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Ben Got His Wish

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A boy, his Aunty, and his mother.

I was stood in my kitchen and absolutely stunned, I was so shocked I could hardly breathe, another reason I was finding it hard to breathe was simple, I had a tongue in my mouth and it was battling away with mine. The shock was so great I was actually kissing him back as he kissed me.

It had happened so suddenly, so unexpectedly that I was motionless, apart from my lips, I realised, which were working against his. And before my senses returned to put an end to this madness, I was thinking how nice a kiss it was. His lips gelled to mine, they fit, like they had been made for each other.

They were at the right temperature? The texture was nice, the very feel of them were just how a kiss should feel I was denoting. And while this was going through my mind, and before I could gather my wits, I was faced with another kind problem too, I felt the hardness from him. This was like a red rag to a bull with me. All my life, having a man get excited because he was kissing me, had in turn made me even more excited.

It was like an experiment, I got kissed, he got excited, he got a hard on, I felt it, I got excited. It was a chain reaction that never ceased to amaze me. His left arm was over my right shoulder and across my back, his right arm was around my waist and back. I was being held and kissed in the classic way that a woman should be kissed, my opinion of course.

My head was tilted slightly up to him, he was a bit taller than me, and my face was turned slightly to one side too. I was being kissed in exactly the right way, for me that is. And I was now feeling his growing erection prodding into me, in exactly the right place, for me again, that is. I knew I was breathing hard though my nose, and he was too.

Now you must understand, that though this had taken only mere seconds to happen, evolve, take place, call it what you will. It might have seemed to an onlooker, though there wasn't one, to have been going on for several minutes. And during those mere seconds, I was being seduced, and looking back, maybe I already had. The surprise, the sheer nicety of the kiss, followed by the obvious erection, caused by me, and my reaction, caused by said hard cock had probably ridden rough shod over any objections now.

I am Katy Thomas, I am in my mid thirties, I know I am very good looking, I can even make myself look beautiful when I want to. I have attracted men all my life and I love it. I wouldn't say I am a flirt, but I do love the attention I get. My husband isn't always too happy, but I say to him. "It doesn't matter, it shouldn't bother you, because you are the guy I go to bed with every night. At least when you aren't away," I added salaciously, and not really necessarily.

I have two school age children, I am five feet eight inches tall, and I love the highest of heels, which easily brings me up to my husband's height, and higher than a lot of his friends, and others we may meet. My face is real nice to look at, and my lips are a magnet I know it. When I meet people, even those I already know, I see them looking at my lips, and I know what they are thinking, "if only!"

They are plump, naturally pouty, the bottom one is full, and the edge is a straight line, and turns down at the corners. The top one arches over it, like cupids bow, they are symmetrical and whether I smile or grimace, they look inviting. My whole body is still in tune with nature's intention for someone like me, I am sexy, I love sex, and anything that connects to it. We have a good sex life, though sometimes I wish I got a little more.

My body is how I want it to be, though I do work out and keep fit, and I can present a man's dirtiest desire with a flick of my ass, a waggle, a deep breath to enhance my ample cleavage, or a dirty knowing smile, a flash of my eyes and or a salacious wink. I suppose some would call me a bitch, or a slut, neither are true, though I do like the idea.

Now, where was I, Oh yes, I was in my kitchen, and being now given a kiss of such excitement, accompanied by a growing dick, poking me where it shouldn't, but I was now beginning to like what it was doing to me. I was still stood stock still, my shock was still encapsulating my mind, and though I was vastly unaware of it, it was too late to stop him seducing me. And that very soon he would be taking my long and proudly held fidelity from my unwitting husband.

What brought my mind into full focus was actually me. I realised blindly that my own left arm had gone over his shoulder. I was clasping him to me in a rush of heated passion. This wasn't unusual for me, because, when I get aroused, I get aroused, if you know what I mean. And even if I wasn't aware of it taking its hold on me, I did know I was 'awake' then! But I also knew where my right hand had gone to too, it went where it got to, the instant he got where his right hand got to, in exactly the same moment.

I finger tip touched the wonderful prodding missile that was hitting all of my unprepared buttons, he was gripping and twisting my nipple and I was up in the air immediately. He huffed and gruffed in my mouth, his hips jerked. This was another signal to me, the intense feeling I get when a man is excited by me and me alone. Now I was past the point of no return, even though I never knew I had approached it.

