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Big Bang Theory Season 07 Ep. 05-07

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Penny finally sees the light. Girl's night gets steamy.
9.7k words

Part 56 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Author's note: The series continues with this season 7, episode 5. The series doesn't reset, but follows the show's story sequence.


Sheldon has dinner with Amy and found out she was gonna be working at the same university as he does. At first he was okay with it, but then Howard convinced him that working with your girlfriend or boyfriend leads to nothing but problems.

Sheldon headed over to Penny's apartment and informs Amy he's changed his mind and doesn't approve of it. She told him it's too late, she already cashed the check and there was no turning back.

Bernie asked Sheldon why he changed his mind and he informed her that Howard told him it would be horrible to work with her at work. She dashed over there and argued with Howard and she told him to find somewhere else to spend the night.

He spent the night with Raj and they bonded as always.

The following day, Sheldon introduced himself to Amy colleagues and embarrassed her. She fought with him and he ended up going to her place to straighten her out. She slammed the door in his face and as always, didn't see that he was the problem.

It ended with Amy and Bernadette talking with Penny at the Cheesecake Factory where Penny told them she spoke to Leonard and he was going to handle the problem. He didn't and the four nerds ended up playing nerd games in the living room, exploding balloons with a laser gun.

A few days later, the group was at the Cheesecake Factory for dinner, Sheldon was a zone all to himself, working on calculations. Penny served them and tried to serve Sheldon, "Aw Sheldon, you want to take a break? Your food's ready."

Leonard tried stopping her, "No, what are you doing? He's both happy and quiet. It's like seeing a unicorn and Bigfoot at the same time."

Howard and Bernadette came in; they were late. Howard took a seat, "Sorry we're so late. Bernadette got stuck at work."

Bernie sat down, "Great news! A raccoon virus just crossed the species barrier and now can infect humans!"

Raj was confused, "Why is that great news?"

"In the pharmaceutical business, we have a saying: "mo' infections, mo' money."

She reached for her water glass and Howard stopped her, "Wait! Maybe you want to wash your little raccoon hands first."

She rolled her eyes at him, "Calm down, if I had it, I'd be dead already." She got up and hurried off to the bathroom to wash-up."

It gave Howard time to talk to the group, "Guys, listen up."

Sheldon didn't look up, "Can't listen, in the zone! Also don't care"

Howard ignored him, "Next week is the anniversary of my first date with Bernadette. I want to do something special, and I was hoping you guys could be part of it."

Penny stood over them, "Aw, what horrible thing are you trying to make up for?"

He scoffed, "Just putting something in the bank for what horrible thing I do next. Look; she's gonna be back in a second, so here's the deal: I'm writing a song, and hoping we could all play it for her together."

There was a chorus of replies, "I love that! That is so beautiful."

Howard looked to Sheldon, "Sheldon?"

He looked up from his work and blurted out, "When did we get to The Cheesecake Factory?"

They were climbing the stairs to their apartment and Leonard commented on what Howard was doing for Bernie, "It's really sweet what Howard wants to do for Bernadette."

Penny nodded, "Yeah, hey how come you've never done anything romantic to celebrate our first date?"

"Well, for starters, you've broken up with me so many times, which first date are we talking about?"

Sheldon was climbing the stairs behind them and commented, "Whoa! Somebody call the burn ward. And back to the zone."

Leonard continued, "And besides, I do romantic things for you all the time. Can you even name one romantic thing you've done for me?"

Her voice went up, "I can name tons."

Leonard broke in, "Sex doesn't count!"

"Oh, I know... What about that bed-and-breakfast?"

"Well, I took you there. All you did was..."

She cut him off, "I know what I did. I bet they had to throw away that rocking chair. You know I can be romantic if I want to."

"It's fine! And also not true!"

She stopped him at the door to his apartment, "Okay, just you wait and see. I'm gonna romance your freakin' ass off!"

He opened the door to his place and turned back to her, "That's beautiful, is that Shakespeare?"

Sheldon later was working on his white board and Leonard checked it out, "Holy crap, Sheldon, did you just figure out a method for synthesizing a new stable super-heavy element?"

Sheldon looked back at his board, "Did I? Well, that can't be right. No one's ever done that before. Except me, because I just did!"

The next evening Penny had Raj over to help her plan something romantic for Leonard.

