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Banging The Babysitter Ch. 04c

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Jason meets Misha's room mates.
3.2k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 12/05/2005
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This is the start of "Pick your own adventure" chapters that I will do only for a few of my stories, as this one is one that I just had to do.


"I just got off the phone with Mr. Kindle." He said, his hands folded on the table in front of him.

I swallowed hard.....oh no! I thought. It was Mr. Kindle!!!

"Dad...I can explain....seriously. I really can." I stammered.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The phone rang and both girls dove for it, bonking heads. Finally, the red head got the receiver. "Hello!" she accidentally yelled. "What? Oh, Misha, yeah hang on!"

The other girl grabbed the phone from her and they rolled around, trying to take possession of the phone. "Misha!" the red head called out. "Get the phone, quick! It's for you!"

Misha came out from the kitchen and smiled at her roommates rolling around on the floor. "Who is it?" she asked.

"Don't know, don't care," the other girl said. "Just get it before we kill each other."

Misha laughed and was able to pry the phone from the girl's grasp. "Hello?" she asked.

"Hey, it's me. I couldn't get a hold of you on your cell."

"Hey baby," Misha said, sitting on the couch. The girl's continued to roll around on the floor, wrestling for nothing, and the red head ended up pinning down the other.

"I win!" she screamed.

"Shhh, guys," Misha said. She stood up and walked away from the girls. "No, it's nothing, just my stupid roommates wrestling each other, acting like Xena or Buffy or someone like that."

Jason laughed.

"What happened with your dad anyways," Misha asked, twirling her hair in her fingers. Last time she talked with him he was getting nervous about a talk with his concerning Mr. Kindle. Apparently Jason had seen his neighbor outside of the theater and now he was worried that his parents knew.

She listened to his explanation of the what happened and told him to come over. She hung up the phone and crossed over to the girls. "Come on guys, stop. Jason's coming over and he's upset."

The red head got off the other girl and plopped onto the couch. "Ehh, I was winning anyways....pussy." She stuck her tongue out to the other girl and then ducked before a pillow a flew by her head. The girl on the floor laughed and then got up too.

"What's upset about?" she asked. "His balls not dropped yet?" The two girls laughed.

"Come on, please." Misha put her hands in her face. She wasn't crying, but was really concerned from her talk with Jason.

"Tell us, Misha," the red head said, moving next to her roomy and putting her arms around her. "What happened?"

"Well," she said and looked up. "His dad was told by their neighbor that he saw us kissing outside of the theater. So, he asked Jason what it was about. He tried lying and ended up telling that we have been sleeping together."

"Oh, poor guy." One of the room mates said.

"Why didn't he just say that you guys were dating, that sounds a lot better than sleeping together." The other said, but Misha wasn't listening.

"Oh god," Misha said, standing up. "I've probably lost my job."

"Hey, come on," the red head said. "It'll be okay. They'll get over it, just tell them that you love their son and that you have the best intentions when it comes to their boy. They'll get over it, really."

Misha sighed. "I hope. He's probably gonna stay the night, is that okay?'

"Sure, we don't mind having some man around the house." The two girls giggled and Misha rolled her eyes.

"Just be nice," she pleaded. "He's so young and innocent. I don't need you girls to ruin him." She passed them and headed to her room, the two girls closely followed.

"You said you had a threesome with him and his friend." One said. "What about you ruining him?"

"We haven't been doing anything with his friend since, it's been nice." Misha sat on her bed. "He's a great kisser...and oh god, he's so good in bed."

"Yeah? Can we try him out?" the red head asked, smiling at the other room mate. "I'm sure Natalie and I will enjoy some man, it's been so long." She kissed the girl on the lips and they both moaned for a few seconds.

Misha snorted, "I'm sure he will love you guys." The girl's kiss broke off and they giggled. "I doubt he's ever seen two girls get it on before."

"Well then, we'll just have to make tonight his first night." Natalie smiled. "I'm gonna go wash up, come with Tosha," she said pulling the red head up. "Let's go get ready for Misha's lil' Casanova."

Misha didn't want to share her boy toy with her roommates. She liked Jason, even though he was little inexperienced, he still had great movement and stamina. She loved how he just threw her around the bathroom stall at the theater, it was the best fuck session for the two of them so far. She didn't want to jinx it.

A few minutes later, Jason rang the door bell and Misha let him in. Her roommates were still showering, small moans barely heard in the hallway outside the door.

She had him sit on the couch in the living room and she went to the kitchen to get him a drink, he seemed upset. She came back out and handed him a glass of water and sat next to him. He sat there, holding the glass in his hand.

"So, what happened when you told them you were leaving?" she asked him.

"Well," he took a drink, "they said we needed to end our relationship or I needed to move out." He took another drink of the water and then put it down on the coffee table.

"Oh, Jason," Misha whispered and hugged him. "I guess I'm out of a job then, huh?" She hugged him and he sat there, letting her hold him.

"I'm sorry Misha that they found out. I really am sorry." He looked her in the eyes. "I'll help you find another job, I swear."

