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Baked 'N' Shaked

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Two female doughworkers get rolled.
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Jodi and the gang stop by at the sisters' bakery to give the ladies a full four tit weight and measurement check up.

Jodi had a tip off one day about a middle aged woman with a good figure who ran a bakery in a town nearby. The story was that her husband did the early morning baking and then went home and left his wife to handle the sales. Jodi went over there, checked the place out, then came back to say it was even better than he'd heard because most afternoons this Mrs Johnson had her sister helping her out at the bakery and she had a even bigger pair of dairy arrangements. They must have both been over thirty but there was plenty of good fucking left in them, according to Jodi. All they needed was some encouragement.

So, we went over, on an afternoon naturally, to see what was on offer. Yep, both pair of tits were there, so it was time for an unexpected early closing. We didn't even have to force the back door, it was already open, would you believe. One minute later and the five of us were inside. It was still hot around the ovens from the morning's baking and there was an open door into storeroom by the side of the kitchen with a stack of flour bags at the other end of it.

Jodi picked a knife off a hook over the sink and rattled it inside the metal sink. One of the women in the shop came in to see what was causing the noise and her eyes nearly rolled up into her hairline when she found herself grabbed by the arms and the sharp edge of the knife up against your neck.

"Call your sister here!" Jodi snarled.

The woman could hardly make a sound, she was so frightened. But she gasped and called out as Jodi kicked against the wall. He thrust the woman away from him, Jacko and Mickey grabbed hold of her arms and before she'd stopped moving the other sister had come to see what the noise was all about. And found herself staring at the knife as well. Before she'd got any way at all towards working it all out I'd got hold of one of her arms and Will had the other.

"In the storeroom with them," Jodi said. "I'm going to close up the shop."

We threw the pair of them into the storeroom and blocked the door as Jodi put up the closed sign on the shop window. By the time he came back all parties concerned had enjoyed a chance to take a look at what was on offer. Well, I say enjoyed. I don't know what the women thought of us but I was more than happy with them. They certainly were sisters, not bad looking either, both fair haired. The one I thought was the younger one had pearls in her earlobes and a thick gold chain around her neck, with a sulky look that seemed fixed on her round face. The other one wore glasses and was licking her lips with nerves. The tight fitting white shop coats they both had on fitted snugly around wide hips. Very nice, yet nothing at all to compare with the bulging shapes underneath the upper halves of the shop coats. Jodi had told us the truth and nothing but the truth -- these two were both fully loaded forty inchers. The roaring forties as we called them whenever we got our hands on a pair. We roared with joy and the woman always got taught how to blow up a storm.

Jodi started by telling this pair of well stocked bread vendors they weren't going to be hurt if they behaved themselves. Then he wanted to know their names. But the one with glasses had got a bit of her nerve back by then and tried to tell us to get out. Only Jodi was ready to argue more persuasively than she could. He'd bought along a catapult and a pocket full of marbles, and when his first shot hit home on her left udder spectacle features yelled, cowered, covered herself up and said that she was Janice, and her sister's name was Helen.

"OK, girls," Jodi had answered, smiling. "We're inspectors from the weights and measures department and we've come here to make sure those big tits that you're displaying to your customers are the genuine items. So we're going to have to have a good feel of them, all of us. It's a lousy job but somebody's got to do it."

Janice didn't say anything else, but Helen did. Until she found out that she couldn't cover up a pair of bristols as big as hers with her hands, and that Jodi was a good shot with that catty aiming at her tits as when he was on her sister's. He dragged the whole thing out for a while, just standing there with the rubber drawn back before he let it go and smacked the marble home halfway down her cleavage and right on top of her right dug. It sounded like a bullet hitting a blancmange and the whole teat quivered under the impact. Helen shrieked and turned away from him completely, facing the row of sacks to protect her front, so then Jodi let loose a real stinger, straight between the cheeks of her arse. The woman jumped about two feet in the air, howling, and then turned around with her hands in the air.

"Alright, alright, don't hurt me anymore, please."

"That's what I like to see, a willing volunteer," Jodi said. "OK, boys, let's say hello to Helen. Come here, Helen."

She came out of the storeroom, he took her by the hand, lifted it to his lips and kissed it. She stared at him, glassy eyed, completely off balance between what he'd just done to her and the way Jodi was behaving now. He snapped his fingers. "Come on, Jacko, undo her buttons for her."

