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Bewitching the Vampires' Victim

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Jessica didn't need a spell to take his heart.
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CONVERSATIONS WITH A MAGE parallels the CARTER BROTHERS series. Pat DeVallera has retired from the New Orleans Police Department and convinced Lucius Carter and Lucius' wife Astrid to tell him the truth about the magic and supernatural events that surrounded the Carters in the Twentieth Century. This story precedes VAMPIRES' VICTIM DISAPPEARS. Chapter numbers for these three vignettes are as yet unspecified.

Note: "T'auntee" is a term of affection commonly used by bilingual New Orleans residents for a "little" or "young" aunt.


DeVallera's desire for knowledge was probably what kept the old man alive and no question had ever plagued him like the disappearance of Philippe Trufont or the diary Trufont left behind.

"I didn't know you existed until after Philippe Trufont disappeared" DeVallera told his host. "Just what was your connection to him?"

Lucius was as inscrutable as always but his answer was plain. "Philippe is the father of my great-granddaughter. If it hadn't been for me he probably never would have known 'Moon, my granddaughter.

"''Moon?'" Pat asked.

"Jessica Bloodmoon Aberdeen" Lucius replied. "She was named for her paternal grandmother, Bloodmoon Aberdeen, the wife of the good friend I mentioned, John Aberdeen."

* * * * *

Philippe was having difficulty concentrating on the project. His girlfriend Katie had relapsed, not just back to the damaged girl who stumbled out of the Carter brothers' lair but to a point of loosing contact with reality. With the trial coming up this made him the star witness for the prosecution, but that wasn't as big a problem as the loss of Katie and her family in his life.

He kept telling himself he could work himself into fatigue to avoid the nightmares that had reclaimed Katie, so he exerted more than his normal energy on the sandpaper he used to strip the ancient armoire that he was restoring to its original 1790 finish, stripping off the Twentieth Century as he wished to strip himself of pain.

How much more can I lose? he thought. My mom, Dad, now Katie, I just don't know how much more I can take.

His misery was interrupted by the jingle of the bell on the front door. A normal man might have been pulled back to reality by the possibility of a customer and the opportunity for profitable work. Philippe's life, at least since his abduction by the vampires, could hardly be called "normal" anymore. Still, he looked up slowly to see who had entered.

Her feet were shod in dull black high top shoes, her chubby calves covered in light grey stockings. The knee length black skirt exaggerated her curves by drawing attention to the extra pounds on her hips and waist where it met the white ruffled blouse under a too-wide black leather belt. A vest that matched the skirt called attention to the fullness of her breasts though extra attention was totally unnecessary. A black shoulder bag and the French cuffs of the blouse completed her attire.

He guessed she wasn't much older than his sweetheart, Katy. Her round face was framed by dark brown hair accented with purple. Philippe thought at first the hair was cut in a "page boy" style, then realized it also had aspects of a "punk." Big brown eyes, freckled cheeks and a little pug nose seemed to fit remarkably well with the light smile that barely revealed little white teeth under puffy but inviting lips that were painted slightly less purple than her hair.

"Hi!" she said through the smile. "You Mr. Trufont?"

It had been a long time since anyone but a police officer had called Philippe "Mr. Trufont."

"Yeah," he managed, still staring at the happy woman in the goth clothing. In a few seconds it registered on his brain that she had a package wrapped in brown paper under her arm, so he mumbled "How... can... I... help..."

"My Aunt Astrid said she called you yesterday about restoring this" she chirped, swinging the package in front of her and beginning to unwrap it.

Philippe reached out to take the package but she didn't let go of it. They awkwardly held it between them as she turned the paper over it. Philippe began to smile in spite of himself. She giggled at his awkwardness as she removed the paper to reveal an ornate antique mirror in a tarnished silver frame.

"Gosh," he said. "This must be..."

"About three hundred years old" she completed. "T'auntee Astrid thinks it's 'priceless.'"

"Not many young women use the word 't'auntee' to describe an aunt these days," Philippe said. "Is your family French?"

The girl giggled again. "T'auntee says we're American gumbo. She's an aunt by marriage. Oh, I'm sorry! I'm Jessica, but my friends call me ' 'Moon.' "

"Why do they call you 'Moon?'?" Philippe had almost forgotten that they were still holding the antique.

"Let's put the mirror down and I'll tell you" she giggled. Her mood had becoming infectious, and thoughts of Katy were slipping from Philippe's tired brain.

A half hour later she was perched on a stool next to his coffee maker, still smiling and explaining that Astrid Hamilton was the youngest sister of her step-father, and her favorite relative who had helped raise her and taken her on exciting vacations all over the country. If the setting sun had not cast a shadow over their paper coffee cups she might have gone on fascinating Philippe all night.

"Oh my!" she said looking at her watch. "I didn't mean to keep you from your work!"

She hopped off the stool as he pushed himself out of the swivel chair.

