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Behind the Blinds

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The man installing the shed discovers why the shades moved.
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The blazing sun was relentless even though it wasn't quite noon, and as Curt Randall took off his cap to wipe the sweat off of his brow it was like he could hear the rays sizzling on his damp crew cut. Without the cap his skull would be as deeply reddish brown as much of his upper torso was.

The shirt he was wearing, or rather the tattered remains of what once was a work shirt, was soaking wet. Even with the sleeves removed and the neck wide open his body was still steaming hot and as he looked back from his vantage point in the yard towards the house he was tempted to duck inside and get a drink.

After all the single Mom was had hired him to install the shed in the yard and given him permission to use the bathroom or come in to get a drink of water but he had resisted the temptation since time was money and he didn't want this job to last more than one day.

As Curt looked toward the back of the split level ranch he saw the blinds swaying in a room on the side of the house. That wasn't the first time he had noticed that and initially he thought that it might be a cat playing on the window sill but as one of the slats raised up Curt knew that was no cat.

It wasn't the woman who owned the house since she had left for work and the car was still gone from the driveway, and as Curt pretended he didn't know he was being observed he wondered who it might be. The woman had at least one kid, that much Curt knew, but he didn't know if it was a boy or a girl.

"Doesn't matter to me," Curt mumbled to himself, and it was true because he was very broad minded when it came to sex and the way he was feeling he was more than happy to fuck whoever it was behind those blinds.

It had been a bit of a dry spell for Curt and while business was great there was such a thing as too much of a good thing. All work and no play makes a guy horny and the way he had been feeling lately even the crack of dawn looked good.

Get a good look sweetie, Curt mused as he stretched his arms and twisted his back, hoping that he was putting on a good show for whomever was there. They had to be interested in the body, because he knew that he was far from being a matinee idol, unless one considered the bulldog that used to be on those old Warner Brothers cartoons handsome.

Curt's face was ruddy and weathered, showing all the effects of his fifty two years and the toll of working out in the elements. Still, the body was still impressive even if it did ache a bit more than it used to.

The 210 pounds was packed tight on his six-foot frame and just about every bulge was muscle. His shoulders and arms were massive and his chest was as broad as it was when he was young. He had about a 10% body fat calculated during an immersion test at the gym a few years ago and little had changed since then. His biceps when tensed were as big as some guy's thighs and were one of the reasons he hung onto shirts like the one he had on because they got attention from a lot of people, both men and women.

As Curt flexed and stretched he watched the blinds jiggle some more, and since his lips were dry and he could use a drink as well as a trip to the bathroom he decided to walk around the side of the house to duck in. Who knows, Curt thought, maybe he could find out who was looking out at him.

The house was air conditioned and while it was probably about 68 degrees it felt like a meat locker, cool and refreshing on his sweaty hot skin as he went looking for the bathroom. Curt headed down a hall that wound down the wing of the house from the kitchen and although Curt found the bathroom he decided to take a few steps down the hall to the room at the end where he thought the moving blinds were located.

Although Curt was as big as a bear he was surprisingly light on his feet and had done his best to be in a stealth mode as he reached the end of the hall. The cause of the rattling blinds was there behind them, craning his neck to see where the workman had gone, and Curt smiled and shook his head at his secret admirer.

The kid was a boy, a tall and skinny lad who was as pale as a ghost and who hadn't lifted a weight in his life unless you called lifting what was in his right hand exercise. Curt could tell the kid's body structure because he was naked except for what seemed like pajamas down around his ankles and as he came into the room the kid still had the blinds lifted with his left hand while his right hand was - well while the kid had his back to him there was no doubt what he was doing.

I'm flattered, Curt thought as he entered the room still undetected and while it was a sleazy scene to see the workman's only regret was that the peeping tom wasn't older because while the pale bony little butt was inviting he had no intention on going to prison for it.

The kid was tall though and while the voyeur was obviously young Curt had noticed that they all looked young to him these days. The last guy he had picked up at a local bar looked 16 but was in fact 25, so he knew that looks were deceiving.

When the kid remained oblivious to his presence Curt decided to let the kid know that the jig was up so in his deepest voice he bellowed, "Enjoying the show, kid?" and as his voice echoed in the little bedroom the young man spun around, nearly knocking the blinds clean off as he did.

