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Bella's Subway Ride

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Innocent Bella gets "ridden" on the subway.
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(NOTE: All characters in this story are over eighteen years of age) (NOTE 2: I was saddened to find that my story was copied, word for word, on some other portals. I've re-worded it to make it better, and "spicier" ;-). Hope you enjoy this edited version)


It was the end of a very long and hard day at work. But on the positive side, it was Friday evening! Bella was looking forward to spending an evening with her girlfriends. Lost in her own thoughts, she waited on the platform for the train to arrive, and when it did, made her way through the crushing crowd into the compartment. Raising her right hand above her head and holding on to the overhead strap, and holding on to her purse (which was strapped to her left shoulder) with her left hand, she managed to somehow steady herself and waited for the nearly-one-hour subway ride to be over.

As usual, the subway was fully packed. There were people pressing against and crushing her from all sides. At times like these, she missed the sylvan tranquility of the small town where she grew up. With so many people packed in the train, the AC was completely ineffective. It was very hot and sticky. She could feel the sweat dripping down her body.

A pair of hands grabbed her waist. The hands squeezed, causing her dress to rise up an inch or two, and then were gone. She wondered whether it was intentional, but since the hands were removed quickly, decided it wasn't. Because of being hiked up a bit, and because of the way her body was stretched out, she could feel her dress fit tightly against her body.

She remembered how Mark had looked her up and down and said "Nice dress". She smiled inwardly at the thought. Should she ask Mark out? She had had a crush on Mark for a while. Her girlfriends knew about it and had opined that she should "just fuck him already". While she told them she had no intention of doing any such thing, she often wondered. She had grown up in a small town, where people didn't have a casual outlook towards sex. She had only had a few awkward sexual encounters with same-age teenage boys, between the age of eighteen and twenty. Before she left for the big city a year ago, her mother had lectured her on how most men only wanted one thing, and that she should "wait for the right guy". Though she had remained true to the promises made to her mother, and not had any boyfriends since moving to the big city a year ago, she often wondered whether her mother's thoughts were outdated in this day and age.

The feeling of a hand touching the small of her back brought her thoughts back to the present. The hand moved up, inching up the bottom of her dress another couple of inches, and then was gone. Her dress was now so hiked up that most of her legs were exposed. However, due to her position and the crowd around her, she was unable to adjust it. She again wondered whether the touch was intentional, but then dismissed the thought, since a bit of touching and jostling was common during rush hour. Probably just some guy trying to maintain his balance. She looked down to ensure she wasn't too exposed, but couldn't see past the V-neck of her dress. Her eyes focused on the cross-shaped pendant her mother had given her, which was resting on her chest.

Her thoughts went back to Mark and the dress. She liked dressing up for her job. She used to wear silk blouses and skirts. However, due to her long subway journey, and being crushed by people, she would sweat a lot, and there would be visible sweat stains in her underarms during the day. So she had started wearing sleeveless dresses. The dark blue dress she was wearing today was one of her favorites. Sleeveless with large arm openings, it had a V-neck which plunged a little but didn't show much cleavage. It didn't hug her curves, but accentuated them nicely, tapering off inwards below her hips. It had a zipper that opened in the back. It was sexy but not slutty; just the way she liked it. Being a little conscious of her bra straps being seen through the arm openings, she had worn a strapless bra. She was also worried about her panty lines being visible through the dress, so she had worn panties with a thong strap. Wearing underwear that crept up the crack of her ass was initially uncomfortable, but she eventually got used to it.

She felt her dress rising up once more. It was now so high up that it barely covered her ass. Was someone pulling it up deliberately? But then, she hadn't felt a hand on her hips this time. It was just something that happened due to the crowd and the movement around her. "Stop being so paranoid, Bella," she chided herself. There were two reasons why Bella was paranoid during subway rides. Firstly, at five feet three, she was very petite, and most other passengers towered over her, especially the men, making her feel small and vulnerable. The second reason was the horror stories her girlfriends had told her about being teased and harassed on the subway. She had three girlfriends; Susan with whom she shared a two-bedroom apartment, and Sarah and Bessie who lived across the hall. Sarah had told them how once, on a crowded subway, a bunch of office-going men had surrounded and then touched, fondled and fingered her to their hearts' content, finally removing her bra and panties and taking them as souvenirs. Bessie had recounted how two men had pinned her between them, taken out their penises and come on her, leaving wet, sticky stains on her top. Susan was the tallest of them all. At five feet nine, she was as tall as most men on the subway, a fact that worked to her disadvantage, because men could do a lot more to tall girls than simple groping and squeezing. A man had once fingered and then taken her right in the middle of a crowded subway.

