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Becky's Tease Ch. 01

Story Info
Becky provides a tease and denial weekend for her boyfriend.
7.5k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 01/29/2024
Created 10/06/2022
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Author's note: I recently read "Empty - My First Tease and Denial" by Jklendcraw here on Literotica and fell in love with Becky, the teaser in the story. The more I thought about her, the more I wanted to write her account of the tale.

If you've read Jklendcraw's story you will note that my story has a different ending. I chose to go an alternate route, wanting to paint Becky in a new light and leave an opening for them to continue the joy they both found that weekend.

I have contacted Jklendcraw to seek his permission to write this story but have not heard back from him. I trust he will not only approve of this version but will have fun reading it as well.



Barry is a dick.

I can say that with complete honesty because he thinks only about his dick. He cares about little else. Perhaps this sounds like every boy that you ever met but I will tell you that he is worse than most others.

Barry and I met during my sophomore year in college. He was a senior and he walked and talked like he was some sort of 'Casanova.' What made it worse was that he wasn't all that hot. I mean he was a good-looking guy and I was attracted to him. And partly because he was a senior, I decided to go out with him.

On our first date, we talked about our past and he drew some wild assumptions. For example, I mentioned that I was brought up in a strict religious family, and he assumed I was a virgin. He let me know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't. He was gentlemanly enough not to talk about his previous conquests but rude enough to let me know that he had been sexually active with numerous girlfriends in the past.

I told him about two boyfriends that I had gone out with. I never mentioned whether I had sex with them or not. In reality, I had sex with both plus one other one-night stand.

Now at this point, you must be thinking that the first date would be the last with this asshole. That's not what happened. I decided I liked playing the virgin and would see where this little relationship would take us.

We spent a lot of time together during that fall semester, mostly in his apartment as it was much bigger than my dorm room and his housemate was often out. I will give Barry this; he didn't pressure me into having sex with him. We fooled around a good bit and he was always anxious to get his penis out to let me rub it or suck on it until he erupted with his all-important orgasms.

He had little regard for my sexual well-being. Perhaps he thought that strict religious people didn't have orgasms or couldn't be sexually aroused. At any rate, I played the role of an eager learner and continued to serve him well. I think he loved "teaching me" almost as much as he loved the multitude of orgasms I offered him.

Looking back I do feel bad for the girls who are like what he imagined me to be. They get taken into their sexual lives thinking that it's all about the boy and that there is nothing in it for them. I know all boys aren't like Barry and I hope that my virgin sisters meet guys who are more interested in sharing than they are in taking.

Anyway, one Wednesday afternoon, while we were fooling around in his room, I started to notice something weird about him. Barry just wasn't himself. Boys get so quiet when they want to talk about sexual stuff. I don't get that. Why won't they speak when they have something to say?

Finally, I said, "What's up?" thinking that he was going to finally try to talk me into having sex with him. It was either that or we were about to break up.

"I'd like to try something new," he said a little unsure of himself, "something I've never done before."

OK, we weren't breaking up and it didn't sound like we were going to have sex. Where was this guy going?

"What do you want to do, Barry? I asked hesitantly.

Barry went on to talk about the concept of teasing and denial. I knew a good deal about teasing guys as do most girls. In my previous relationships, I enjoyed making the guy wait until he was horny before going down on him. But Barry needed to explain it in great detail as if I were a little schoolgirl. I put on my virgin face and listened intently.

"So this means I would play with you but not let you cum?" I asked feigning innocence.

"Exactly," he responded. Well, you would eventually let me cum. But you would make me beg for it. Do you think you could do that?"

I just stared at him for a moment which he must have taken as me thinking about my desire to please him. In reality, I was thinking that maybe this was finally my way to get a bit of satisfaction out of our relationship. I played along.

"I think I understand," I replied hesitantly. Will you write down for me exactly what you want me to do?"

"I will and better than that. I will write it out for you and I'll shoot you a couple of videos. They will help make this all make sense."

"You are such a good teacher!" I responded giving him my most angelic smile.

