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Beautiful Boy

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My husband's son knew me better than I did.
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I was full of cock; it was thrashing in and out of my hot wet vagina like an out of control windmill. My knees under his armpits, feet high in the air, my hands and nails digging in while holding him tight in place. I wasn't letting go of this now, not while I was getting fucked like this. I had tried my hardest not to let it happen, but he had overcome me. I was now in the throes of booming climaxes.

If my husband could have seen me he would have fainted with shock, his beloved wife moaning and groaning in complete and utter arousal, small squeals coming from my open mouth. He would see arousal that she had tried to fight off and lost unequivocally. He would have seen her grimacing in wonderful pain, eyes closed as the fabulous feeling of cock was pounding her pussy, her attacker in dominant and certain control of the situation.

He was younger than me by fourteen years at nineteen years of age. He was fit, strong, powerful, agile, lithe, supple, hard as nails. You name it, he was there, he had it. Me? I am just your average normal fit housewife. I don't smoke, like a glass of wine or two when we go out but that's about it. I go to the gym once a week and exercise at home.

I am Callie Younger; I'm thirty three years old, almost thirty four. Five feet six inches tall, I think I am quite good looking and try to make sure I do look good in public. My husband says I always look good no matter where I am, but he would say that wouldn't he, he had better say it anyway, or else!

I have kind of dirty blond hair, it looks like two colours of blond depending on the light and I do kind of like it. It finishes just above my shoulder blades, and it is soft and clean always. My face has a nice shape; I have full lips and a mischievous grin, so I'm told.

My body is in good shape, and my extremities are all in tune with me, ie, my nipples work just fine, in fact they are too fine at times! I have good legs, they are a good shape, I am fortunate in the sense that they don't dip in and out, they seem to taper from my hips down to me feet, and if any one can wear a mini skirt and stockings, it's me!

In my own opinion of me is that I am a sexy woman and know it, I try not to flaunt and flirt, but it's difficult sometimes, when a woman goes out and she looks good, and she knows she looks good, it is very hard not to pick up on the stares and knowing looks from other men. I have to say I love it.

My husband is my second, and I am his second wife, mine was a complete and utter wanker, a loser in every sense of the word. I was told by all and sundry about him, but did I listen? Did I hell. Anyway after a few years he got the elbow big time, and after some time I met George, my now husband.

His wife had died of a long term illness, he doesn't say much about it, but he fine now and has no hang ups. Well, he would if he could see me right now; he wouldn't be a happy camper at all. His wife of five years was on her sofa under another man, boy? And I was being fucked stupid. The trouble was, I had gone from fighting and resisting, to loving every deep crunching, punching thrust, of thick heavy hard meat.

My attacker was Brandon, as I said, nineteen years old and there was no way on earth that I could defend myself from him once he had decided to do the dirty deed of, I suppose raping me. Although if a judge in a court of law was to look in and see what was going on it would be absolutely impossible for a prosecutor to convince him that I was indeed being raped. My moans and groans, my feet in the air, my nails deep in his back would have told him otherwise.

He is George's son, and my step son, when I had married his dad, he had been fourteen or thereabouts. A lovelier lad you could not have met, we got on great, he always refused to call me mom, but that didn't matter. He was good at school, was going to college after the summer. He is about five feet ten inches tall, extremely fit, he runs, he trains, he works out, when you see him stripped off he has a mans body, he is great to look at. His body is defined in every sense.

Don't even think that I had had, and was even contemplating sexual thoughts towards or about him, I certainly wasn't. But he being the hot young women mad young man that he, and just about every boy his age on the planet is. I believe he had picked up some vibes from me somehow and turned them into him thinking I fancied him.

He is good looking and has girls hanging off him where ever he goes. He is popular and all the rest of it, so why he decided he wanted me not only took me by surprise. It also aided my submission, although as I say, I couldn't have stopped him anyway. I realise that this could have gone really wrong for him if I hadn't succumbed the way I have to him.