Hearing these stories shocked the hell out of Bella. But her girlfriends told her they had made their peace with it. Having grown up in a big city, they were quite brazen about their sex lives, changing boyfriends quite often. Not that that made it ok for men to molest them, but she figured that, being sexually liberated, they were better equipped to handle these sort of incidents. She herself hadn't experienced anything of such severity yet. Once or twice, someone had "unintentionally" squeezed her ass cheeks or rubbed her breasts. But she had pushed that hand away, and that had been the end of it.

While Bella's shock at her girlfriends' tales had been genuine, she sometimes found herself wondering what it would be like to have someone touch her in a public place like that. She went through a phase, for a few days every month, when she would get horny, especially while riding the subway, and feeling all the men's bodies pressed up against hers. She had once lost her balance, and a man had steadied her by holding her hips. It made her wonder what it'd be like to allow a man to gently carress her hips and waist. Or maybe more... She knew she'd never act on that fantasy, but couldn't help wondering.

A sudden, nagging feeling brought her thoughts back to the present. Every woman has an intuition, almost like a sixth sense, that lets her know when she's being ogled, and Bella was getting that feeling right now. Looking to her right, she saw a man pressed against her. About eight inches taller than her, his head was level with the wrist of her right hand. He was looking down intently at her body. He looked up, made eye contact and smiled at her. Bella blushed, wondering for a second whether he had read her thoughts. Then she wondered what was on his mind. Had he been checking out her exposed legs? Or her taut skirt-covered ass? Or had he looked through the arm opening of her dress and caught a glimpse of side-boob? It was hard to tell. Or, was he just smiling politely, and her paranoia reading too much into it? Looking around her, she found three other men. They had all turned towards her, though not directly looking at her. Was it pure coincidence that they were facing her, or were they checking her out? Bella suddenly got conscious, and lowered her right hand, holding it protectively in front of her breasts. In hindsight, she found out that this was a mistake, because she was now a free-floating entity and, with nothing to hold on to, could be manoeuvred in any direction.

The train stopped at a station and, with some relief, she expected some people to exit, making room for her to move away from the clique of men. To her surprise and shock, more people got in than out. It was unbelievable; she felt like she was being crushed from all sides. Due to the crowd, she felt herself moving a couple of feet to her left, and was standing next to the glass door that separates different subway compartments. She looked through the glass door, and found that the adjoining compartment was equally crowded. Glancing around her, she saw that the same men still surrounded her.

The train went over a curve, tilting her slightly forward and into the arms of the man in front of her. He embraced her, sort-of like an old friend giving her a bear hug. She was surprised at the hug, but honestly, not offended, as it didn't seem threatening or sexual. When the train straightened, he continued to hug her. He was wearing a nice-smelling perfume, a refreshing change from the sweaty, clammy feeling in the compartment around her. So she allowed her guard to drop, and got somewhat cozy and comfortable in his arms.

And then it happened. The man behind her started rubbing her ass. First one cheek, and then slowly moving towards the crack. She wanted to push his hand away, but being caught in the other man's embrace, she couldn't move her hands. Due to her dress being stretched thin across her ass, it felt like the hands were directly on her skin. She suddenly became nervous, and could feel her pulse rate increase and her body start to sweat more. She felt sweat dripping from her armpits down into her dress, and from her back down into her panties.

And, she could feel moisture of another kind. Her young body, being deprived of sex for so long, responded to the touches. Against her will, she could feel her cream flow from her sex into her panties. This was one of those times, when she would feel a tingle of excitement at the thought of a man touching her. She was getting that feeling now, as she felt the man's fingers massage and rub her buttocks. Why not enjoy his attention during this train ride? What could possibly happen on such a crowded subway train?