The next day I found a message from him on my phone. It detailed all the things that I should do to his penis and how I shouldn't let him cum until he begged for it. He wasn't explicit about how much begging should take place and I viewed that as a good sign. I also noticed that he said nothing about a safe word, which gave me a little smile. 'Stupid little boy,' I said to myself.

The two videos showed women focusing totally on a guy's penis. In one the guy was tied up against a wall, erect and pushing his hips out as if he was trying to fuck the air as a girl sat on her knees and moved her lips near his cock. The other, which was much longer, showed a guy on his back tied to a bed with a woman sucking his dick until he was about to cum. As he started to moan she pulled away and tickled his balls making him scream for more. Both videos were focused on the penis. Nowhere was a woman getting any pleasure.

I saved the links to the longer video and headed out to the store to get supplies. But first I sent a note to Barry saying "I'm in! How about this weekend?"

As I expected there was an immediate one-word reply, "Yes!"

I had a plan for the weekend and I was looking forward to spending it with Barry. I purposefully didn't see him during classes on Thursday or Friday.

On Friday afternoon I took my time dressing for the weekend and after much thought landed on a low-cut dress. I didn't usually wear dresses when I was with Barry so this seemed special. It also would give him easy access to a place that desperately needed attention.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" I asked as I buzzed into his kitchen like I owned the place and put a very full backpack down on the counter.

He could barely answer as he was so busy looking at me in a dress and seeing how I was already taking control.

Finally, he got out a squeaky "Yes." I think my mere presence was giving him his first doubts about what was to be a long weekend for him.

"Good. No backing out now," I said with a sexy smile. "You will do everything I say," I added as a forceful command. I saw him shaking his head in agreement. I couldn't tell whether he was more excited or scared at this point.

I pulled my laptop out of my backpack. "Let's start by watching a movie!" I saw his face drop when I said this. He was surely thinking I was going to start rubbing the golden penis. Earlier, when planning my weekend, I had a strange desire to make him sit through a RomCom or some silly Hallmark movie but I thought better of it. I connected to his TV and immediately pulled up one of the videos that he had sent me. His 74-inch screen made the porno look like it was happening right in front of us.

Barry looked happy to be watching porn with me. It wasn't something he expected to do. He probably thought I had never watched porn with my strict religious upbringing and all. I could tell that he was comfortable and soon found him unbuckling his pants

"Oh no, you don't, mister. Those pants don't come off until I say so," I said firmly. I could see his dick getting hard in his pants. I knew I had to keep control if the weekend was going to go the way I wanted it to. I put my hand on his thigh and pointed with my eyes back to the TV where a not-bad-looking woman was rubbing a guy's cock. "You're not getting any of that until I am good and ready. Maybe not even tonight!"

That was the first that he heard that this might be more than a one-night event and it stilled him. Suddenly the room was very quiet and all that could be heard were the painful moans of the guy on the TV being denied his orgasm. I had him now!

I took a deep breath and went on to my next event. It was something I had never done before and I have to admit I was a little nervous about it. I masturbate regularly but I have never done it in front of someone else - though I have often fantasized about it. This was a perfect opportunity to bring a fantasy to life.

Barry watched as I pulled my legs up onto the couch, and reached up under my dress to pull off my panties. I didn't realize until I touched them that they were already quite wet. I guess the night was already affecting me!

Barry's eyes widened at the sight of me with my dress pulled up and legs spread. I hadn't thought of what to do with the panties until Barry started talking. "Becky, I didn't think this was going to be an all-weekend thing...UGH!" He stopped mid-sentence as I slapped his dick hard. While his mouth was still open, I pushed my panties deep into it.

Just to make it a little more serious I pulled a roll of duct tape out of my bag, tore off a small piece, and placed it gently over his mouth, locking my panties inside.

"Who's in control here?" I asked without giving him time to answer. "I am and I require an orgasm right now. Do you want to deal with me not getting my orgasm? No, I don't think you do. So sit back, shut up and you can either watch me masturbate or watch the movie!"

Barry's eyes never left me as my moans and groans took over from those on the TV. My orgasm was delicious and I made a point of telling him so when I was done.

