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Behind Closed Doors


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Both had short dresses and nice legs. One was dark-skinned. A nice contrasting pair in my imagination. I made a mental note to search interracial when inevitably I turned to porn to get off later.

Everyone else appeared straight as a die. Perhaps I should suggest a different bar next week.

"Okay. That's ordered with extra chips."

Jenny snuggled in next to me brushing her hand over my thigh. It was just an innocent touch between friends but still sent a tingle through me.

"I don't want to drink so much this week." I said with a laugh.

"Yeah. We were a bit pissed last week."

"I woke my bloody parents up when I got home."

"You're twenty-one. It goes with the territory. Parents expect their kids to come home drunk at your age."

"Yeah well, it wasn't so much that I woke them up. It was how I woke them up." I said conspiratorially.

I blushed a little.

"What did you do?"

"Well, it was your fault."

"Me? How?"

"You sent me home horny with all your talk about being tied up and..."

I lowered my voice.

"Arse fucking."

Jenny was laughing.

"Oh god. You didn't did you? Too much noise?"

"Just a bit.

I know they heard me because dad wouldn't look at me the next morning.

He's a bit of a prude when it comes to that sort of thing. Won't even watch a sex scene on TV."

"Your poor mum. Do you think she gets any?

She's still a good-looking woman. Be sad if she didn't."

"Shut up. I can't think about my parents doing it.

Though I'm evidence she probably gets more than me. Or at least she did at my age."

"You're evidence she's straight. That's all.

And I might point out you're an only child."

"Oh shut up."

Jenny smirked and sipped her drink, glancing around.

No one catching your eye?"

"Nope. They're all with boyfriends or looking for one."

"What about those two over there."

She was looking at the two I'd noticed earlier.

"The dark-skinned girl was sat on a stool with the other girl now standing between her knees, her hand openly caressing that lovely smooth thigh. My eyes hovered on the movement for a moment as jealousy circled me like a stealthy predator.

"Think I'm too late. They've found each other already."

"A threesome?"

"Ha. If only.

I can't get one girl. Let's not run before I can walk."

The food arrived and we tucked in.

"Mm. These chips are gorgeous."

Jenny dipped one in mayo and offered it to my mouth. For a brief moment, my lips touched a finger but my attention was taken by trying not to burn my mouth.

"Fuck that's hot."

"My fingers, or the chip?"

I was taken aback by the comment. She'd done it on purpose. She was grinning.


"Wow. You are horny."

"I just need ravaging."

I carried on picking at the selection of foods to satisfy the one hunger I could.

"Well. Actually, I have an idea about that. But have another drink."

"What you up to?"

"Nothing. Tell you later."

I glanced around suspiciously half expecting some random girl to appear that she was trying to set me up with.

"It's warm in here."

Jenny pulled a few buttons open on her blouse. I was treated to a view deep into her cleavage as she twisted around to take her jacket off and put it on the seat next to her. My blood ran hot.

"So. Any secret games with Mike you want to tell me about this week?" I ventured.

The chicken sticks were yummy.

"Sorry to disappoint. All conventional and boring this week. Just like you imagine."

"Did imagine. Not anymore." I laughed.

"We've been saving ourselves for something special."

She was teasing me. Playing with her food and avoiding eye contact while fighting to stifle a grin. All of it to make me ask.

"Wanna tell me what that is?"

She smiled, eating a piece of sun-dried tomato and pesto sourdough.

"So I have a proposal."

I waited patiently for her to carry on.

"How do you feel about joining in with a little fun?"

"Fun? What sort of fun? I tell you I need a good seeing to and your suggesting Alton Towers?"

"I'm envisioning a rollercoaster ride but was thinking more the kind you can only experience with no clothes. Fun that involves... your getting that good seeing to."

"Who with?"

I was confused. Not fully understanding what she was hinting at.

Jenny hesitated. Then with her serious face.

"Me and Mike."

I looked at her incredulously. Searching for the punchline.

"Er... You mean have sex with you and Mike? Together?"

"Together. Separately. However the mood takes us.

And not just sex. Kinky sex. Lots of tying up and playing games. Not that we'd hurt you or anything. Just play. Show you what you're missing."

I laughed with embarrassment.

"This for real?"


