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Balance of Power Ch. 02: Consolidation of Power

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Robin's submission to Tahlia becomes a little less willing.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/13/2020
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This is the second of four chapters that will be uploaded over the coming week. All four chapters are concluded, I have published it in full elsewhere but Literotica reaches a much wider audience hence why I have chosen to re-publish it here. Once again no sex in this chapter with descriptions more focused on the exchange of power and humiliation rather than sex.

This story is entirely fictional and all characters portrayed are 18 or older. This part of the story remains (semi) consensual though Robin is heavily coerced into her submission. Readers should be aware there are non-consensual activities in later chapters. If this is likely to offend you please be advised.


If I had known how things might turn out from my position here beneath Tay, the horror I would endure in the coming weeks, I would have shoved her foot off my face that was still pressing painfully on the side of my cheek grinding me into the dirt. Pushed her foot away, stood up, and marched straight back to my education department with a full report on how she had assaulted me.

I would have recommended her immediate expulsion and had her file re-opened, the same file that the Board had examined when it recommended her re-instatement after her previous expulsion. My word would have been enough for them to see the error in judgement they had made in allowing this dangerous young Woman back inside school grounds.

Yet I'm ashamed to say the humiliation of the way she treated me had my pussy more than tingling, in fact I could feel a wet spot had started to form on my underwear such was my arousal at being treated so degradingly by a schoolgirl. I could only whimper beneath her as I allowed her to dominate me. Eventually she would remove her sandaled foot from my cheek and tell me to lay on my back looking up at her, her foot now replaced equally as heavily on my chest. It was a clear symbol of her victory over me and an indication of just how easily I had succumbed to her.

While she held me in position beneath her foot, she took out her phone and took a photo of the mark that the rubber sole of her shoe had left imprinted on my cheek stating how her friends would get a real kick out of seeing it. Then as I lay prone and useless beneath her she asked if I was going to be a good girl for my new schoolgirl bully.

The barely audible moan of pleasure that escaped my lips at the phrase 'schoolgirl bully' I think told Tahlia everything she wanted to hear. I was hers and then complicit in my own demise as I laid myself out beneath her exactly as instructed.

If you remember we were out the back of Tahlia's school in what she called her 'special spot'. We were in a clearing on the other side of the sports ovals where we would not be disturbed by any other students, who were all currently in class while I attempted to counsel Tahlia about her future and how the decisions she was making now would affect her future. Little did I know that these current decisions would have such an irreversible effect on my life as well as on the lives of those I love.

The clearing was surrounded by treated wooden logs neatly arranged into a square. Lifting the weight of her foot from my chest Tay sat down on one of those logs and instructed me to lay facing in a way so that my butt was pressed firmly up against the log directly beneath where she sat and that my legs were splayed either side of her body.

It was a comfortable enough position lying flat on my back looking up at my tormentor. We both remained fully clothed but beneath her here my torso was pretty well at her mercy, in fact from how she had positioned me she really had nowhere else to put her feet other than to rest them upon me. And that's precisely what she did, one foot on the front of each shoulder with her weight leaning forward so that I was effectively (and painfully!) pinned down beneath her sandals.

I couldn't help but grimace as she leant even further forward to tenderly brush some stray hairs out of my eyes. On face value it actually probably seemed quite caring of her but as I was to find out she was way more sinister than that. What she was really doing was pressing even more of her weight down through my shoulders just exerting some more of her power over me. If only I realised then that Tahlia enjoyed girls suffering beneath her just as much as the power trip, I might have realised what she was actually doing was quite deliberate and not just out of care for my vanity.

As I squirmed and grunted now at the worsening pain she was inflicting upon me, Tahlia leant even further forward, pressing even more of her weight down through my shoulders until I couldn't take it anymore. I yelled for her to stop, that she was hurting me. I looked up to see a glint of amusement in her eyes as she smiled down at me her shoulder length black hair framing her pretty facial features as she whispered;

'Beg me bitch'.

I whimpered and pleaded for a moment before she started at me again.