"Well, at least one of us had an orgasm."

At this point Barry started again reaching for his pants, wanting to loosen them. Another smack to the crotch from my hand stopped him momentarily but I knew that it was time for the cuffs.

Barry's eyes didn't leave me as I stopped the video and went back to my backpack. He feared what was coming. I watched his eyes widen as I brought out a serious-looking pair of metal handcuffs.

If his mouth had not been full of my panties he might have asked, 'Where did you get those?' He looked surprised to see something so serious in my possession.

When I came back to the sofa he tried to play along by putting his hands out for me to lock them. He seemed to like the idea.

"Nope," I responded to his movement. "Behind your back."

His little smile turned to a frown as he turned away from me while at the same time pushing his arms behind him.

With two quick clicks, I had him right where I'd wanted him, muted, locked, and under my control. When he turned back to me I could see that he wasn't liking this quite as much as he expected. I was happy to see that there was still a good bulge in his pants, however.

"Shall we finish this video?" I asked knowing that he was unable to answer.

As we watched together, I gently rubbed my palm over his hard cock that was still trapped inside his pants. Any time he pushed to get more friction I pulled my hand back and gave h a good slap. When he moaned I did the same, adding, "Quiet! I'm trying to watch TV!" I wanted him to think that I was more into the video than playing with him.

Both of us watched as the woman on the large screen in front of us brought the desperate man to what seemed to be a never-ending orgasm. His mess went everywhere.

As the video ended I got up and straightened my dress. It felt nice to have a dress on with no panties. There was a very freeing feeling to being dressed like that. I made a note to myself to do it more often.

With hands locked behind him, Barry struggled to get to his feet. When he finally did, I gave him a rough push on his chest, sending him right back to the sofa. "Did I tell you that you could get up, slave?"

I had so much fun watching the video with poor Barry that I wanted to do it again. I had to admit that the video was a huge turn-on for me. As I restarted it I saw Barry's surprise and disappointment at having to go through it again. I'm sure he thought we were off to the bedroom where he would have a chance of getting that happy ending he felt he deserved.

"Don't worry slave," I said to the disappointed little boy. "I'll make it more fun for you this time." With this, I pulled off my dress leaving me naked except for my bra. I sat down close to him and again rubbed my hand over his amazingly hard member which was still hidden in his pants.

We watched for a few minutes before my hands moved up to the button on his pants. I undid them and then waited awhile before pulling his pants and underwear down to finally free his dick. I could hear the breath of relief coming from his mouth.

I moved my hand toward his penis but then unexpectedly moved away. My hands went behind my back and I undid my bra, leaving myself naked right next to him.

"Oh I love this part, look at how she drives him crazy!" I said as together we watched the woman in the video gently licking the guy's balls.

One of my hands went between my legs and the other pressed into one of my nipples. I continued to rub, ignoring Barry and focusing on my own needs. I could see the drool coming out of the sides of his taped mouth as he watched me intently.

My orgasm came up slowly and my attention moved to Barry's dick where I saw him pushing his hips up trying to be part of the fun. I moaned extremely loud, not just to torture him - it was one of the best orgasms I ever had.

When the movie ended. I stood up and announced that I was tired and that it was time for bed. Barry looked up at me with his mouth taped up and hands locked behind his back. I'm sure he was questioning whether or not he was expected to get up and come with me.

"Wait right there," I said as I hopped up and went into the kitchen. When I arrived earlier I had taken a couple of his kitchen towels and placed them in the freezer. It was time to get one of them out.

I appeared back in the living room with the towel behind my back. I got down on my knees in front of him and moved close as if I was going to put my mouth on his hardened dick. I'm sure he could feel my breath on it. However, instead of my warm tongue, a freezing towel was applied to his cock and balls.

Had he not been gagged I'm sure there would have been a scream. His legs flew out and I had to work to keep him in place. Once he had calmed down I removed the towel and again breathed on him. I cycled back between the cold towel and my warm breath several times without warning. Barry seemed pretty scared at this point. He hadn't banked on me having all these tricks up my sleeve.

