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Bent & Broken Ch. 04


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I started to say something, but I decided what I was going to say was too expected, too obvious. So, I took a quick drink and dove down into the water. A few seconds later, I surfaced on the other side of the pool, sat on the bench, and threw my swim trunks on the concrete beside me.

"Did you just...?" she asked.

I nodded and smiled. "Getting all cramped up. Needed space. Plus, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable, Claire. So, I came over here."

She shook her head and took another drink. "You still want us to be together, don't you?"

I nodded and then I lifted my waist up to the surface. My cock rose up and out of the water, dripping and shining. The surface tension of the water, as it rode down the shaft, sent a small wave of pleasure through me.


I laughed and lowered myself back down; the surface tension, again, felt like the ghost of a blowjob.

Claire giggled a little, too. She asked, "So, how do you think it's right that we should fuck?"

"Not just fuck. Be fucking."

She guffawed and said, "Okay. 'Be fucking.' How do you justify it?"

I shrugged. "There's no justifying. There's no need to, in my mind. I want you. You want me." I waded out, treading water, closing the gulf between us.

"Oh, you think I want you?"

I nodded, wading closer. "We're both capable. Our bodies are ready."

She took another sip. "Yours is."

I swam nearer to her. "We find each other extremely sexy."

She watched me. I reached out and grabbed her ankles, and I ran my hands up the smooth skin of her shins and back down.

"We need it. Our bodies are begging us to do it," I said and spread her legs, moving between them. I ran my hands along her thighs and hooked my fingers into the hip straps of her bottoms.

I went on. "Neither of us can forget that time on the couch, when I rubbed every inch of your body with my cock." Here, I dragged it across her thigh, from inside to out, and back again.

Claire sighed. It was not a sigh of exasperation or resignation, but one of pleasure.

I began to slip her bottoms down. "And what we did after," I added. Claire shifted her weight from side to side, and I had her bottoms down to her knees, and then off.

I moved closer, and the front of my cock butted softly into Claire's belly button. My face was just a few inches from hers.

"Your mouth was on me and mine on you," I continued, "The most hidden and secret parts of each other, we tasted." Then I kissed her.

She kissed me back, and I realized that, despite all we had done together, we'd never really kissed before. It was good—wet and soft.

I broke the kiss, and then I pulled her ass to the ledge of the bench, and I sank under the water. I wrapped my arms around her ass and pulled myself to her pussy. It wasn't easy, controlling my breath so as not to inhale or swallow pool water, but I was one motivated young man. I licked it and quickly found her clit, and then I lightly flicked my tongue up underneath it in tiny strokes. I stayed down longer than I thought possible.

When I broke the surface, I tried hard not to take too huge of a gasp. My body fought me for more air.

Claire murmured, "Fuck me, college boy."

I lifted her off the bench. Turning her around, I put her against my body and swam on my back to the shallow end. My hard cock kept her from slipping off. It rode underneath her, between her legs. I felt the slickness there and her warm labia enveloped the top length of the shaft.

When we could both stand, Claire turned to me and put her arms around my neck. I hiked her legs up and we kissed. The water level was right under my balls. Both of us wriggled and squirmed until my cock was in position.

When the tip slid inside, we both stopped and looked at each other.

"Fuck me, Jimmy," she uttered, and there was plaintive eagerness in her voice,

I pushed inside, and as I slid in, I knew it was going to be the best sex I ever had. Her pussy fit my cock better than any other. The bend still pushed hard against the upper surface of her vagina, but not uncomfortably so. And, once I was in a few inches, her pussy seemed to bend up with me—or at least grip the underside of my cock better than I'd ever felt before.

When I felt my little hairs mashed up against her, Claire gasped, "Oh, no. That's beautiful."

Her voice in that moment stirred me. It was so softly spoken, so feminine, and infused with a the most sensual undertones of both satisfaction and hunger. I might not have recognized that voice in another setting. It was how Claire sounded, I supposed, when she'd given herself to a man completely. It was incredibly arousing, that voice.

My hands under her ass, I pulled us apart and brought us together. We were fucking at a plodding, languorous pace.