He sat down and turned to her, "You called the right person. I believe I have the perfect romantic evening for you to give Leonard."

"Okay, good, 'cause I've been really struggling with this."

"As I'm sure you're aware the quickest way to a man's heart is through his..."

Penny cut him off, "Pants, but Leonard says sex doesn't count."

He took the glass of wine she offered him, "Hm, you poor thing. You have one arrow in your quiver, and you just can't use it. Fortunately, another pathway to a man's heart is through his stomach." He pulled a large cookbook out of his bag.

She wasn't so sure, "I don't know if I want to cook for him, he's kind of a picky eater. I mean, "It's too salty, it's too dry. It's too burnt and frozen at the same time." Wait; come on, what else would sweep you off your feet?"

"Well, I've always had this fantasy that involves dancing. The sexual chemistry between my partner and me is electric. But boy, oh, boy, does my father not approve until he sees us in a big dance competition."

She stared at him, "Okay, that's just the plot for Dirty Dancing. What else would you love, other than being lifted over Patrick Swayze's head?"

"Look, Penny, if you truly want to be romantic, it needs to come from you."

"I get that, but why is this so hard?" She looked down and saw the large lump in his pants.

He came closer, "Well, you've probably never had to do this stuff because you're young and beautiful and men have always thrown themselves at you. You remember the day you took Leonard to the airport. You came over to my place and comforted me. That was nice and somewhat romantic."

She took another sip of her wine and placed it on the counter and stood up, "Yeah I'm trying to be sad about that. I can't. That was nice; I guess I did get you through that break-up." She stepped closer and her hand brushed against the lump in his pants. "It was really nice, don't you think?" Her fingers closed around his cock, "I guess I'll just continue doing this for him." She leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. She kissed his neck, "And this!" She nipped at his ear and her tongue darted out and ran along his ear, "He likes this too!" Her hands ran through his hair and kissed him again as their bodies pressed together. "He really loves this." She sank to her knees and undid his pants. Penny released his thick, dark cock, "And most of all, he really loves this!" She sucked on the head and drew several inches into her mouth.

Raj couldn't stand any longer and sat back on the arm of the sofa. His hands came up and ran through her hair as he guided her mouth up and down on his cock. Neither of them was talking about Leonard any longer. He reached down and grabbed the hem of her pullover blouse and tugged it up and off her slender body. He freed her breasts from her skimpy bra and let her resume sucking his cock.

She stared up at him and wrapped her fleshy tits around his dark, thick cock, "He really, really loves this!" She began riding up and down, his cock caught between her large tits. She released a stream of saliva and coated his cock, giving her the lubrication she needed to let him tit-fuck her. She used her mouth on the large head to wet him more and her sucking sounds filled the room.

Raj removed his shirt and fell back onto the sofa, taking Penny with him. They struggled to free her from her slacks and panties and grasping her fine, firm ass, he pulled her up to cover his body.

Penny reached down and swiped his saliva covered cock up and down her fleshy lips and lowering her ass, she accepted his length into her moist cunt. She suddenly forgot all about Leonard and reverted back to her old self, just wanting to be fucked and fucked hard.

Raj was willing to be the guy to do it. He always loved her body and never passed up the change to sample it. He swept her long blonde hair from her face and as their mouths met, he shoved his tongue into her mouth and was met with hers. They sucked and teased one another's tongues as he guided her juicy pussy up and down his thick cock.

She ripped her mouth from his, "God, Raj, I love all of the thickness you have, especially all of those bumps and curves, It really gets me hot, come on, fuck me, fuck me hard. This is one thing I know how to do."

He kissed her again, "Oh Penny, you do it so well!" His hands gripped her ass and held her still as he pumped in and out of her juicy hole. He wasn't going to last long, it was the first time he's had sex since the last time she visited him, not counting his brief encounter with Bernadette. He wanted it to last. He lifted her body and twisted slightly and his cock located her puckered hole. He lowered her and sank slowly into her ass.

She threw her head back, "Oh fuckkkkkkk! What is with you foreign guys, they all love my ass. Oh yesssssss, fuck it, fuck my ass Raj!"

Her thick pussy lips were sliding up and down his nut sack as he fucked her ass. His lips closed around one of her stiff nipples and as he bit down, he heard her squeal out.

"Oh yesssss, bite them, bite them hard!" She let out a gurgling sound in her throat as she started cumming. The muscles in her ass tightened and she coated his balls with her cream.

