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Bambi and the Dollhouse

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Now that she was eighteen, Bambi knew she had to find a job.
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These are fictional works of erotic horror/crime fiction. Some readers may find the content offensive, triggering, or pornographic. All characters are 18+. The author does not encourage or condone any actions or behaviors contained in these stories. Any characters, settings, or scenarios are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people, locations, or events are entirely coincidental. (Leave any comments you want)

Bambi and the Dollhouse

By Lynx

Now that she was eighteen, Bambi knew she had to find a job. Her momma wanted to rent her room out to someone so she could have extra beer money. Unless she could pay her share of the rent, Bambi had to go. Thing was, nobody in Bumpkin, Carolina was hiring. She knew a bunch of people looking for jobs this summer and everybody was having a hard time. Bambi went to the old mall looking for work but most of them said they didn't need workers until Christmas. The woman at the jewelry store kept watching her like she thought Bambi was going to steal something. The assistant manager at the grocery store sent her packing when she couldn't figure out the cash register. The manager at the shoe store kept staring at her tits and trying to give her his phone number.

"It's impossible, momma!" Bambi cried.

"Well you better find something soon," her momma told her. "I got someone coming in to look at your room next week. You can't expect to hang around here rent free like you're the queen of France."

Pretty soon, Bambi started getting desperate because she knew lots of girls in Bumpkin who ended up picking up johns on the street. One time, she even saw Ginny's older sister getting choked on the sidewalk by a pissed off pimp. And there were a lot of girls like her friend Crystal who jumped right into dancing at strip clubs. Bambi rode her bike to the Hot Dog Hut for dinner and asked Carl if he was hiring. He wasn't. Then, she heard someone call her name behind her.



"It is you! You remember me?"

Bambi and Crystal used to get invited to a lot of the same parties back in high school. Especially Crystal because she was a tall brunette with a big sparkling smile and big, bouncing breasts. There were all these rumors that she would let the football team run trains on her after they won a big game but Bambi wasn't sure if that was true or not. Last she heard, Crystal was working at a strip club across town. She looked as cheery and upbeat as always. They sat down with their hot dogs and sat down at a table.

"So you're looking for work?" Crystal asked. "Because they're hiring down at Dollhouse. I could put in a good word for you with the boss."

"Um..." Barbie couldn't imagine taking off her clothes in front of strangers.

"You'd be perfect. We need another bartender over there. All you really have to do is get the men liquored up so they keep spending money, pretend to listen to their boring ass stories, and tell the bouncers if anybody gets too crazy."

"That's really it?"

"Easy breezy."

That didn't sound too bad. So the next night, Bambi hopped on her bike and pedaled across town. The Dollhouse was three stories high and painted this dingy-pink color. There was a big neon sign out front and these glazed glass windows that kept you from seeing inside. Tired strippers on their smoke break puffed cigarettes and joints against the dull pink wall. Some were complaining about customers. Some were on the phone with their boyfriends or sitters. Some were eating dinners they picked up from the fast-food places across the street. Bambi leaned her bike against a streetlamp and locked the chain. At the entrance, the bouncer stepped in front of her and looked down. He had a boxer's face and big arms.

"ID," he demanded.

She reached in her purse. "Here it is."

The bouncer squinted at her birth year and once he was sure she was eighteen, he stepped aside. Inside, the country music was loud. The Dollhouse smelled like stale beer and sweat. Women walked around the club topless with cash stuffed in their garter belts. The dancers onstage wore colorful costumes that came off piece by piece. Bambi stepped out of the way of a giggling woman who pulled a customer away for a private lap dance. Hooting and hollering filled the club. So many men were already drunk, emptying their wallets for the girls. There was a crowd around the ATM. She only saw one bartender--this shy-looking woman with mousey brown hair and thick glasses. She rushed back and forth with no help as the customers shouted their orders over the music. Bambi turned away just in time to run into a Latina stripper with massive tits. She caught a nipple to the eye and stumbled back.