She fed me another chip, this time letting her fingers linger at my lips. I almost sucked them. I so wanted to.

"We all get to have a great time and you get fucked senseless. Plus you get to have sex with me."

She smirked, briefly touching my leg again.

"You've thought about that right?"

"And Mike." I pointed out.

"And Mike.

Yeah. I know that's not your thing. But you might like it if you try it. And you did admit you could do it with a man."

I gasped as my head raced to process this.

"But you're not... a lesbian."

"No one is totally one way or the other. You admitted that yourself last week. We all have tendencies to waver with the right temptation. The right person."

Wow. She meant me. My heart was skipping.

"And what about Mike?

I mean, wouldn't it be cheating? Technically?

For both of you? I mean I assume you intend I... me and Mike as well?"

"Yes. All of us. It's not cheating if everyone agrees and everyone joins in.

It's just play."

I sat stunned to silence as my head raced to process what I was hearing.

"We've talked about it." Jenny went on.

"About introducing someone else to the party. We just needed someone safe to play along with us. Someone we both have deep feelings for.

We thought you might be up for it."

"Christ Jenny. I never saw you as being into that sort of thing. Certainly not Mike."

"You never know what goes on behind closed doors." She grinned.

"Think about it. You not only get your ravaging, but you also get to try out new things you might never get another opportunity to."

"You mean dick?"

"Amongst other things.

Doesn't mean you're not a lesbian any more than it means I am.

Is it any different from using a strap-on?"

"I don't know. I've never tried that either."

"Note to self. Buy strap-on."

"Fucking hell, you're serious."

She squirmed in her seat.

"Are your panties wet yet? Mine are.

Remember to be quiet when you get home tonight."

"Fucking hell."

I looked around trying not to laugh. Anywhere while I tried to comprehend the full meaning of Jenny's suggestion.


Everywhere I seemed to look I saw pussy. A leggy blonde in a tight figure-hugging dress by the bar chatting to some hopeful nob clearly out of his depth. A brunette with tits to die for attracting more male attention. Girls everywhere. Not one of them available to me. All people who would have their calls answered before the night was out. Then there was me. Going home alone to play with myself again.

I looked back at Jenny. She was hot as fuck. Straight, but apparently willing to...Well. Willing to do lots of things it seemed. And would it be so bad to have a session with Mike? He was quite hot for a guy and I knew him almost as well as I did Jenny. Although perhaps not either of them as well as I had thought if they were into kinky stuff like this.

"When did you have in mind for this orgy of yours?"

Couldn't hurt to explore the idea some more.

"Next weekend. Come and stop over for the Bank Holiday.

We can go wild for two days then we have Monday to recover. "

My stomach churned over. That was close. Suddenly with an actual date, it was less abstract.

"Christ. You have this all planned out don't you?

I need another drink."

I picked up our empty glasses and retreated to the bar. A moment's sanctuary from a madness that was actually making me horny.

The blonde girl turned and looked straight at me. I gave her a hopeful smile and looked her up and down. Gorgeous long smooth legs. I would have given anything to have wrapped around the back of my neck.

When I looked back up to her face she'd turned her attention away, laughing with another guy that'd approached her. This one a better prospect than the first. Clearly I wasn't in with a chance. Story of my life.

"Two gin and tonics please."

A glance down the bar at the two girls into each other. The white girl was near laying on the other. Laughing and joking together. It hurt that I hadn't known that kind of relationship for so long.

I turned around to lean on the bar while I waited and looked back at Jenny. She was checking her phone.

I couldn't deny I had the hots for her. Always had. I remembered when we'd first met. That constant nagging voice in the head. The near depression when she wasn't near. The never-ending running of scenarios in my head of how I could make her fall for me. It'd hurt for months.

Eventually the feeling of love, or lust or whatever, had morphed into a firm friendship which I'd accepted. Now suddenly she was presenting me with my one opportunity to... experience her.

Could I really turn that down? Even if it meant I had to fuck Mike as well? To be fair I could do that. I sort of loved him as much as Jenny. As a friend, so taking the next step wouldn't be so hard even if as a man he didn't really do anything for me. As Jenny had said. Our preferences weren't set in stone.

And then there was Jenny. It was a constant fantasy to have sex with her. To know what she really looked like naked. To see her face as I made her cum. And here she was presenting me with the opportunity. Why the hell was I hesitating?