There is nothing better on the planet, for me anyway, than to touch stroke or grip and hold, and make the iron bar mine. I had only ever held my husband's since we were married, but I had held enough before that to know what I am talking about. I had never been up like this since I married all those years ago. I wondered if somehow it was my turn. I have a couple of friends who have been unfaithful, and it had made no difference to their marriages, I think.

I had been pottering about in my kitchen when he had come in, I wasn't surprised he is always popping round, and he is always a more than welcome guest. I did know that he was hot for me, he had been for donkey's years, his friends are. Their fathers are, I am sounding big headed here aren't I, I am not though, it's just how it is, and I can handle it, or I had thought I could.

Today was proving otherwise, proving I was, or had been lying to myself. I knew for certain where this was going to go, I couldn't wait, all of a sudden I was desperate to get what was now in my hand into my seriously leaking pussy. Now I had passed from being passive to aggressive, I crushed him to me, I felt for his cock and I started backing him up. I was guiding him backwards to my sitting room. The couch in there was definitely big enough for two to do what was now fully occupying my mind.

Hell, I have just realised I haven't told you whom my seducer, soon to be lover is have I? Let me introduce you to Ben, he is my eldest sisters son. He is twenty one, and I love him to bits, always in an Aunty way until a few moments ago. I trust him, I have seen him grow from a baby into the hunk of a man he now is. He is super looking, girls chase him, he is educated, does the sports thing, and is growing, or had grown into a fine young man.

I was minutes, or seconds away from finding out how sexy he was too, and there would be no doubt in my mind of that, I can tell you! He is a couple of inches taller than me, maybe three. He has unruly lovely hair, and he oozes charm and charisma. I think a gaggle of things had hit me all at once, him walking in, up to me, taking me in his arms, unasked, taking me and kissing me.

It had taken me forever to gather my wits, and by then he had turned me on, or I had turned me on, or we both had, whatever. The deed was done. I had been dialled to the highest point in a nana second. I settled on the catalyst being his lips and mouth. I had opened mine in surprised response to him pulling me into his arms I think? His lips had connected at the absolute critical point. They had met completely, fully and were one in the instant, and they had electrified me and fried my brain.

His gripping of my nipple, my 'unintended' finger tip touching of his, tazer gun had set the deal. I was a no hoper now. I was up for grabs and Ben was and had grabbed me. Now it was me taking charge the lead, I drove him into the hallway, the few feet to the room door. Now he knew where he was going he led too from the back.

On the way I single handed undid his pants, there was no pretence at all now. I didn't know if this was his hope or intention to seduce me, and get me, but he had. And I was going to have my fun too, even if it was at his expense, he wasn't getting away. I fully intended to finish what my nephew had started. We were still lip locked, sucking and kissing, I was more excited and turned on than I could ever remember.

I fished him out, and Oh what a marvellous surprise I had. He was nice and big, he was very hard, and his hot flesh almost singed my hand. We fell on the couch and what ensued could only be described as controlled mayhem. We both tried to get each other undressed quicker than a quick change artiste. I gave up, so I forced him on to his back. I yanked his pants down and off. Then I tore mine off, got on top of him. I remember glaring lovingly at him. Then I took a hold of what I was soon to find out, was a magnificent cock, and sank down on it.

It was having a real cool drink on a hot beach, a meal when you are starving, a relief from an aching pain that you can't describe. I sank on with such gratitude it made me almost weep. I heard myself say. "Oh God Ben, that feels so good," then I was lifting myself up, and lowering down. This soon turned into a feeding frenzy on my part. I almost forgot him in my haste to climax, which did not take long I can tell you. I came like a train.

I opened my eyes to find myself with my face in his neck gasping for breath. I had just had the most intense orgasm I can ever remember. Then I felt his cock twitching, and that delicious feeling of cum pumping into me. It flooded me, it was hot, I could feel the luscious creamy thickness, and there was a load of it too, I had another climax on the back of that. I was in sexual heaven, my release had been total. My young nephew had given me the utmost satisfaction, and I would be eternally grateful for it.

I looked at him from my position of dominance, I kissed him, this was our first real kiss, the one we had shared from the start to the joining was seducers kissing. I felt warm inside, happy, connected, joined up, sated. Then I really did come to my senses, I managed, with great difficulty to get off him. His cock seemed to have barbs in it forcing me to stay and enjoy more. I refused, just.