"Watch it!"

"Sorry," Bambi mumbled. "Um...can you show me where the owner's office is?"

"Over there." The stripper pointed back at a pair of grey double doors near the bathrooms. "Can't miss it."

Bambi tried to thank her but the stripper had already rushed off and jumped into a fat man's lap. She whispered in his ear and he slipped her a big cash roll. Bambi's eyes went wide when she saw the Latina stripper's hand slip into the fat man's pants. The woman caught her looking and shot her a dirty look. Bambi turned around and went to the owner's office. When she opened the double doors, the smell of cheap cigarettes smacked her right in the face. The cramped office was dim and covered in NASCAR posters. The only person inside was a hefty, hairy man with beer gut and pit stains under his arms. He was napping with his eyes closed and his feet up on the wood desk. When the doors closed, the thud woke him up and he jumped up like he got stealing the last cookie from the cookie jar.

"Who the hell are you?" he growled.

"Bambi?" she said. "I'm here for the interview, Mister..."

"Just call me Zed." He looked at her and she could almost feel him groping her with her eyes. Bambi was 5'4, petite, with breasts too big for her chest. She always caught men sneaking peeks at her but something about the way Zed stared made her feel icky. She fussed with her chestnut hair as he licked his dry lips. "How long you been dancing, honeybunch?"

"What?" she asked. "No, I'm here about the bartending job."

"Oh. Bambi, huh?" Zed stood and his pale gut hung over his belt. He grabbed his office chair, rolled it from behind the desk, and sat down next to her. The leather chair cried under his weight. "Well, we're all team players around here, Bambi. You a team player?"

"I guess so..."

Before Bambi knew it, Zed unbuckled his belt and tugged down his zipper. He pushed his jeans down to his knees and his half hard meat spilled out. She almost ran out of the room but her legs wouldn't move. So instead, she turned her head away and covered her eyes so she couldn't see it. "Oh my god!"

"You want this job or not?" Zed asked. "Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you, girl."

He reached out and grabbed Bambi's chin, forcing her to look him in the eye. She frowned and her eyes kept slipping down to his lap by accident. His cock was getting longer. He asked her again if she wanted the job.

"I do but...I don't think..."

"That's right. Don't think. Stop making this complicated." Zed let go of her chin and started stroking his swollen meat. "Five minutes on your knees and you walk out of her with a good job."

Back a few months ago, Bambi would've slapped him in the face and bolted right out that door. Now? She got teary eyed thinking about packing up her bags and finding a new place to live. Her mother's trailer wasn't much but it was better than nothing. She only had a week left. Bartending sounded like something she could handle and if she walked out now, she might end up dancing on a pole like Crystal. Even worse, she might end up like Ginny's older sister--getting passed around Bumpkin by a slap-happy pimp. Out there, the strangers pawing on her would want a lot more than Zed did. She gulped.

"Thing won't suck itself, honeybunch."

Bambi put her hands on Zed's legs and dropped between his legs. Her tummy was doing backflips. He smiled down at her and his teeth were yellow as corn kernels. She closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and tried her best not to gag as she swallowed his shaft. This wasn't her first blowjob but Zed's grunting made it feel extra gross. Her lips massaged his shaft when she bobbed her head. Zed reached down and grabbed the back of her neck. When Bambi tried to pull back, he pushed her head down. Bambi gagged and slapped on his thigh but he held her down.

"Eat it up, whore." Zed thrust his hips up a few times before he finally let her go.

Bambi pulled his meat out of her throat and almost coughed up a lung. "Am...Am I done yet?"

"You'll know when, Bambi." Zed's cock was hard as brick and covered in spit. "You'll know."

He grabbed her neck again and pushed her down. Bambi scrunched up her face. She could hear the leather chair creak when Zed leaned back. His cock head hit her tonsils over and over, leaking precum. Then, his leg started twitching and he started shouting "Ah fuck! Ah fuck!" until his gross, thick cum shot in her mouth. Bambi had to swallow some to keep from choking and it tasted like a rancid milkshake someone mixed with salt. When he pulled out, she crawled to the little trash can by the desk and spit out Zed's cum. She retched in the trash while he buckled up and zipped his fly.