"It's okay. I'm sure I can get my parents to send me some money to help out for another month. What are you going to do?" She leaned back on the couch. "You want to tell them we aren't seeing each other anymore so they'll leave you alone?"

"I'm going to have to....I mean, I'm still in school, I can't stay anywhere else." He leaned back and she put her head on his shoulder. "I could probably stay with Dave for a few days out of the week, but I'll have to check first....what-what would you like to do, Misha?" He looked at her and she looked up at him.

"I'd like to keep seeing each other, if you want." She smiled. "I've been having fun....and you know, I like you...." She paused, looking up at him. "Yes, I'd like to keep seeing you, Jason." He smiled and they hugged. "I'm sure my roommates won't mind if you stay here a few days out of the week too, so if you want," they broke off the hug and she put her head back on his shoulder, "you can ask Dave if you spend the week with him and go to school and then on the weekend, stay here."

"That sounds good," Jason. "That sounds perfect....but only until I can get a job, then I'll get my own place."

"No," Misha said, "you need to finish school. You're almost done, I don't want you to get a job and be too busy to study and flunk out."

"Alright...alright..." he gave up. He kissed her on the forehead and they stayed on couch cuddling.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tosha and Natalie came out of the bathroom and found Misha and Jason on the couch. "Aww," Natalie cooed, "they look so cute."

"Yeah," Tosha agreed, "They do, don't they."

Misha and Jason laughed. "Whatever, girls," Misha said, standing up. "Jason, these weird girls are my roommates. Natalie, and Tosha."

Jason stood up and shook hands with each girl. "Wow," Tosha said. "You are cute!" Jason blushed and put his head down. "Come on," she giggled. "Don't be so embarrassed. We've heard a lot about you from Misha."

"Any body want some drinks?" Natalie asked she went to the kitchen. The other three sat down and Misha asked if it was alright if Jason stayed on the weekends until things were sorted out. "Sounds good to me," Natalie called out to them. She came back in with a pitcher of margaritas on a tray with four glasses rimmed with salt.

"Yeah, it's okay with me," Tosha said, she got a throw pillow and sat on it on the floor. "Just don't make a mess and if you guys are loud, we get too join."

Misha laughed. "Oh we'll be loud alright." Jason laughed a little too, he was nervous with her roommates. He hadn't hung out with her and her friends yet and didn't know how to act around them.

"So then we get to join then, right?" Natalie giggled and began pouring the drinks. "Yippie!" Jason laughed with the girls, they were silly and funny and that was what he needed after the talk with his dad.

"I'll make sure I don't make a mess, I promise." Natalie handed him his drink. "And I won't have any of my friends come over, I'll even clean up after you girls as a thank you, since I can't pay anything."

"We'll find a way for you to pay, don't worry." Tosha winked.

Misha frowned at her. "Hey, don't scare him away. I don't think he's figured it out yet." Misha giggled and took a big drink from her glass. She made a face and then licked some of the salt. "Wow, you made these strong."

The girls giggled and Jason sat there, confused. "You girls sure do giggle a lot," he said. They giggled again.

"Alright," Misha said coming out of a laugh. "We may as well tell you."

"Tell me what?" Jason asked. He took a drink and made the same face Misha had made, it was the strongest drink he'd ever had. He'd had drinks at the parties he went to, but it was almost always just beer.

"Well," Misha looked at him, "Tosha and Natalie are lesbians."

"Bi-girlfriends is what we like to be called," Tosha said. She looked at Natalie and they smiled and gave each other a quick kiss.

Jason nearly came in his pants. He'd never seen two girls make out before and it was a beautiful site.

Misha laughed when she saw his face. "See girls," she told her roommates, "don't scare him away."

Jason stammered, "I'm...uhh, it's okay...I mean, uh..." he took another drink, not caring about the bitter taste of alcohol.

"And up until I met you," Misha started as Jason took in another sip. "I've been sleeping with them."

Jason almost spit out the drink. The girls laughed watching him.

"Oh, sorry sweetie," Misha laughed and put her arm on his, "I didn't mean to make you do that."

"It's alright," he said, wiping his lip. "You just shocked me...I mean, I never thought that....I mean."

"You took her away from us, you lil' shit," Tosha said then laughed. "You've been banging her so good she has either been at school, with you, or asleep."

"Well, what can I say," Jason took another drink. "Damn, this tastes good." The girls giggled again. He lifted his eye brows and drank some more.

"So, you really that good in bed, Jason?" Natalie asked, leaning towards him.

He could see down her shirt and was surprised at how nice her tits were, even with out a bra holding her up. She noticed him looking and laughed. "Hey, Misha, your boy's checking out my goods."

Jason was worried that she'd be mad he was looking down her roommates shirt but Misha laughed it off. "Yeah, they're pretty nice huh, babe?" she asked him. "Hey, Nat, show him what you got."

"Only if he shows me what he's got," Natalie said, getting on her knees. She crawled to him as Misha and Tosha pounced on him. Tosha got his drink and put it on the side table and then pushed the coffee table away, getting the other drinks out of the way.

