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Batgirl '68 Meets the Brits Ch. 02

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The spy who loved me. Batgirl meets OO7.
4.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/05/2021
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Note- Another mash up of a couple of my favourite fictional characters. Inspired in part by Ian Fleming's book The Spy who loved Me, and not the film. Although I do not claim to have any rights to the author's work.


Suffolk, England. 1968.

James bond, considered to be one of the most experienced agents for Her Majesty's Secret Service, wanted to kick himself. He had three vices in his life. Nothing outrageous, just the usual three. Drinking, smoking, and women. And it was the last one that more often than not found him in trouble. As in this case. He awoke slowly, as if from a bad dream, and the room spun until he blinked several times to settle his focus. As far as he could tell, he had been stripped of all clothing and he was strapped into a chair. He was dimly aware of two men. One of which held a Walther PPK with a silencer, the other striking a cigarette lighter over and over.

"Where is it?"

Asked the one with the gun in a Liverpool accent.


Barbara Gordon hummed happily in the tub as she luxuriated in yet another bubble bath. It had been several days since her latest adventure that saw her as her alter ego, Batgirl, in action with some new allies. She was now in her third week in England, on a vacation to carry out genealogy research, when she had inadvertently gotten involved in an attempted kidnapping of a young African Princess. In the course of that unusual escapade she had teamed up with Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward and one of The Champions, Sharron Macready. In a bizarre twist, all three intrepid females had deemed it necessary to fuck six well hung, and very virile African men, who had been temporarily hypnotized into being unknowing studs. For the purpose thereof of impregnating said Princess.

"That's better," she sighed as she settled under the soapy suds.

How DO they walk about with those massive things in their pants, she wondered. For a solid hour, she and the other two secret agents had taken one big black cock after another. For a scary moment, Babs thought her pussy would NEVER close up again. But the female body is a remarkable thing, and after much self pampering and relaxation everything was as it should be. Lady Penelope had kindly let Barbara take some of her extravagant, not to mention expensive bath salts, so that she could alleviate her sore bones. Not only that, but Her Ladyship had let her stay in one of her getaway cottages for the duration of her visit.

"Hotel life is so boring, my dear." She had said when she found out that Barbara was holed up in a tiny room in Bloomsbury.

Smugglers Cottage, on a Suffolk coastal cliff top, was a Grade II property dating back to the late 17th Century. Her Ladyship had spent two years restoring it, adding a modern bathroom and facilities. Local smugglers had once used it to store the best stolen French brandy to be sold on to the wealthier gentlemen and ladies of the area. Now, the lounge area was cozy and comfortable with two sofas and dinning table. A steep style staircase led to the five bedrooms, the master bedroom being the one Babs had chosen to sleep in. In addition there were the bathroom with tub and shower and kitchen with electric oven. microwave and fridge/freezer.

"This is the BBC, and here is the latest news."

Seeing as she was alone in an isolated part of the country, Babs unashamedly padded to the kitchen without a stitch on, and turned on the transistor radio to Radio Two. She decided that a breakfast of scrambled eggs and coffee would go down a treat. The nine o'clock news mentioned a story about Batman in Gotham City foiling yet another hair brained scheme by the Joker and his cronies.

'Way to go, Batman."

That was when Babs felt a pang of homesickness. She still had a boyfriend in Skip, who she suddenly missed. He was a powerfully built young hunk. The outdoor type of fellow who lived to surf. Soon after they had begun to date they were making regular love, and things were cool between them. But above all she missed being Batgirl.

"Now, who in earth can that be?"

As she broke three eggs into a frying pan, she jumped as there came a loud knocking on the front door. Looking around, Barbara found a big striped sweater that had been left behind by somebody, and threw it on. Obviously two sizes too big, the gorgeous five feet four brunette seemed to be smothered in wool as the sweater came down to mid thigh. She peered out of the window and saw a green Hillman Hunter parked in the drive.

"Hello?" Came a man's voice from outside.

The knocking came again, and Barbara decided to answer it. Outside were two middle aged men. One, was tall and thin. The other, was of equal height, but more bulky in the middle.

"Hi. We're looking for a Mister Hazard. Mark Hazard."

The man looked at Barbara, but also past her shoulder into the entrance of the cottage, almost rudely in fact.

"I'm sorry, but there's no one here of that name."

