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Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite

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Should a husband plan for his future, alone?
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I waited as the secretary announced my name into her intercom. I was mildly surprised when she looked up at me, smiled and said, "Mr. Foster will see you now, Mr. Kite. Please take the elevator to the fourth floor and then go through the door on the left."

I knew that George Foster was the manager of this Eastern Security franchise, a firm specializing in gathering information, for a fee. I knew from my internet research that the company had over fifty offices throughout eastern United States.

The elevator door opened immediately. Soon I was knocking lightly on a heavy wooden door. Then I turned the knob and entered.

"Mr. Kite!" exclaimed the well-dressed man behind the desk. He quickly rose and came around to greet me. He offered his hand and I felt the strength of his grip as we shook.

"Please have a seat and tell me what Eastern can do for you today," he continued.

I sat in the plush leather chair and formed my words carefully.

"I'm interested in hiring your company to, ah, verify a few things for me, Mr. Foster. To be honest, I thought I'd be doing business with someone a little lower in the corporate food chain. I see from the name on the door that you're a company vice president and manager of this branch.

"I still like to personally handle as many clients as I can, Mr. Kite. It keeps me aware of our services as well as how I might improve our procedures," he replied easily. "Our company prides itself on discreet, professional service. I intend to see this branch maintains the highest standards."

"That's very reassuring," I admitted. "My situation may seem a bit trite to a man in your position, I'm afraid. I want to hire your company to determine if my wife, Monica, is having an affair."

"That's one of the services we provide, Mr. Kite. It certainly doesn't seem trivial to us," stated Foster. "May I ask if you have already determined your wife is unfaithful, if it's a suspicion of yours, or if you are simply worried about her with no solid cause?"

"I guess you do get these problems a lot. I can't prove anything and I may be totally wrong, but Monica seems to be acting differently of late. She's busier and staying later at work and she has to travel more. Even when she's home, she has to go in to work on weekends. She even went to her office for an hour on July Fourth!" I blurted. "I just want to find out what, if anything, is going on. It could be nothing more than an effort to get ahead at work. I need to know for certain."

"I understand your concern," Foster assured me. "We do these things all the time. Sometimes the wife is cheating, but usually the husband has made some erroneous conclusions. Let's hope that's how this situation plays out. I'll need to meet you at your home when your wife isn't there and place some concealed devices to monitor her actions. What would be a good time for you, Mr. Kite?"

"Wow! You're going to come to my place and do your spy thing yourself, Mr. Foster?" I asked in amazement. "Don't you have techs or something you send for that stuff? I wouldn't expect a man in your position to do the hands-on work."

"That's exactly why we are so successful," smiled the man behind the desk. "As I stated, I like to personally handle a few cases. If one of our employees tries to tell me something can't be done, or won't work, I'll know if they're right, or if they're giving me a snow job."

"That makes a lot of sense," I agreed. "I read on your web page that I would get a written report and for a fee, I could get a report on DVD as well. I want to select that option. If there's any cheating, I want to be able to throw it in her face. It would also be more damning in a divorce action, wouldn't it?"

"Yes, provided there's any wrong doing on the part of your wife, Mr. Kite. I caution you against you jumping to conclusions. Let us do what you are paying us to do, please. That's why you came to us, isn't it?" asked Foster.

"Yes, of course. I didn't mean to get ahead of your investigation," I apologized. "It's just that the very thought of Monica having a lover makes me angry and tense. I have to find out the truth before I do, or say, something I'll later regret."

"We'll get right on this case and you'll know the truth shortly, don't worry," promised Foster. "I'll need you to answer a few questions and to sign a few forms giving us permission to place your home under surveillance and to have access to your personal records, such as phone and credit cards."

I spent the next half hour responding to an entire list of questions posed by Foster. I studied him as he wrote my responses down. He was a big man, tanned, and athletic looking. He seemed self-assured and very competent. He seemed to really know his business.

