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Big Bang Theory Season 01 Ep. 02

Story Info
Penny plays with Leonard & Sheldon takes her too.
6.3k words

Part 2 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Author's note: After numerous votes by you the readers, it was evident you wanted this format. I had a good number for me to do more of the old series and I submitted one a day before I submitted this one. I have one or two more to complete that series and them I will concentrate on this series. Thank you all for your support and votes. Hope you enjoy these stories as much as I enjoy writing them.


Storyline reset:

Leonard, Sheldon, Howard & Raj are eating Thai food and there's a knock on the door. Leonard opens it and its Penny. She just got off work and asks Leonard to do her a favor.

"I'm having some furniture delivered tomorrow and I may not be here, so if it gets here and I'm not here, could you sign for it and put it in my apartment?"

"Sure I'd be glad to."

"Great, here's my key, talk to you later!"

Leonard stops her; "Hey Penny, if you're not busy, would you like to join us for Thai food and a Superman marathon?"

"A Superman marathon huh, how many are there?"

Sheldon steps forward; "You're kidding right?"

The four guys began arguing about Superman and forget all about Penny being there.

She turns to leave; "I'm just going to wash up!"

They don't hear her and continue to argue. Sheldon goes to open the door, he turns to Leonard; "We're locked out."

Raj turns to the other three; "Also the pretty girl left!"

The following day Leonard is in lobby, he signs for the large box and turns to the delivery man; "The apartment is on the fourth floor and the elevator is broken." Before he can say anything else, the guy is gone.

Leonard and Sheldon struggle to get the box into Penny's apartment and when they get it there Sheldon is amazed on what a mess her apartment is in.

Leonard looks around; "So Penny's a little Messy."

'No Leonard, this isn't messy, this is chaos!" He turns and looks at the sofa; "Excuse me; please explain where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid? I'm just inferring this is a couch because the evidence suggests the coffee table's having a tiny garage sale."

Leonard scoffs at Sheldon; "Did it occur to you that not everyone had the same compulsive need to sort, organize and label the entire world around them?"

Sheldon continues to look around and shakes his head; "No!"

"Come on, we should do."

"Hang on."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm straightening up."

"Sheldon, this is not your home."

"This is not anyone's home. This is a swirling vortex of entropy."

Just then Penny came home; "Hey guys."

Leonard turned around, startled; "Oh, hey, Penny. This just arrived, brought it up, just now."

"Great, was it hard getting it up the stairs?"


Sheldon looked at Leonard; "No?"

"No! We'll get out of your hair!"

"Great, thank you again." Without looking she throws her jacket towards the couch.

As Sheldon is leaving he tells her; "Penny? I just wanted you to know that you don't have to live like this. I'm here for you."

She leans over and looks at Leonard; "What's he talking about?"

Leonard thinks fast; "It's a joke."

"I don't get it?"

"Yeah, he didn't tell it right!" He grabs Sheldon by the arm and pulls him out of the apartment.

Later that night Leonard is sleeping and he hears a ruckus outside. He crawls out of bed in only his t-shirt and boxers and goes to see what's happening. He finds his apartment door open, along with Penny's, it's open too. He panics and rushes over and finds Sheldon has let himself into her apartment and is going about, straightening and folding and organizing her apartment. Her bedroom door is wide open and Leonard can see her in there sleeping.

He can't help himself seeing her in there in only a tight white tank-top. He slowly walks into her bedroom and stared down at her. He can't help but notice how her large aeroules and nipples poke against the tight material. Without even thinking, he begins to stroke his cock. He frees it from his boxers and as a tiny dollop oozed out of his thick cock, he leans over and swipes his cockhead back and forth across her parched lips.

Penny lets out a tiny moan and her tongue slips out and licks her lips and at the same time runs along the tip of his cock. He pushed forward slightly and her lips part and he now had the entire head on his cock in her mouth. He doesn't dare go any deeper, afraid he might wake her. He's astonished as her tongue gently rolls around the head and she moans once again. She turns slightly in her sleep and the covers fall to the floor and beneath the tank-top, she's completely naked. He knows if she wakes, he may be spending the next twenty years in jail, but he can't help himself.