Once again, the man met her gaze with a rakish expression, compounding her instant dislike for him. Babs tried closing the door.

"Hey! You an American?"

As thin man spoke, temporarily distracting Babs, the other burst the door open and she took a tumble back into the cottage.

"Say, Horror. The bitch is naked."

The heavy man ominously called Horror picked Barbara up by her arms and tore the sweater from her body to reveal her nakedness.

"Well, look at that, Slugger. She ain't half bad. Nice tits. And get an eye full of that rear end."

"Get off of me, you big bully!"

Babs was twisted about so that her head dipped to the floor, and her backside rose up.


Horror gave her one big spank on her rump which made her yell out. With her arms pinned to her sides she found it a problem to resist.

"Horror's a mean man, bitch. Do as he says or he might hurt you bad. Take care of her as I look around."

"Come on." Ordered Horror with a sneer.

With her right arm twisted behind her back, Horror marched her to the bedroom. So stunned by the speed he operated, Barbara didn't realise he was tying rope around her wrists until it was too late. She yelped as he pushed her face down onto the big bed and yanked her legs open.

"Leave me alone, you filthy beast!"

Babs struggled as a dozen loops of rope wound around her ankles which were then tied off at the end of the bed by a good three feet apart. Her arms were raised above her head and secured to the headboard in such a way that the naked brunette was on her belly in a lewd X shape. In a matter of one minute he had rendered her helpless. He had clearly done this sort of thing before, she surmised. Pervert. She shivered as he idly ran a stubby finger down her spine to the tops of her nether cheeks. As she clenched she heard him suck in air and trail his finger down the sweet cleft between her separated buttocks.

"Ever hear of the Beatles, luv? Course you have. They come from Liverpool, same as me."

The villain ominously named Horror cupped and caressed her rump lasciviously as he spoke. His breathing was quite heavy in her ear.

"I seriously love your bum. I love a woman's backside. Like double the pleasure, know what I mean?"

His fingers continued through the crack of her ass to the labia of her vulnerable pussy. A gasp escaped Barbara's lips as he traced a circle around her outer lips with the slightest pressure. Astonishingly, he started to sing.

"Gonna be a hard day's night and I'm gonna treat her like a dog."

"What are you going to do?" Said she with a lump in her throat.

Before he could answer, Slugger came in.

"The coast is clear. He ain't here yet. Leave her and go park the car out of sight."

Horror pouted and rose from the bed reluctantly. He grabbed her head and roughly turned it up from the pillow.

"Later, darlin,' just you and me."

Barbara looked at him as he stood over her, his eyes cold and lacking.

"Come on, and let's have some eggs."


James Bond looked left and right and then got out of his Aston Martin DB Mark III. He strolled up to the front door and fished for the latch key that was hidden in the earth of one of the flower pots by the steps. He turned the key and unlocked the door, opening it just a couple of inches and straining his ears for any sound. Silence greeted him and he cautiously entered the cottage. On the orders of his Head of operations in SIS, the man known only by the codename M, the spy with the license to kill was to retrieve a hidden microdot that contained potentially vital information.

"Curious. I can smell scrambled eggs and coffee."

Bond, undercover and using his alias, Mark Hazard, followed his nose to the kitchen and found the leftovers of a recently eaten meal. He saw evidence of just smoked cigarettes in an ash tray, and he fingered his weapon in his shoulder holster. Having checked downstairs, Bond took the stairs to investigate the next level. Cocking his head, he fancied he heard someone breathing in the bigger of the bedrooms.

"Gently, gently."

He saw a light from within and opened the door a crack. Inside he saw the naked form of a dark haired girl tautly spread-eagled on her front on the bed. Her arms tied to the headboard and her legs by the ankles to the bottom posts. The separation of her legs showed off her exposed sex superbly. The strain on her limbs and body was exquisite and her rump moved back and forth seductively as she tugged at her binds. She looked young and definitely attractive as he got nearer, and his dick stirred in his pants as the image turned him on.

"Who are you?" Barbara asked as he entered.

"The names Hazard. Mark Hazard. I'm known to Lady Penelope. Who did this to you?"

"Two idiots called Horror and Slugger. They were looking for you."

"Is that a fact? Are they both armed?"

"Definitely one of them. Don't know about the other, only that he's a brute."

Bond managed to untie her right wrist before her expression became one of alarm.