Jason squirmed, pulling away from the girls hands. He wasn't prepared to have his pants ripped off, he didn't know if he should do it because he liked Misha so much.

"Come on," urged Natalie, pulling off his shoes. "Help me get this boy naked so I can too."

"Hey, Misha," Tosha asked as she helped Natalie pull Jason off the couch onto the floor. Misha helped them to get his pants unzipped. "Is he really that good at lickin' pussy?"

Jason let out a laugh when Natalie's hands grazed his sides where he's ticklish and she giggled, getting his pants off in one big swoop. He couldn't believe it, he was fighting off three girls who were trying hard to get him naked. Natalie next got off his boxers and he was lying there on there floor, naked, with Natalie straddling his legs.

"Hmm," she cooed, "he's a good size for a high school boy," she whispered.

"Yeah," Misha said. She looked down at him and smiled. "I hope you don't mind me sharing you with my roommates." He looked back up at her shaking as Natalie took his cock in her hand. "You said you'd help out around here...well, you're helping out."

"But...but Misha..." he began but she leaned over and kissed him deeply.

"Shh," she whispered. "Come on, show these girls what you can do." She sat up and looked to her friends. "Want to see how good he is at lickin' pussy?" she asked with a big smile.

The two girls squealed, again giggling. Jason's head swirled, he didn't know if he was buzzed from the drink or if they had some strange power of him.

"Me first!" Tosha screamed. She pulled off her clothes and got onto Jason. Before he knew it, a blond pussy was put to his face. He couldn't breath at first, he was getting smothered. Then Tosha moved up a bit and he was able to get some room between his lips and hers.

She had the most perfect pussy he'd seen. Her lips were lined up together and her clit stood out a bit underneath her hood. He moved his hands up to her hips and held her up a bit so he could nuzzle his nose under her. He pushed his nose into her mound and stroked his tongue between her folds. He found her pussy very wet and sweet and he slid his tongue into her pussy. He could hear her moans, and Natalie's hands on his cock, working it to get it rock hard.

He pulled away so he could lick her clit and look up and was met with another pussy. Misha had gotten naked and was now on her knees facing Tosha and they were kissing. He moaned and sighed as he watched the girl of his dreams make out with the girl whose clit he was sucking. He found that Tosha was very sensitive when sucking her clit and she soon was moaning for him not to stop. He licked harder and sucked faster on her tiny button.

She moaned and Misha leaned down and licked her friend's nipples. He loved the bottom view sight and moaned as he felt the girl start cumming on his mouth. His chin pressed against her pussy and his mouth wrapped around her clit. She rode him hard as she came and soon fell over. Natalie kept stroking his cock and he felt as though he was going to cum on her hands. She crawled up him and straddled his face.

He held onto her hips and rolled over, putting her on her back. He got on his knees and leaned down to her pussy open in front of him. He sucked and licked up and down her wet slit, finding her pussy to taste much different than Misha's or Tosha's. He moaned as he felt her pussy open up for his tongue and she giggled. "That feels so good, Jason," she whispered as he moved his tongue over her clit and then back over her pussy.

He reached up and pressed her lips open and licked around the inner edges of her pussy, feeling her clit against his nose as he darted his tongue in and out of her. She squirmed around and soon was bucking her hips up to his face. He was amazed at how easy these girls were cumming on his tongue and he felt how hard his cock was, pulsing and throbbing for release.

He moved his tongue up to Natalie's lower stomach, his fingers now thrusting in and out of her pussy. She moaned and gasped when he found her g-spot with his middle finger and pressed on her clit with his thumb. His kissed her more, moving up her body to her tits where he sucked on each nipple. When he got to her neck he felt her pussy shut down on his finger and she began to shake as she came on his fingers. He nibbled on her neck and moaned in her ear as she rolled her orgasm with his hand between her thighs, helping her to release.

When she was done she rolled away, finding Tosha and they began to kiss and touch each other. Jason laid down on the floor, getting his much needed rest after bringing the two girl's to orgasm. Misha straddled his hips and leaned over, kissing him. He wrapped his arms around her and took her ass in his hands, pulling her down on him.

"You tired baby?" she asked him.

"Yeah, but I'm never tired for you." He kissed her again and pulled her harder on top of him. He felt her quiver as he entered her and they kissed as they made love on the floor. The didn't care or even notice what the other two were doing, they just rocked their hips together and moaned as they rolled around on the floor.

Jason got on top of her and buried his face between her breasts as he continued his thrusts. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he pulled her up, his hands on her lower back. He took her to the couch and sat down, her straddling him again. She bounced up and down on him as his hands held her close to him. He kissed and sucked on her neck, moaning as he got closer to her lips. When their lips touched, he felt his climax hit and he emptied into her.

She moaned and sighed as they finished cumming together, kissing deeply and holding each other. When they were done, Misha laid her head on his shoulder and sat there, his arms still wrapped around her.

"Yeah, he can stay," Tosha said from the floor and Natalie giggled.

Misha looked in Jason's eyes and he smiled. "It's okay with me," he sighed.

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