Leonard leans over and as her legs part, he's now staring at her completely bare pussy, not a single hair covers her pussy. He inhales her sweetness and his tongue slips out and he takes just one tiny lick, from the bottom, right up to her hooded clit. He desperately wants to uncover it and suck on it, but he suddenly realized what he's doing. He pulls back and stuffs his cock back in his boxers and takes one last look at those amazing tits. Oh how he wants to uncover them and suck on those luscious mounds of flesh.

He gently places the covers back over her body and closes the door. He sees Sheldon is nearly done cleaning her apartment and he knows when she wakes, she's going to go ballistic.

In the morning Sheldon is all bubbly from cleaning Penny's apartment and having a peaceful sleep.

Leonard is already out in the kitchen in his robe and with a cup of coffee. He didn't sleep well, just knowing Penny's reaction when she wakes and also all he could think about all night was her luscious body.

Sheldon and Leonard argue back and forth about how wrong it was breaking into Penny's apartment to clean."

Leonard is on the couch, worried about her reaction.

All of a sudden a loud scream comes from the apartment across the way, it was Penny; "Son of a bitch!"

Leonard toasts Sheldon with his coffee cup; "Penny's up!"

She continues to yell out; "You sick, geeky bastards!"

He looks at Sheldon; "How did she know it was us?"

Sheldon shakes his head; "I may have left a suggested organizational schematic for her bedroom closet.'

She yells again from outside the apartment; "Leonard!"

He stands up; "This is going to be bad!"

She comes bursting into their apartment dressed in the same tank-top, but has a tiny pair of shorts on, and a wide opened robe; "You came into my apartment while I was sleeping?"

Leonard put his hands up; "Yes, but only to clean."

Sheldon chimed in; "Really more to organize, you're not actually dirty, per se."

She went crazy; "Give me back my key. Do you understand how creepy this is?

Leonard nodded; "We're really, really sorry and yes, we discussed it at length last night."

"In my apartment? While I was sleeping?" She was furious; she turned to leave and yelled out; "GOD!"

Leonard stopped in front of her; "Look Penny, I think what you're feeling is valid and maybe later today when you're feeling less, for lack of a better word, violated, maybe we can talk about this."

She gritted her teeth; "Stay away from me!"

"Sure, that's another way to go!"

Sheldon stopped her; "Penny, Penny hold on, just to clarify because there WILL be a discussion when you leave. Is your objection solely to our presence in the apartment while you were sleeping or do you also object to the imposition of a new organizational paradigm?"

She just stood there fuming, her mouth open in awe. She slowly turned and returned to her place, slamming the door behind her.

Sheldon turns to Leonard; "Well that was a little non-responsive."

Leonard turns and blurts out; "You have to go over there immediately and apologize. "

Sheldon scoffs at him and then realized he's not kidding; "My lord Leonard, you're all over the place this morning aren't you?"

Sheldon goes over there and knocks on her door and Penny opens it and stands there in a confrontational stance and blurts out; "What?"

"I'm truly sorry for what happened last night. I take full responsibility. I hope that it won't color your opinion of Leonard who is not only a wonderful guy, but also, I hear; a gentle and thorough lover."

Leonard who is in his apartment hears this, he is mortified and falls to the arm of the sofa and buries his head in his hands.

Penny on the other hand is blown away by such a statement, her jaw drops, she shakes her head in disbelief and turns and closes the door without a response.

Sheldon walks back into the apartment and stands before a somber Leonard; "I did what I could!"

Penny goes and pulls out a cup and pours herself a cup of coffee. While sipping on it, she realizes she has a familiar taste on her lips. She licks them again before taking a sip of her coffee. She puts her cup down and sits back on her clean sofa and begins to think; "Could it be, I thought I was having an erotic dream last night, but the taste on her lips was definitely one she had tasted before. Licking them again, she suddenly stopped and knew what it was. Her dream wasn't really a dream; it had to have been either Leonard or Sheldon. It had to have been Leonard; Sheldon was too busy cleaning to really care. She remembered someone lightly licking her pussy and then it went away, it left her wanting it had to be him. She sat back and decided to really make him pay for what he did and make him suffer. She was going to love this and at the same time finish what was started last night in her bedroom.

She went into her bedroom and removed her shorts. She tied her robe securely and went back into the living room and turned her one sofa chair to face her sofa. She sat back on the sofa and yelled out; "OH MY GOD, YOU BASTARD LEONARD, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!