"Look out!"

Bond never saw the man behind him, but he felt the firm blow to the base of his skull, sending him unconscious in an instant of time.


"Where is what?" Said agent OO7 in a surprisingly calm manner.

He sat bolt upright in the chair with coils of tightly tied ropes pinioning his arms securely behind him. The cool air of the room met his naked form and made him snap to. He attempted to move his feet but his ankles were tied to the two front legs of the chair, preventing him if any movement.

"The microdot, naturally. We know that Lady Penelope hid it here somewhere, but we're blowed if we're going to waste time searching for it. You can save us all that trouble."

"Microdot? Whatever is that?"

"The microdot of photographs of secret plans the British Secret Service has in order to eliminate the Number One of SPECTRE."

SPECTRE. Of course. The independent spy network who went by the ludicrous acronym which stood for Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion. And their head of operations was the ever elusive Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

"No. I'm just here to see the girl. I've no idea what you're on about."

Bond reeled from a back hander to his left cheek.

"You're a bloody spy, pal. And you have information we want. Maybe we should interrogate your charming accomplice. Horror here is most eager to, shall we say, delve into her."

"Alright. The girl knows nothing. Leave her be. I am an agent. But I still don't know where any microdot might be hidden."

Another brutal slap across his face drew blood from the corner of his mouth. The man who called himself Slugger used a lighter to light up a cigarette. He took a drag and blew the smoke out of the corner of his mouth into Bond's face. OO7 had quite the chest of hair which Slugger examined close up. He flicked his lighter up and down, up and down.

"Ever had your chest catch alight?"

Bond strained uselessly at his tight ropes as the small silver lighter was brought to the front of him. Slugger waved it back and forth menacingly across his nipples and then moved back.

"Or maybe, I should warm up your scrotum?"

Bond's stiffened and his cock twitched in panic at the mere thought of having his nuts roasted. His heart pounded as he racked his brains to think of a solution. The pale yellow light flickered close to his balls and his dormant cock began to perk up despite his best intentions. He blinked sweat from his eyes as smoke emerged from between his testicles.

"The microdot. It's all we want."

"Don't know. Sorry to be a pain."

OO7 snorted as Slugger flashed his lighter and Bond felt the heat from the flame begin to blacken his wiry pubes.

"Pain is something I know all about."

Slugger sneered in Bond's face and exposed yellowing teeth.

"Hold everything! And stand back."

"Who the fuck is this?"

Rather than be obvious and emerge from the bedroom where she had been bound, once Barbara had changed into her Batgirl outfit, she had gone outside and entered the cottage through the front door. The stranger she knew as Mark Hazard had loosened her right hand enough so that she could get herself free. Now, it was payback time. She retrieved a small tube of Batgirl-Sleep Gas and smashed it at Slugger's feet. The puff of vapour rose to his face and he hit the floor with a thump.

"That'll keep him out for a few hours."


The burly Horror crouched low just as Batgirl pivoted abruptly on one boot and brought her left up and backwards to kick the gun from his hand. In the same instant, the dominoed daredoll seized the opportunity to bring her knee up into his throat. She had already felt his strength and so went for his weak points. She used the heel of her purple boot and caught the brute a crippling blow just below the kneecap.


Horror let out a shriek of pain and cannoned into a table. Batgirl fidgeted with her utility belt and found her Batgirl-Sonic Devastator and used it on Horror, the sonic waves emitted from the hand held device left him crumpling to the floor. She quickly pulled his arms behind his back and clicked a pair of Batgirl-Cuffs around his wrists.

"That takes care of you, creep."

Victorious, Batgirl took a moment to reflect. Bond took a long hard look at her in the spandex full body costume. He particularly liked how the soft fabric smoothly fit her delightful feminine curves and her most intimate parts. That being her breasts, backside, and across her mons. Who on earth was she? And those gadgets. Q would be salivating at the sight. Inevitably, his mind shifted to indecent thoughts and his body responded.


"Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Batgirl stood over Bond as he exhaled in relief. His thick cock bobbed up, fully erect and straining up from his sweaty groin. Had he been turned on by her fighting?

"Slightly singed. No more."