Jacko stood behind Helen, slowly undoing the buttons down the front of her coat as Jodi kept hold of both of her hands.

"Mickey, Andy, you say hello as well."

We moved beside her, one on each side, and I leaned forward to muzzle Helen's neck. There were some fine wrinkles around her throat but she was still an attractive woman. She was trembling and I wondered how she felt as we closed the ring around her. Will was still standing in the storeroom doorway, grinning at Janice who was staring past him at the developing situation around her sister. Helen gasped as I touched her ear with the tip of my tongue. I knew Mickey was doing the same thing on the other side.

"Helen, you know you're going to have to do whatever I tell you, don't you?" Jodi asked. "Or do you need reminding again?"

"No . . . no."

"No, what?"

"No, I don't reminding," she said. She was trembling even more than before, which I knew for sure because I could feel it through her earlobe and my tongue.

"Ah, you're still not getting the message. Whenever one of you ladies speaks to one of us gentlemen, you call us 'sir'. I really do hope you both understand that. Jacko, put her hands behind her back."

Mickey and I helped him move her arms until Helen's wrists were locked in Jacko's big paws. Jodi opened the front of the shop coat and laughed. Underneath it all the respectable shop keeper was wearing was a pink bra and a matching pair of high sided panties with stretch panels back and front.

"It gets hot in here, does it?" Jodi asked, teeth flashing in a wide grin.

"Y . . . yes, sir." Helen stuttered. "In the morning, when we're still baking, sir."

"No need to get nervous. How about you, Janice, you're not nervous, are you?"

Will was standing beside the flour storeroom door, keeping Janice inside but not blocking her view. Her eyes seemed to be swelling up behind her glasses as she stared into the bakehouse. She brushed away a few stray hairs from her left eye and answered Jodi quickly.

"Yes, I'm nervous. Sir!"

"Oh, Well, perhaps you should be. Come over here and stand besides Helen."

Will let the woman come out and Janice did as she was told, standing next to her sister.

"OK, ladies, here's the deal," Jodi said. "You don't get hurt, nothing in the shop gets damaged, we use condoms so we don't leave any buns in the oven and we won't even leave any love bites on you for your husbands to find. That's if you do as you're told and fuck all of us like you've never fucked before. But if you give me any trouble at all I'll hurt both of you like you've never been hurt before. Any questions as far as we've gone?"

Both of the women seemed to be having trouble with their breathing. Especially as Jodi took out his catapult, smiled again and stretched the rubber out all the way before letting it go to snap against one of Helen's exposed D cups. She flinched and snorted as if she was a fly bitten filly.

"Please -- we're sisters," Janice said. "Alright, but not together. Please, sir."

Jodi smiled and stroked his chin. "You know, maybe it would be better if we kept the shop open. Less suspicious. And we wouldn't want to be disturbed, would we? So, Janice, if I let you go back to the counter for a while, remember that I can set fire to this place and be out of the back door in a few seconds -- and as for Helen here, the way we'll leave her, she'll never want to look in a mirror again. Understand?"

Janice nodded: her face was glistening with sweat: "Yes, sir, I understand. I won't tell anybody you're here."

"I'm sure you won't," Jodi said. "In fact I'm going to make sure of it by sending one of my lads out there with you."

He handed the catapult to me: "Keep out of sight. Let her deal with any customers but if she tries to cause trouble, then aim this right at her head, as hard as you can." He dropped a marble into my hand. Janice's stunned face had a gaping mouth set in it: she looked like a goldfish that had just found itself inside a tank with a bunch of piranhas.

"OK, Helen, down on your knees," Jodi continued. "Off with your coat and right down here in front of me with your mouth wide open. Otherwise you get pushed head first into one of your ovens."

Jodi always was good at motivating people. Helen dropped her coat down over her arms and every guy in the room took a deep breath at the sight of her plump body in the pink underwear. Nobody looked more wistfully at those huge cups than me: once those tits were freed up and Helen was getting totally shagged those boobs were going to be bouncing from her waist to her chin. In the meantime she went down on knees as demurely as a whore in church and tugged at Jodi's zip without needing to be told.

"Are you going to stay to watch this, Janice?" Jodi asked. "I don't mind if you don't, it should be quite a performance."

