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Big Bang Theory Season 07 Ep. 12-14

Story Info
Bernie has Stuart, Bert gets Amy/All 3 girls fuck NCIS stars.
14.6k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 59 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Author's note: The series continues with this season 7, episode 12. The series doesn't reset, but follows the show's story sequence.


With the holidays behind them, the four nerds began focusing on what was important, technology. They were gathered together having dinner, and Amy joined them. All four of them were actively scanning their phones; each individually ignoring one another.

Amy had a meal too, but was taking in their avoidance to intermingle, "This is nice, that we all get to eat together."

They all agreed, but continued scanning their phones.

She was getting upset, "Can we maybe put the phones down and have an actual conversation?"

Sheldon continued reading the info on his phone, "We can, but thanks to Steve Jobs, we don't have to."

Penny came bursting into the room, "Guys, you're never gonna believe this."

Leonard was still paying attention to his phone, but replied, "What happened?"

"I just got a part on a TV show!"

He finally perked up, "That's great!"

But Sheldon, Howard and Raj were still too busy to reply.

He turned to the other three, "Guys!"

Howard looked up, "Oh yeah"

Sheldon and Raj looked up, "Yay, Penny!"

Amy put her dinner down, "What's the show?"

"Ah, NCII, or, you know, NCSTD-, I don't know, it's....it's the one with all the letters and I'm gonna be on it!"

Leonard jumped up and hugged her, "That's amazing!"

She hugged him back, "Yeah!"

Howard chimed in, "What's the part?"

"I play a customer in a diner and I flirt with Mark Harmon."

Raj chuckled, "Ohh, Mark Harmon, he's a dreamboat."

Leonard turned back to her, "So it's just flirting?"

"Well, yeah, why?"

"No reason, I just think it's sexier when things are left to the imagination."

Amy turned to Sheldon and looked up at him, "He's wrong."

The next evening the guys are at the Cheesecake Factory having dinner and Penny was waiting on them. She hands Sheldon his iced tea, "Hey guys, don't forget, my episode's on TV tomorrow night."

Howard looked up at her, "We'll be there."

Raj added, "Can we bring anything?"

"Oh, that's so sweet, but I was gonna steal food from here. You know; my treat."

That evening they were all huddled around Leonard's TV to watch NCIS. Leonard squeezed Penny's arm, "I'm so proud of you"

"We haven't even gotten to my scene yet."

"I know, but you're going to be a TV star and you haven't left me yet. That takes guts."

Penny grabbed the remote and turned up the volume, "Guys, guys, this is it."

On the TV screen Tony's talking, "I guess it's just you and me, kid."

Gibbs replied, "What are you doing?"

The woman on the screen replied, "I'm trying to make peace."

Gibbs smiled at her, "We're good."

The woman replied, "Good."

Penny's face was solemn, "Are you kidding me?"

Leonard stared at her, "What's wrong?"

"Well, the diner scene. Where's my diner scene? No, there was supposed to be a big scene with me and Mark Harmon, but it's .....gone."

Bernadette asked her, "What happened?"

"They must've cut it"

Leonard looked up at her, "Oh, Penny, I'm.....I'm sorry."

She was devastated, "This doesn't make any sense. I mean, I......I thought I did a really good job, I...." She looked around and saw everyone staring at her, "Excuse me!" She got up and ran out of the apartment.

Later that evening she was in her apartment speaking to her father on the phone, "No, Dad, I don't think they cut me out of the show because I was too pretty. No, I don't need you to come out here and kick Mark Harmon's ass." Leonard silently entered her apartment and she was still on the phone, "Daddy, I gotta go, I love you, bye!"

Leonard closed the door, "How you doing?"

She groaned, "This is such a disaster. My parents had all my relatives over. They got one of those six-foot sandwiches, and got my brother a day pass out of rehab and now he's missing and the sandwich is missing, and......They're probably in Mexico by now; so humiliating!"

He sat down beside her, "You still got the part. That's a huge accomplishment."

"But this was supposed to be my break, okay? People were gonna see me in this show and it was gonna lead to bigger things. More auditions, more parts. Now none of that's gonna happen."

"Honey, you only had three lines. That wasn't gonna happen anyway."

She raised her head from her hands and stared at him with a look that could kill, she screamed out, "Unbelievable!"

"Oh, come on. That's not what I meant."

She stood up and walked away, "Then what did you mean?"

"I don't---You know, words don't always have to mean things."

"I think you meant that you don't believe in me."

