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Barbarian Abroad Pt. 01

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Sticky Fun in the Sun.
4.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/14/2015
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Helios' midday sun shone with an oppressive heat across Daleford, as it cooked the inhabitants into a lazy stupor. The Baron's guards had discarded their armour, elderly folk squabbled for troughs to bathe in and priest prayed to Ull for a cooler respite. Cole was no exception, his bovine ears flapped to try to circulate a breeze as he dragged his hooves and his war-axe lazily through the dirt road, tilling it as he went.

His baggy garments didn't suit the normally windswept altitudes of the Gordian Hills, the rampant gusts on the climb would inflated his trousers to resemble a jester's pantaloons, but today the air was stuffy and still. This was supposed to be a vacation for the half-minotaur, but it seemed the only form of local entertainment right now complaining. The people were wrapped up in their own complaints about warm beer and the economic influence of dragons, leaving thankfully few comments of 'Barbarian' and 'Nubby horned wierdo' for him to weather along with the sun across his bare back.

The village sat at the top of one of many knolls that made up the Taldian Barony, the green mounds dotting the landscape like miles of kneeling moss-giants. According to the locals, when alcohol had eased their social taboos enough to talk, the first Taldian, late mother to the current, had been a powerful geomancer. She had shaped the hills like waves to carry them across their domain, leaving future generations to find that shifting large amounts of earth generally exposed things, both good and ill. But she had good taste in earth, they would always defend, dirt so rich you could eat off of it. Cole blanched at the thought of local 'mudpie', but he agreed that the grass was the softest he'd ever slept on. Finding some behind the church, Cole took in the sight of the scattered results of geomancer parking, planting his axe in the earth and his tailed rear beside it. At least the view was good.

As the thought of a nap crossed his mind, the sounds of clinking chains caught his attention. A pair of sweaty soldiers, each baring their leathery chests and the electrum badge of the Baron on their belts. They both seemed to be suffering in the heat with their wheezing, their eyes following the trail in the earth deliberately as they approached Cole with quick smiles.

"Barbarian." He pointed down at Cole, "Baron . . need . . you . . smash . . monsta'." The plumper man talked to Cole in slow tones, mashing his fist into his other palm, as his spindly partner held a set of manacles at the ready.

"Do you think he'll understands us, Mike?" The tall one asked, slowly pacing around the frowning beastman as if he were about to lash out. The only thing he wanted to do was enjoy the scenery. Whilst the Southern Plains were certainly vast, there is only so much endless flat expanse a young man can take. Despite his uncles' views on what is good enough for any minotaur-blooded man: well-groomed horns, a happy bed-mate, and all the space in the world to hunt; Cole had little in the first department leading to even less in the second to enjoy. Even the humble stone church this village kept had struck him in awe when he first arrived four days ago, the mastery of stone and glass was taller than any other building he'd ever seen. Unfortunately, the people were still quite familiar in all the worst ways.

"'ard to tell, Reg. Watch out for those weird leggings 'e's got. Could 'ave a sharp rock 'e's 'iding." Mike stepped closer, gesticulating his intentions again slower and slower as if he was trying to hit some special barbaric frequency. "You . . kill?"

"I'm on holiday, pink man." Cole replied, rising irritably to the sprung guards, Mike hopping back whilst Reg dived onto the axe like it was a haywire spell. "Are you trying to arrest my axe?" He asked as the gangly one gripped the axe-haft, with nose-ringed snort. The guard had some brains to secure Cole's weapon whilst his partner collected himself off of the floor.

"Barbarians are monsters waiting to happen, with their insatiable bloodlust and feral ways. Can't be too careful, so just stay calm, alright, just stay calm!" The thin one babbled as he braced for any 'wild-man retribution'. His partner nodded into his neck at the fact. Cole sighed. He didn't enjoy using stone for axe heads, they were just cheap and accessible. It was a vacation any way, saved on the expenses.

"I am very calm." He held up his hands to put the two men at ease. "And I can deal with monsters, if that's what you were trying to say. Even if I am a monster too, an affordable one at that." Maybe he'd be able to get that iron axe and people would stick to 'horned wierdo'. Reg relaxed at the statement, sliding the now locked cuff of the manacle awkwardly off of the weapon. Mike sneered as he pulled a small pouch of coin from his side, a Taldian geomantic circle patterned onto its side. The coins clicked and moved in a relatively united motion, magnetic electrum, a rarity outside this land.