"Not a problem" he said then added "Actually, I... can I take you to dinner?"

Her smile was broader as she replied "T'auntee says I shouldn't accept dates from men I've just met. Since we just met today, maybe... tomorrow?"

"Great! You said you're staying with Ms Hamilton on Esplanade?"

"Yeah, the address she gave you" 'Moon said. "Pick me up about six." She seemed to dance out the door, turning to smile over her shoulder as she closed it behind her.

Philippe blinked twice to bring himself back to the workshop. The dying sun cast orange rays that caught Ms Hamilton's mirror at the perfect angle to bounce off of it onto the antique cheval mirror behind it and catch Philippe's eye. He turned to look at the new project more closely.


Philippe looked around to see if there was someone else in the shop. There was no one.


He turned again, this time looking at the large mirror. The image of a man in grey looked back at him from where his own reflection should have been. I must be dreaming he told himself.

"Hello Philippe" said the image. "Listen carefully. What I have to tell you is very complicated."

* * * * *


"'Sounds like Death has been your constant companion, Lu," said Pat.

The mage didn't respond. Astrid broke the silence "Loss upon loss, and even though Jessica and Annie are alive we don't dare see them."

"But... Desmond's been dead for years..." Pat puzzled.

"There are others," said Lu, "worse that Desmond who want Annie. Think about it. Her father and grandmother were tainted by vampires. On the other hand they were touched by true love, self-sacrificing love. To have control over such magic gives great power and is highly prized. Stephen did a good job protecting Jessica until she came of age. That's when Astrid took over for him."

"Stephen is my older brother" said Astrid. "He was Johnny Aberdeen's best man when John married Hannah and I was their flower girl."

"An exceptionally cute flower girl" Lucius added. "I've seen the wedding photos."

Astrid blinked and continued. "Stephen was at Johnny's bedside when he died. Johnny made him promise to take care of Hannah and Jessica, so a year later Stephen married Hannah and Jessica became my first niece."

"Sometimes" said Lu, "I think more families should have single adult daughters just to help their older siblings raise girls. Hannah did a wonderful job on Jessica but Astrid brought out the personality we know as "'Moon."

"Are Stephen and Hannah still alive?" Pat asked.

"Hannah died of breast cancer. Stephen is doing well. The children they had together live near him, and we visit when we think it's safe" said Lu.

"So 'Moon had little brothers and sisters... any mages and priestesses in that branch of the family?" Pat questioned.

"No, Stephen and Hannah abandoned the old ways. They raised their children in an evangelical church. Only Jess chose our path."

"Can you elaborate on your... path?" asked Pat. "Remember, I was raised a good Catholic, went to parochial school, Confirmation, everything."

"It might surprise you; Pat, but Astrid and I are believers, too. We figured out that Yeshua ben Joseph, alias Jesus of Nazareth, was the God-Man., God and King and Sacrificial Lamb all at once. Our people serve Him as long as we live."

Pat looked at Lucius then at Astrid, both of whom could stare down a grizzly bear. "I'm still puzzled" he said.

"I told you, it's difficult to understand. The long and short of it is that while we are Christians we are at the disposal of leaders of other sects to do things that would embarrass the hell out of Rabbis and bishops."

"Like killing dishonest priests and drug addicted whores?" said Pat. "And that's the world Jessica chose to live in?"

"Yes" said Astrid. "She trusted me and I never led her wrong."

* * * * *

Jessica "'Moon" Aberdeen trusted Astrid Hamilton. That was an understatement. Jessica obeyed without hesitating when Astrid told her to take off her robe and lie down.

'Moon lay naked across Astrid's queen sized bed, a pillow under her chin and arms, as Astrid swabbed the pale skin of 'Moon's back with disinfectant.

"So how was your first date with Philippe?" Astrid asked as she slipped on the latex gloves. "All you said last night was 'Fine!' before you butterflied your way to bed."

'Moon put her cheek down on the pillow to answer over her shoulder. "T'auntee, do you believe in love at first sight?"

"That wasn't the answer I expected, but yes, I believe you can FALL IN LOVE at the first sight. Did you?"

'Moon licked her lips. "I felt something I never felt before. I wanna get to know him better: So much hurt, but such a strong will in a good man. I hope he's my soul mate."

"He certainly is a nice man. Very strong will, too. He needed it to survive." Astrid had picked up the needle and begun pricking the girl's lily-white skin with henna ink in a free-hand design. It would be about the middle of her back, below Astrid's earlier works. Every design called on some magic to protect the wearer. Stars of David alternated with thunderbirds and Celtic crosses across Jessica's shoulders. T'auntee Astrid had left no stone unturned in the effort to protect her niece.

"Where did you find this design, T'auntee?" said the younger woman. "And what will it do?"

"I found it in your Grandmother's diary. She got it from the Scottish relatives who married into the McLoud Clan. Her notes say it calls attention from fairies and allows you to receive their help. Yasmine sure could have used help against Aaron and Phinneas. So can Philippe during the trial."