"Think you'll fit in just fine here, honeybunch."

"You mean..." Bambi shook from head to toe. She stood up on wobbly knees. "You mean I got the job?"

Just then, the double doors swung open and a tough, big-boned woman walked right in like she owned the place. She probably used to be pretty but Bambi could tell living in Bumpkin did a number on her. She wore a lumberjack-plaid shirt, jeans, and ass-kicking biker boots. Her short, dirty blonde hair was stuffed under a red trucker hat. Zed jumped out of his chair and started straightening his clothes. Bambi wondered if it was his wife. The woman stared at them like she knew Zed was up to no good. Maybe she caught him cheating all the time.

"What the fuck are you doing in here, Zed?"

"Just cleaning up your office, Bertha." Zed rushed over to the wall and picked up a broom. He smiled on his way out the door. "Please was all mine, Bambi."

"Want to tell me what you're doing in my office without permission?" Bertha rolled the leather office chair back behind her desk and sat down. She took out her cigarettes and pulled one from her pack. "Maybe start with who the hell you are."

"I'm Bambi but...I'm confused. Who are you?"

"Darling, I own the place."

"Then...who was that?"

"Zed? The janitor?" Bertha dragged on her cigarette. "What? Does he owe you money or something? Good luck getting square with that cheapskate."

"No, I'm...I'm here about the bartending job."

"Oh. Yeah, Crystal told me she was sending somebody over." Bertha tapped her cigarette on the ashtray. Three questions. Do you know how to count? Do you steal? And can you work a cash register?"

"Yes...No...and I promise I'll learn."

"Good enough," she said. "Lucky for you, I don't have anybody else that can count past ten without catching a case of sticky fingers. Follow me. I'll show you around."

Bambi was so excited about her new job she forgot about Zed until she stepped out of Bertha's office and saw him mopping up vomit in front of the bathrooms. He flashed those plaque-yellow teeth and winked at her. Bambi turned away so she couldn't vomit herself. Her throat was still sore and she could feel his slimy cum hanging down the back of her throat like phlegm.

"First floor is the strip club," Bertha said. "Pretty self-explanatory. You and Penny keep the liquor flowing down here. Upstairs, we got the motel rooms. You probably won't ever go up there unless someone orders drinks to their room. Got it?"

"Got it."

She never knew there was a motel upstairs and imagined what kind of people would stay here. Men who lured the strippers upstairs with cash, addicts who needed a safe place to get high, or desperate out-of-towners who couldn't find anywhere else to stay. Bambi saw one of her neighbors from the trailer park. He was always fighting with his wife about how much money she spent but here he was, waving cash in front of a blonde stripper half his age.

"You ever get bored or decide I'm not paying you enough, you can make plenty up on those poles." Bertha pointed to a big assed woman twirling on stage. "And there's even more money in those rooms upstairs."

"Bartending's fine..."

Bertha welcomed her to the team and told her to show up tomorrow at 5:00PM. Bambi rode her bike home and ended up passing by the hooker hotspot, Ho Row. Under the streetlamps, women who didn't have any other choice hopped in cars with men they didn't know. Bambi thought she might've even recognized a few fresh faces from the graduation stage she'd just walked across. She decided she would really work hard at the Dollhouse. Much harder than she did in school. She'd learn to work the cash register, count every dollar twice, and do whatever Bertha told her.

"Hey girlie." The pale man in the white SUV rolled down his window and slowed down beside her bike. He was old enough to be someone's grandpoppa but he was pumping hip hop through the speakers. "You working?"

"Yep!" Bambi said before she stuck her tongue out at him. Then, before he could say another word, she pedaled her bike down the street as fast as she could until the white SUV disappeared.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Great story! love the pace and the twists with Zed!

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