Soon I realized that, like some other girls I had been with, Claire had two moments of pleasure: first, when I was in all the way. Second, when the tip of my bendy cock, pushing up against the top of her vaginal wall just a few inches inside her, rubbed back and forth. At each of those two positions, Claire signaled her rapture with little gasps.

"It's beautiful, Jimmy," she moaned, and she kissed me hard, shoving her tongue inside my mouth. I didn't want her to stop talking to me with that sexy voice, but the kiss ignited me.

I slapped us together more swiftly and urged my cock deeper inside her, sending little waves coursing across the pool.

Her energy matched mine. She gasped into my mouth, but neither of us broke the kiss.

That kiss, it was something. All of the pleasure Claire wished to express went through her lips and into mine. I felt the vibrations of her groans on my tongue. Spurts of air burst down from her little nose over our lips. Every so often, her satisfaction rose up an octave, and she squealed into me and through me. I felt those in my guts. Soon, I was grunting my response.

Moments later, we came together. Our faces remained locked in the kiss, broadcasting ecstasy inside and through each other. Her robust legs gripped and squeezed my waist. I clenched her ass. The entire core of my body flexed completely, and my cock pulsed inside her.

Claire broke the kiss, tipped her head back and shrieked at the sky as my semen shot into her. I watched the tendons and muscles of her neck undulate.

The release rocked me. Her, too, it seemed. My weeks of thwarted desire and hers of inner conflict and resistance, they exploded from us. I had been feeling like an archer who absolutely had to keep that arrow ready and on target—poised to shoot—for hours on end. Finally, my fingers let the arrow sail. Finally, I heard my target receive the energy of the strike.

Claire's forehead rolled over and settled against my chest. I watched her torso rise and fall as she panted.

My cock, though spent, remained throbbingly hard inside her, and I never wanted to take it out.

"Jimmy," she huffed, "Oh, Jimmy, that was...." She searched for a word, and then she said, "Pure."

I smiled at her. "Pure?"

She nodded. "It was pure and exquisite and beautiful."

We kissed.

I carried her inside the house and put her on the couch in the apartment den. I threw a big comforter on the floor and put her on it. Then, I made out with her.

Fuck, did we kiss. And touch. I should have been drained and disinterested in sex after having cum so hard, but Claire fueled me.

It was like a wrestling match on the floor. She rolled on top of me, popped on her knees and rubbed my chest and stomach. She pulled down and away, pinching and tugging my lower lip a little before letting it go and latching onto one of my nipples. Then, I rolled us on on our sides, resumed kissing her and let my fingertips softly search all over her breasts. On fire from what I was feeling, I climbed over her and sucked on her nipples. But, Claire got impatient. She put me on my back again, and kissed me everywhere, teasing and working around my stiffening cock.

I watched her lips connect with my navel, side, hip, and thigh. She glanced at my cock, and then smiled at me. She dragged her tongue up the shaft, and I groaned. Then, she sat up and scooted forward, straddling me on her knees. Reaching behind her back, she grasped my cock, positioned it against herself, and sat back against it.

"Oh, no, no, no, no," she moaned as I slid back inside her.

She rode me; I was her horse. She was in some kind of zone, staring at me like I was the next eight-foot gate she had to surmount. She sped up, and soon she was fucking at a numbing pace. Beads of perspiration formed on her forehead and her face flushed pink. She didn't say a word; she just panted like a marathon runner, fierce concentration in her eyes.

Glad I had already cum once, I might have only lasted two minutes underneath her if I hadn't. I don't ever think of determination or focus as sexy qualities, but Claire, sweaty and fucking me like an Olympian, was one of the most beautiful and arousing things I'd ever seen.

At some point, I sensed a change. Her body searched for a new angle, and found one by absolutely slamming against me. Her ass audibly slapped against my thighs. She wanted me all the way in, as deep as I could go. I clasped her ass and thrusted in rhythm with her. She nodded at me.

She was so incredibly sexy, and I was not going to be able to stop myself. I gritted my teeth and groaned.

Claire pinched her eyes shut. Perspiration dripped off her face onto mine and then she started calling out my name. At first, she whispered it, and shit, I liked it. Then, she got louder and, somehow, quickened her pace even more.