'I gave you the chance to beg for me earlier remember Robbie, when things were more equal between us. You said I was being ridiculous. Doesn't seem so ridiculous now does it my little pet?'

Tahlia exerted even more weight through her sandals and feet down on my shoulders, in fact I think I even heard her grunt at the extra exertion. I could feel tears coming to my eyes as the pain started to become less and less bearable.

'Can you see how being held at the mercy of someone half your age, a schoolgirl no less, doesn't seem quite as much fun now? Can you understand why this is the last place in the World you should want to be? Because if you don't understand it now, you will bitch. Once you've met my friends you'll start to understand. When I start coming around to your place to visit you'll understand. Once I start taking things from you, you will know then that you really didn't want to find yourself here in this position. Yet here you are . . . now is that begging I hear?'

Hardly a word she said had registered as I begged her to stop hurting me. I think I even pleaded with her to let me go. That I wouldn't say a thing if she did. That I would write a glowing report and reference and that she would never see me again. Tay just laughed at me. Then slowly and deliberately let a line of spit drip from her mouth and land directly between my eyes on the bridge of my nose. The second splash of saliva from her mouth was more violently launched, almost with a line of hatred toward me and splattered on my right cheek just below the eye. I could feel a line of her spittle then make its way down my cheek to join the sweat that had now well and truly formed around my temple.

And just like that she sat back upright on the log and shifted her legs to rest the heel of her feet crossed at the ankles heavily on my chest. While the immediate pain was gone, the throbbing in my shoulders remained. All I could see were the rubber soles of her shoes as they sat menacingly just above my chin.

'Pull my shoes off Robbie. Such a nice day like this I don't need to be wearing them, do I'.

It was with some relief that both my arms that lay so uselessly at my side while she tortured my shoulders were still able to be raised from the ground as I effortlessly slipped off both her shoes. They remained unbuckled and I simply let them topple either side of my body. I spent a moment staring at the bottoms of her clean white socks. I could clearly see the outline of the underneath of Tay's toes as I lay there staring. Her socks were still odourless with it still being early in the morning, nor were they yet to be stained with the sweat of Her Feet.

'There's my good little pet. You will learn Robbie that if you do as I say then things will go much easier for you. If I tell you to beg, you better fucking well beg me like your life depends on it. If I tell you to do anything, no matter what it is, and you do it well and quickly without complaining then I won't have to hurt you or have any of my friend's hurt you either. Do you know my friends at all, I guess they probably wouldn't have mentioned them on my file? Well you'll get to meet them soon enough, I can't wait to show you to them!'

'Now I want you to stare at the soles of my feet Robbie. This is important. You have to learn your new place in life. Same as all the Girls in your position. Well not exactly the same, you're the first girl that's ever laid here beneath me by choice!'

She laughed out loud.

'Anyway, you will stare at the socks I'm wearing right now. Every single fibre. Think about where you are now beneath me and how low I will take you. Think about the ways you will make out with them, the same way you might have kissed and caressed your husband back when you first met. Think about how you will embrace my feet as your new lovers. How they will take the place of the man you married as your new honey. Think about the jealousy you will feel the day I let other girls worship them and make you watch like a little bitch. And finally think about the pleasure they might bring you. Also think about this picture I am currently uploading onto my Insta. The side of your face all red and marked identifying you to all my friends as mine.'

My heart jumped at the mention of any pictures being published.

'Tay,' I heard myself plead, 'Tay, please don't post any pictures of me. I will lose my job!'

Suddenly the view of the bottoms of her socks was gone. I looked up at Tay phone in hand staring straight back down at me, grinning. That mischievous look in her eyes was still there. She rested her feet flat down and quite deliberately on each of my breasts as she sat up straight reaching for something behind her. Her eyes never left mine as she casually picked up my bag.


The shock and humiliation was evident in my voice as Tay unzipped the bag to inspect my belongings.