"I'll learn to call on the fairies, then" said 'Moon. "Can you teach me the ritual?"

"I'm still learning it myself, baby," said Astrid, putting down the needle and dabbing the blood from the new design. She leaned down to lightly kiss her niece's cheek. "But we'll learn it together before Philippe has to testify."

Jessica had received Astrid's kisses since she was a toddler and never felt the least bit uncomfortable about it. It wasn't like being kissed by a man, even by Daddy Stephen. What ever was coming, she had no doubt that Astrid Hamilton and Jessica Aberdeen would handle the situation with grace and wisdom... and magic.

"Roll over, Baby," said Astrid. "I have a couple of charms that have to go on your tummy."

"T'auntee," 'Moon asked as she sat up and turned, "What about Philippe? Will he like seeing the tat's on the front?"

"Oh, sweetheart," said her aunt, "These are especially for Philippe."

Jessica lay on her back and Astrid proceeded to clean the area over each ovary and tattoo the Egyptian symbol for "life" into her niece's skin.

"All done" she said, stroking Jessica's hair. "Hop up and look in the mirror."

'Moon stood and admired the ankhs. Astrid picked up her hand mirror and held it so 'Moon could see the McLoud symbol on her back.

"You say they're for Philippe?" 'Moon wondered.

"They're for 'life-magic,' like Bly used to send Lucius into the mirror. If Philippe truly loves you, you can open portals that even Bly didn't know about."

"Did she have ankhs, too?"

"No," said Astrid, "but her Lakota magic was strong enough to save Lucius and John that night."

She picked up Jessica's robe and held it behind the girl. "You feel like some more lessons, or not?"

Jessica slipped into the robe. "Philippe is picking me up at six," she chirped. "We have time. Tell me about the fairies."

* * * * *


"Fairy magic," said Pat. "Magic certainly explains what Philippe did on the witness stand."

Lucius smiled. "The real magic," he said, "was what she did with his heart. No charms, no spells; Just love. She finally seduced him after a party."

* * * * *

Philippe and 'Moon saw each other every night for a week before he woke to find himself in a strange bed with a headache the size of the Superdome. The sheets were too soft to be his own and birds were singing outside an open window.

He opened his eyes to see a room decorated in Hello-Kitty-meets-Dracula's-castle. Bed curtains of fine netting surrounded him, draped over the antique teaster bed. Directly in his line of sight was a smiling 'Moon, wearing only his back T-shirt. It was long enough to cover her to the middle of her thighs but stretched tightly across her breasts. She held a glass of tomato juice.

"Morning, sweetheart!" she chirped, parting the curtains with her other hand and sitting on the bed to hold the glass to his lips. Philippe sipped the juice slowly, still not quite sure how to deal with the situation.

"I... seem to... remember... you...riding..."

'Moon giggled. "Full cowgirl! And you here a good horsy, I didn't even have to use the whip! Wha's'a'matter, 'Seabiscuit?' Don't you like sex?"

"I... I just wish I remembered it better."

'Moon set the glass on the night stand then climbed over him. He caught a glimpse of her pubic area as she straddled him, confirming that his shirt was her only clothing, but she wasn't mounting him. She crawled under the covers and curled around him, pushing him onto his side. Her breasts and tummy pressed against his back and her arm curled around his ribs. Her breath warmed the back of his neck as she whispered "There'll be plenty of memories. T'auntee is out of town all week and we have this apartment and yours to ourselves."

He started to speak but her fingers came up under his arm to touch his lips. "Just go back to sleep now, sweetie" she whispered, then took her hand away. "I'll keep the bad dreams away."

He decided she was right and closed his eyes. He wondered if he had been talking in his sleep or if she had some other way to know about his nightmares, but before he could make his lips ask, sleep overtook him again.

* * * * *

"Actually," said Astrid, "I was gone for over a month. When I got back Philippe was gone, 'Moon was pregnant and Lucius was here,"

DeVallera shifted uneasily in his seat. "I read Trufont's diary. He never mentioned 'Moon, or you" he looked at Lucius, "but he was extremely detailed about how he killed the six women."

Lucius, composed as always, dead panned his answer. "I blocked him from mentioning 'Moon. The dreams had weakened his mind, but not his will, so when he wrote I placed a suggestion in his brain that 'Moon wasn't important. I wasn't sure it worked until today, since I never got to see the diary. You just confirmed my best hope."

"And you still feel the need to hide her?" asked Pat.

"I knew that once she was pregnant with Philippe's child Alex Desmond would be interested. So would the police, since Philippe had to disappear. I hoped to spare her from the things I knew would come, but I was only partially successful. The Desmond gang learned of her existence anyway."

"So where did you hide Philippe?"

"I didn't exactly 'hide' him. I allowed him to take my place in the mirror world."

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