Every muscle in my body flexed, and my cock felt enormous inside her. She screamed my name, and I came inside her in bursts. The cum was like electricity sparking up through me, and I didn't so much feel like I was filling her body with semen, but with pure energy. Each burst of cum was a transfer of this power from me to her. She took it all, screaming as it sped into her.

Just as my muscles relaxed, her body collapsed on top of mine. I wrapped my arms around her and held us together, feeling the rise and fall of our chests and listening to her whisper my name.

I had a fleeting thought in those minutes as I held her tight against me: this moment was not now, but actually some moment in the future, five years from now, maybe. Claire was my wife, and we were trying for our first baby.

That cannot be.

Then, I wondered if I might find some woman, some replica of Claire back at college next fall or out there in the world someday.

Not possible.

I fantasized for a moment that Claire was my Mom's step-sister, and after a few difficult conversations with Mom, Claire and I had an avenue to be together.

No. They were full blood sisters.

Finally, I considered the very real possibility that I would compare my every future lover to Claire and every future lovemaking session to this one, and find them all wanting.

My cock slipped out of her, and Claire sighed.


Throughout the week, I did my best to push those futile fantasies from my mind and focus on the times we were together. And, shit, were we together that week.

It was an explosion of lust. We fucked everywhere—in the shower, in the den, in her bed, in mine, in the main kitchen, and on the dining room table. The only place we avoided was Mom's bed.

We took each other when we felt like it, and neither of us ever resisted. When I wanted her, she let me; when she wanted me, she got me. Sometimes, there was a great build up to it: dinner together at a restaurant, drinks at home, cuddling, kissing, and then fucking. Other times, it was just a look, a word, or an interesting view of the other that set one of us off, and suddenly we were stripping and screwing.

We even fucked at her stables one night, and she got off quickly. The smells, she said, took her to a higher level.

Most of the time, we fucked, but occasionally she just wanted my tongue, my fingers, or both. She ground on my face or pulled my head between her legs.

A few times, she sucked on me, but when I tried to pry her off so that we could fuck, she grunted, pushing my hands away until my stomach clenched up and she had drawn everything out from me with her mouth.

When we weren't fucking at home or elsewhere, we went for walks in the neighborhood. Or, I would take her to ride Shoshone. We went to the art museum once, and another time, went to the zoo. From Saturday to Friday, we did things together, gave each other our bodies, and recovered by eating and sleeping like kids.

It was, without a doubt, the best week of my life.

On Friday night, as we waited for the sound of the garage door and my Mom's eminent arrival, we sat in recliners in the main family room. The tv was on, but we were talking, talking about our future.

"You know why Guy and I didn't work out? Really, why no boyfriend ever works out for me?" she asked.

I shook my head. "I can't imagine how anyone might not want to do everything possible to make a relationship with you work out, Claire. I would."

"You're sweet, but it never works out, and its because of my riding, my training."

I lifted my chin—a signal to go on.

She did. "Jimmy, when I'm in training, I never go out. I'm practicing jumps, just riding, studying film, working out, and taking care of my horse sixteen, eighteen hours a day, every day. And, I'm in training almost year round. On a given night, I might have a half hour or an hour to relax after I come home and before I crash."

"That's some serious commitment, Claire."

"I'm going to be a champion, Jimmy. If anything, this accident—what happened to me—has been a blessing. I've never been more motivated. And I know there are things in competition that I can't control. Luck plays a role. But, everything that I can control, I'll do it perfectly. If I'm not a champion, it won't be because I haven't earned it. It won't be because I don't deserve it."

"You'll be a champion."

"Thank you, Jimmy. But, do you see what I mean? About boyfriends?"

"I do."

"When I can start riding again for real, jumping—what, in about three weeks?—I know I can't be ready for this year's Nationals, but next spring begins the ramp up to the Olympic trials and then it's the Olympics."

"But, the Olympics are two years away."

She nodded. "And there will be three major competitions and a few smaller ones—important ones—leading up to trials."

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"I'm saying in three weeks, I go back to full time training, and I can't have any boyfriend to be worrying about."

I nodded. "Right."

"Jimmy, you're not my boyfriend—never will be."


She went on. "And I already know I don't have to worry about you."