Janice turned her head and then her body, stumbling away towards the shop front, punch drunk, and leaving Helen to begin sucking Jodi. I followed Janice, looking at those smooth haunches underneath the white coat and thinking that fucking the other sister first might make up for missing out on the sight of Helen getting her dough thoroughly mixed.

In the meantime the respectable Mrs Johnson turned the sign around in the window again, and then stared at me as if trying to make believe that nothing had happened and that her sister wasn't in the next room being forced to commit mass fellation on her knees for a gang of thugs. But there I was, as large as life and twice as ugly, with the catapult ready to aim. She shook her head in bewilderment.

"Who are you? Sir."

"Nobody you're going to find out about. Look out, somebody's coming."

It was an old woman who wanted a small brown loaf and a chat. But Janice wasn't in the mood and even the old bag finally got the message, after about five minutes of being carefully ignored. She eventually walked out, looking offended. I'd had to close the inner door while she was there, keeping hunkered up in a corner behind a rack of cakes, but as soon as the shop was empty again I took a quick look out back. Helen had almost reached the end of the line. She was red faced and short of breath, holding Mark's cock steady with one hand as she ran her tongue up and down it whilst pumping up Will with her other hand. All the other guys were stripped off and displaying the wet shiny wet tools that Helen had already lubricated for them.

"Hey, your sister's pretty good at sucking pricks" I said to Janice. "You want to take a look?"

Janice stared at me, pushed her glasses up her nose, then suddenly took a step or two towards me and the partly opened door. She stopped, I took her hand, pulled her closer and she looked over my shoulder.

"God! I mean, God, sir!"

I saw another customer at the entrance and sent Janice back behind the counter. This time it was two boys who wanted some cream cakes. Though from the way they lingered I think they were more interested in admiring Janice's figure than in anything else. Not that she noticed. Janice had her mind on other things and as soon as the boys gone I opened the door again. We could hear Helen squealing, loud enough to echo around the shop.

"She's getting the coconut oil treatment," I explained. "We bought a bottle of it to oil your tits up with. She's sitting on the end of the table with her hands being held behind her neck while all the lads take turns at an udder each, rubbing in the oil. Here, take a look."

Janice didn't hesitate this time. Never mind what she'd said to Jodi, she didn't seem to have any problems now about wanting to see what was going on. She looked through the door and saw that what I was telling her was the truth.

"Oh, God, sir, you're really going to fuck her, aren't you? You really are."

"That's right," I said. "All of us, and then it's going to be your turn."

I pushed her back into the shop: "But not until we've given your sister what's coming to her."

"Oh God," Janice said again. She ran her fingers over her hair, pushed her glasses up her nose once more, her cheeks looked as if they burning hotter than the ovens. "I can't believe this. I can't believe how organized you are, sir. Have you done this before?"

"Dozens of times, dozens of times. Been a few months since we had a pair of sisters though."

"And nobody's caught you yet -- sir?"

"Nobody's come looking. Because none of the ladies wanted us showing around the photographs we take of them. So they don't tell anybody, and neither do we."

"Photographs -- oh God!"

"Customer coming," I said, and ducked out of sight.

It was a middle aged guy who bought a loaf of bread and left straightaway. If I'd been in his shoes I reckon I'd have asked Janice if she wanted some clothing loosened before she fainted but apparently he didn't notice anything odd about her appearance. Daft sod. Anyway, she was over at my side in a flash as I opened the door again. We couldn't see much of Helen, not for the crowd around the table but we could see her heavy work shoes locked together behind Jodi's back as he rammed her as thoroughly as a stallion earning a stud fee. Then Janice saw that I'd been telling her the truth about the pictures because Jacko lifted up a camera, aimed it down at the table and touched off a flash. That had Helen squealing and bucking as she realized her magic moments were being recorded.

"Jesus!" Janice moaned. "I've got to go to the loo, sir, I'm bursting for a pee. It's my nerves."

"OK, put the closed sign up and keep the bog door open," I said. Then I followed her down the corridor to the toilet.

She stared at me as I watched her but unbuttoned the bottom of her jacket anyway, then pulled her panties down to her knees and sat on the toilet. Blue ones, this time.

"Are you dressed like your sister -- fuck all underneath?"