Harry Potter. That was Curt's initial impression when he saw the startled youth with his dick in his hand and his glasses akimbo turn to face him, and the boy let out a frightened bleat before bolting away from the window in panic.

Where he might be headed to Curt had no idea because there was only one exit and he was standing between the door and the kid, and besides the boy had forgotten that his pajamas were bunched around his ankles so his first stride was his last as they tripped him up better than a linebacker could have.

The lad went crashing to the floor, the only stop along the way being the foot board of his bed and after the back of his head thumped against the wood he went down to the carpet. He wasn't hurt but he was a bit dazed and more embarrassed than anything else.

Nice dick, Curt mused as he looked at the long skinny cock which was deflating as he watched the boy try to cover himself while getting up. Curt decided to help as he grabbed a lock of the scruffy brown scalp and pulled him to his feet. The boy was almost as tall as he was but weighed next to nothing, the body not much more than skin and bones.

"Sorry," the boy's reedy voice chirped as he shied away from the sweaty hulk holding him by the back of the neck. "Sorry."

"Didn't mean to spoil the party kid," Curt snarled, the anger in his voice an act since he enjoyed playing the dominant role anyway and the kid was anything but that, but when he looked over and saw a few crumpled tissues on the night table Curt realized that the party had been going on all morning.

I was young once, Curt thought as he looked at the crusty twisted tissues that likely held several orgasms and the older man longed for the days when that would have been him jacking off while watching Superman or Jack LaLanne in his bedroom.

"Your mother know about your habit?" Curt asked as he kept his grip on the boy's neck and although it must have hurt the boy didn't really protest.

"Mom - she doesn't understand," he sniffed.

"Well why aren't you out playing ball or riding your bike with the other kids then?"

"I'm not a kid. I'm 19."

"Yeah, and I'm 20," Curt replied as he looked at the lad's scrawny chest and at his long legs which were as smooth as a female fresh from a waxing. "I was born at night but not last night."

"I am. I'm going to be a sophomore at State in the fall."

"That so? What's your name?"

"Bradley, sir."

"Well Bradley, if you're 19 it's time to start acting like a man," Curt advised as he let go of his neck and looked at the kid in a different way. "You see something you like you go out and introduce yourself."

"Not good with people," Bradley sniffed, as if Curt didn't know that already.

The kid was a geek, or a nerd, or whatever they called eggheads these days. As Curt looked around the room there were only books and video games and instead of posters of hot guys or gals there were pictures of what were probably characters from video games and even - Harry Potter.

Seeing that made Curt chuckle, and the more he looked at the lean and lanky lad the more he liked the kid. Bradley's body was nearly smooth except for a little tuft of light brown curls over his dick and as for the kid's cock, before it had shriveled from shock and fright it had looked mighty nice. Skinny as hell but the lad hadn't been cheated as far as length went.

"Guess it wouldn't do if your mother came home and saw us in here," Curt said as he started to leave the room.

"Mom - she won't be back until late. At least 6," Bradley explained.

"Well, I came in to take a leak," Curt said as he retreated.

"The bathroom is right next to this room," Bradley informed the workman and then he walked warily past Curt and led him out to the hall, even waving his hand towards the toilet like Vanna White after turning on the light.

Curt walked past the boy and undid his shorts when he reached the bowl, and after he dropped them down he saw Bradley was there in the doorway staring at him.

"Want to hold it for me too?" Curt snickered but although he had made the comment in jest he was stunned to see the lad walking over to him.

"I was kidding," Curt said as Bradley came up next to him.

"You said that I should act like a man if I saw something I liked," he replied as he looked over Curt's shoulder.

"Be my guest," Curt said as Bradley's trembling hand reached around and lifted his flaccid cock while coaxing the long foreskin back a bit. "Might take a few seconds. Happens when you get old."

"I'm in no hurry," Bradley said as he gave the thick organ a little pull while leaning against Curt's bare shoulder with his face. "I knew you would have a big one. How long is it hard?"

"How the hell would I know? I'm too bust using it to waste time measuring it. Why, you want to do it?" Curt said with a sneer.