I paid the barman and took the drinks back to our table.

"How many of these have I had? Must be a few because I'm imagining you saying crazy things."

"Crazy? In what way?"

She popped another chip into her mouth.

"Well just for a moment at the bar there, I imagined you'd offered to use and abuse me with your husband."

"I'm fairly sure the use and abuse will be a mutual pleasure."

I looked at her tits again. This time not bothering to hide it. Why should I? She was exposing about as much as she dare in a public place and it was obvious it was for my benefit. Two wonderfully smooth mounds pushed up and together by her bra. Fucking hell I so much wanted to hold them in my hands.

"Will there be drink?

I'll need a lot."

"Copious amounts."

"And I'll need help with Mike. I've no idea what to do with a man."

"You'll figure it out. I can confirm he does know his way around pussy if that helps."

I laughed.

"Yeah. The very one I...

Fuck. Did I say that out loud?"

"Do I take that as a yes?"

I swallowed nearly half my glass in one go."

"I'm thinking about it."

Jenny grinned and I felt that same agony in the pit of my stomach I'd felt with the first thoughts of burying my head between her tits. That'd been in my interview.

"We will still be friends after won't we?" I asked.

A little tiny part of me feared a one-off with me coming between their marriage might ruin our relationship. But if I said no would they find someone else and let our friendship fall by the wayside?

I felt a stab to the heart at the thought some other girl might get to sleep with Jenny while I carried on alone.

"I mean... I so want to... you know. With you. But I don't want it if it means we aren't friends anymore."

"Don't be silly. It's because you're a friend I'm asking you."

She touched my hand and it was electrifying.

"You're special. To both of us. And it'd be nice if we did something... special together."

"I just don't want it to be weird or anything after."

"It'll be fine. Our friendship will be just as special after this. More so."

She took a gulp of her drink.

"Who knows? If it goes well we could make it a regular thing."

I swallowed back my drink. Fuck trying to stay sober. I needed to get pissed again.

Part Three - Friday.

I spent the next week at work with constantly wet panties. I couldn't look at Jenny without my pussy gushing. Most painful of all was that we couldn't talk about it.

She was just there. The office manager all neatly turned out with her hair up and glasses that made her look intelligent and serious. Not a hint of the sexual beast I was beginning to realise she was.

At home, I was living a nightmare. Constantly horny and wanking myself silly in my bedroom. I even sneaked a banana upstairs to practice the idea of having Mike's cock inside me while watching threesome porn videos on my phone.

And after, eating the evidence turned into a test of my blowjob skills. Actually I didn't have any and the banana snapping in two was sort of symbolic of my fear that I'd be required to do it.

The idea of a man jerking off in my mouth wasn't the most attractive thought. Hopefully, Jenny would carry the load for me. Literally.

I think mum and dad sensed something was up with me. Mum even asked if I was feeling okay as I was in my room so much. Dad gave me that look. I don't think he'd gotten over having to listen to my activities the previous week and I convinced myself he knew what I was doing.

With difficulty I abstained on the Wednesday and Thursday, deciding it wasn't the best plan to walk into this a spent force.

Then suddenly it was six o'clock on Friday and I waited nervously while Jenny handed over to the next crew. I'd like to say patiently but I was horny again, watching her perched on the side of the desk talking to the twilight manager. All I could see was her tasty-looking thighs stretching her skirt. It was unbelievable that before I slept again I might actually touch them.

My pulse was racing as I waited. I had that feeling you get just before an interview, or the first day in a new school. Fight or flight.

A few minutes later we walked out. Jenny was her usual confident self. Me feeling like the naughty school girl about to visit the headmistress's office.

"I thought we could order a pizza and have a few drinks while we loosen up." She said driving us to her house.

"And then we just go to bed together?"

I saw Jenny's reflection in the rearview mirror. She was smirking wildly and I wondered what exactly I'd agreed to.

"Not exactly.

I had something a little more kinky in mind."


You mean like your roleplay thingy?"

"Yeah. Very much like that."

I shifted my seating position as a familiar heat returned to my groin. Tonight I felt an excitement that it would be answered properly.

"I've never done anything kinky."

"You're missing out on so much. We're going to fix that."