"Yes, sir. It's hot in the bake house."

"It's a fucking sight hotter in there right now. Come on, get on with it."

"I'm nervous. With you standing there, sir."

I laughed and told her to put her hands behind her neck. Then I stepped into the toilet until my knees were on the outside of hers and pulled down my zip.

"This is a guaranteed cure for shyness," I said. "Here, try it."

My cock dropped down in front of her face. I took hold of the bottom of the shaft and brushed the tip against her lips. She shut her eyes and opened her mouth.

"Look up at me, slut."

Mrs Johnson opened her eyes again and stared up at me as I grabbed the back of her head and pulled it forward. I ran the tip of my prick around her open lips again and she put out her tongue. A twist of one curl of her hair and her mouth was closed again, with the old bald headed devil's head inside it and pressing down on her tongue. Janice's eyes peered up at me over the tops of her glasses as if I was the most important man she'd ever seen and her cheeks puckered in as she sucked my cock for me, apparently as hard as she could. At the exact same moment I heard her pissing into the toilet bowl

"There you are" I told her. "I knew you'd stop being shy."

Some high pitched sounds came down the corridor from the bakery. It sounded like an ostrich being raped by an elephant.

"I think your sister is getting her first three way," I told Janice.

Her eyelids fluttered, she twitched and then swallowed an amazing amount of my meat. Amazing for such a respectable lady anyway. Listening to her snorting away as if she trying to breathe through a snorkel and feeling her slobbering all over my prick was a real treat. Especially because every time I looked down she was still squinting up at my face like a dog begging by the side of a table.

Oh, she was horny for it now but no more than I was.

I pulled a frenchie packet out of my pocket, already opened, pushed her head back and shoved the rubber between her lips.

"Unroll it, with your mouth, all the way. Then I'm going to take you walkies."

Who says you can't teach an old bitch new tricks. This was one that Janice hadn't tried before but she soon got the measure of it. About eight inches in fact by the time she'd finished, with her nose pressed into my pubes, my cock rubbing her tonsils and her glasses almost falling off. I took the glasses off her head anyway and held them for her, so they wouldn't get broken. Jodi had always taught us to behave politely to ladies in these sort of situations. When my press ganged hostess was as near to choking as I dared let her I stepped back from the toilet.

"Stand up."

Janice rose up unsteadily, blinking at me like an owl, her blue panties still caught around her knees.

"Turn around."

She turned around, as awkwardly as the hobbled mare she was. I moved up to her back, grabbed hold of the unbuttoned bottom of her shop coat and wriggled it up over her hips, showing off her plump white arse with the circular mark of the toilet seat still visible around all those lovely wide spaces. She looked like an hippo in a ballerina dress. I pressed against her, handing her glasses over her shoulder and rubbing my cock up against her shit ring at the same time. She snorted, grabbed at the glasses in my hand and tried to put them on again as she rubbed her bum against my cock. It was like being sexed up by an amorous cart horse. I whispered in her ear

"I'm having you first, slut, before the rest of the guys hold you down next to your sister."

Mrs Jackson almost buckled at the knees and whimpered with keen anticipation at the threat. By then she was ready to take on the local football team and most of the supporters as well. All it takes is a little touch of Jodi magic.

"You know what we're going to do to you two? We're going to make you squat down and drop your tits on the table and then we're going to run a rolling pin over them every time you're not fucking the guy underneath you hard enough."

"Oh my God! You bastards! Sir!"

"You're learning. Lean forward and put your hands on the sides of the shit house seat. Stick your arse right up in front of me."

She fumbled at the edges of the seat, put her hands down on the plastic rim and leaned forward to move her weight on her braced arms. I knelt down behind and slashed the panties apart on either side with the knife, then whipped them off with a flourish like a conjuror finishing off a trick. Not that anybody could see me, but there was at least one person who was very interested in what I was doing. I leaned forward and tied the remains of the panties around Janice's neck, just to remind of who was in charge. I noticed she had grey streaks showing in her blonde hair and every time I touched her she twitched as if I was applying electrodes to a pair of frog's legs. I grabbed her neck and pushed her face right down into the toilet bowl. The first thing that happened was that those glasses fell off again, into he bowl. God knows why she'd tried to put them on again anyway. She wasn't going to get much of a view from inside a crapper.


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