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Big Bang Theory Season 06 Ep. 16

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Valentine's Day, Everyone gets some lovin' even Alex.
8.9k words

Part 47 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Author's note: The series continues with this season 6, episode 16. The series doesn't reset, but follows the show's story sequence.

One of my readers requested adding pictures of the new characters, but this is not allowed by Literotica. When a new character is introduced, I will put in parenthesis the character's real name so you can look them up on the internet.


It took several weeks to return to normal after Penny and Sheldon kicked Leonard and Amy out of living with them. Finally Penny had Leonard over for dinner. She sat down across from him, "You'll never believe what happened to me at work today. This old guy was choking on his food and I saved his life."

"Did you Heimlich him?"

"No, I said, "I think that old guy's choking." Then one of the busboys Heimlich'd him."

He smiled, "You're a hero."

"Yeah, that was the point of the story."

"Oh, do you know if you have Thursday night off?"

"Uh, I think so, why?"

"What do you mean why? It's Valentine's Day."

She picked up her wine, "Oh, right, yeah, we can do something."

"You could be a little more into it."

She didn't like this, "I'm into it, I'm into it. There's pressure to make the night special and it never works out."

"Yeah, well this time it's gonna be different because I'm like a romance ninja, heh! You don't see it coming and then—Bam! Romance! Watch out! Hearts, kisses, love!"

She gave him a big smile, "Sometimes I think I've made you so much cooler than you used to be, and then you go and do that."

Bernie was working long hours and wanted Howard to help out around the apartment. He was too busy playing an online game. All she wanted him to do was do some laundry so she could have some clean underwear. He failed to do that and made her even more upset.

He tried to make a special Valentine present for her. He spent twelve hours using a laser beam to carve out a message for her on a grain of sand, but while showing it to Leonard, he dropped it. He begged Leonard to allow the two of them to tag along at a nice restaurant he picked out.

Sheldon was stuck with finding a special gift for Amy. He found a solution when his assistant Alex Jensen came into his office. "I have a research problem that I believe you can help with."

She stood before his desk, "Oh, Dr. Cooper, thank you. I've been waiting for an opportunity to contribute to your scientific work."

He chuckled, "Oh, no, that's not gonna happen, no. What I need you to do is find a Valentine's gift for my girlfriend."

She wasn't happy, "You know, I passed up an opportunity to work at Fermilab to take this job with you."

He crossed his arms, "Well, I guess those chaps will have to have someone else buy their girlfriends presents. Now here is...Oh, let's see...This is..." He pulled crumpled up money out of his pocket and even more from his desk and handed it all to her, "This is about 2000 dollars, umm I think she likes monkeys and the color gray."

She shook her head and turned and ran out of the office with the money. Later that evening Alex came to Sheldon's apartment with a bag of items. She had three choices for Sheldon to pick from for Amy's Valentine gift. She was dressed to tease him, but as always, he didn't bite. She was wearing a slinky white silky blouse; it was covered by a black leather vest. It was there to conceal her tight, firm breasts that were unencumbered beneath the blouse. Her shapely, slender legs were covered in sheer black stocking that were thigh high and barely covered by a tight, short matching black leather skirt. When she sat, the skirt rode up, barely concealing her naked thighs above the stocking-tops. Her feet were in a pair of high, fuck me black heels.

He turned from the kitchen where he was making them both a cup of tea, "Okay, uh, Amy will be here shortly expecting the perfect Valentine's gift. So you're up, kid, dazzle me, go." He sat back and now noticed how alluring her outfit was and he felt his cock begin to stir.

She sat up straight, her long auburn hair was swept up in a tight bun, held up by a fashionable hairclip, "Okay, I think I have some great choices. I went to Amy's Facebook page and read up on her interests--"

"See? I never would've thought to do that. Clearly I made a good choice farming this out to you. I'm telling you, Amy hit the boyfriend jackpot. Anyway...my socks are on, let's knock them off."

"Well, um, I know she loves playing the harp, so I found this beautiful music box that plays one of her favorite songs."

He looked at it, "Now, Amy already has a real harp and it can play any song. What are you trying to pull here? Next!"

"Okay, um, I know she's a fan of The Canterbury Tales, so I found this cool map that illustrates the characters' journey through England. I thought we could put it in a really nice frame."

"But she's got Google Maps on her phone."

She stared at him, "I don't know how to respond to that."

"Well I hope it's with a third good option because these first two: Blah!" He held his nose and gave her thumbs down.

