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Big Bang Theory Season 02 Ep. 11-14

Story Info
Penny does Dave, Doubles Leonard & Sheldon and Sheldon again.
12.8k words

Part 11 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Author's note: The series resets with this episode. Remember that as this story progresses, many times they resume the storyline as if never having sex before with each other. So is the case in this episode.

One of my readers requested adding pictures of the new characters, but this is not allowed by Literotica. When a new character is introduced, I will put in parenthesis the character's real name so you can look them up on the internet.


After Leonard broke up with Stephanie, he was a little down. He, along with his friends were in the university cafeteria talking nonsense about Superman. They all stopped when Howard noticed a renowned physicist walk in, it was David Underhill (Michael Trucco). He came over to the table and introduced himself and asks Leonard if he could use his lab and help him with experiments involving dark matter. He agrees happily and he walks off.

That same evening Penny comes to Sheldon and Leonard's apartment with gifts to put under their tree for Christmas. Sheldon goes on and on about not wanting to exchange gifts and also tells her he doesn't have a tree. She tries to take back the gift, but Sheldon makes Howard & Raj take him to the mall to purchase six different gift baskets of different value, so he can give Penny the appropriate gift, the same value as she gave him.

That next evening, the second day of experiments involving Dave and Leonard, they finish and afterwards, Dave agrees to give Leonard driving lessons on his motorcycle. Things do not go well and the cycle ends up landing on Leonard's leg while standing still.

Dave helps Leonard up the stairs to his apartment, he's hobbling up when they meet Penny who's on her way down, "Oh, hey Leonard. Ooh, are you okay?"

"Oh yeah, it's just a little motorcycle accident."

She looks down at his leg, "Oh, my God, how fast were you going?"

He looks at her in pain, "I don't know it was all such a blur."

Dave starts chuckling, "Good one! He couldn't even get it started" He steps forward and puts out his hand to Penny, "Hi, Dave."

She shakes his hand, "Hi, Penny. So it's your motorcycle? Oh, is it okay?"

Leonard brakes in, "Lucky for the bike, it landed on my leg."

He lets go of Penny's hand, "Mind giving me a hand with Speed Racer?"

"Oh, yeah, sure, so Dave, how do you know Leonard?" She puts one of Leonard's arms over her shoulder and they begin walking up the stairs.

He replies to her, "I'm a physicist."

She giggles, "Ha, ha, no you're not."

"Why is that so surprising?"

"Well, it's just that the physicists I know are all indoors-y and pale. So are you and Leonard working on an experiment together?"

"Yeah we are."

Leonard chimes in, "We're examining the radiation levels of photomultiplier tubes for a new dark-matter detector."

Penny cuts him off, "Sweetie, sweetie, Dave was talking." She got to the next landing and turns to Dave, "You know, I love science."

Leonard cuts in, "Since when?"

She replies a little pissed, "Since always! Call me a geek, but I am just nuts about the whole subatomic-particle thing."

Dave helps Leonard up the next flight of stairs, "The last thing I would ever call you is a geek."

She giggles again, "Oh, well, that's what I am. Queen of the nerds."

"Hey, if you'd like, I could show you the lab we're working in. We've got some really cool toys; you know; lasers and stuff."

They finally reach their floor and Penny lets go of Leonard's arm, "You know I have always wanted to see a big science lab."

Leonard stops and looks at her, "Since when?"

She stares back at him, "Since always!"

Dave turns to Leonard, "Leonard, are you okay here?

He hobbles to his door, "Yeah, I guess."

Dave turns to Penny, "How about we go see it now? Afterwards, we take the bike up the coast; we grab a bite to eat?"

She has a huge smile on her face and nods, "Um, yeah, yeah, that sounds great. Let me just get my jacket." She goes to her place and gets her jacket. She comes out with her leather jacket on, "Okay, let's go."

They head to the lab, spend a few minutes there and as Penny looked in awe at the lab, she suddenly caught her breath in her throat. She closed her eyes and braced her hands on the work bench.

Dave swept her long blonde hair from her long, graceful neck. He lowered his mouth and began nipping and licking at her tender flesh. He inhaled her scent and his tongue flicked out and left a trail of his wetness on her neck and ear. He closed his lips around her tiny earlobe. He tugged at it and felt her shutter and an even louder moan escaped her lips.

She turned around and sucked in her breath as she was inches from his face. She licked her lips and placing her hands on his chest, she pushed lightly and chuckled, "How about we leave here and go on down the road to that diner you spoke about." She scooted away and let out a burst of hot air from her lungs.