"Tahlia!!' This time I yelled frantically. 'Put my bag down this instant. This has gone far enough! That's it I'm getting up, no silly fantasy is worth this!'

I was openly crying now.

'Robbie you will stay exactly where you are and how you are unless you want me to hurt you some more. How are your shoulders feeling anyway?'

She giggled.

'This is no longer your bag, it's my bag now.'

I pushed her leg away in an attempt to get up. Then a flash of anger across her face. And pain exploded in my breast. She had stomped on me hard. Lifted her left foot and stomped it back down right on the flesh of my breast. The sudden rush of pain actually took my breath away.

'You need to understand Robbie until I get what I want here I am going to keep on hurting you. You're not getting up. Don't even try. And if you so much as touch my leg again, or in fact any part of me, ever, with your hands what you're feeling now around that tit of yours will feel like nothing more than a gentle lick. Now settle the fuck down. You wanted this remember? This may be your fantasy but I'm the one that controls it now. Now, tell me you're sorry for touching me and ask me politely to take what I need from your bag.'

I tried to get my breathing under control. It was true I did want this. I wanted to submit to a true schoolgirl Bully, I thought back to when I first heard of this young Aboriginal Girl reading a newspaper article about how she had been expelled for dangerous bullying. How I then spent a week or so pleasuring myself imagining myself in this very position at her mercy before putting in place an opportunity for myself to meet her. I had to be realistic, this isn't a paid fantasy scenario where I retain control. I had deliberately come here today to give control to her. I was getting what I wanted . . . in a way.

I'd come this far, yes, and looking back now at where I am I should have behaved differently, but back then at the time Tahlia was actually giving me what I wanted from her. Being bullied is horrible. I already knew this. So why would the reality all of a sudden be in line with my fantasies?

So despite the pain and horror of what I was going through at the time I was a good Girl for my Bully. I apologised for touching her, all while her angry eyes bored straight down into my own tear filled ducts and then asked her politely if she would like anything from my bag. She smiled at me then and blew me a kiss.

Things spiralled quickly from there. She once again sat forward replacing one socked foot on each breast. I guess if you look at things from the perspective of a teenage girl, placing her feet on my breasts like this as I lay beneath her was a real show of power and submission. I looked up at her intently, uselessly, hopelessly as she went through the possessions I had in my bag. I wasn't surprised when she opened my purse and made a drama of taking every cent I had in there. Sure it wasn't much, I guess no one carries much cash around with them these days but it was just another symbol in the exchange of power between us. More worryingly she then took out my driver's licence and took a photograph of my address. And just like that the Bully knew where I lived.

Then as she continued to go through my purse her face lit up with a big smile once again highlighting just what a beautiful young Woman she is.

"What's your daughter's name Robbie?"

She waved my most prized possession above my face, the small photo I keep in my purse, a portrait shot professionally taken just a few months ago. I think my heart stopped for a moment as she considered it, a mischievous look in her eye. Then she lifted her right foot from my breast and started sensually tracing her big toe around my face. She brushed a few more stray hairs from my forehead with it, then ran it along the bridge of my nose and around my eyes, she caressed my cheek with her sock before bringing her toe down to my lips.

'Kiss me Robbie.'

And so I did. I kissed the bottom of her sock while she considered what she might do with this new information she had just found about me.

'What's your daughter's name bitch? I wonder if she has all the same teenage bully fantasies that her sick old Mum does? Keep kissing Robbie. Let's discuss this, shall we? She's really cute. And I bet you pamper her too? Like really spoil her, don't you? How old is she, about the same age as me by the looks of it? Keep kissing. Good girl. Don't for one second think about all the things I'm going to take from her, don't think for one minute that you have a new daughter now. Keep kissing Robbie, good girl. In fact why don't you take off my sock?'

I never answered her. I think a part of my brain and another part of my conscience acted as if this wasn't really happening as I mindlessly pulled off her sock to reveal the most perfectly soft soles I had ever seen. While Tahlia didn't exactly have a real dark complexion, she was very definitely olive and this contrasted wonderfully with her soft pink soles. I certainly didn't notice any of the photos Tay was taking of me beneath her foot, those I would discover later. But I was very obedient now as she pressed her now bared toe to my lips.

