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Big Bang Theory Season 07 Ep. 19-21

Story Info
As Apes Wil/Penny get it on. Sheldon/Howie with School Girls.
13.2k words

Part 61 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Author's note: The series continues with this season 7, episode 19. The series doesn't reset, but follows the show's story sequence.


After returning from Texas, Sheldon was concentrating on whether to purchase an Xbox One or a PS4.

At Penny apartment, Bernadette was upset because she signed a "Get Well card thinking it was a retirement card. The woman was in a car accident and so they were passing around a get well card and she was in the hospital clinging to life. Bernadette signed the card, "Hey, Vivian, you deserve this! And at least with you gone, no one will steal my yogurt out of the fridge. LOL, Smiley face! P.S. Good luck wherever you wind up." "Do you think I'm a bad person or just fell into an unfortunate situation?"

Penny left the room to answer the phone from her agent and Bernie turned to Amy, "Am I a terrible person?"

"No, no, it was a mistake."

"AM I a terrible person that it crossed my mind that she might die and never see the card?"

Amy nodded, "Now I think you're flirting with the line. By the way, have you and Howard spoken about taking a train ride back up the coast. Sheldon would love the train and I'd love the frolicking at the bed-and-breakfast."

Before Bernie could reply, Penny returned from her phone call from her agent, "Fuck, I didn't get the part, but I did get a second offer in that awful horror movie I passed on before. Apparently, it's mine if I want it."

Bernie looked to her, "Are you gonna take it?"

She shrugged, "I don't know what to do."

While they were discussing her future in acting, Raj was at the coffee shop where Emily ripped out his heart and stomped on it. He got his coffee and turning around he saw her sitting at a table on the far side of the shop. He approached her, "Hey, Emily, right?"

She looked up from her computer and stared up at him, "Yeah."

"I don't know if you remember me."

She nodded, "From the dating website. Your friend emailed me because you were afraid to, then you tracked me down and acted like a lunatic?"

He smiled and nodded, "Yes, Rajesh Koothrappali. Look, I just... I wanted to say I'm sorry. You were, like, the coolest person I ever found online, and I got really nervous and I just blew it."

She waved her hand, "Don't worry about it. And if it makes you feel any better, you're not the weirdest guy I've met off the Internet."

He chuckled, "Well, give me a chance, you don't even know me."

She giggled and closed her laptop, "All right, here's your chance." She crossed her long legs and pointed to the sofa beside her.

She looked amazing her fiery red hair hung down past her shoulders and lay upon her pert breasts. She looked up at him with those gorgeous blue eyes and he was lost in them.

He nearly fell over, "What? Really?" She flashed him a huge smile and nodded, He sat down and exclaimed, "Thank you! Fate had given me a rare second chance, and I swear to Vishnu I'm not gonna blow it." She stared at him, uncertain what he was talking about and he continued, "Or normal words followed by a charming smile." She giggled and they had an hour of charming discussions.

The next evening, Sheldon was at Amy's for date night and he was driving her insane, going on and on about the plus and minuses about both gaming units, the PlayStation, PS4 and the Xbox One. He left her apartment, giving her a goodnight kiss, still unsure of which one to purchase.

While Sheldon was at Amy's, Leonard was at Penny's. They were both seated on her sofa looking over the script of the movie she was still undecided about doing it or not. She put it down, "Okay, it's not me, right? This script is terrible."

He needed her to feel good about it, but couldn't lie, "Yeah, I had higher hopes for a movie called "Serial Ape-ist 2: Monkey See, Monkey Kill!" You know, it's still possible for you to be good in a bad movie."

"Okay!" She cleared her throat and started reading from the script, "Sometimes I feel like I can control the killer gorilla instinct inside of me, but then I see these bananas and I just want to eat them and then kill people." She picked up her wine glass, "What am I gonna do?"

He tried to lighten things, "Well, for starters, I wouldn't eat the bananas"

She cracked up, "Come on! This is serious."

He stammered, "Well, does it at least pay well?"

She downed her wine, "Less than I was making at The Cheesecake Factory."

"What does your agent think?"

"She's thinking of taking a job at The Cheesecake Factory."

He put down the script, "You know what, why don't you just do it? You'll go have fun for a few weeks, make some money, and who knows what it might lead to?"

She was undecided, "Okay, look, here, page 58. I oil-wrestle an orangutan in a bikini."