"Something eatin' corn for the 'ill. Scared the farma' bad, but I'll give you coins, if you smash monsta'. Clear?" He smiled with a sweaty lip at Cole, wiping it with the pouch. They may have thought Cole stupid enough to fight something without better information, but he was actually just greedy enough to do it. A pouch of electrum might as well be five times its weight in gold and if the creature wasn't fast enough to eat the farmer or big enough to have already a panic in town, then how bad could it be?

"Clear, pink man." He returned his hands to his axe, wrenching it out with a small flume of dirt. Brushing off the remains, he adjusted his shoulder harness and took a few gentle practice swings. The two heads of the axe as large as a man's waist, but proper footwork, a good twist and his mother's skull-cracking strength made it work just fine. Nodding to his new employers, he rested the haft on his shoulder, "Where is it?"

* * * * *

The wheat was just over head height which was great for a light shelter from the sun god, but it left Cole blind as he strode through, his skull-cracking strength useless as the wheat pushed around his wading axe to slap at his tanned back and face. The still air let every strain and snap of the wheat fill his furred ears, but not a single sound from the monster., though he had thought he'd seen a chicken around the field's edge. Only endless yellow standing against his hunt, scolding him for his entry with each step. Maybe it had already left, Cole thought with a disappointed sigh. That electrum would've been handy, he could've had one of those fancy sun-shields the nobles used. Hells, he could've paid someone to hold the sun-shield for him. He looked up at the sky for an answer and the sky retreated behind the yellow mass as Cole's hoof slipped on something smooth.

The landing was fortunately soft though he felt moisture around his tail. Was he bleeding, he rolled over in a brief panic which turned to confusion. Something wet and sticky was on his tail's end fur. It was clear and colourless, no smell he could notice either. Looking down, his hoof was tipped with the small sticky liquid. What was it for? Some kind of territory marking? Saliva? Following his errant foot, a trail of the stuff carried on through a parting in the crowd of wheat. The stems was softly rustling not far beyond, but it didn't seem to be getting closer. If this was the monster's trail, maybe he could still jump it!

He scrambled back up, axe at the ready as he crawled in the monster's wake. The sun on his back and goo on his hand, he shuffled closer and closer to the shifting wheat. Just as the path began to turn right, a sudden BAWK of a disturbed chicken exploded from the wall rightward into his face. Instinct took over and the half-minotaur reared his head back against it, butting it with his stubby horns and foul mood back where came from. Laughter erupted within the stalks, as a pair of translucent hands holding the flapping bird emerged. The field melted around the ooze, stalks collapsing against her viscous shape before fading away inside. Cole would've jumped if he wasn't fighting the urge to charge the chicken too. Oozes were a typically placid, underground lot, from what he remembered, so one attacking a farm was unusual by far. Also a harder monster to 'smash' too as they were practically immune to normal weapons, but she seem too preoccupied with her catch to care at the moment. The ooze was shaped mostly like a young nude woman with a single sparkling geode-like eye visible whilst her shoulder length 'hair' trailed over where the second eye would sit. Her breasts were generous handfuls, clinging against her frame without tips as if a wet shirt was covering them. The same consideration given to her round rump as it included the efforts of a soaked skirt. Feet had been ignored creating the illusion of a maiden kneeling in a puddle, the Ooze eating any of the fallen wheat as she slid closer. The features of her feet and dripping hair would blend better on a rainy night or a poorly lit cavern, but now he could clearly see her translucent hands spreading across the bird's body.

"Don't melt the chicken!" He caught himself saying, despite his distaste for the glaring bird. The ooze tilted her head, a soft smile growing across her lips as her eye moved from the fallen warrior to the now soaked chicken.

"I thought sun-dwellers ate these creatures?" She asked, seemingly surprised, her voice echoing slightly from her mouth. She looked the chicken over, turning it in her hands from side to side. The fowl maintained its eye contact with Cole regardless of the examination, as if this was some way his fault. "Is it dangerous? It can't taste too bad compared to these sticks around us."

"It belongs to a farmer, you can't just eat his chicken!" Cole's hand began to reach out warily, trying to get close enough to the chicken to grab it. Touching the Ooze could just get himself stuck just as ease, he would have to try for the only exposed area, the bird's head. "At least not for free, and not after you've ruined his field too." Again she tilted her head, pursing her lips questioningly.