Mike collected the pizza on the way home about an hour after we got there. I was already well on my way through a second glass of wine by that point.

Then followed a surreal meal where we talked about work, some redecorating Mike was in the middle of, and just about anything other than the reason I was here. It was just like any other evening where I'd stayed over in the past.

By the point the wine made me giggly Jenny was getting touchy-feely with Mike. It was also the point where I realised I'd led the way on the alcohol.

"I'm gonna clear the rubbish away."

Mike declared finally deciding it was time to get a little cozier. He gathered up the pizza boxes from where we'd eaten in the living room and took them away while I sat back and curled my feet under me in the corner of the sofa.

"Hope you're not too full."

Jenny sat next to me putting her hand on my leg.

"I'm fine. Need to lay up on the wine a bit though. My head is spinning a little."

"That might be a good thing."

She leant forward and brazenly kissed me on the lips. It wasn't a full-on ravaging kiss. Just a lingering gentle smooch. Almost as if she was finding her way in uncharted territory, which I suppose she was. But it was enough that I tingled all over. My first kiss with the woman I'd carried a candle for two years.

Mike came back sitting at the other end and Jenny moved to lean against him like the dutiful wife with her feet up pushing against me. I was left wondering just how this thing was going to go down.

Mike put his arm around her and his other hand began slowly popping buttons.

"Time we all got a little more comfortable." He said.

Jenny watched me just as intently as I was watching those buttons springing away to reveal bare flesh.

Mike pulled her top open and one large tit came into full view, wobbling as he gave it gentle taps. My mouth and pussy watered, a hand going to massage her ankle. As much as I dare.

Then he lifted a creamy white mound of flesh free of her bra. I literally watched her nipple swell and harden, as though caught on a slow-motion camera. He began pinching and squeezing it. There was no embarrassment. No pretence from either of them.

Jenny kept her eyes on me as I stared, obsessed with the desire to touch that perfect mass of flesh for myself. To be the source of the tiny trembles racing over the surface of her body.

"Oh fuck." I gasped quietly without realising it.

It was enough of a response to bring Jenny to me. She slipped from the sofa and crawled around to kneel in front of me. She reached behind her and unclipped the bra. It came away with her blouse and my eyes went wild at the sight of her tits swinging like firm globular pendulums.

"You can touch if you want." She said smiling.

I reached out and tentatively brushed my fingers along the underside of her tit. The touch set a shiver of delight running down my spine. Then Jenny was on me. Kissing me again but with much more energy.

It was electric. A sensation I'd only really felt once before. That first moment with Gillian three years ago in her bedroom one summer Sunday afternoon.

I swooned, everything else forgotten other than the warm softness of her lips on mine. My heart beat ever faster and I tasted a hint of strawberry in her gloss.

On auto pilot my hand tenderly clutched a soft wonderful mound of flesh. This time more confidently. I trembled and Jenny leaned closer, pressing her body to me. I felt her warmth. Her perfume invading my nostrils.

A tongue invaded my mouth and I willingly let it swirl around mine in a poetic dance of desire. Two muscles gliding on the silky film of our mixing fluids.

I was turning to jelly as her hands glided back and forth over my thighs. Then up to my tits. Cupping, then squeezing them through my clothing.


I shuddered from head to toe as every hope and wish I'd had in the last two years started to be fulfilled. To my side, Mike was watching unconcerned that his wife was making out with another girl.

My top was pulled up over my head and Jenny planted feather touch kisses on the tops of my tits. Each was a static charge that left me shuddering with tiny body quakes.


My nipples swelled inside the lacy bra until they hurt. I squeezed her tits in my hands, fingers pressing at her hard nubs. She was shaking under my touch.

Then as my excitement grew and I began squirming she sat back, leaving me aroused and desperate.

"Wow. There's something in this girl-on-girl thing."

I just stared longingly. Only wanting that moment to be repeated but still too afraid to be the initiator in this surreal encounter.

"Now how about we play a little game."

"What sort of game?"

"I was thinking we need to break the ice between you and Mike. Something to ease you out of your comfort zone."

"What sort of game?" I asked again.

I glanced over at her husband where he sat patiently watching. He could have been waiting for me to finish writing up a report, or to or complete a crossword. The truth was that he was waiting to fuck me. It both terrified and excited me.

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