"Ben," I cried softly, "Oh my god what have we done, what have I done. You are my sister's son. Betty, (my sister) will kill me." I got to my feet, Ben promptly pulled me back down in a heap on him.

"Why will she kill you, how will she find out Katy, will you tell her?" He kissed me again and I couldn't say no, it was such a sweet loving kiss and it was my kiss.

"Ben please," I moaned, "we should not have done this, I'm so sorry, please forgive me?" I begged.

"Nothing to forgive Katy, I loved it, and tell me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure you did too." I had, I did, but he is my nephew.

"Oh Ben Ben," I said, "I was, I did, I loved it too, but we shouldn't, I shouldn't."

I never saw him do it, I never even felt him do it, but I was now looking up at him not the other way round. From being on top, then stood up, then in a heap, I was under him. I was wondering how I had got underneath him. When he speared me again, my left leg appeared in my eye line, and the heel of my foot rested on the back of the couch, I definitely knew my right leg was over his and hooked in.

And I knew for certain my arms were around his back and holding on for grim death, because he started to screw me with an intention I hadn't guessed at. "Ben, Oh Ben, Hmmmm," I gasped as the first cannon shot was fired, and Ben shot me right out of the moral sky I had blithely occupied all my married life. Now I knew I was in, he had seduced me, I had seduced myself, I had led him to here, and we were making love now. It wasn't the manic desperate fuck fest it had been. Now I was totally locked in, to him, to it, and me.

I forced kissed him as he rodded me, he branded me like a cattleman branding his mare. I moaned with every inward thrust, and I groaned when he pulled out in readiness for another nuclear shot in me. Ben obliterated me, and without being too dramatic, that's what he did. I had no chance, and no recall. Beauty and the beast, and it was the beauty whom was being devoured, and I was loving every pulsating throbbing moment.

This was the young man in him getting his, doing what he didn't know comes naturally. He went at me like I wasn't there, the person on the outside of a conversation who was listening, but no one took any notice of. And it was monumental, I gave him me, he took me, I went, I came, and then I came again. This was animal fucking, and rutting. And Ben had no real idea he was doing it, or what he was doing to me, his loving Aunt, his mother's younger sister.

I urged him on, I clamped him, I kissed him, I moaned for him, I groaned for him, I told him, "Do it Ben, go for it honey, do me, fuck me, don't stop Ben keep going honey, Oh honey, Oh God yessssss." And Ben, bless him, did just that, he kept it up, and I'm not just talking about his cock up my cunt drilling me a new hole. I'm on about his longevity, his stamina, it was unending, thankfully.

I don't know how many times I shot my own juice, I know the couch was soaked, but her got jerky in his humping of me. I knew it was his time now. "Go on Ben," I said gaspingly, "fill me baby, give me all of your hot cum honey, go darling, Steam me clean," and he did. He had me in a grip that a steel cutter wouldn't have given me freedom. His loins smashed at me when he came. We stayed connected while he filled my tank.

I lay under him in a happy state of paralysis, he kissed me. "Katy," he said, "you are just too much, I have never had a better day in my life, thank you thank you, but I'm sorry too. I don't know what made me do it. I just couldn't stop myself. As soon as I walked in it was like I was someone else. Don't hate me, please?"

I smiled at his sadness, he needed reassurance not condemnation. How could I anyway, after what he had just done to me, and for me. He had made me cum, and given me love that I knew I had not felt for many a long year. It was just what I needed, what the doctor of love would have ordered.

"Ben," I said quietly, "we shouldn't have done it, you shouldn't have. I should not have let you but I did. I could have stopped you, but I didn't want to, I wanted you the instant you kissed me. It was like a light going on in my head, a flash of love and inspiration. I needed what you just gave me, and I needed it more than you or I will ever know."

"Brrr Brrr," I heard vibrating and a muted ringing.

"Its mine," Ben said, "I had better answer it, it'll be mom."

"Oh God," I thought, "my sister is calling my nephew, he is almost as naked, as I am, and he has, or we have, just about blown the back of the couch off screwing me.

He got off me and raided his pants, I got up on unsteady feet and wobbled away picking up my tattered panty's on the way.