She was getting frustrated, "Okay, well, uh, luckily I saved the best for last. Since Amy's a neuroscientist, I did some research and found out that Santiago Ramon y Cajal, the father of modern neuroscience did a lot of hand drawings of brain cells. And I managed to find this signed print." She pulled it from the bag and showed it to Sheldon.

He grabbed it, "Wow, oh this is truly remarkable. I think I'll keep it for myself."

"What about your girlfriend?"

"Too late, I called dibs, but I have an idea. I've noticed how sexy you dressed this evening. I'm proposing you join the two of us this evening for a hot and steamy bout of threesome coitus. Are you interested?"

She slowly sat back and crossed her legs; her leather skirt slid up her thighs, exposing the bare skin above her slinky black stockings, "Mmmm, so you have noticed my outfit. How about I make a counter-proposal? I'll participate in your threesome party for Valentine's Day, as long as you allow me to help you in your university project."

He came over and sat down beside her. he place his hand on her sheer stocking-clad knee and slid it upward to her bare skin, raking his nails along her sensitive flesh, "You have yourself a deal Ms. Jensen, as long as you satisfy both of us. I can guarantee we'll do the same for you. You'll have to wait in my bedroom till the appropriate time for Amy to unwrap her present, if you get my drift, Alex."

She stood up, "Certainly, please show me where to wait."

"Oh, you can wait out here till I change for my date. Once I'm changed, I'll show you to my room."

While he changed, she removed her panties and sat back and started playing with herself. She remembered how big his cock was and was willing to share it with Amy for HER Valentine's Day present.

Leonard was dressed in a sharp suit; he was seated at a table for four. Beside him, Penny was dressed for sex. She had on a short, tight red dress. Her arms and shoulders were bare and only two tiny straps held it up. Her long light blonde hair hung straight and loose across her breasts and down her back. She sipped wine as they waited for Howard and Bernadette to arrive. She turned to Leonard, "This place is really beautiful."

He smiled at her "Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, romance ninja!"

She giggled and took another sip of her wine. Just then Bernadette and Howard arrive and Penny put her glass down, "Hey."

Howard took a seat, "Sorry we're late."

Penny looked at Bernie, "No problem, we just sat down and got a bottle of wine."

Leonard looked across at Bernadette and noticed she didn't look happy, but saw how sexy she looked, "Mmmm, would you like some wine?"

She blurted out, "Fill her up!" She was wearing a dark blue dress with a scooped neckline accenting her large breasts. On her head was a matching blue headband that made her look even sexier for some reason. Her legs were covered in a pair of black, opaque stocking.

Leonard poured her wine and stopped when it was one quarter full, she gave him a dirty look, "I'll tell you when to stop." He poured more.

Penny smiled at Bernie, "Is everything okay?"

Howard replied sarcastically, "Terrific couldn't be better."

Bernie gave him a dirty look and replied, "Oh, bite me!"

He leaned over to her, "Listen, we can still have a nice night, Just tell me where it is."

"Maybe if you did what you said you were gonna do, I'd tell you."

Leonard broke in, "Uh, where, what is?"

"She hid my Xbox like I'm a child. My mom got that for my birthday, so if you don't give it back, I'm telling."

She ignored him and spoke to Leonard and Penny, "I've been working late every night. All I asked was he clean the apartment and do one load of laundry. Did he? NO! He kept on playing that stupid game. You like pushing buttons so much, try pushing them on the washing machine."

He lowered his head, "I said I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't clean my underpants, buddy."

"I told you, turn them inside out."

"And I told you to bite me!"

Leonard tried to smooth things over, "Trying to have a magical night here, guys."

Penny took another sip of her wine and something across the room caught her eyes, "Oh, son of a bitch!"

He looked up, "What?"

She looked down, "Nothing, nothing?"

"No, tell me!"

"It's just this guy I used to date. Until he cheated on me with my friend Gretchen, who's here with him—now!"

He looked at her and placed his hand on hers, "You're kidding."

"And it looks like she lost a lot of weight. Damn it!"

"I know it's not ideal, but don't let them ruin our night."

She continued to watch them, "No, you're totally right, She could be skinny because she's dying."

He nodded, "That's the spirit."

She looked to Leonard, "Screw them. Our night's gonna be way more special than theirs." She clinked glasses with Leonard and they both took a sip of wine.

Bernadette turned to look at the other couple and turned back to Penny, "Uh-oh!"

Penny looked to Bernadette and then to the other couple, "What?" She saw him kneel down and open up a ring box. Penny sat back in her chair, "Oh, you gotta be kidding me."