I looked up at her, confused.

She was smiling. "Don't you see, Jimmy?"

I shook my head.

"What I'm saying is: you're the perfect guy for me for the next few years."

I said, "So, we're...what?"

"Just lovers. And pretty soon, I'll get my own place."

"And while I'm at school?" I asked.

"You know I won't have a boyfriend, and I don't care if you have a girlfriend, just as long as when you're home, you're with me, Jimmy."

"And when the Olympics are over?" I asked.

"When I get back from Tokyo, I'll have some thinking to do about the future. We'll decide then."

I pondered her proposal, imagining how amazing it would be to have Claire for the next two years or so.

She mistook my expression for some kind of internal debate. She said, "Please, Jimmy. Can we?"

"Huh? Yes, Claire. Yes, I want to be with you as much as we can. Yes."


"Right. Yes," I said, definitively.

She smiled, and there was a playful deviousness in her eyes when she said, "Tilt that recliner, all the way back."

I raised my eyebrows for a moment, and then pulled the handle on the side of the chair. The footrest kicked out and I leaned back to horizontal. Claire sashayed over to me and pulled my shorts down.

"Claire! My Mom will be here, like, any minute."

"Then, I guess," she said, climbing over me and putting her ass in my face, "I'd better suck this cock really, really well."

I was limp when her mouth completely engulfed me, her lips nestled in my little hairs. She hadn't taken off the purple yoga pants she was wearing. I looked at the perfect curvature of her legs and ass. My mouth watered at the sight of that flat stretch of space between her legs and beneath the little hills of her cheeks.

Then, I felt the suction and the massaging motion of her tongue. I felt the sultry wetness of her mouth, and my cock grew inside.

I had no sense of how full I was becoming, how hard and long, but Claire remained latched to the base. I groaned.

Despite the intensity of the pleasure, I was also keenly attuned to every sound I heard. If that garage door opened...

The tip of my cock pushed up against the back of her throat; Claire gagged and drew back.

"How much time, Jimmy, after we hear the garage door opening?"

"Wha—oh. Say, a minute? Just under."

She took the shaft back in her mouth, and I could see her head down the length of her back, bobbing. She moaned into my cock, and I gasped at the sensation.

She pulled off and whispered, "I want your cum, Jimmy. Please give me your cum. Please let me suck it out of you, baby."

That voice. Oh, shit. Her head began moving up and down again. My eyes had been pinched shut, and when I opened them, I was clutching her ass.

Her mouth—the sensation—it filled my body with fire. It wasn't blood coursing through me anymore, but fuel, and it was burning.

"Oh, shit, Claire," I uttered.

She moaned her response into my cock.

"Take me deep, babe."

She did, and the fuel that burned in me just exploded. I gasped as her soft lips nursed me, suckled me, and swallowed me.

The garage door opened as Claire drew up the last of my orgasm.

"That's her," I grunted, but Claire didn't seem to care. She kissed the tip of my cock and took me deep again, moaning all the way down. I gasped, "Oh, shit."

The garage door began to close, and Claire was still bobbing on the shaft.

I heard her car door open, and then close.

Claire let me slip out and nonchalantly climbed off me as I raced to pull up my pants and threw my shirt over my still jutting erection.

The entryway door opened, and I heard Mom's footsteps in the hall.

I released the handle and sat up in the chair. Claire sat back down in hers, looked at me and winked.

"Hey, guys!" Mom said from the kitchen, looking in on us.

"Welcome back, Beth!" Claire said.

"Hi, Mom," I added.

Claire engaged Mom in small talk—the flight, the case. I relaxed in the chair, feeling my erection ebb, but enjoying a kind of full-body buzz from Claire's incredible blowjob.

I thought about the future—the two years I had coming with her.

Mom went upstairs to change, and Claire stood up from the chair and walked over to me. She leaned close and whispered, "Tonight. When she's asleep. Any way you want me, college boy." Then, she turned and walked away. I watched her body move and began to imagine.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

anti-climax. Anti-everything, or is that Ati-all?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


Thanks for sharing ;-)

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77over 3 years ago

Sorry to see it end. Good characters - genuine emotions - would love to see a new chapter 5 years later, post-Olympics.

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