"If he was going to eat it, then he should have done so. Wasting food is just stupid." The concept of ownership was never strong within oozes, but it was derived from innocence rather than the orcish example of 'might makes mine'. What little food is available underground is quickly eaten in case there isn't any later. "And besides, I need to eat too. These plants aren't very nourishing, too dry." She pulled away the bird from his reach, mashing it against her soft cleavage as she turned her clear back away.

"Wait, wait. Just stop for a moment." Cole crawled around to her front, scrambling through wet dirt. "You can't just keep eating everything here. If you just keep going, the farmer and his people will . . send someone." That caught her attention, the Ooze's shoulders falling as her voice whimpered slightly. Guilt washed over Cole, he hadn't intended to hurt her feelings, but if he didn't solve this issue then the next guy might. "I am Cole. I just want to help." And earn a cool bag of electrum too, though he omitted that.

"Gelas." She replied, her voice wavering slightly. "Its just so hot up here. I thought a quick meal would be easy, but my tunnel caved when I slipped out. Your sun drains me and there is no water to keep me sustained until nightfall." Her shape was slightly shaking, the chicken beginning to slide further down her hands as her focus fell. "So I need something more." Gelas eyed Cole now, licking her plump lips even as her previously prey fell to the soil with an angry splat.

"Ah. . ." Cole wished he hadn't got her attention, and was wishing harder his axe was in hand for what use it was. "How about a trade?"

"Trade?" Her jewel eye was locked on his sky blues. "You said I can't eat anything else of this 'farmer's', and I'm very, very hungry."

"I'll open your tunnel again, if you leave this field. I can move enough earth for you to 'pour' through and I won't tell anyone it was you here."

"Hmm, that sounds kind of you, but you can't just leave me hungry now, can you?" She smiled again innocently as she reached Cole, sitting slightly higher than his crouched form. "You do know why we take such pleasant forms for you sun-dwellers?"

"Its so you don't attract attention?" Trying to retreat, he slipped again on the wet floor, smacking his rear down with a sore thump.

"Someone helps a poor lost soul trapped in the rain, we show gratitude." The Ooze began to shrink down to Cole's level, resting a hand against his bare chest. She wasn't as wet or sticky as Cole had expected. Gelas was soft, gliding her fingers down his torso with no more moisture than if she had just stepped out of a bath. As he followed her arm, he realized her height had moved into her curves, smooth bust swelling to round melons that pressed together into a deep cleavage. "And I'm sure you can feed me in a way that make me very grateful." Her hand moved lower to his roomy trousers, rubbing gently.

"Ah." He breathed with relief, his odds of being melted now severely safer. "Then I think I can help you. If you can keep your end of the deal and leave the field?"

"Done!" With a wide grin, Gelas brushed her fingers across the cloth garments, stripping the fabric away to reveal Cole's tanned legs and soft cock. Though it wasn't the centre of the Ooze's mind, but the pair of fist-sized load-bearers that sat between his legs. "Ooh my." She exclaimed as she dissolved the remains of his pants, cupping the dark bull-nuts tenderly. Her touch spread a gentle tingling sensation through Cole, relaxing his previously worried groin as she weighed his load. "Don't worry about the feeling, I'm just making all better for you. And my word, you've got enough here to feed me for a month! The best meal I've ever had was a trio of orcs and even they only had enough for a fortnight." She licked her lips with excitement at the feast at hand. "You must be aching with all this built up." As she massaged the heavy tightening spheres, Cole's flared shaft began to thicken. Even as it first twitched with arousal, the dark organ was thick as any man's arm, a mottling of pink decorating its length that easily matched any human cock the Ooze had tasted before.

"It has been a while." The bull-man admitted as he groaned. The last woman to enjoy his company was a tavern girl with a thing for exotic men about a month ago. He'd been too exotic for her to take though, but she'd at least been kind enough to give him a hand to avoid blue balls. The Ooze instead relished his cock, her slick hands moving down the mottled shaft making it throb within her grasp. Her sparkling eye watched hungrily as arousal flushed through the warm tool, swelling fatter and longer. Nine inches became thirteen then fifteen, rising higher towards her mouth, until finally two feet of fat turgid bull-beef twitched within her hands. Cole's breath was heavy, hot instinct running through him with each coo and gasp of the translucent woman's joy.