I knew he had been checking me out, watching me, I could see the excitement in his eyes, and there was something else in his eyes too, something I couldn't put my finger on. I knew he was sexually active, we women know these things don't we? He had got a little bit touchy feely here and there, never when his dad was around of course, but as yet I hadn't had reason to remonstrate with him. In fact, if I was truthful I was utterly flattered by it.

But it was all to culminate one morning just before lunch time; his dad was at work so there was only the two of us. I had been up for a while, I had bathed, and dressed in a short skirt, a loose fitting blouse, I was wearing a pair of three inch sandals, no stockings of course, a pair of snug tiny panties, and a front fastening bra, nothing spectacular. But having checked myself in the mirror I looked good as usual. My hair was down and brushed and I was sat in the kitchen at the table have a hot drink.

I heard Brandon moving about so I put the kettle on to make him one. Looking back at what happened, I have to say to myself that I must have been feeling at least a bit horny, because of the way he just captured me after a minimal flight and fight for my honour.

I was at the counter when he came in; I had my back to him.

"Good morning Brandon," I said over my shoulder, "how you feeling this glorious day sweetie?" I asked.

"Hey Callie, I'm feeling good thanks," he came up behind me, nothing unusual in that, put his arms around me and kissed my neck. I did shudder, I hadn't expected that really, he normally didn't do that.

"Mmmm," I mumbled. Not realising this gave him the reason I think to do more. He slightly bit me, now I do love a bit of necking, but I said, rather loudly.

"Brandon what do you think you are up to?"

"Just kissing you Callie," he answered me, and squeezed me in his arms. I pulled away a little, slightly alarmed but not overly worried at all. But I didn't have a lot of ways to go, I was up against the counter in the corner, and he was right behind me.

Then I felt his erection, the feeling of it pressed into my ass took my mind of what he was doing to my neck, kissing and nibbling my receptive flesh. I bent forward but this just pressed my ass into him a bit more, standing straighter, he slavered on my neck. I jumped away suddenly.

"Stop this right now Brandon," I said facing him, "what the hell do you think you are up to?" I demanded.

"Just loving you Callie, that's all," he told me and pulled me to him again, this time he got my neck again, and his cock got my pussy. I had my hands on his shoulders trying to push him away. I wasn't seriously worried just yet, I even giggled at him. He was only in a pair of boxer type shorts and his slim wiry but powerful body was well on view.

Brandon kissed my neck just the way I like it being kissed, but it was my step son not my husband doing it to me.

"Brandon," I said, "behave yourself you silly boy." That's when he punched his cock into my pussy. Then I saw that glint in his eyes as I was looking straight into them

I understood immediately and knew exactly what I was looking at. I was looking at danger, it was looking at me, and I was in it, It was me who was in danger, a lot of danger. I hadn't seen that look since my teens, but I saw it now. A boyfriend had had it, and he knew how to use it. He had seduced me with it. I didn't know anything then about dangerous boys, and bad boys!

That look in that boys eyes that night made me shudder cringe, and sort of collapse inside. He was bad bad bad, and he got me. And now I was looking at it again and I was so fearful of it, be cause my memory went right back to that fateful moment. Brandon seemed to be looking right into me, right inside my head, he gave me a small smile and kissed me.

I managed to push him away, I was almost out of breath, I stepped from him, he reclosed the gap, got me in his grip again, the look in his eyes triggered my mind to what trouble I was in. Another kiss landed, his cock bumped my pussy once more.

"Brandon, stop this right now," I said, it was more of a plea than an outright demand.

I got away and headed out of the kitchen backwards, I daren't turn away from him, I had to keep him in view. I ended up in our dining room backing around the table; he got me again near the door. I tried to hold him off but his superior strength was greater than I could contend with. Again his cock made contact with me, and right on the button! The look in his eyes was growing in intensity.

I headed backwards from him once more, telling him all the way that he would be in trouble if he didn't stop this and right now. But it was I who was in trouble. I couldn't tear my eyes from his and the utter danger that was lurking there in them. He was staring at me in such a knowing way, although he couldn't possibly have known the effect he was having, could he, could he?