When the towel started to lose its effect, I got up and stretches. "Come on silly," I teased. "Don't you want to come to bed with me?"

With that invitation, Barry again struggled to get to his feet. I had an impulse to push him back down just for fun but decided better of it. The poor boy needed a break.

It was time to take off his gag and see how he was doing. I ripped off the tape and he immediately pushed the panties out with his tongue.

"Jesus, Becky! What the hell are you doing? I wanted you to tease my dick and then make me cum. I didn't expect all this!"

HA! I had him right where I wanted him. I put on my best little girl face and forced some tears out. "Please don't use Jesus' name like that. I'm sorry baby. I thought this was what you asked for. We can stop right now and I'll go home."

I reached for my dress as if I was readying to leave. With no available hands, he couldn't stop me. "Wait," he said. "I'm sorry. It's my fault. I asked you to tease me and you are doing what I asked."

"So do you want to continue?"

"Yes, but could you give a little more attention to my dick?"

"Are you begging?"

"Yes, Becky please."

"Please what?"

Barry sighed. "Please rub my dick, Becky."

Got him! I reached into my bag and pulled out another tool. This one was just a piece of paper. It was the email that Barry had sent earlier in the week.

I quoted it back to him. "Your instructions to me said this: 'Tease me relentlessly in any manner you desire. Don't let me cum until you think I'm ready.' Is that really what you wanted?"

"Yes, Becky."

"Is it still what you want?"

His eyes went to the floor. "Yes, Becky."

"Well, I don't think you're ready so I will continue to tease you any way I want. And yes I may choose to give more attention to your dick in the future."

"But how long..."

I put my finger up to his lips to silence him. "You just leave everything to me. I went behind him and undid his cuffs then told him that he should get ready for bed. I also threw in a warning that he better not touch himself. Just to be sure I had him leave the bathroom door open while he peed and washed up. I have to admit that I was curious as to how he was going to pee through that hard-as-a-rock dick of his. He managed a good dribble.

Both of us were still naked when we got into bed. We had never spent the night together. As we weren't yet having sex there never seemed to be a good reason to do so. I was excited to sleep with him even if the plans for the night didn't include sex.

I rolled over in the bed, faced Barry, and put my hand on his balls. I slowly moved up to his dick but when I got to its head, Barry started moaning like he was going to orgasm. I gave him a good slap to the balls before taking my hand away.

"Time for sleep!" I said happily as I rolled over.

Barry started to complain. He wanted me to make him cum but decided that wasn't his best play. Instead, he pushed himself toward me and I felt his large dick press tightly against my butt. He humped against me but I stayed very still, pretending to be asleep. After a while, I could tell that he had given up and gone to sleep. He didn't want to make himself cum; he needed me to do it. That was another good sign.

I lay awake for a while enjoying the feel of his rock-hard dick against my bottom. It was at that point that I knew how I wanted this weekend to end.

I woke before him on Saturday morning. Barry was on his back snoring away. Quietly I pulled off our sheets, got myself situated between his legs, and woke him with light touches to his balls.

I'm sure he awoke ready for action but instead, he got a super-excited girlfriend. "Hey, you're awake!" I yelled in a voice louder than anyone should use in the morning. "We gotta busy day ahead. Come on let's get up and get our morning showers!"

After our showers, we both dressed for breakfast. It didn't seem right to eat in the nude.

"Are you sure you want to continue?" I asked reaching under the table and putting my hand gently on his thigh?"

"Yes I do," he replied. "But when are you going to make me cum? Will it be today? Maybe this morning?"

I crossed my arms in front of me and gave Barry a serious look. "Yes you will cum but I'm not going to tell you when. Do I need to read your letter back to you again, young man?"

"No Ma'am," he responded looking down at the floor. He was having trouble meeting my eyes now.

"Look at me, Barry." I waited for him to look up before continuing. You've been talking too much this weekend. From now on, you are not allowed to speak unless you have my permission. You will also refer to me as Mistress when you are allowed to speak. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress," he replied as he tried hard to keep his eyes on me.


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