From across the room, they all heard Gretchen call out, "Oh, my God! Yes! Of course I'll marry you!"

The whole room began to applaud. Leonard picked up his napkin, "Two can play this game. Penny--"


"All right!"

While this was going on, Raj persuaded Stuart to have a get-together at the comic-book store for all the losers who didn't have dates for Valentine's Day. He gave a stirring speech and he got a standing ovation from the entire group of nerds.

Back in the restaurant Penny can't put the newly engaged couple out of her mind, "I can't believe he's gonna marry the girl he cheated on me with."

Leonard was now depressed, "Isn't it kind of nice? He was with the wrong person. Now he found the right person."

That hit Penny the wrong way, "So I'm the wrong person? Maybe you wanna be with Gretchen too."

Bernadette looked back at them, "They do look happy."

Howard scoffed, "Yeah, maybe tonight. But a year from now, he'll be crawling under the sink looking for his Xbox."

Leonard had it with Penny, "Why don't we just forget about them and enjoy our Valentine's Day?"

She took another sip of wine, "Yes, absolutely." She took a bite of her food and looked at the other couple, "Heh, now they're doing that phony link-arm-drink thingy. I totally taught him that."

Leonard was now getting a little pissed off, "I thought we were letting it go."

"We were, it's just not fair, okay? They're bad people. Not supposed to end happy for them, it's supposed to end happy for me."

He was furious now and leaned back, "Um, it did end happy for you. You're here with me."

She continued to look at them, "Yeah, yeah, I know."

"This is getting hard to not take personally."

"Oh come on, don't make this about you."

"I'm not, It's about you!"

She was getting mad now, "Yeah, whatever. I told you Valentine's Day sucks."

He blurted back, "This one does, and you're the reason why."


Bernadette leaned over towards Howie, "Compared to them, I'm feeling pretty good about us."

Howie nodded, "Me too. How about we blow off dessert, go home early? I'll do the laundry."

She smiled at him, "Thank you." They kissed and he smiled back at her, "So where did you hide it?"

She giggled, "Where you'd never look."

He rolled his eyes, "Damn it, it's in the washing machine."

Back in Sheldon's apartment, he came out on a sports coat and he ushered Alex into his bedroom, "Remember, you come out when I yell out, here is your other present, okay?"

Alex threw her arms around Sheldon's neck and planted a hot kiss on his lips, "Will do, Dr. Cooper, can't wait." She hurried into his bedroom and waited.

Sheldon answered the door. Amy was out there, "Happy Valentine's Day.'

He nodded, "Okay. Shall we go to dinner and come back afterwards to exchange gifts."

She shook her head, "Hang on, as you know, I had planned a traditional evening of romance and gifts."

He closed the door behind her, "Yes, and as you know, I planned to pretend to enjoy it."

"Upon contemplation, I decided I was being selfish. So I canceled our dinner reservation." She removed her sweater and slowly unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off. She was now in a blue camisole and dark blue skirt. She sat down and kicked off her shoes and reaching under her skirt, slipped her tights off. She continued to talk as she watched Sheldon's expression, "I came up with an even better way to celebrate Valentine's Day."

"What is that, and why are you taking your clothes off?"

She chuckled, Oh, I was planning on doing nothing, but I wanted to get comfortable. So no dinner, no romance and no gifts; we stay here, order a pizza and watch one of your beloved Star Wars Trek things."

He was stunned, "Really, that's amazing."

"Well then, that's what we're gonna do."

"Well, I don't know what to say, but I have a couple gifts for you and one of them involves a lot of romance, but I'll hold that off for last, you're incredible Amy."

"I'm your girlfriend, that's my job. I know gift-giving puts pressure on you so whatever you got me, you can return."

He chuckled, "Oh I don't think I can return it. And after everything you didn't do for me tonight, I want you to have it." He reached into his coat pocket and handed Amy a sheet of paper.

She took it and opened it up and began to read it, "Sheldon Cooper, Caltech University employee information?"

He smiled, "Look at the bottom."

"In case of emergency, please contact Amy Farrah Fowler." And there's my phone number. This is the most beautiful gift you could've ever given me."

It's like you said, you're my girlfriend."

"Oh, Sheldon!" She threw her arms around him and gave him a big kiss.