Her door flung open and Leonard stood there, his robe wide open and still only dressed in his t-shirt and boxers. He had the look of extreme distress on his face; "Penny, what is it? What's wrong?"

She put an angry look on her pretty face and she let out a disgusted chuckle; "Ohhhh you know what's the matter, you pervert? I just realized when I went to get a cup of coffee and licked my lips. You pervert, she put your cock in my mouth last night when I was sleeping, didn't you?"

He flopped down on the chair opposite her and looked down at his hands; "Whhhhhat? I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Don't give me that, I know what cum tastes like and this on my lips is not coffee creamer, now you better fess-up or I'm calling the authorities!"

He took a deep breath and nodded; "Okay, yes it was me. I'm so, so sorry and I promise never, ever to bother you again!"

He got up to leave and she yelled out; "Sit your sorry ass down and don't move!"

He immediately dropped down to the chair and stared at her with a look of shock on his face.

"How could you Leonard, I thought you were different from the guys I normally go out with and then you go and do this? I want you to tell me exactly what you did last night!"

"Ah well a little after two in the morning I woke up to the sound of doors opening. I got up and saw Sheldon had left our door open and was in your apartment. I went over and tried to get him to leave, but he was bound and determined to get your place in order. You have to agree, he did one hellava job. Well I was going to leave, but he told me I had to help. I was straightening near your bedroom and looked in and saw you sleeping. I can't make any excuses, but when I saw you, I was compelled to go in and just watch you sleep. You looked like an angel, a sexy angel, but an angel never the less!"

"Don't try and make me feel sorry for you, but thanks, that was nice...go on!"

"While I stood over you I saw your lips part and you licked you lips. I don't know, but something triggered in my brain, I just had to. I reached down and began stroking my penis. It slipped out of my boxers and before I knew what I was doing, I was running it along your lips. I looked down at your breast and saw your nipples had stiffened I wanted nothing more than to lock on those gorgeous breasts of yours. Your body shifted and the sheet fell away and I was staring at your naked and bare vagina. It was like I was in a trance, I had to taste you. I gave you one tiny lick and when you moaned, I got scared, I put the sheet back over your body, closed your bedroom door and left. Once again, I'm truly sorry and will never bother you again!"

Leonard got up to leave and once again she yelled out; "God damn it, sit you ass down! I don't condone what you did, but I understand how your libido can get away from you. Hmmm, I never used that word before; I must be getting these words from being around you and Sheldon. Never mind that, but what I'm going to do now is to get even with you, take care of my frustrations and at the same time take any doubts about me that you have in that geeky brain of yours. You better do exactly what I say or I just may still call the police, got it?"

He nodded; "Yes Penny, I'll do whatever you say, again I'm sorry and it will never happen again!"

She giggled; "Stop apologizing, okay here is what I want you to do." She placed her bare feet on the sofa, her heels were on the edge, she slowly parted her thighs and her pussy was already moist. Just thinking about doing this, made her hot. Her robe parted and she shrugged her shoulders and it fell from her shoulders. She sat there, legs spread, dressed in only her tank-top, her nipples had stiffened and were poking through the thin material.

She licked her lips and stared at him with those dark green eyes, she tossed her light blonde hair over her shoulder. "I want you to slip out of those boxers. I want you to sit there and slowly stroke your cock for me. Yes I call it a cock and not a penis. I'm going to sit over her and play with my pussy. I want you to watch what I'm doing and you are, under no circumstances to stand, come over her or touch me. That will be your punishment. I'm going to strip off my shirt and you can stare at me to your heart's content. I'm going to make myself cum and I want you to cum. You're not leaving here until we both do, do you understand?"

He licked his lips and nodded.

"Alright already, why haven't you begun?" She spread her legs and slowly began petting her pussy. She slid her fingers up and down her slit and her digits were wet in seconds. She slid it upwards and finding her clit, she unhooded the stiffened button. Her eyes started to glass over, she bit down on her lower lip and as she let out a tiny moan, she locked eyes on Leonard.

Leonard couldn't do anything but look at what Penny was doing. He licked his palm and gripping his cock, he started stroking it slowly. He squeezed it and slid his boxers off. He used one hand to cup his swollen nut sack. His mouth was open and he was breathing heavily through his mouth. He was close to cumming already, but didn't want her to stop, so he slowed his stroking. He couldn't believe when she reached down and with her free hand quickly jerked her tank-top up and over her head. His eyes bugged out as he watched her large, heavy breasts come into view. They swayed and jiggled and his mouth began to water.