"Hi mom," he said gaily, he listened, I watched.

"Yes, I'll be home shortly, you know what Katy is like, yes, sorry," he told her, "yes sorry, Aunty Katy is like," he giggled deliciously. Unbelievably I felt like dropping to my knees and sucking that magnificent weapon he had just barrelled me with.

"Yes I'll tell her mom, love you too, byeeeee." He put the phone away and stepped toward me.

"Whoa there tiger, calm down," I said and put my hand in the centre of his chest. He just kept coming, he pushed me back like I wasn't there, that was until my back hit the wall and bumping my head.

"Ow," I yipped, that was enough for Ben, my arm bent at the elbow, and he got me again, he kissed me and I kissed him back.

"Ben Ben, " I whispered, "we need to talk baby, this is insane, this should not be happening, you know it, and I know it. And as I am the responsible adult here, it as to stop Ben, right?"

He walked right past my protestations and tongued me, I tongued him back, he held me like I had never been held, and I could not say no anymore. My nephew had put the voodoo on me.

"No," he said, "it doesn't have to stop, I don't want it to stop, and neither do you. Don't try and kid me Katy, I know you, and now I know you more. And tomorrow," he told me, as I collapsed in his kiss. "I am going to get to know you more, and I am going to get to know you better too, right?"

I looked up into those eyes and knew I couldn't say no anymore. No matter how insane this was, I did want him more, and again after that. My marriage, my life, was in total disarray, jeopardy, but I knew I wanted him, there was no doubt.

"Yes Ben, I will see you in the morning baby, I'll be waiting for you," there, I had said it. I admitted it, my fidelity, unbidden had been ripped from me by my sister's son, my nephew, whom I had doted on all these years. And Oh God did I want him to rip it from me again. In fact, I wanted him to rip it from me right now.

"Do you fancy a quickie?" I asked, groping his cock to see what it did. I know what it did for me. It jumped in my hand, "Oh sweet Jesus," I thought, I went after it, my whole life depended now on getting him back into me immediately. I pulled him back into the kitchen by it, by the time I got us there I was gagging, and he was growing. I literally threw myself over the table and shouted, (nearly) "Ben, do it honey have meeee."

And he did, this time there was no finesse, I didn't want finesse anyway, I just wanted to be fucked, anyway he wanted to fuck me was fine by me. I gripped the table to keep myself still for him to rip me in two if he wanted to, and I think he did. I moaned and mewled, Ooooh'd and Aaaaah'd as I acme for him again. I didn't know if he came, it was impossible to tell, but I did. That was all that mattered to me, cumming, cumming, and cumming again if possible.

The next thing I knew, he was stroking my hair, and said.

"I love you Katy, I'll see you tomorrow about nine okay?" he bent down and kissed my cheek, and then he was disappearing from view out of my back door. The very door he had come in earlier. Me? I was still laid out over the table, my cum dripping down my legs. I was shattered, and oh boy, was I a well fucked woman, and I felt glorious.

It was a good thing no one came and lnocked on my door and found me laid there like a dead body. I eventually forced myself up, grab a cloth and wiped the puddle off the floor and wiped my legs too. I made my way into the sitting room, and took the cushions off. Turned the fire on to dry the patches of me and Ben, then sprayed them with deodorant.

After that I hobbled my way upstairs to shower, I had to laugh at myself stumbling up, it had been a seriously long time since I had been left in anywhere near this condition after a sex session with anyone in my life. I loved the feel, the soft pain, my tired unused muscles, my insides were sore and wonderful. The memory of Ben's cock was forever printed on the inside walls of my pussy, Ben's pussy, my husband's pussy?

After my shower I tried to take stock of 'what now?' I didn't like it that I had been unfaithful in my marriage. I had had lots of temptations thrown my way over the years, but I had said no, and I meant no too. But now I had been unfaithful, and it was my own nephew, my sister's son I had done it with. And I also knew that tomorrow, I would be unfaithful again, and willingly.

I thought about how he had got me so easily, I had hardly said or done anything to stop him, why? I asked myself. "I'll tell you why Katy," my mind told me. "You let him because you wanted him to seduce you, admit it, go on, admit it, once he was kissing you it was all over, you became available, you slut!" My knees pressed together remembering his cock, I bent over as a reminder ripped through me, I almost came at the thought.


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