He nodded, "Just to clarify, which one of you is wearing the bikini?"

She points to the script, "Both of us!"

He tried again to lighten thinks, "So it's a family film."

She just sat there staring at him in disbelief.

The next evening Raj was sitting on the floor of Leonard's apartment going on and on about his chance meeting with Emily, "After coffee, we went for a walk and she told me she always thought people from India were exotic and mysterious. So, with my mouth I said, "We're just like anybody else, " but with my eyes, I said, "Straight up, Red, hop on my flying carpet."

Leonard was seated beside Penny, he leaned over, "So, you gonna see her again?"

"Yeah, we have plans this weekend. And if it's a clear night, I'm gonna lay some romantic astronomy on her."

Penny rolled her eyes, "Okay, like what? Show me."

He waved his hand back and forth, "I can't do that to Leonard. This is some powerful panty-dropping stuff."

Leonard closed his eyes in wonder, "You have my blessing, go for it."

Raj stood up, "Okay." He took a seat beside her, "Penny, two of the brightest stars in the night sky are Altair and Vega." He leaned in towards her, "And it is said that were deeply in love, but forever separated by the celestial river of the Milky Way."

She stared up at him, "Aw, that's sad."

He nodded, "It is." He reached out and took her hand in his and petted it lightly, "But once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh month, Vega cries so hard that all the magpies in the world fly up and create a bridge with their wings so the two lovers can be together...for a single night of passion."

She stared at him, her jaw dropped and she replied quietly, "Wow!"

All of a sudden Leonard blurted out, "Okay, that's enough."

Penny gave Raj a cute smile and quickly pulled her hand away.

Raj gave her a sly smile and pulling his cell out of his pocket, he looked at the screen, "Oh, my goodness, I just got an email from my ex-girlfriend Lucy. She misses me and wants to get together."

Leonard chuckled, "Two women at the same time? Nice job, playa!"

Penny gave him a weird look, "Really?"

"Was it the "two women thing or the "playa?" She just stared at him, and he nodded, "It was the "Playa."

Raj hopped up and got a water from the fridge, "What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to choose between Emily and Lucy?"

Howard spoke up, "Why do you have to choose? Date both of them."

"I can't date two women at once. Zero women, that's my sweet spot."

Penny added, "Unless you're sleeping with one of them, seeing other people isn't a big deal."

"But what if one on them asks me what I was up to the night before and I was with the other one? Then, what, do I lie?"

Both Berne and Howard replied at the same time, "Yes!" She looked to Howard, "What do you mean, yes?" He replied with the same question, "What do you mean, yes?" "Were you seeing other women when we started dating?" He stared at her, "No! Were you seeing other men?" Very defensive she replied, "No!"

Leonard turned to Penny, "Were you seeing other men?"

She looked down at her food, "No!"

He continued to stare at her, "Aren't you gonna ask me?"

She scoffed, "Come on, really?"

The next evening, at the same coffee shop where Raj met Emily, Leonard and Penny were meeting Wil Wheaton for coffee. They picked his brain about whether or not she should take the part in a lousy, crappy movie. They got Wil so upset about being turned down on several projects; he left the shop depressed, even more than Penny was.

The weekend arrived; Sheldon and Amy went to Best Buy, he decided on which gaming unit to buy. After picking up the PS4, he stopped and once again was undecided. He froze and mauled over his decision so long, by the time he decided, the store closed and he had to leave without either unit.

While they were stuck in the Best Buy store, Raj had taken Emily (Laura Spencer), out to a fine restaurant for dinner. She was dressed in a pretty flowered dress, while Raj even had on a coat and tie. He was enjoying a cocktail, while Emily sipped on a glass of wine, "You look really pretty tonight."

She smiled, "Thanks, I love that jacket."

He beamed back at her, "Thank you, thanks." He stared at her and let out a deep breath, "I'm sorry, I can't do this. My ex-girlfriend emailed me, and I'm seeing her Saturday. And I'm glad you like the jacket it's from J.Crew."

She was confused, "I don't understand."

"My friends told me it was okay to see more than one person at a time, but it feels like I'm being deceitful."

She leaned over the table, "Are you getting back together with her?"

He tipped his head to one side, "No, I have no idea. What would you do?"