"I'd like to place this on my Visa," I told him when asked about payment.

"We take credit cards, of course, Mr. Kite. The thing you need to consider is whether your wife will see the charge and know you have hired a service to investigate her. Does she have access to the statement for this card?" he queried.

"Technically, she does, but Monica never pays the bills and seldom looks at the statements. This won't be a problem," I replied. "She'll never know about your service until I lower the boom on her! That is, if she's fooling around on me, of course."

After doing all the paper work, we agreed to meet at my house at noon on Friday. Monica had already informed me that she'd be working late that day. At least she called it working. I left Eastern Security feeling like I had accomplished my objective. Foster promised to have a full report, including a DVD, within three weeks. That would fit in perfectly with my plans for Monica.

I had been having some difficulty keeping my suspicions from Monica. That only thing that had made it even remotely possible was that she had been paying very little attention to me for the past few months. I could have grown a frog on my ass and cut my cock off and she would have never noticed. Now I had a timeframe to work with and I felt I would be able to hang on that long, although with some effort.

That evening Monica was home in time to make dinner, which was unusual. She seemed annoyed when I asked her about it.

"Don't make such a big deal out of it," she warned. "You do everything you can to get advanced at work. There's no reason for you to resent my success, Bill. My work is as important to me as yours is to you."

"I haven't any problem with that, Monica. It's just that you haven't been around much lately," I replied. "I seldom work weekends and never holidays. Time is more important than money, especially when you have enough money. We'll never have enough time."

"Well thanks for spouting your asinine platitudes," snapped Monica. "I bet that's one that fucking Confucius never even considered!"

I realized that my words of infinite wisdom were falling on deaf ears, so I grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and went into the living room to watch the news.

It was the very next day at work that I was called into the company president's office. I was in the middle of the corporate ladder in an advertising agency. I was pretty good at what I did, which pretty much was to dream up bullshit that made products look and sound better than they were.

"We've been watching your work, Kite," boomed the company president and CEO, even as I wondered to myself why the fuck he couldn't address me by my first name. "You've shown yourself to be innovative and independent, yet a team player."

I realized this guy had been in advertising longer than I had. Talk about dishing the shit without saying anything! He was really good at it! That was what I had to look forward to attaining?

"You're being promoted to a vice president position, Kite. Congratulations! You'll be in charge of several of our most lucrative accounts," he continued. "You'll have your own office with a dozen people working under you. I'm making the announcement this afternoon."

I politely thanked the tub of lard for bestowing such an honor on my most unworthy self and left the office with a smile. Things were finally falling into place for me. Too bad Monica had to stray. After twenty-four years of marriage and two kids, she deserved to share in my achievement and the financial rewards that came with it.

True to his promise, the boss announced my promotion and people started kissing my ass by the time I got back from lunch. I shook hands and smiled as men deferred to me. The ladies suddenly found me attractive. How many times had I sucked up to some guy I thought was an asshole after hearing he'd been promoted? Now I was the asshole! It felt great!

Friday found me showing Foster around my home. He placed tiny devices in various areas of the house. He was efficient, yet careful. By 3:00 he was packing his tools away.

"I've just received a nice promotion and I have to be at corporate headquarters in New Jersey next Monday and Tuesday," I explained. "It seems like that would be a likely time for Monica to scratch her itch, if you get my drift."

"Well, if she does any scratching, we'll have it all recorded," grinned Foster.

"Your company has a very good reputation, Mr. Foster," I continued. "You can guarantee as a professional employee of Eastern Security that you'll catch any infidelity by my wife in this house, can't you?"

"I absolutely guarantee that, Mr. Kite. I'm very good at what I do. If your wife strays in your home, we'll have the proof for you. Rest assured of that!" he promised.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear," I admitted. "Now we'll see if the mouse takes the bait."

"I was named a vice president today at work," I revealed to Monica that evening. "It means a big pay raise. We'll be able to take some nice vacations and buy some things for the house."