They end up buzzing down the coast and as they left the hustle and bustle of town, they came across a long stretch of deserted road. Penny had her arms around his waist and she leaned into him even more and nuzzled his neck and ear, "How's it feel Dave, a little unnerving isn't it."

Dave slowed the cycle and leaned back against her, "Mmmm, sure is Penny, but I really love it."

Penny traced his ear with her tongue and her hands dropped to his jeans. She tugged at the button and releasing it, and she drew his zipper down. Her long slim hand slid into his pants and her cool fingers closed around his stiff cock.

Dave swerved slightly and slowed the cycle even more. He let out a groan when he felt her begin to stroke his cock up and down. He felt his pre-cum being smeared around the head and the shaft and he shuttered again when she stroked him harder and faster. He turned his head slightly, "You really aren't hungry are you? I know a cozy motel not too far up the road, what do you say?"

She ran her tongue along his ear, "Just imagine this tongue doing to your cock what I'm doing to your ear. Skip the diner, I found something else I want down my throat." She let out a shriek; she had to hold on as he kicked the speed up and hurried down the road to the motel.

Dave pulled up, hopped off and checked in. He directed her to the far end of the motel, "I asked for a secluded room, I have a feeling we're going to make a lot of noise."

She hopped off the bike and followed him into the room. As soon as the door shut, she pulled him around and her mouth fused with his. Her hand dropped to his pants and popped it open again. She tugged them to his knees and she followed them. She knelt before him and immediately closed her lips around his cock. She was turned-on to no end, even though she was disappointed that even though he was a gorgeous hunk, his cock was somewhat disappointing. It was about four or five inches and even stiff, it grew little more. She took his entire length into her mouth and her tongue flicked out and bathed his nut sack, also not the largest, but she found it satisfying, she hasn't had one this small before and knew it wouldn't be a challenge to swallow.

Dave picked up a bottle of tequila earlier, along with a couple of limes and some salt. He was close to cumming from Penny's expert mouth, lips and tongue. He grabbed her and pulled her to her feet. He swept her hair from her face, "We have all evening Penny, how about a drink first?"

She nodded, she knew he wanted to take it slow, but wanted cum down her throat, not tequila. She flopped down on the bed and wiggled out of her leather jacket. She accepted the salt and small glass of tequila. She licked the salt, downed the tequila and sucked on the lime. She shivered as the golden liquid ran down her throat. She slid to the floor before him and looked up at him, "I'd much rather have a thick, creamy liquid roll down my throat. I think it had a lot more protein, doesn't it Dave?"

He smiled down at her, "You got that right and you said you didn't know any science." He tucked her silky blonde hair behind one ear. He flopped back down on the bed and propped up on his elbows, "All yours Penny!"

Penny tugged his boots off, slid his pants and socks off. She giggled when she saw he wasn't wearing underpants. She enveloped his cock in her hand; her large Nebraska man hand completely covered his cock. She gripped it with two fingers and leaning in, took his entire cock into her mouth. She never had a cock completely in her mouth and not having it brush her throat. It was small enough that she was able to work her tongue around the length and girth of his cock. She drove him insane and when she felt his hips arch up, she closed her lips tightly around his cock and felt him fill her mouth with his cum. Again she was disappointed seeing the amount of cum he shot into her mouth was a mere ounce at the most. She smacked her lips and pulled her mouth off his completely deflated cock. She sat back and grabbed the bottle of tequila and took a big swig. She usually loved the taste of cum, but Dave's was fowl tasting, but she was so horny, she washed the cum taste from her mouth and grabbing his tiny cock, she stroked it back to firmness. She pushed him onto his back and climbed aboard. She lowered her extremely wet and even hotter cunt and he slid in easily.

Dave was shocked he was able to get hard again this quickly. He thrust up into her and he loved how tight she was. He reached up and cupped her large swaying tits. He looked up into her eyes and immediately knew she wasn't happy. He released her tits and slid his hands down along her luscious thighs. He found her stiff clit and began strumming it. He knew she was getting off now and he began pumping up into her harder and faster, all along, he continued playing with her clit.

Penny knew he was good at the mechanics of sex, but was still disappointed in his execution, but worked through it and she continued to grind her clit against his fingers. She sucked in her breath and started cumming. Soon after that she felt his release his cum in her pussy. She rolled off of him, grabbed the bottle and taking another big gulp, she put the bottle down climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom to tidy up.