He replied quickly, "Nope, Uh-huh! I might not know what I meant, but I know that I didn't mean that. Not this guy. Oh, no way!"

She came over and stood beside him, "I want you, right now, to give me your 100 percent honest opinion. Do you think I have what it takes to really make it as an actress?"

He replied really fast, "Yes!"

"So you think I'll be on TV and in movies and win awards."


She nodded, "Yes, honestly."

He looked up and replied softly, "I don't."

She was pissed, "How could you say that?"

"I don't know---I got all confused when you said "honestly. Look, do I think that you are talented and that you are beautiful? Of course I do. But isn't Los Angeles full of actresses who are just as talented, just as beautiful?" She gave him a dirty look, "We'll come back to that."

She held up her hand, "No, please, don't stop, go on! Tell me how I'm gonna be a waitress for the rest of my life."

"That is not what I said. Look, I think you're really good. I truly do. But this is an incredibly hard thing that you're shooting for. I mean, the odds on anyone becoming a successful actor are like a million to one."

She rolled her eyes and replied quietly, "Wow, thank you." She hurried off to her bedroom leaving him alone in her kitchen.

The next evening Penny was sitting on her sofa watching TV and finishing off her second bottle of wine. She was talking to the TV, "You didn't get your part cut. " She changed the channel, "And you didn't get your part cut." She changed the channel again, "Yep, bunch of old guys rocking out in a band, all with erectile dysfunction; you didn't get your part cut!"

There was a knock on her door and Leonard entered, "Hey, can we talk?"

"We can, but the part of Penny might get cut."

He closed the door, "That was pretty crappy of me. What you're trying to do is hard, but people do make it, and I really do believe you could be one of them."

She quietly replied, "Thank you."

He wasn't getting anywhere so he gave her a hug and left her alone. He went back to his apartment and got on his phone and called a florist, "How much for a hundred long-stemmed, red roses?" He listened, "Really? How much for three?"

All of a sudden his door opened and Penny came in with another glass of wine in her hand. She peaked in, "Hey."

He was talking on the phone, "Yeah, I'll call you back." He hung up and stood up.

She closed the door behind her, "Look, I know you were just trying to help. Anyway.....I was just upset with myself. I wasn't mad at you. I just feel like everything is falling apart."

He hurried over to her, "Come on, it's okay."

She turned away from him, "No, it's not okay. Look at me, okay? I took a temp job as a waitress forever ago, and I'm still doing it. I can't quit, because guess what? I can't do anything else. And I finally get my big break, and it goes away! I'm such a mess."

Leonard knew she already had too much to drink, "No, you're not."

She turned and looked at him, "Really 'cause this morning at Starbucks, a pair of old underwear fell out of my pant leg! And it wasn't the only one in there"

He tried to temper things, "Okay, listen to me, this is just a minor setback."

"No, it's not, okay? I've been out here for, like, ten years! I've nothing to show for it!"

He stepped beside her and in a low voice he replied, "Well, you have me."

She suddenly realized what he was saying and she nodded, "You're right." She planted her hand on his shoulder, "I do have you." She smiled at him, "Mmmm, let's get married."

He was shocked and wasn't sure what she said, "What?"

She put her glass on his coffee table, knelt down before him and grabbing his hands, she looked up at him. She giggled and smiled up at him, a little woozy, "Whoo! Leonard Hofstadter....... will you marry me?"

He stared down at her, knowing she was drunk, but didn't know what to say, he replied, "Ummm......"

She glared up at him, "Did you seriously just say, ""Um"?

He grabbed her hands, she was still on her knees, "Look, you know I love you, but you're....you're drunk and sad and feeling lost----"

She cut him off and rose to her feet, "Okay, so you don't want to marry me?!" She threw her hands up, totally pissed off.

"That is not what I said."

She spat out, "No, forget it! I take it back! Offer's off the table!" She raced for the door, "I'm gonna go,"

He tried stopping her, Penny, don't"

"No, no, I just need to be alone!" She left, slamming the door behind her.

Leonard stood there looking at the door he turned and hurried back to his bedroom.... alone.

Later that same night, Leonard was sitting at his kitchen counter in his robe. Sheldon came out in his and stood there for a while, "Can't sleep?"

Leonard didn't turn his way, "No."

Sheldon entered the kitchen, "Would you like to talk about it?"

He took a deep breath and shrugged, "Penny proposed and I didn't say yes."

He stood over him, "Why not?"

"That's a good question."

"Does that mean the relationship is over?"