I still don't know why I hadn't made a run for the upstairs bathroom; it was the only room in the house that could be locked, except for the outer doors. I guess that in my muddled fuddled and troubled mind I just never thought of it. I was backing into our sitting room without knowing it. The room is quite large and the sofa and chairs are placed more or less in the middle, not near any walls.

His hands were touching me, my shoulders, my arms, then he dived at me, got me and kissed me again but this time on the cheek, but his cock hit home once more!

I was in mortal fear and I couldn't stop, because I didn't know I was going to do it, the giggle of paranoia or fear that left my lips. Brandon smiled at me again; the glint was steel hard now, uncompromising, unbending. I backed around the sofa trying to think of a way out of this dreadful predicament I was in. I already knew I wouldn't be telling George, how could I, it would devastate him if he knew his wife was being pursued and was about to be got by his son!

I got to the end of the sofa and prepared to make a dash for it, Brandon saw what I was about to do, as I made my first move, he put his hand on the back of it and hopped over. I was in his arms again in a flash, he turned me and I was down on the sofa on my back. I struggled to get free; he just smiled and fixed me with that look.

Soon he was arranged around me, I was trapped, my right arm was under him, his left arm was around me and his left hand holding my left wrist. But the most telling thing was, and I never knew it at the time, his right knee was already on my pussy and his foot was under my left leg.

My attempts at freedom were a waste of time but I still tried. Brandon just kept smiling at me, and then he kissed me again. I turned away but it never had any affect, he kissed my neck, I turned again, he kissed my mouth and held it there, I was mumbling as he did this.

"Callie, there is no point in trying to resist, you already know you can't." He told me with much authority.

"Get off me Brandon, stop it, I'll tell your dad about this I swear." I told him gruffly, still wriggling under him.

"No you won't Callie, don't be silly," he replied, "we both know that don't we?"

His mouth dropped on mine and this time I couldn't turn away he was holding me in place. He lifted his face, and those eyes locked on to mine. More danger than I had ever seen lurked in them. I think I knew it right then that there was going to be no escape for me. It was almost mesmerising. Then his face lowered and he kissed me again, I tried not to let him but there was no where to go.

I even tried to bite him, when he pulled off I tried a head butt, no good, he avoided it easily. He sort of sighed, then he felt for and found one of my nipples, it was unbelievably hard and tender. I was amazed and not a little worried about that because if I know something, I know my nipples, they are a bane to me at times. And they were going to be just that. I was unaware of the little sigh I gave out when Brandon squeezed it.

And it wasn't until I opened my eyes that I was aware they had closed, and he was kissing me again. I gave a little hump to get him off, that worked didn't it? Hah, like hell it did.

"Please Brandon, don't, please stop, I'm your mom, I'm married to your dad!" I might as well have been talking to the wall. I complained as much as his lips on mine would allow me, his teeth on my neck was affecting me too.

I felt something touching my chest area; I looked down and saw the buttons on my blouse being undone. Again I made a futile attempt at freedom. Then cool hands on my bare skin. 'Oh god,' I thought, 'I've had it, it's over, I can't stop this, it's too late for me now.'

He kissed me more and more, I was slowly beginning to relax my struggle, what more could I do except plead with him. That had fallen on very deaf ears. He wasn't going to stop, not now. I sensed, and I think he not only sensed it too, but knew he was winning this hands down. He wasn't only stronger than I in the physical sense but he had an inner strength I hadn't seen or knew about.

How did he know about me? I didn't even know this me! What had he seen or guessed, did he know about this glint thing in his eyes he had? Did he know somehow that it not only excited me, but frightened me witless too at the same time? How could this boy of nineteen know these things, was it a sensory thing. I had no idea, but I knew where I was going now, and what was going to happen when I got there too!

He had my buttons all undone, he looked at me, then down at me. I never said anything, it was over I suppose. His knee pressed into my pussy, if I could have folded in half when he did that I would have, it creased me. The colour flushed my cheeks. I always know when I'm sexually excited.

My cheeks glow bright red just under my cheekbones when I'm aroused, two little buttons of bright red, it's a sure sign I'm up for it. I knew I was going under and no stopping.

Brandon said, "Hmmm," when he saw my front loading bra, and expertly popped it. In a fraction of a second a nipple was in his fingers, and his knee was weighting my pussy. I didn't know the growl that gathered in the back of my throat.