When she came out, Dave was on the bed, ready for another bout, but Penny was more than ready to leave. She drank too much, too quickly, but managed to persuade him to take her home.

After closing the door she leaned against the door and realized he was a good guy, but she wasn't sure if she could continue seeing him. She loved sex and the way he underperformed, she was frustrated, but decided to put that aside and give it another shot tomorrow. He planned to take her to the university and show her around.

The next day Leonard hobbles into the cafeteria where Dave and Penny are having breakfast. Penny and Dave are laughing their heads off and Dave sees Leonard, "Hey Leonard, come join us."

He hobbles over, "Oh, hey Dave and Penny, what a surprise."

She's all smiles, "Hey Leonard, Dave was showing me around the university. You know, this place is unbelievable."

He sits down, "Yeah, I know! I've been offering to show you around for a year and a half. You always said you had yoga."

"I never said that!"

Sarcastically he replied, "Maybe I heard you wrong. A lot of words sound like yoga!"

Penny looks dumbfounded, but Dave breaks in, "This is an amazing woman, Leonard. She has a curious and agile mind. Not to mention being curious and agile in other respects. I was thinking about taking the afternoon off so I could experiment with Penny."

She looks amazed, "Really? We're gonna do an experiment?"

He nods, "Uh-huh! We're gonna explore the effects of tequila shots on a gorgeous 22-year-old woman."

She bursts out in laughter, "That's not an experiment. You saw what happened last night."

He stands, "Ready to go?"

She stands, "Yep, oh, can I drive the motorcycle?"

"Yeah, why not? You can't do any worse than Leonard."

They leave and Leonard says sarcastically, "By the way, my leg is killing me. Thanks for asking!"

Penny and Dave hit the liquor store and pick up another fifth of tequila and immediately check into another nearby motel. They strip all of their own clothes off and meet in the middle of the bed.

Dave grabs Penny and tosses her onto the bed and pours each of them a shot and they down it and suck the lime. He pulls out his cellphone, "Come on Penny, give me some hot poses. Just imagine what we did last night and think of me doing them again."

She giggled and took another swig of tequila and starts to give him hot poses. She props herself up on one arm and smiles at him.

He snaps away and puts his phone down and he's about to hop into bed and stops, "Give me a minute, I have to use the bathroom." He hurried into the bathroom and shuts the door.

Penny is as happy as can be. She scoots over to the end of the bed and picks up the phone and scans through the pics and stops dead when she sees pictures of another woman. Picture after picture is of this woman, some with clothes and some naked as she was. She comes across pictures of him and a little boy and the same woman. It suddenly dawns on her, he's married. She tosses the phone on the floor and dresses quickly and just as he comes out of the bathroom, naked she yells out, "You lying, cheating son-of-a-bitch, you're married aren't you?" She slams the door behind her before he can answer, luckily they're in town and she runs to the corner and catches a cab home.

Once home, she changes into comfy clothes, a tank-top and sweatpants. She breaks open a carton of eggnog and adds a bunch of rum. She drinks more and more, adding rum as the eggnog disappears. It's Christmas Eve and she feels betrayed.

All of a sudden there's a knock on the door and Leonard comes rushing in, "Okay, I have just one question for you." He closes the door behind him and looks at her, half drunk, "While I am perfectly happy with the way things are between us, you said that you didn't wanna go out with me because I was too smart for you. Well, news flash, lady; David Underhill is 19 times smarter than me. You'd have to drive a railroad spike into his brain for me to beat him at checkers. Next to him, I'm one on those sign-language gorillas who knows how to ask for grapes. So my question is........what's up with that?"

Penny is stunned by his outburst and she starts to cry, "Why are you yelling at me?" She breaks down and is crying.

Leonard is shocked and takes a seat beside her, "Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, never mind, we're cool!"

She points her finger at Leonard, "Dave is not smarter than you. He's an idiot!" She stands up and goes into the kitchen.

Leonard is smiling at what she said, "Really? Why would you say that?"

Standing by her kitchen counter she starts again, "Because a smart guy takes the nude photos of his wife off his cell phone before he takes nude photos of his girlfriend."

"He took nude photos of you?"

She turns back towards him and yells out, "That's what you took from that?" She steps closer to him, "The guy is married!"

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry.....Oh, that's terrible!"

She walks over to him and stands before him, "And you, if you are so okay with the way things are between us, why are you jealous?"

He looks up at her, "Well, that......the important thing is he's married and that's terrible."