Very quietly he replied, "I don't know."

He felt sorry for Leonard, "Why don't you ask her?"

Leonard stared out, looking nowhere in particular, "Because I'm afraid to know the answer."

"Well.....I'm sorry.

Leonard looked up at him, "That's it? You're not gonna make some dumb joke or some inappropriate comment?"

"No! You're my friend, and....I'm sorry."

Leonard got very little sleep that night. The two of them left for work, Leonard not knowing if he was still in a relationship with Penny any longer.

They returned home and walking up the stairs Sheldon said, "It's an outrage."

Leonard rolled his eyes, "I know."

"The university, they think they can do whatever they want. We just have to sit there and take it."

"You need to let it go, Sheldon"

"You work tirelessly for someone and this is what you get."

"Oh, my God! They're just making you use your vacation days!"

"But I don't want a vacation."

"Okay, listen, I don't mean to diminish what you're going through, but I'm a little distracted right now."

"Oh, this again? So Penny proposed, you didn't say yes, and now you think you may have lost her love forever. How does this compare to me being forced to relax for a few days?"

Leonard screamed back at him, "It doesn't!" They got to their floor, "I'm gonna go talk to Penny. He stood before her door and took a deep breath and knocked on her door.

She opened the door, "Hi."

He wasn't sure what was gonna happen, "Hey."

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't text you back. I just needed some time to think."

He nodded, "Okay,"

She stepped back, "Here, come on in."

He started quickly, "Look, if you want you break up, just say it."

She closed the door, "Leonard-----"

He cut her off, "—No, no, no, I take it back. Don't say it. Just hate me, but stay with me. It worked for my parents."

She was clutching her hands, "Listen, I don't want to break up with you."

He was stunned, but relieved, "Oh, okay, good, good. So it's cool if I cry a little?"

She scrunched up her nose, "Yeah, I probably wouldn't." They both took a seat on her sofa, "Look, you did the right thing last night. I was a mess. I was just frustrated because my career is going nowhere."

"Look, I get it, and I want you to know that I support whatever you want to do."

"Great, because I've been thinking, if I really want this acting thing to work, I need to focus all my energy on it. And to do that, I should quit waitressing at the Cheesecake Factory."

He saw shocked, "Wow! That's a big step."

"I know."

"So, you know, before making any rash---"

She cut him off, "I already quit."

"And I support you."

The following morning, Bernadette hurried to the comic book store. Stuart was behind the counter, "What can I do for you?"

She smiled at him, hoping to make a deal, "Well, I need a little help." She reached into her purse and pulled out a comic book wrapped in plastic. "I accidentally destroyed one of Howard's comic books this morning, and I was hoping I could replace it."

He took it and looked at it, "Wow, what happened?"

"Batman got his ass kicked by my curling iron. Do you have this one?"

"Well, it's pretty rare. Can you give me a few days to track it down?"

"I was kind of hoping to get it before Howie comes home from work."

"Oh, what's the hurry?"

"Well, he's always saying I should be more careful with my curling iron, and it seems like a dangerous precedent to let him think he can be right."

He nodded, "Well, I'll do what I can, but I can't make any promises."

She was getting flirty, "You know, I do work at a pharmaceutical company. If you can make this happen today, I can hook you up with anxiety medication, anti-depressants."

He stared down at her, checking out her nice cleavage, "Really." He reached under the counter and brought up a large tray containing a boatload of bottles, "Do you have any of these? "

She looked at them, and knew she had to kick-up the ante, "Mmmm, there is one other thing I know you'd love to get your hands on." She unbuttoned her trench coat and let it slip to the floor. She leaned over the counter and let her large tits bulge out of the top pf her dress. "See anything of interest Stuart?"

His jaw dropped, "Wait for me in the backroom, let me make a couple of calls and I'll let you know."

While this was going on Howard and Raj went into Amy's lab to ask her if she wanted to join them for lunch.

She looked up from her microscope, "Hey, what brings you guys here?"

"Well, we were just on our way to lunch and wanted to see if you'd like to join us?"

"Why? Because Sheldon's not here this week, and you don't think I have any other options?" She giggled, "I'm just kidding, I'll get my purse."

Just then Bert, from the geology department came into the lab, "Hi, Amy. I....Oh! I'm sorry; I didn't know you had any company."

She was removing her lab coat and she looked more fashionable for once. She was wearing a black skirt and sheer black stockings. She had a tailored orange blouse and her dark brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail, for once she was wearing make-up and looked rather appealing. She turned to Bert, "That's okay; Bert this is Howard and Rajesh. Guys, this is Bert."