He seemed to be all around me, all over me, he was everywhere on me, I felt smothered by him. I could feel the heat he was self generating on me. His hard body tensed in the muscular sense. He was working my nipples, one at a time, they got even harder and more sensitive if that was possible. It was affecting me in the only way they ever do. I was aroused and his knee gently rubbing and pressing on my pussy added to my frothy state of mind.

I managed to gasp out a "Brandon," when he delved under my skirt, raised it and feel for my panties. I know my hips left the sofa momentarily. I felt him get his hand in the top and slide to the side, he gripped them and slowly the tension in the elastic tightened, then that side snapped, he did the same at the other side, then I saw the tattered remains over my head and being tossed over his shoulder.

I was wide open now, my blouse was undone and laid away, my bra was popped, my panties had just gone, and he knee regained control of its pussy. Brandon looked down at me, a tiny smile played on his lips. There didn't seem to be any point now in protesting further, it would make no difference to the end result, I knew that for sure now.

I felt him slip his hand down my stomach; he was taking so much time over everything he was doing. My body tensed all of its own volition knowing where his hand was heading, my pussy! Or should I say, it was his pussy! His middle finger entered the folds of skin there and slid down, as it touched my little man in his boat I yelped, I couldn't help it. It felt so brand new, as if it had never happened before.

I tried jamming my legs together but my thighs got as far as his invading knee and leg, and that was that. He stayed in there, softly and maddeningly caressing my little man, it drove me over the edge into submissiveness. I had given in right there, I had to, there was no option, no forgiveness. Brandon had me now and we both knew it.

I heard someone say, "Oh oh Hmmm," It took several moments for me to realise that it was I that was doing the mumbling and moaning. My seduction, forced or otherwise was done and dusted. What had started out as a hug and kiss in the kitchen had led me to here, and I was about to be screwed, fucked, call it what you will, by my very own nineteen year old step son. But it was going ahead now with my unintentional unasked for, and taken consent.

Brandon moved and I knew his boxers were on their way down. He was preparing himself for me.

"Brandon," I whispered, "you can let go of me, I won't fight you any more, I can't, I have nothing left to fight you with anymore." Everything that had and was happening, was conspiring against me, there was no way I would ever had initiated this. But the person I am, who I am and what I am was now helping him to bring me down.

The very person he was, the persona could and was attacking my senses, the 'look' in his eyes was the same thing that had got me in my youth. The seductive glint had jumped me completely. That look of danger was something I had forgotten about over the years, but it had reared up at me and bitten a huge piece out of my attempts and chances of resistance.

He gazed at me and it melted my insides, what was it he had, or was it just me. Was I the only person who succumbed to it? His hand slipped from my wrist and my arm went immediately behind his head to hold him. Then he was lifting that strong powerful frame over me. His left knee followed his right and he was in place.

"Put me in Callie," was all he said, still holding my gaze with his. I put my hand down and took a hold of his young fresh hard stick for the first time, but it would not be the last. He was at least as big as his dad, but it was a lot harder, and I could tell, a lot stronger. Oh the power of youth hey?

This was another first for me; I had never had sex with any one younger than me. All my lovers had been older boys and later, older men. I had always preferred it that way believing that older meant more knowledge, more finesse, more concern for the woman. I was about to find out that, while this was true. The power of youth was to far outweigh that in every way.

I pulled his cock to and pressed the bulbous head between my pussy lips and he was in, he sank it all the way in one move. I certainly did lose my breath when he did it, it came out of me in a blind rush! And that's when my legs went to where I told you at the start of my story, knees under his arms, feet in the air, waving around. My nails digging in and holding him on and in me.

Now I was a full partner in the beginnings of the fuck fest I was about to undergo, and indeed some of it I had to wonderfully endure. Brandon's demeanour seemed to change too, he became a lover, my lover, my guy. But first I think he needed to get the first flush of excitement that even he couldn't contain, by banging me as hard as he could, his loins crashed into mine, my pussy was filled and emptied faster than I could keep up with.

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