"Well, I can take everything you got. Just make sure you don't spill any, okay?" She smirked as her clasp tightened around the thick trunk. Though her hands possessed no hardness, she melded her fingers together into a wet ring around Cole's cock. His tail thrashed in surprise, her grip was like a vice, like almost fucking into the warm summer breeze. Pumping the twitching shaft, the Ooze drew her mouth closer and closer to the tip, milking the bull with building urgency. As the first clear drop of pre-cum leaked from Cole's flared knob-head, her tongue instantly caught the sticky fluid, igniting a groan from both parties.

"Mmm, if the appetizer is this good, I can't wait for the main course," she squealed before continuing to bathe his slit with her deep kisses. Gelas lapped at another and another splash of pre-jizz, tongue rolling over the hard flesh, Cole's hips bucked in response, pushing the head against her lips with teased desire. Whether she noticed his urging or was already captivated by his pre-flavour, Gelas ceased her ministrations. Turning her gaze upward to meet his, her grip shifted to down the well-lubed pillar to sit at the firm base. She took a last circular lap of the flat cockhead, opened her facsimile of a mouth as wide as she could and swallowed the top six inches in a single breath.

The slippery touch of the Ooze had been akin to a oil massage, but inside her body was like a wet vice. Not as firm as a more solid being's mouth, but her throat clung around his aching shaft, every inch being stroked and sucked tight. In turn, her hands shift to continue her gentle, tingling massage of the fully loaded nuts. Gelas' stretched lips ran up and down the top fifth of his monster cock, feeding herself of the rich spurts of clear man goo. Shivers ran down his spine and up his cock, as Cole could feel his balls clench for the coming climax.

"Lets see how deep you can feed me." Her cool gaze descended down the masculine column, lips resting at his glans as Gelas took in the challenge before her. With a last slurp across his crown, she pushed. The first six inches were readily conquered, the following three falling easily to her assault. With each push, she would retreat, reform and push again. Her hands formed a snug ring again, stroking up and down his turgid base with fervour. At the halfway mark, the Ooze was finally meeting resistance, hard, throbbing resistance, her current angle of siege was proving to reach its limits. But it mattered little to Cole, his eyes shut close from the oral attack on his titanic tool. He began to spurt more and more from his cum cannon, a yell rising in his chest as he reached the edge of his breaking point.

A pop emanated from Gelas' mouth as she freed Cole's cock from its grasp, whilst her ring-grip bound his orgasm before it could be freed. Cole opened his eyes again, his breath hot and teeth gritted as his climax escaped him. "Why . . why did you do that?" The half-minotaur was as hard as stone, whilst the Ooze gently lapped at his remaining pre-cum, loosing her self-made cock ring when she trusted him not to explode.

"Don't worry, Cole. I want to feed from you, but I want it all!" She slipped down to his swollen nuts, running her cool tongue over the tormented fist-sized spheres. She gently teased the heavy orbs, taking in the vast contents that left her practically watering. Cole could barely see Gelas behind his girthy root, leaving him to shudder at her treatment, digging his hands into the ground. "Men usually just want to rest after the first pop, even though they have sooo much more to give." She spoke, before rising with a great lick along the cum-channel of the two foot beast, hugging close enough to lightly wrap her slippery chest against its width.

"I can-nn assure you, that I'm not a one-pop k-kind of guy." Cole stumbled over his words, illicting a frustrated grunt when the Ooze ceased her brief bodily massage. He knew the alternative when oozes got hungry was them getting less picky so he pushed his frustration down, but this monster was torment him enough that he wanted to pull his tail off. Now his proud member stood almost completely coated in Gelas' tingling goodness, her lubricant mixed with his own well enough to give even that barmaid a possible go at him. Gelas herself rose to inspect the completeness of her work.

"Maybe, but how do I know you aren't being cocky? This way, when you come, you'll empty all that cream into me in one delicious go." She move forward around the throbbing mass and pooled onto his lap, melting most of his remaining clothing whilst her arms rested on his firm shoulders,. This had been the first time Cole had actually be able touch her, his hands naturally finding her waist. Gelas had some give to her form, but also a surprising amount of rubbery-likeness. His hands didn't sink or move her like clay, but rested much like a waterbed. Though considering how the chicken had slipped away, it seems she wanted to give him some to hold onto. "Can't blame me for wanting to get my fair share now, can you?" She grinned and leant against him, pressing her soft lips against his, her sizeable chest mashing on his solid frame.


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