where a van was waiting.

"Let's go, time for your sentencing, hop in, move it!" the officer yelled as they entered and sat down in the back of the van. The ride was short and bumpy, taking no more than 10 minutes to arrive at a small building. Another pair of officers was waiting for them, and escorted them to a small room, where a man, presumably a judge, waited for all three of them. He said something in their own languge, immediately followed by a translator.

"The trial will now start. We will begin with Ilinka Ivanov. Miss Ivanov, the evidence in your case is as clear as day, you have distributed pornography on the OnlyFans platform, so you are found guilty. I hereby sentence you to five years of prison. In addition, you are also sentenced to community service during the week, and at the end of each week, you will receive 30 stroke caning as corporal punishment."

Both Bailee and Julie started to panic as they heard the harsh sentence given to the first girl. Moreover, they were shocked that they were not given any counsel, nobody informed them what's going to happen, will they be given any chance to defend themselves?

"We will now continue with Julie Madison, miss Madison, please raise your arms for the court to see." the translator said as Julie raised her handcuffed arms slowly. "The court has found you guily of having hairy arms. Since the court deemed that you have a slight amount of hair on your arms, the court sentences you to one month in prison. Additionally, as corporal punishment, on the second week in prison you will receive 50 lashes with the whip on your bare back and on the fourth week in prison you will receive 50 lashes of the whip on your bare bottom."

Julie panicked and started to beg the judge to forgive her, she started to cry and buried her face in her palms, but she soon calmed down, only whimpered as the translator warned her that she could be held in contempt of court and her sentence would be prolongued. The translator then asked Bailee to raised her arms and she followed the instructions. The light was falling direcltly on the somewhat thick hair on her forearms, also revealing the gentle peachfuzz that went up to her shoulder.

"Bailee Joy, you are also found guily of having hairy arms. The court deemed that you have very hairy arms and the court sentences you to three months in prison. Moreover, after each week in prison, you will be given either 50 lashes of the whip on your bare back, or 30 strokes of the cane on your bare bottom. Additionally, after the first and second months in prison, you will have to participate in the prison punishment show. All sentences will be carried out immediately."

The judge banged his gavel on his desk as the officer's grabbed the three girls and escorted them to a bus that was waiting for them. Bailee cried hysterically after hearing her punishment and tried to resist the guards without any success. They escorted the to the bus and hancuffed them to their chairs as the bus departed.

When they arrived at the prison, Bailee was terrified, the building was old and dirty and there were a lot of guards holding weapons along the perimeter. They took them out and headed towards the onboarding wing. They processed Ilinka first, asked her to strip naked and took all her jewlery. When seeing Ilinka's perfect abs, toned thighs and firm buttocks, Bailee almost forgot for a second she was in prison. She had the body she always dreamed of, probably making hundreds of thousands of dollars on OnlyFans, she thought for a moment. They them gave her an orange jumpsuit and assigned her to block C.

Then, they processed both Julie and Bailee at the same time, instructing them to get naked and place all their jewlery inside a box. They were both ashamed and looked down at the ground the entire time. They then gave them both an orange tank top and shirts.

"Uhm, sorry, can we, can we also get a jumpsuit, please?" Julie asked. Then, the guard came close to her and grabbed a handful of her curly hair and pulled her head back.

"No, this is the outfit for women with body hair, so that everyone can see how hairy you are. You are at the bottom of the food chain here, you hairy bitch and you will be humiliated and beaten until that disgusting hair disappears from your arms, understood!?" the guard yelled loudly.

"Yes, yes, sorry!" Julie said immediately and dressed in the top and shorts. Bailee also grabbed her outfit and dressed, and she could not stand the rough fabric rubbing against her soft skin.

Then they both got assigned to block A. They didn't put them in the same cell, Bailee got a cell at the middle of the block while Julie went down the hallway and to the left. Inside Bailee's cell there were two beds, one was empty and the other one was occupied, but nobody was inside the cell. There was also a toiled and a small dirty sink inside. Bailee went and splashed some cold water on her face, thinking terrified that she would have to spend the next three months in here, praying that her cellmate would be okay. She hardly fell asleep, alone in her cell, going over all the possible scenarios that she would have to endure in prison.

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rebelxcarpenterrebelxcarpenterover 1 year ago

As a prison story featuring innocent women experiencing harsh treatment, it's pretty good. It shouldn't have the BDSM tag though, it should def be under non-con/reluctance.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Stupid plot.

RialbeRialbealmost 2 years ago

Like the possibilities opened by this scenario. Here are a couple of ideas for plot lines that might develop. You should follow your own wishes for the story.

Bailee’s sentence could have been slightly longer, say 5 months, which would put her into the “Permanent Depilatory Public Program,” which requires her to be nude in public. Add a couple of sadistic guards who love to leave marks whenever they use a whip or cane. Maybe Bailee talks her way into an extension, the puts her in the “Unrepentant Criminal” category and perhaps earns her a brand or tattoo.

Looking forward to reading the subsequent chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Interesting idea, hope Bailee would be punished harshly in prison, I can't wait to read about her first whipping.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

As a story this is fine. But bdsm it is not. Whether you practice RACK or SSC, the common theme of bdsm is CONSENT. Which the discerning reader may have noticed is absolutely absent from this story.

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