Almost as if in answer to her question, the other men started getting bolder. She felt hands on her waist, rubbing her back, and lightly touching her breasts. She began to panic now. She tried to move away but was held in place, hands rubbing her back. She tried to say something, but due to the noise, it seemed like her lips were moving soundlessly. Someone started to pull her zipper down. The next things she felt were hands all over her bare back and ass. Her mind was a jumble of mixed feelings now; she was frightened and repelled, but it oddly felt good!

Her dress was now being slipped off her shoulders; she panicked again. The dress stopped at her shoulders because it was too tight. She simultaneously felt the brute force of the hands tugging harder at her dress, and the unhooking of her strapless bra behind her back. The dress tore silently at the V of the neck. The tear went all the way down, and parted silently at the hemline. Her dress and her bra were removed from her body at the same time. In a state of shock, she looked down to see her naked breasts, then looked to her left to see that the passengers in the other compartment were now staring at her.

Oh dear God, this simply could not be happening! Within just a few minutes of merely wondering whether she was being touched inappropriately, she had now been stripped almost completely naked, wearing nothing but her shoes and her panties! Her hands instinctively covered her nipples, in a last-ditch and almost hopeless attempt to save her dignity. But her mind reeled, unable to process and unwilling to register what was happening, so she couldn't offer any meaningful resistance to the men. She just stood there with her hands on her boobs.

They all had raging hard-ons by now. She felt their hard-ons pressing against her. Apart from that, nothing seemed to happen for a few seconds. The men seemed to be simply processing the fact that a hot chick was almost naked, and completely captive to their attention. Then, a man took hold of her hands, gently intertwining his fingers with hers. He slowly raised them up, until they were high above her head. She struggled, but in vain. Her petite hands were no match for the strength of the man, and she could struggle only so much without causing pain to herself. She eventually gave up, her hands helplessly restrained above her head.

With her hands above her head, her body became completely accessible. Any reservations or tentativeness the men were feeling disappeared, and she felt hands start to rub and caress her everywhere; touching her armpits, fondling her breasts, rubbing her waist and back, and squeezing her buttocks. The coordination was unbelievable. These were men who had never met each other in their life, and there was not a single word of spoken communication between them. And yet, their movements were perfectly in sync, like a pack of hungry predators capturing and devouring their prey.

The hands touching her simultaneously squeezed different parts of her body and applied a gentle upward pressure. She felt her body being effortlessly lifted into the air a few inches, so that the hard-ons were aligned with her private area. Equally simultaneously, they all pulled out their penises. The unmistakable rigidness of each penis made indentations on different areas of her body. The man behind her had his resting in the crack of her ass, pushing against the thin strap of her G-string panties. He didn't seem to want to stick it into her, he was content just sliding it gently back and forth in the crack, while he stroked her breasts, back and ass.

There was now a certain rhythm to the way her body was being fondled. While multiple pairs of hands explored her body, a penis pushed against the front of her panties. She felt her panties being pulled in two places; a finger went into the crack of her ass, looped itself around the strap and removed it from the crack, pushing it to one side, while another hand started tugging at the elastic of her panties. Eventually more hands started pulling at the elastic, until it snapped and disappeared.

With her panties removed, her vagina was now open for penetration. The man in front of her tried to spread her legs while simultaneously scooching down so he cold enter her. She instinctively pulled back. As a result, her ass pushed back into the penis of the man behind her. With the next gentle glide of his penis across her crack, it stopped at her anus, getting lodged into the crack. After a moment of hesitation, he pushed forward, his pre-cum and the sweat of her body providing sufficient lubrication for it to penetrate the crack of her virgin ass. Using the back-and-forth rhythm, the dick slowly started entering more and more of her ass, and it felt so good!