Batgirl's line of view settled on the erect cock of the man tied to the chair. Had he been aroused by her, she wondered with a gathering interest. It was quite the thing to admire. Although he looked to be at least ten years older or more than her twenty-four, his member pointed straight up to the ceiling. The skin on the helmet was stretched tightly at the tip, and blue like veins stood out along the lengthy shaft. The size of him, Batgirl fantasised, would fill her to the limit. The female crime fighter, feeling frisky after a week without sex, dearly wanted to stroke the thick organ as she guided it to her wet lips. His scrotum appeared a little blackened from the lighter.

"I have something in my utility belt. It's my Batgirl burn balm with honey and lavender. Here."

Bond raised a brow as the purple costumed young girl rubbed some salve into her gloves and liberally applied it to his balls. She massaged the sensitive flesh with the utmost care and attention. His cock remained as stiff as an iron bar as Batgirl slathered on the sticky stuff. She tilted her head and dared to move her right glove to the root of his cock. The cowl hid her features but Bond looked at the red haired girl as her face came to just a couple of inches from his rigid log.

"Let me just check this for you."

Bond had a slightly amused look on his face as the thumbs of her gloves skimmed the shaft of his dick to a third of the way up.

"Whenever you're ready, maybe you could untie me?" He said in jest as his knob pulsed and swelled in her fist.

His deep voice broke her reverie and she snapped out of her daydream.

"Wait! The girl!" He remembered as Batgirl stood up.

"I'll see to her."

"Hang on!"

Batgirl hurried off. Effectively going to rescue Barbara Gordon. But in reality, going to change out of her costume. She threw on the sweater and returned to the still bound OO7.

"Mister Hazard! Let me help you."

Babs reached behind the seat and untied the British secret agent. He stood up and rubbed his wrists and lustfully appraised each other. She liked what she saw. He was tall, dark, muscled, and handsome. Likewise, Barbara cut a fine figure. Her lithe body was gracefully toned and athletic looking, but feminine at the same time. Her breasts were firm and pliant, with delightful rosy tips, and thrust out nicely from her chest.


They embraced. Well, she being much shorter than him, meant Babs has to go on tiptoe to give him a kiss.

"Where did Batgirl go?"

'Whoosh! Out the window and off."

Pity, thought Bond. There was some attraction there that he particularly wanted to follow up. Instead, he eyed up the brunette with the bouffant cut and shrugged.

"So, it's just the two of us."

"Uh, huh." She answered, blinking her doe like eyes at him.

"Don't you think we should get to know each other first?"

"I'm Barbara Gordon. Pleased to meet you. Now take my top off."

Even a man like Bond was amazed they had only just met and she had the hots for him. He lifted the sweater up over her head and his hands wandered all over her naked body. The hair on his chest rubbed against her perky tits, and his rock hard dick tapped the inside of her left thigh with a tantalising preview of what was to come.

'Are you alright?" He murmured in her ear as he made gentle strokes up her taut thighs.

"Mmm, never better. Horror and Slugger?"

"Both out for the count. Thanks to that girl. Do you know her?"

"Mmm, oh, yes." Babs ground her pelvis onto his right hand and presented her pussy mound that begged attention. "She's Batgirl. Well...oooh! Well known in...in...America."

The horny brunette gasped at the first feel of penetration of her vulva as Bond pushed his finger inside her lubricated muff. As she opened her legs the sudden sensation of cool air felt exhilarating as she was pleasured.

"Come on."

Their mutual desire for each other and the moment overcame the pair of them, and Barbara steered him to the bedroom. She walked to the big bed and then turned her head to face him. She fell to the bed and rolled over onto her left side. Bond joined her and their mouths met, tongues intertwining. Their eyes locked and each saw the intense and raw passion and yearning in the others.

"Fuck me hard, Mark."

Whether it was the implied intent by Horror of being unpleasant with her or the assertiveness of Hazard, Barbara had a compulsion for a bit of rough sex. Spurred on by the lecherous exhortations of the uninhibited girl, Bond got his cock in alignment with her juiced up slot and dutifully rammed on in. The bed rocked as he immediately let himself go and began to fuck her with a certain ferocity. Barbara shrieked as she held him tightly in her arms, driven by a pure animalistic lust as she was slammed into over and over. In spite of her insisting he fuck her roughly, her jaw dropped in surprise at the power of his onslaught. They both moaned into each others mouth as they kissed, thrilling to the fast pace of Bond's persistent thrusting.

"Is this what you want?"


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