Raj couldn't hold off any longer as he feasted on her luscious tits, he lost it and started filling her ass with his heavy load. He couldn't believe how hard and how long he came. He filled her ass to overflowing as he clung to her naked body.

Penny continued to cum, especially after feeling him fill her ass with his slimy, hot semen. She eventually rolled off of him and gathered her clothes, and she knew she fucked-up again. She felt his cum oozing out of her ass. She looked down at him, "This was a mistake Raj; you have to keep this just between the two of us, no telling Howard. I'm gonna take a shower, please dress and go!"

He nodded, "But it was beautiful Penny, just like you!"

She smiled down at him, "See that's what I need to find and show Leonard, sorry Raj, talk to you later." She ran into the bathroom to shower.

Raj dressed and after finishing his wine, he let himself out.

Across the hall, Amy and Sheldon were discussing his discovery. While cataloging his findings, he realized he made an error in his equation. He was devastated, but still got credit for finding a new element.

Raj didn't say a word the next day in the cafeteria as they planned Bernie's surprise. They got everything set and met at an exclusive restaurant to serenade Bernie.

Penny was dressed in an ultra-tight, royal blue dress. When she sat it rode halfway up her sleek thighs, "Boy, Bernadette is gonna love this."

Leonard fiddled with his cello, "Yeah, it must be nice to have someone do something so romantic."

She frowned, "Okay, you know what's not romantic? Rubbing it in someone's face!"

He smiled at her, "Actually, it can be, but I told you sex doesn't count." She rolled her eyes.

Howard was pacing back and forth, wondering why Bernadette was late in arriving. He checked his cell, "I'm getting worried about Bernadette. I'm gonna call and check on her."

Howard came back into the room, "Guys, there was an accident at Bernie's lab."

Leonard turned, "Oh my God, is she okay?"

"Yeah, but she's at the hospital in quarantine. What do you all say? Let's take this to the hospital and serenade her through the glass partition."

Bernadette was in dark blue hospital scrubs, leafing through a magazine, bored silly.

Howard came around the corner, "My God, Bernie, what happened?"

She flashed him a huge grin, "Well, let's just say the next time you move a dozed vials of raccoon virus to the fridge; make two trips."

"You're sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, it was just a precaution. If there was a problem, I'm sure I'd be throwing up out of my eyeballs by now. Sorry I messed up our date, I should get the all clear any moment now."

"No, don't worry about it. I brought the date here. Guy's come on in."

Penny had the stand and Leonard and Raj turned the corner with Howard's portable piano and placed it before her window.

She was stunned, "What's all this?"

"Well, tonight is the anniversary of our first date, and I wanted to celebrate it by writing a song for you." He played his song with the group behind him singing along with the chorus.

She started crying, it was very touching and when he finished she called out, "Howie; that was amazing! Look, I'm shaking!

Sheldon, a germaphobe yelled out, "She's sick, I knew it. Bye!"

Just then a nurse came by and announced that Bernadette was given the all clear.

Howard rushed into her room and they hugged like newlyweds. He turned and chuckled, "Thanks guys, but I think I'll be spending the night here with Bernie! He lowered the blinds on the large window and turning back towards Bernie, in two swift moves, he had her tunic up and over her head and her scrub pants hit the floor. He had new found strength and lifting her tiny body, he planted her ass on the bed.

He swiftly stripped and climbed up and enveloped her tiny, plush body with his skinny one.

The group left as Bernie wrapped her legs around him and guided his already stiff cock into her pussy. She was overwhelmed with love for this man, but it was short lived as just as fast as he slid into her, he came and left her wanting more. She still loved what he did and cuddled with him as she lay back and thought about how Leonard had tied her up and forced her, although she was willing to accept him in her tight pussy.

The next night, Penny was bound and determined to show him some romance. She had the lights in her apartment turned down and she was wearing an extremely short red and black dress. It was held up by her bountiful breasts and two tiny straps.

She had made dinner and he took another bite, "I have to say, this is the best Top Ramen you've ever made."

She giggled; I discovered a secret ingredient, the flavor packet. That sucker is well named." She finished hers and sat back, "All right, lover boy, get ready, because there is a crap storm of romance coming your way."

He mocked her, "Stop it, you're gonna make me cry."

She grinned at him as she pressed her phone and romantic music filled the room.