"If you want," Bradley said as he directed the dick towards the center of the bowl and waited. "Must be over 6" soft."

"You like the big ones son?" Curt asked as he began to tinkle, and as the drops became a flow he saw Bradley nod. "Ever have one before?.

"Not like yours man," Bradley opined while his fingers squeezed the rubbery organ.

"You don't seem to mind that I'm all sweaty," Curt apologized as he saw Bradley's nostrils flare as he seemed to try and inhale what had to be a ripe aroma.

"Turns me on," Bradley mumbled as he let his tongue scrape the salty skin on the reddened shoulder of the worker. "Turns me on a lot. The heat is pouring out of your body. When I was watching you I was imagining what you would taste like."

"That right?" Curt asked as he stopped peeing, and after Bradley shook it way more than necessary he wiggled up closer beside Curt who was lifting his beefy arm up until it was over Bradley's bony shoulder, and while keeping a wary eye on the workman the twink leaned down and buried his face in Curt's armpit.

"Damn," Curt gasped as he watched Bradley's face disappear into the sweaty hollow and let his tongue slide up the length of the profusely hairy pit while pulling on the workman's stiffening cock well after it stopped going.

"Want to suck you off," Bradley blurted out as he pulled his face out from under the workman's arm and promptly sat down on the toilet where he grabbed the stiffening tool and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Ooh... easy," Curt sighed as he felt a way-too-quick orgasm building up inside of him, and with that Bradley's mouth slowed down.

Holding the base of the veiny tool in his left fist, Bradley's lips slid expertly up and down the half of the sweaty cock they could reach while his right hand worked furious on his own erection, his fist pumping up and down like a jackhammer.

"Slow down son," Curt said, and although it felt good this place were not right for the older man, and so he reached down and picked up the bag of bones from the toilet seat to face him. "Let's go back to your bedroom."

Curt chuckled as the skinny kid, looking like a praying mantis as he walked briskly ahead of him, his pert little butt cheeks wiggling along with the bouncing of his dick, while the workman walked out of the shorts that had never been raised back up and left them in the hall.

"You got lube?" Curt asked as he undid the buttons on his shirt, and after he was done pulled the skimpy garment from his body and tossed it aside, all under the stare of his young admirer.

"Well?" Curt said as he pulled on his cock to stay somewhat hard.

"Oh - yeah - sorry," Bradley mumbled when he remembered he had been asked a question, and after he went to his dresser and reached under some clothes he pulled out a handful of lubes in many brands and flavors.

"Damn son, you must spend a lot of time in your room," Curt opined as he was offered his choice, which he differed to the lad.

"Mom says that too," Bradley said as he picked a tube and filled his hand with the gel before reaching down to grab the workman's half-mast weapon, lathering the tool up generously and watching it get stiff again immediately. "Oh man, you're like Larry the Cable Guy with muscles and a monster cock. I can't believe this is really happening."

"Believe son," Curt said after Bradley had turned his cock into a glistening 9" weapon, and after taking the tube from the boy's shaking hand motioned for him to get onto the edge of the bed on all fours, which he did like he had wings.

"Nice," Curt sighed as he surveyed what he was about to make his, the pert buttocks already slightly spread and the lad's nuts hanging down between his scrawny thighs making a delightful view. "You've got a sweet little ass on you son - nice nuts too."

"Aw!" Bradley groaned when the workman's greasy hand seized his nuts and toyed with them, first kneading the dangling orbs and gradually getting a little rougher with the sac, cackling when the boy did not protest but only groaned louder when he spanked the bony butt loudly.

Letting go of the scrotum, Curt turned his attention the his target, and after parting the cheeks saw the tan puckered ring staring back at him.

"You say you've taken it up the ass before?" Curt asked as he pushed a lubed finger into the orifice and found it tight and hot.

"Yeah," Bradley grunted as the probe pushed deeper. "Few times, but not with anybody as big as you."

"Having second thoughts?" Curt suggested as he spun his fingers into the cauldron.

"No," Bradley answered as he wiggled his butt back towards the workman. "Fuck my ass hard. Make me squeal like a bitch mister."