She flops down beside him; "Nice save, genius!" She picks up the carton and extends it to him, "Eggnog?"

He shakes his head, "Lactose!"

She looks at the carton, "It's just rum, it stopped being eggnog like, a half an hour ago,"

He takes the carton and takes a large swig, "Smooth!"

She takes it back and looks to him, "Smoother than you!"

He looks at her, "Come on, it's Christmas, just give me this one."

She puts the carton down and turns to him, "Okay, Merry Christmas!" She kisses him on the cheek and places her hand around his neck and plants her head on his shoulder.

He smiles and says, "By the way, my leg is killing me, thanks for asking."

The next morning there's a knock on Leonard's door and he opens it. Penny is standing there holding a couple of packages, she's dressed in a tight pair of jeans an extremely tight forest green top, showing her generous breasts and a Santa's cap on her head. Her shiny blonde hair is pulled back in a pair of pigtails, she exclaims, "Merry Christmas!"

He responds, "Merry Christmas!"

She smiles at him, "How's your leg?"

"Very good, thanks for asking. Come on in."

Just then Sheldon comes rushing out of his room, "Oh good, Penny, you're here to exchange gifts. You'll be pleased to know I'm prepared for whatever you have to offer."

She smiles at him and hands him a package, "Okay, here!"

He tears open the package and pull out what's inside, "Oh, a napkin."

She giggles and blurts out, "Turn it over!"

He does and reads what it says. He's stunned and sits gingerly on the arm of the chair, "To Sheldon, Live long and prosper...... Leonard Nimoy!"

Penny turns to Leonard and back to Sheldon, "Yeah, he came into the restaurant. Sorry the napkin's dirty. He wiped his mouth with it."

He jumped up and drops the box it came in. He's shaking as he looks at the napkin, "I possess the DNA of Leonard Nimoy?" He's shaking uncontrollably.

Penny doesn't know what to think of it, "Well, yeah, yeah, I guess. But look, he signed it!"

"Do you realize what this means? All I need is a healthy ovum and I can grow my own Leonard Nimoy."

She's stunned and puts up her hands, "Okay, all I'm giving you is the napkin, Sheldon!"

He hurries out of the room and goes to retrieve the baskets be brought for her.

She sits down and gives Leonard his present, it a card and he opens it and smiles when he sees what it is, "Oh, a gift certificate for motorcycle lessons." He's laughing, "Very thoughtful!"

She giggles, "Yeah, and I checked. Not letting the bike fall on you while standing still is lesson one."

He reaches around the end of the sofa and pulls out a package for her, "Oh, then I think you'll appreciate what I got you." He hands her the package.

She tears it open and starts to laugh, "101 Totally Cool Science Experiments for Kids!" She puts her arm on the box and starts to laugh even more.

Leonard can't keep a straight face, "You know, because you're so into science!"

Sheldon comes out holding all of the gift baskets. He drops them all at Penny's feet.

She stunned and looks from Leonard and back to Sheldon, "Sheldon, what the hell is all this?"

He was baffled and nodded, "I know, it's not enough!" He pushes his way through the baskets and is tentative but manages to wrap his arms around her and gives her a hug.

Penny is shocked and looks to Leonard, "Look Leonard, Sheldon's hugging me!" Her eyes went wide and she let out a moan when she felt his huge cock pressing against her slender thigh. It turned to a groan when she stiffened and felt Sheldon's hands slide down her back and suddenly cup her tight ass cheeks. She let out a gasp, "Oh fuck yeah, look Leonard, Sheldon's playing with my ass. Oh fuck this is so fucking hot. Mmmm, after I left Dave in that motel room, I was so ready to get fucked into tomorrow and finally spend a Christmas with my pussy filled with hard cock. Then I found out he was cheating in his wife, oh my God, I really need this!" She leaned back slightly and planted a hot, open-mouthed kiss on Sheldon's lips and her eyes popped open wider when she felt his tongue duel with hers. Her sighs turned to a loud groan when she felt Leonard behind her and planting his mouth on her exposed neck and ear. She knew she was getting exactly what she wanted for Christmas, even better, two for the price of one.

She managed to break free and smiled at her two neighbors. She let out a nervous giggle and stepped around them both and headed for the hallway. She stopped and turned to them, "I'm going into your bedroom Leonard, I'm going to wait for the two of you. Come on back in a couple of minutes and your other present will be unwrapped and you both better be unwrapped too!" She flashed them both a huge smile and hurried down the hall.

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