"I knew they'd see your talents, Bill," cooed Monica. "I think we should have a party on Saturday, the fifteenth. We'll celebrate our twenty-fifth anniversary and your promotion at the same time! How's that sound?"

"Monica! I'm touched. What a great idea. We'll have your family and a bunch of my relatives over. The kids can come home from school. It'll be an event people will remember for a long time to come!" I proclaimed.

"Don't get too carried away, Bill. It isn't exactly the second coming," grinned Monica, "but it'll be a good time."

Every now and then Monica reverted to the woman I married those many years ago. Those times were fewer and farther between, however. I was mulling my situation over as I drove east on I 80, toward headquarters that Monday. Would Monica betray me while I was away? In my home? My bed? Was she that self-centered and foolish? Did she think I was that dumb? I had the questions and realized I would have the answers in a couple days.

It was three days before our party and Foster was back in my house, removing all his electronic devices. I accompanied him as he went from room to room.

"Are you sure Monica never had any male visitors, made any unusual phone calls, or did anything that could be even slightly construed as cheating?" I asked for the third time.

"Believe me, Mr. Kite," laughed Foster. "Your wife makes Mother Theresa look like an unsavory character. She isn't having an affair!"

"When will I get the report and the DVD?" I asked.

"You still want a DVD, even if there's nothing even remotely inappropriate to show?" questioned Foster.

"I paid for the damn thing and I want it. I'll find some use for the damn thing. Years from now I'll watch it and laugh my ass off," I responded.

"Okay, it's your money. Everything will be ready for you to pick up tomorrow afternoon," shrugged Foster.

Long after Foster left the house, I sat in my home office and considered my situation. He had stated that Monica wasn't unfaithful and didn't have any lovers, or even friends, at the house why I was away. What would Monica do if she found out about the surveillance? It seemed likely she would be furious and use it as an opportunity to punish and humiliate me. I had to be prepared to foil her efforts. I couldn't help thinking that I was engaged in what seemed more like a struggle to the death than a marriage.

People started showing up for our party by eleven AM. By one o'clock, we had just about every relative and friend within fifty miles enjoying clams, barbecued chicken, lobster, and steak. We had gone all out for the occasion. Everyone was having a wonderful time. That was when Monica decided to be melodramatic.

"Could I have everyone's attention?" she shouted above the din. Every eye turned to her. "It has come to my attention that my loving husband recently hired an agency to monitor my actions in order to determine if I was having an affair!"

Aside from several gasps, there wasn't a word spoken by the assembled crowd.

"I happened to open the mail yesterday and found a large charge to our Visa card from a surveillance company. I made a few phone calls and found out that Bill had hired them to determine if I was unfaithful to him," hissed Monica. I could feel her venom.

"I was told that Bill was even supplied with a DVD documenting my actions. You can imagine how shocked and disappointed I was, and still am, when I learned of Bill's lack of trust, and of this invasion of my privacy," lamented Monica.

I knew she'd want to humiliate me, but she was better than I could have imagined. I just silently stood my ground and bore the brunt of her verbal attack.

"So, Bill, my devoted, loving husband, where's the disc? I think everyone here should see the results of your spying and judge for themselves just who wronged whom. We'll play it on this goddamn big screen TV you insisted on buying. Everyone is right here and ready to watch it!" she snarled.

"Dear, I don't think it would be a good idea to air our dirty laundry in public," I stated soothingly. "Why don't we watch it in a more private setting? This is a party."

"You're trying to blow smoke up my ass and get away with practically accusing me of being a slut! I demand that you show everyone here what you have learned about my fidelity, you damn weasel! I haven't seen this production yet and I can't wait!" shrieked Monica.

I shrugged and reached into my breast pocket and removed a DVD and held it up for everyone to see. Then I walked to the player and slid it in. I walked to the back of the room with the remote and pointed it at the machine.

It took a few seconds for the picture to appear. Monica and Foster were sitting in our living room.