"Think your little boy pussy can take a man like me?" Curt asked as the finger came out and the bulb of his cock prepared to take its place, the veins in his swollen monster seeming to pulsate in his fist as the tip touched the ring, and when he got no reply he leaned forward.

Bradley cried out as the bulbous glans forced itself inside the ring, and he kept howling as Curt eased more and more of himself into the lad, only pausing when he was half in.

"Oh man!" Bradley sobbed when the workman briefly stopped to let him catch his breath, crying out when Curt's hand loudly slapped his butt. "Feels like you're fisting me."

"Maybe later," Curt responded as he pulled out a bit before sliding back toward the pale ass a little further, happy that the kid was taking it like a man, and with that he grabbed onto the bony hips and began thrusting in and out with an ever-increasing passion while occasionally smacking Bradley's reddening butt with his palm.

"Damn!" Bradley cried out as his backside rose with every brutal push, and the bed actually began moving slightly across the room as the workman lost any semblance of control, sweat flying off his body as he savaged the lad.

Curt couldn't last long and didn't, but just as he was about to cum he pulled out and grabbed the nerd by the back of his scalp while scrambling onto the bed.

"Here!" the workman snarled as he pushed his cock into the boy's face just before it erupted, coating the geek's face with ropes of his seed until the lad's puss looked like a xmas tree badly decorated with garland. "That's what I'm talkin' about."

"Wish you came in my ass mister," Bradley said after the workman climbed off the bed. "You really ripped me up."

"I thought you liked it rough," Curt snarled as he watched Bradley wiping the cum off his face.

"It was awesome but the cum burns my eyes. I like it when the semen warms me up inside afterward."

"Maybe next time, but for now I gotta get back to work," Curt announced as he threw his clothes back on.

"You want me to make you lunch later?" Bradley asked.

"Sure kid, and you can put on a french maid's outfit too while you're at it," Curt chuckled as he went back to working on the shed.

It didn't get any cooler in the time he was inside, and an hour later he was ready to go over to the hose and douse his head when he heard the screen door open behind him.

"Mister?" said the boy who was standing in the doorway. "Do you like ham or turkey?"

"What the?" Curt muttered as he looked over and saw Bradley, and as the workman walked toward the house he called out, "Step out onto the porch."

Bradley hardly hesitated as he stepped out onto the porch, and Curt smiled when he saw that it looked like Bradley was naked except for the apron he wore that proudly proclaimed "I hate to cook."

"Turn around," Curt said, and when the boy did as he was told the workman looked at the lad's bare bottom which was still pink from before."

"Mom don't have no french maid's outfit," Bradley said as he turned back around to face Curt, the front of the apron tenting outward.

"Lift your apron," Curt commanded, and when the lad did so the workman added, "Jerk yourself off."

Bradley's hand went directly to his stiff prick, and as his fist slid up and down his dick he held the apron up with the other.

"You'd make somebody a cute little bitch, you know that? You're obedient. I like that. Anything you won't do?"

"Not if you gets you to fuck my boy pussy some more," Bradley said proudly. "You look like you got even sweatier. If you want I'll give you a bath, either in the tub or with my tongue."

"What are you a cat, you kinky little fucker?" Curt snickered, and as he watched the kid's fist flying up and down his cock the boy asked him, "Do you want me to cum?"

"Go ahead," Curt said, and seconds later Bradley's prong sent out a few jets of his semen over the edge of the porch.

"Good boy," Curt declared as he went back to work for a few minutes. "And turkey will be good. No mayo."

"Yes sir," Bradley said before his pink butt ducked inside.

"And shave," Curt said, and after Bradley ran his face over a cheek that had never felt a razor the workman made it clear what he meant.

"Shave your legs and armpits, and your pubes too," Curt commanded. "Shouldn't take you too long seeing how little hair there is."

"Yes sir," Bradley said, and after going inside Curt chuckled to himself, pleased at finding a boy toy who had a lot of promise.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
More please

Good start Would love to see more of these two

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Please write more on this story its so hot

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This was really good

63lsmith63lsmithover 9 years ago

I agree with the 2 commenters before me. Real nice writing and we really want more, this ended way to quickly. I gave it 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

hope this one continues...

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