He sat back, "All right, you seem pretty confident."

"Oh, I am." She stood up on bare feet and grabbed a basket, "Maybe if you follow this trail, you'll see why." She scattered flowers from her dining room to her bedroom.

He chuckled, "Oh...Rose petals!"

She grinned, "Yes, the most beautiful and shockingly expensive of all the flowers."

He followed her into the bedroom and watched her toss petals on the bed too. "You make the bed? You really are pulling out all the stops."

She placed the basket on the dresser, "Okay, I gave this a lot of thought, and I finally found something to show you how much I love you." She picked up a wrapped gift from the bed and handed it to him.

He tore it open, but wasn't too excited, "Oh, wow."

"It's a first edition of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I remember it was your favorite book growing up."

He was stunned and didn't know what to say. He looked down at it, "This is great. Thank you...so such."

She looked disappointed and dropped her arms to her side, "What?"

"Nothing, I love it."

She shook her head, "No, something's going on. What's wrong with it? I remember you saying how great it would be to have a first edition."

He nodded, "It's true, I did. I did say that... when we were at the used bookstore together and I saw the first edition and I bought it."

She rolled her eyes and sat down on the bed, depressed, "Oh my God, I am the worst."

He stood beside her, "No, no, it's okay. It's really thoughtful.

She looked up at him, "No, it's not! I mean...What's thoughtful is everything you do." She hopped up off the bed and went to her closet, "Here, you know what? Look at this." She came out with a large box and placed it on the bed, "Look, here's the...the plane ticket you bought me when I was too poor to go home for the holidays. And the rose you left on my windshield...just because. Here's the thank-you letter you wrote me after the first time I slept with you; all 11 pages of it."

He was shocked, "I can't believe you saved all this stuff."

She looked at him with a tiny smile on her face and softly replied, "Of course I did. It's you."

He drew her into his arms and softly replied, "Come here." They kissed and hugged as he looked over her shoulder into the box. He pulled away, "Is that a pregnancy test?"

"Oh yeah, just the first one; I didn't save them all."

He took the box and put it on the floor, "You remember yesterday, you said you showed me over and over again how romantic you were?"

She had a sly smile on her lips, and nodded, "You mean having sex with you?"

"Uh-huh, you wanna be romantic like that again?"

She had her hands on his shoulders. She slipped his jacket off and slowly unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. As she hands worked on his pants, he was sliding the straps of her dress off her shoulders, baring her beautiful breasts.

His pants hit the floor and followed by his boxers. He pushed her dress off her gorgeous ass and slipped her panties off. He looked to the bed, "It's a shame to mess it up; you rarely make it."

She slapped him playfully, "It's covered in rose petals, suffer through it, Leonard. She slipped to the bed, pulling down between her outstretched legs. He slipped from the bed and knelt alongside. He parted her legs wider and began raining soft, but urgent kisses along her slender thighs.

Penny rose up on her elbows and lovingly ran her fingers though his hair. She removed his glasses, "I think you know where everything is, no need for these."

"Mmmm, but I hate to lose sight of the beauty before me."

She giggled, "See, that's what I'm missing, you gotta teach me that." She drew in a deep breath and let out a groan as he reached her moist fleshy lips. She fell back to the mattress and allowed him to do his romancing.

He peppered her legs close to her intoxicating pussy. He inhaled her scent and it spurred him on. He looked up, past her heaving breasts. He licked his lips and saw her raise up again on her elbows. He grinned up at her as his tongue darted out and left a path of wetness on her lips. "My God Penny, do you have any idea how beautiful you look. I love you so much; I never want anyone else but you."

She fell back to the bed and placed the back of her hand on her forehead and thought to herself, "Why did you sleep with Raj, why fuck around with Sheldon when you have such a man who adores you and loves you." She was tempted to come clean, but seeing him so happy and how he made her feel, she would rather live with that guilt then come clean and ultimately hurt him even more. She rose back up and gently ran her fingertips through his hair. She was going to guide him to where she wanted him, but he was already moving there. She smiled back down at him and whispered, "Oh Leonard, no matter what, just remember that I love you and would never want to hurt you." Her eyes grew darker as lust reared it naughty head. She fell back to the mattress and raising her legs; she gripped them behind her knees and pulled them up to her full tits. She pushed them aside, giving him space to work his magic.


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