He kissed her back and his hand slid under her camisole and began to tweak one of her fat nipples. He felt it grow stiff and he pulled back. "Are you ready for your other gift? I had Alex pick out a few gifts for you, but none of them seems perfect and then I thought about how much you enjoyed having coitus with Leonard and Penny and so I thought Alex would be the perfect gift to give you. We can share and have that romance you were putting on hold."

She leaned back and licked her lips, "What are you talking about Sheldon? Yes, it was nice with Penny, but Alex, I don't know?"

He chuckled, I think you'll really enjoy it, I wanna see you let loose and have fun with another woman, what do you say?"

She removed her glasses and crossed her bare legs. She nodded, "Okay Sheldon, I'm game if you are."

He called out, "Ready for Amy's other gift."

His bedroom door opened and Alex came out, minus the vest and her pert breasts, high and firm pressed invitingly against her silky blouse. She stood before Sheldon and Amy looking like a million dollars. She licked her lips and smiled down at Amy, "I guess I'm your other gift. I've only been with one other woman, Penny."

Amy giggled, "ME TOO!" She stood up and drew Alex into her arms.

Sheldon stood up and came up beside Amy and Alex. He took in Alex's tiny body, "Alex, you look good enough to eat!"

Amy giggled, "She sure does and here's one girl who will do some feasting."

Sheldon slipped his arms around both Amy and Alex and pulled them both to him. He allowed his hand to slide down Alex's back and cupped one of her tight butt cheeks in his palm.

Alex licked her lips, "So tell me Sheldon, how does it feel?"

He chuckled, "Just like my penis does, raring to go." He dropped to his knees and ran his hands up under Alex's tight leather skirt. He pushed it up until he came to her tiny thong. He leaned in and inhaled her scent, "Mmmm, you have to smell how hot and ready she is Amy. Come on down here and inhale her, it's amazing.

Amy slipped down to her knees, "Mmmm, once again, you're correct Sheldon; I bet she tastes even better."

Alex let out a nervous giggle as she looked down and saw two heads nudging her legs further apart. She swayed from side to side as Amy and Sheldon planted soft kisses along the tops of her thighs and her freshly scented pussy mound. She closed her eyes as she felt their breath on her scantly covered cunt. She inhaled deeply when she saw them kiss each other.

Amy and Sheldon stood up and he took Alex's hand and led her to the sofa. He placed Alex between the two of them and throwing his arm around her, he pulled her towards him; he then placed his lips on hers. His free hand rubbed the inside of her thigh and he kissed her harder when he felt her legs part even more.

Amy was busy too, she unbuttoned Alex's silky blouse and seeing she wasn't wearing a bra, she leaned in and planted her lips over the tip of one button-sized nipples. She sucked harder drawing in a mouthful of tit as she sucked greedily on it.

Sheldon pushed her thong aside and his fingers were swirling around in her hot, creamy cunt juices.

Alex leaned her head over the back of the sofa and her moans grew louder as she felt the two of them paying homage to her tiny body. She licked her lips and groaned out, "Oh my God, you two are fantastic, I never expected this when I came here. I could lay here and let you two do this all night."

Sheldon scoffed, "Not all night; that is for sure. I really want to have coitus with both of you, but you both have way too many clothes on.

Amy stood up, she held out her hands out to Alex and helped her to her feet; she wanted to get Alex naked so he could fuck her. Amy wanted at her tiny body too, but she wanted to feel her curves against hers first. She pulled Alex to her larger curves and pulling her tight, she kissed her. The two girls ground their mouths together until Sheldon stood and pulled them apart.

"Come on Amy, share. I can't get at Alex's vagina while you two are hugging one another so tightly."

Amy slid her blouse from Alex's shoulders. She drew her to her body again and reaching back, found the zipper on the back of her leather skirt. She tugged it from side to side until it cleared Alex's tiny rounded hips. It fluttered to the floor and Alex kicked it aside. Alex stood there in her little black thong and thigh high stockings.

Sheldon slid in and pulled at Alex's tiny thong and slid it down her shapely legs. He turned to Amy, as did Alex. They both worked on Amy's clothes. Sheldon pulled the camisole up and over her head. Alex found the zipper on the back on Amy's long skirt and pulled the zipper down. Both Sheldon and Alex worked on pulling the skirt down and off her body.

Alex was glad to see Amy wasn't wearing panties. She was unaware that Amy removed her tights earlier. Alex looked Amy in the eye and kissed Amy again. She pulled back, "Mmmm, this is what I wanted to see." Her hand fell and she cupped Amy's pussy and letting her fingers poke into Amy's cunt. She wormed her fingers inward and slipped into her tight hole.

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