She chuckled, "Usually on first dates, I talk about music and stuff, but I was promised weird, so let's do this. How serious were you two?"

He took a sip of his cocktail, "Well, to be honest, we only went on four dates, hugged twice, kissed once, and there was a handshake loaded with sexual innuendo."

She sat back, "Wait, a girl you never slept with sent you an email and you felt so guilty about it that you had to tell me?"

He nodded, "Yeah."

She smiled at him, "That's kind of adorable."

He stared back at her, "Are you sure? Because this is the part of the night where I've said something stupid and the girl usually leaves."

"I'm still here."

"Yeah, but now you make me wonder what's wrong with you."

She giggled, "We just met. You don't need to tell me about other people you're seeing."

Really? Because "I'm dating two women" is basically the only cool thing I can say about myself." They both started laughing.

The next week, Penny decided to do the ape movie. She was being fitted for ape hands. She was already in her bikini. It was a mere two pieces of cloth covering her breasts and an even smaller patch of cloth covering her pussy.

The wardrobe guy finished putting her hands on, "How does that feel?"

She chuckled, "Great, not like regret at all."

Just then out of the backroom came the orangutan dressed in a bikini. Under the costume was Wil Wheaton. He pulled off his rubber mask, "Penny? We're working together!" He raised his paw to her, "Awesome!" They smacked hands together and headed out to the ring where the director was with two large bottles of oil.

They proceeded to cover one another with the oil and before long the two of them were sliding all over the ring. She was on top, trying to pin him, but he managed to roll her over and her long blonde hair was soon drenched in the oil and she started getting turned on as he pinned her to the mat, pressing his engorged, stiff cock against the tiny piece of material. After rolling around some more, her top came loose and the director instructed them to keep it up and the filming continued.

The wrestling soon ended and they were now pawing at one another and when the director called out, "Cut!" They continued to clutch at one another and paw each other. After a couple of the stage hands managed to break them apart, they regained their composure and headed back to the secluded dressing room. Once Wil closed the door, he turned and Penny was on him like stink on sweat.

Penny ripped off his mask and planted a cock stiffening kiss on his lips as she struggled to slide the orangutan off his body. She managed to slip it down to his waist and she dipped her head and began raining kisses all over his dark haired chest. She sank to her knees and with Wil's help, they both managed to remove the costume. Penny immediately wrapped her oily hand around his cock and stroked it furiously as her head dipped lower and she began sucking at his swollen nuts.

Wil was beyond excited. He always had a thing for Penny, but never thought he's get this chance. He ran his oil covered hands through her long slimy hair. While wrestling, her hair gathered up a lot of the oil and it was now plastered to her naked tits and made her ever hotter. He fisted her hair and urged her off his nuts. He guided her to his cock and she went willingly.

She was attacking his cock like it was the last one she'd ever have. She ran her lips up and down its incredible length as she continued to stroke it. She examined it and compared it to Leonard and Sheldon's. It was larger than Leonard's, even thicker and it made her pussy flutter thinking how it would spread her apart. It wasn't as large as Sheldon's but rivaled his in thickness. She let out a groan, "Oh Wil, I have to suck it. I want it down my throat, will you let me?"

He chuckled as he guided her face back to his cock, "Is that a trick question Penny?" He threw his head back, but looked down as he wanted to see how she handled his cock. He groaned out as he watched her slowly sink her lips around his thick shaft. Inch by inch it disappeared into her oral cavity. He reached down and began pinching and fondling her slicked up tits. He hefted them and rolled them around in the palms of his hands. Covered in oil, he loved how they slid around. He wanted to fuck them, but her mouth was so incredible, he allowed her to continued sucking on it. He looked lower and saw her other hand pulling down her bikini bottoms and he felt his cock leap in her throat. He saw her glistening lips. He knew it would be amazing, feeling those thick, fat lips clutching at his cock as he plowed deep into her juicy snatch.

Penny was sucking and bobbing up and down at a furious pace. Saliva was dripping down her chin as she gasped for air. She looked up at him and she stared at him with those dark green eyes. She smiled as she came off his cock, "I gotta have this monster in me. That wrestling was so fucking hot, I need you to fuck me and fuck me hard, no gentle shit, you got that?"

He chuckled, "All in good time, Penny. I was hoping for this to happen, never thought it would and I'm gonna take full advantage of this." He gripped his cock and tugged at her shoulder. He guided her down and now had his cock laying perfectly between her two slicked up mounds of flesh.