"You mean he hired you to find out if I was having an affair?" laughed Monica. "What are the odds of that happening?"

"What are the odds that the jack-ass would put the charge on your Visa? You have wonderful opportunity to "accidentally" discover he's spying on you. You'll have his balls in a vise!" Foster replied.

"In that case, I'll crush them like a couple of walnuts," chuckled Monica.

"I'm a trained professional!" Foster pretended to pout. "The dumb bastard wanted the best, so he came to me. That's why his company uses us to some discreet background checks on employees being promoted to sensitive positions. We really delve into personal accounts and backgrounds deeper than your more law-fearing firms. That's how I met you that fateful day, remember?"

"I'll never forget it, and how determined you were to seduce me," grinned Monica. "Was I worth the effort?"

I noticed Monica begin to shrink back as the events unfolded on the big screen, in living color, and with surround sound.

"You sure were, now get over here, Slut!" insisted Foster.

The screen was suddenly filled with Monica's face. She was smiling... around a nice sized cock! Her lips and tongue worked feverishly and were soon rewarded with a few twitches from the cock. White goo leaked down her chin. The audience was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.

The picture changed to show Monica on her hands and knees and Foster pounding her pussy from behind. Both their faces were readily recognizable. Monica had a blissful smile on her face as Foster reached in and pinched one of her nipples.

Suddenly, Monica found her voice and jerked everyone back to the present.

"You miserable bastard!" she screamed at me. "You set me up! Turn that goddamn thing off now. Everyone get the hell out. Now!"

Spittle was flying from Monica's mouth as she yelled. Her face was purple and the veins in her face looked like they would pop. Her mother and father rushed to her as she began to collapse. They half carried her and half led her from the room. Within a couple minutes, my two kids and my parents were the only people left in the room with me.

"What are you going to do, Dad?" asked my daughter. "It's a hell of a mess."

"You just saw what your mother has been doing, Rachel," I replied sadly. "Her words today seem even more despicable than her actions of late. She wanted to torment me, to make me suffer for suspecting the truth. She's had no love for me for a rather long time. I think you know that. I'm finished with her and moving on with my life, Sweetheart. You may be able to talk her into getting some help. I don't think her words and actions are consistent with the Monica I married, but it's no longer my problem. I'm sorry."

"I've discussed this situation with a very good team of lawyers. A while back, I had hired a detective firm recommended to me by a college buddy. I had them to watch your mother when I first started getting suspicious. I was stunned to find that she was having an affair with an agent of the firm hired by my company to check on me. I was being considered for an important position and they wanted all the dirt on me, so they hired Foster, with Eastern Security."

"I decided that I wanted to ruin his career at that point. I hired him to determine if your mother was cheating, all the time knowing she was, and it was with him. Now I have him on disc, as a representative of his company, giving me a false report, as well as admitting he probably broke the law when he conducted his rather extreme background checks for my employer," I summarized.

"My legal team tells me that my company should have notified me and even had me sign a release allowing the background check. They also tell me that Eastern Security has deep pockets and is in a world of shit for the conduct of their agent. He seduced your mother while doing a clairvoyant check on me, than accepted payment to report on her activities when he was personally involved with her, and then he knowingly lied in his report to me. I have been assured that these companies will want to settle rather than have the truth hit the newspapers. This really shouldn't have been billed as our anniversary party," I grinned. "It's really more like my retirement party!"

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FluidswallowerFluidswallower2 days ago

A fun read, very enjoyable, thanks.

fredbrownfredbrown4 months ago

My second reading of this story - and the second time the twist at the end surprised me! Like the story 5-stars worth and thanks for leaving me sitting here like a dumb-ass with mouth agape (?)

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

That’s it? Disappointing

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Good start, but including the aftermath would have made it complete. Oh well.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

No, don’t take any settlement with an NDA attached! Never give up your right to tell the truth! Burn them all , and do it publicly!!!


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