Raj and Howard stared up at the tall, hunky figure before them, "Hey, good to see you."

Bert stepped closer to Amy, "Anyway, I wanted to show you this tourmalinated quartz that we got in the lab."

She took it from him, "This is so pretty." She looked to Howard, "Bert works for the geology department."

"Well, see ya later Amy."

"You forgot your quartz."

He turned back at the door, "Oh, it's okay. I want you to have it, bye."

Amy turned to Howard and Raj, "He's nice."

Howard snickered, "Yeah, he's nice because he likes you."

She stopped at the door and turned to him, "What? No, he doesn't!"

Raj nodded, "He brought you a pretty rock."

She threw up her arms, "So? He does that every day----Ohhhh!"

Howard was now egging her on, "You know, if you'd rather skip lunch and hang out with your boyfriend, Bert, it's totally okay"

She groaned, "He's not my boyfriend."

Raj chuckled, "Are you sure? He's tall, pale and awkward. That sounds like your type."

She shot back at him, "Should someone as lonely as you really be making fun of me?"

He turned to Howard, "Yeah, grow up, Howard; God!"

She looked to Howard, "What do I do? I don't want to hurt his feelings."

"Maybe the problem is he thinks you're available. Does her know you're dating Sheldon?"

"I guess it hasn't come up."

Howard nodded, "There you go."

Back at the comic book store, Stuart watched Bernadette come out of the backroom, he had a smile on his face; I found a copy of the comic book you wanted. They have one at Capitol Comics."

She was grinning from ear to ear, "That's great."

He shook his head, "No, no it's not; I hate that place. The guy who owns it is a real prick. He's always making me feel bad about myself."

"That's terrible, what's the address?"

"You know, why don't I just take you there? That way, I can make sure he doesn't rip you off."

"Thanks, but I don't want you to close up. I mean, won't you lose business?" She looked around and saw the store completely deserted, "Sorry that was mean."

Bernadette left the counter and went over to the front door and locked it. She pulled the blinds and slipped out of her dress and walked back to the counter in heels, bra and panties. She had a huge smile on her face, "Come on Stuart, I don't have all day and I have to get over to Capitol Comics and pick-up the comic book before Howard gets home." She stepped onto the box behind the counter and climbed up onto the counter. She sprawled onto her back and hung her head off over the side of the counter. Her long, wavy golden locks, looked like spun gold, and it nearly touched the floor. She looked back and saw Stuart had removed his pants and underwear. She remembered how his cock slid into Penny when they were decorating the Christmas tree. She opened her mouth and was shocked to see Stuart step forward and stick his cock into her mouth.

Stuart bit his lip, he was about to cum; she was that hot. Seeing her nearly naked on his counter was nearly too much to take. He closed his eyes and felt her lips and tongue work over his slim cock. He shoved forward and felt his cock slide easily into her throat. At this angle he has free reign and began using her mouth the same way he used Penny's pussy. He reached out and released the clasp between her heavy breasts and they came spilling out. He immediately grabbed hold of them and started squeezing them. He teased her stiff nipples and he released one and slid his skinny hand down her tiny lush curves to her damp panties.

Bernadette, at first was doing this for the comic book, but seeing how Stuart adored her body, suddenly lust overtook her body and she sucked harder, allowing him to fuck her face at a quicker pace. She was slobbering all over his long, pencil dick. She groaned out when she felt his hands slide under her panties and began teasing and petting her pussy. She groaned out around his cock when he sank two fingers deep into her hole and used his thumb to worry her clit.

Stuart was gonna cum, but he wasn't about to let her off this easy. He slipped his cock from her mouth, it was something he didn't wanna do, but feeling how wet her pussy was, he wanted to sink his cock deep in her slimy cunt.

Bernadette knew exactly what he wanted and she managed to sit up and spin around she was now facing him. She stuck out her tiny, shapely legs and wrapping them around his skinny body, she locked her ankles around his ass and drew him to her. She watched his cock disappear into her tight lipped pussy. She threw her head back and reveled in the feeling of how deep he sank into her. He wasn't nearly as thick as Leonard or Raj, but he was a long longer. She felt him brushing her cervix and it sent chills through her body. She wrapped her arms around him and guided his head down to her swaying tits. She closed her eyes and experienced her first orgasm. The pressure he was putting on her cervix and the way he worshipped her tits, really turned her on.

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