She stared up at him and giggled, "You nasty man, I love the way you think!" She gripped her slimy tits and pressing them together, she enveloped his thick, long shaft. She began raising and lowering her body. She fucked his cock with her tits and her nipples grew even stiffer. She dipped her head and was able to lap at the leaking head each time it poked above her ripe mounds of flesh. She moved faster and faster and she let his hands roam her body and he did just that.

Wil stroked her oily hair. Running his hands down her back, he leaned over and slid his fingers between her plush ass cheeks. He dipped one finger into her asshole and he heard her groan and sucked on his cock in earnest. He dipped lower and sank several fingers into her slick cunt and his thumb began playing with her clit. He groaned louder as she picked up the pace, "You better slow down Penny or you're gonna get a mouthful of cum."

Hearing this, Penny sped up and released his cock from her tits. She stroked his cock with her large hand and when she felt him jerk; she opened her mouth wide and was rewarded with a blast that stung, it was that powerful. She lapped it up and before she could regain her composure a second and third blast hit her chin and shot across her cheek and into her slimy hair. She caught the next couple of blasts and rolled it around on her tongue before swallowing it down.

Wil staggered back, pulling Penny with him and he managed to have her fall on the sofa beside him. In a flash, he had her on her back, legs spread wide and he dove down and began munching wildly at her oiled soaked cunt and ass.

Penny went into spasms as she began rocking her body from side to side and up and down. She clutched at his head as she allowed him to feast on her juicy cunt. She released his head, no need to guide him; he was hitting all of the spots perfectly. She reached back and grabbed hold of the baby oil bottle and began pouring it from her neck, down over her heavy tits and across her heaving belly. A good amount gathered in her belly button and she giggled as she ran her hands all over her body. She coated his hair with the oil and across his back and reaching lower; she found his puckered hole and dipped a finger in. She giggled when she felt him jump and licked her pussy with even more enthusiasm.

He pulled back and saw her giggling as his beard was covered in her creamy juices, "I gotta fuck you Penny, now, no holding back."

She didn't reply, she just fell back and grabbed hold of her oily legs and pulled them back until her knees were alongside her head. It gave him easy access to her creamy, puffy pussy. She let out a groan as she watched him grip his cock and slide easily into her slick hole. His eyes went wide as she watched inch by inch disappear and she screamed out as he bottomed out, scraping against her cervix in the high position she had her pussy tilted at. She released her legs, but Wil grabbed them. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him roughly to her slick body.

Wil began pumping in and out of her at a furious pace. He knew he would last forever, especially after cumming already, and the way his cock and her pussy were coated in the slimy oil, there was very little friction, but just enough to let them both feel how incredible their bodies felt against one another.

Penny loved how his matted chest hair was scraping her nipples and she dipped her head down and ravished the spot between his neck and shoulder. She felt Wil release her legs and she dropped them. She wanted to wrap them around his body, but they were too slick and before she could lock her ankles together, Will pulled out of her and kneeling up, rolled her over onto her belly. She knew what was coming and she welcomed it.

Wil hovered over her and began to knead the firm, rounded ass cheeks beneath him. He heard her groan out, knowing she wanted more.

Penny was thrusting her ass upward, wanting greater contact. She released a groan when she felt him pour more oil directly on her tight ass cheeks. It dripped into her crack and ended up gathering at her fleshy cuntlips. She arched her ass upward and her puckered asshole winked at him, tempting him to penetrate it.

Wil was in no hurry. He loved caressing and playing with the gorgeous body beneath him. He was encouraged from the moaning sounds coming from her throat. He watched her part her legs further and his hands trailed up the side of her tits. He pulled at them lightly as he came up from beneath her. He resumed squeezing her plush cheeks. He parted them slightly and taking his thumbs, he ran them all the way down her centered crack to her pussy. He grazed her thick lips and felt another gush of her cream coat his already oily digits. He couldn't take his eyes off the way she tightened and puckered from his fingering. He began running his thick shaft between the crack of her ass.

Penny rose up and gave him space he was lacking. She groaned as he cupped her tits in his large hands and rolled her stiff nipples. She bucked against his stiff cock, wanting him in her once again, but she was enjoying all of the action and wanted it to last a lot longer too.

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