Penny smiled when she saw the reaction from Leonard when he first caught sight of her tits. She used her biceps to push her tits together. She now had two fingers sliding in and out of her oozing pussy. They were glistening in the light that flowed through her window. When she pulled them out, she raised them to her lips and licked them; "Mmmmm Leonard, I know why you had to taste me, I'm so sweet and I just love how slippery my juices are." She dipped them back in and picked up the pace. Her pussy was making a squishy sound as she pumped her fingers in and out. Her juices were running out of her cunt and ran down between her cheeks. It gathered around her puckered hole. Penny used her other hand, she dipped it into her wet well and raised it to her stiff, puckered nipples. She covered them in her juice. She twisted them and tugged on them so hard, her tit rose and she let out a loud groan when she released the turgid peak and watched it swayed back in place. She locked in on Leonard's cock and moaned out; "Faster Leonard, squeeze your cock harder and stroke it faster. I want to see you shoot your hot cum all over your belly. Faster, faster, stroke it faster!"

Leonard was beyond excited as his eyes darted from her tits, back to her pussy and to her face. He loved how her face was contorted in lust. He knew she was close to cumming, so was he. He needed to wait and see her cum, but when he heard her urging him on with such nasty talk, he lost it. He felt his cock spasm and he stroked it faster. He bent his cock upward and suddenly his hot, creamy cum started shooting out of his cock. It shot over a foot in the air and landed on his heaving belly. Spurt after creamy spurt flew out of his cock and landed on his belly. He was totally spent, falling back to the chair, he kept watching her and when he heard her let out a loud gurgling growl, he knew she was cumming too.

Penny bucked and jammed her fingers deep into her pussy. Her heavy tits swayed and bounced upon her chest as she started cumming. Her head rolled back and after seeing Leonard's cock swell and begin to shoot his hot cum all over his belly, she lost it. She felt her pussy contract and close around her fingers. She loved this feeling and shoved her fingers in as deep as she could, she held it there and let her pussy clutch at her fingers. After a few minutes, she drew her fingers from her cunt. The sticky cream webbed on her fingers and she groaned when she looked at it. She parted and closed her fingers and loved how that looked. She couldn't sit there any longer.

Penny slipped off the couch and on her knees she crawled over to Leonard. She wormed her way between his legs and hovered over his twitching cock. She kept her promise and avoided his cock. Leaning over him, her long, shiny and silky hair swayed over his thighs and cock. Her lips came in contact with his belly and her tongue flicked out and she began lapping up the cum he shot all over his belly. At the same time, she planted her goo covered fingers at his parted lips. She ran them around and she let out a low grunt when he opened his mouth and avidly licked and sucked at them.

Leonard's hand came up and grabbing her by the wrist, he held it at his mouth and like a rabid dog; he sucked, licked and nipped at her sticky fingers. He sucked them deep into his mouth and he was in heaven. He groaned when he felt her silky hair swishing all over his lower body. He looked down and shook when he saw those gorgeous green eyes of hers staring back at him. "Oh my god Penny, you're so fucking sexy. Please, please suck it. Oh fuck I'm going to go insane it you don't suck on it."

She smile turned into a grin. Her tongue came out and it was covered in all of the cum she collected from his belly. She drew it into her mouth and made a production of swallowing it. Opening her mouth, she showed him it was all gone. She gently held his cock with the tips of two fingers, she turned it to one side, she slid lower and her tongue flicked out and stabbed at his nut sack. She rose up and hovered over his cock. She let out several bursts of hot breath all over his already stiff cock. She let go of his cock and before he could react, she stood up, walked over to the couch and picked up her robe. She briefly wiggled her gorgeous, tight ass at Leonard and slipped into the robe. She tied it tightly about her lush body. She walked over to the door and opening it, she turned to Leonard; "I think we're about even now Leonard. You better never do anything like you did last night ever again, now get out, I need a nice long hot shower!"

Leonard was in shock, he picked up his boxers and struggled into them and after managing to get it up over his still stiff cock, he stumbled out the door. He turned to apologize again, but before he could say anything, Penny slammed the door in his face.


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