Turning her head to the left, she first saw her left hand which was held above her head, then re-focused and saw the reflection of her naked sweat-soaked body in the glass door, then re-focused again and saw the people in the other compartment staring at her with rapt attention. Their eyes were focused on her ass, and she knew they were staring at her ass being penetrated by a penis. The daze that her mind was in lifted, and she suddenly realized what was happening, with sudden and brutal clarity; that she had been stripped naked and was getting ass-fucked in full public view, on a crowded subway train. An emotion took root in the back of her mind and started spreading through her body. The emotion was a combination of abject humiliation at being ravaged like this, unbridled lust caused by the hands and dicks servicing her nubile body, and intense shame at herself for enjoying it so much. The emotion started surging through her body, becoming so strong that it almost felt like physical waves passing through her. She closed her eyes, giving in to the waves, letting them overcome her consciousness. She didn't know it then, but she was experiencing the beginning of a massive orgasm, the likes of which she had never experienced before in her rather limited sex life.

The man in front of her touched her inner thigh and spread her legs apart, while simultaneously bending at his knees a little. Her resistance completely shattered, she let her legs be spread slightly apart. Finally getting the angle right, he entered her, her wet turgid sex offering no resistance whatsoever. With the feeling of a second penis entering her vagina, she climaxed. It was strong and prolonged, the waves of the orgasm ravaging her body.

As her climax subsided, she slowly got used to the feeling of two penises inside her. "So this is what it feels like to have two men inside you. It actually feels nice," a voice in her head said. She was shocked by the calm and matter-of-fact tone of the voice. The orgasm had completely relaxed her body, relieving her of all tension. It had also made her mind calm and composed, so it was now observing and narrating what was happening almost as if it was happening to someone else, while her body enjoyed the hot kinky sex.

She felt the man behind her move his hands down her body. His hands cupped her ass cheeks. He raised her ass a couple of inches higher into the air, creating some space for his penis which was lodged in her ass. He fucked her ass for a minute or two, his penis going in and out, not too rapidly, but as fast as the crowded space and the tightness of her rear hole would allow. Finally, he relaxed his hands on her ass a little, letting her buttocks fall down an inch or two, his penis firmly pushed all the way in. She felt his penis get a little bigger, and then spasm as he came in her ass. She felt the inside of her ass get wetter as he filled it with his cum. After about four or five spasms, his penis lost some of its hardness, and started coming out a little. He grabbed more of her ass with his fingers, pulling it back towards him so that his penis would stay inside her as long as possible. He came and he came and he came, using his hands to position her ass. "Wow, this guy is really going to town. You must have given him what's probably the best sex of his life," the voice said with a hint of pride.

After the man pulled out of her ass, she could feel his sticky cum flow out of her rear hole. He moved his hands, which were cupping her buttocks, towards the crack of her ass, and inserted two fingers in her ass. "That's strange. Why is he fingering your ass after having fucked it?" the voice said. She knew from past experience that guys totally lost interest in a girl's sexual organs just after having had sex. In perfect sync with his hands moving to her asshole, two other hands cuppsed her butt cheeks, holding her in place. The man in front of her, who had his penis up her vagina, was fondling her left breast with his right hand. She saw him take this hand off her breast for a second, and make a "lifting" action with it, as if asking someone to raise something higher. In response, she felt the fingers go deeper in her ass, and hands collectively lift her a little higher in the air. "So that's what he is doing; he is holding you up like a rag doll, so that his buddy up front can finish in your cunt," the voice said, surprising her with the use of the word "cunt" (a word she usually abhorred).

She felt two more fingers fondling her clitoris. She wasn't sure whether they belonged to the man in front of her. But they surely belonged to someone who knew how to pleasure a woman. Stroking and fondling her clit, they sent reams of pleasure up her body. Her first instinct was to close her legs, to deny them access. "Yeah, right. After having every stitch of clothing torn away, getting your ass fucked, and enjoying it, you want to be coy now?" the voice said mockingly. And so, in that moment, she decided to go along and simply enjoy the rest of the ride. She wiggled her ass, so as to settle it on the fingers and hands holding it up, sort-of like getting comfortable in a chair. She straightened her back and held her head high. She spread her legs around the man in front of her, till her thighs were almost parallel to the ground, giving the fingers and dick inside her complete and unobstructed access.


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