'Open your mouth Robbie. I want you to suck on my big toe for a while. I think you're going to need to be pacified while I speak about our afternoon together. Now we don't have much time left together here do we? And I don't want you to go back to the office yet. You've still got to meet my friends for one. I've just texted them and have asked them to meet us in the toilets together in our lunch break. I think it's important you see first-hand what you have gotten yourself into with me. And you've still got quite a lot of training to endure yet.

You see my victims don't get it easy Robbie. When I choose to take you, you work for me. You do what I tell you without remorse and without question. So I need to be back in class soon. But I don't need you roaming around having little doubts about submitting to me either. So in a moment you will dry my toe with your blouse, put my sock back on and my shoes. We will walk back to my locker together as if nothing has happened, I will get what I need then I will store you away. Sometimes we don't always finish playing with our pets in our lunchbreak you see. So when that happens I have to put them into storage until I'm ready to come back and finish our games. And you and I have not finished by a long shot so you will be going into storage for an hour or so until I come and get you in my lunchbreak. Nod your head if we are clear on this.'

Well my nod was more forced than anything as Tay used her toe in my mouth to shake my head back and forth in the nodding motion she wanted to see. I did everything she asked and we chatted amicably on our way back to her locker as if nothing had happened between us. Well to be honest, she was doing all the talking. I had clearly gone into shock about just how quickly things had moved. I did tell her that I needed to be back in the office, that hers was a high profile case and my boss expected me to report back to him that afternoon. That only finished in Tay telling me not to worry, that I would only be here until lunchtime, and that she was my boss now so what he wanted only come secondary to what she wanted.

In her locker Tahlia had hidden away at least one roll of duct tape. She didn't even try to hide it from me as she led the way down to the school hall assembly area. All the other kids were still in the midst of their morning classes so the corridors were desolate as I followed my school girl bully back outside and down to the school hall. She led the way through the hall off to some changing rooms just to the right edge of the assembly stage. There was a row of three larger lockers, large enough to fit an adult in quite comfortably but narrow enough that I wouldn't be able to move. Tay removed her keys from her pocket, unlocked the middle locker and ushered me in.

'This is my storage place Robbie, you should be pretty comfortable in here until I can come back in my lunchbreak. Now I trust you to be my good girl, no banging or making any noise to attract anyone to you. But I am still going to have to wrap your hands together, I don't need you to panic in there and make a racquet. Now cross your hands behind your back for me and I will make this as comfortable as possible, most girls I have to tie up pretty tight but you're lucky you actually want me to do this so I'm only tying your hands together as a precaution.'

Once Tay had wrapped the duct tape around my wrists and secured my hands behind my back she shuffled me back around so I was inside the locker facing toward the front. She sensually rubbed the back of her hand along my cheek and looked me straight in the eye, it was an intense look full of passion and excitement. She gently pulled my hair to one side and tilted my head over so she could whisper in my ear,

'You'll never quite understand how this makes me feel Robbie. Having someone in here at my mercy. My pussy is so juiced right now, I've got no hope of concentrating on my class while you're here stored away tied up and helpless. I didn't think it would be but it's so much hotter that you do actually want to be in there for me, waiting for me, wanting me. You can't even begin to imagine what I'm going to do to you little girl.'

I looked down and noticed Tay with her hand inside her skirt rubbing herself while she talked to me.

'When I think about how many ways I can fuck you over, fuck you up, fuck up your life. Oh, God I nearly cum just then thinking of it! Thank you so much Robbie. Thank you so much for handing this power over to me. It's certainly wasn't anything I was expecting today little Girl but we're going to have so much fun together.'

She licked the side of my cheek. And left me with a little peck. Then stepped back grabbed a handful of hair and forced my head back, all of a sudden my scalp burned again, she yelled at me, loud enough that anyone in the hall could have heard.


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