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Big Bang Theory Season 08 Ep. 15-17

Story Info
Penny & Sheldon take Love test. Penny & Emily have their men.
7.1k words

Part 74 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Leonard finally thought he may be getting through to Penny. He hoped their romantic and heartfelt lovemaking had made her realize, he was the best thing she had going for her.

On another note, Sheldon was upset Amy was helping Kripke with his Light-cone quantization paper. He just couldn't let it go. He went over to Penny's apartment to ask her how she let things go when Leonard upset her. She threw it right back in his face, "Aren't you the one who says there's nothing more important than the advancement of science?"

He scoffed, "No, I said there's nothing more important than me advancing science."

"Well, if I'm understanding this and all she did was help another scientist, I'm thinking you might have to let this one go."

Ugh, Let it go!" I have heard that my whole life. Every time something upsets me, someone says, "Let it go." Like it's my fault and it's not okay to feel the way I feel."

"I don't know what to tell you, Sheldon. Why don't you talk to her?"

Leonard and Raj were helping Stuart put the finishing touches on his comic book store before re-opening after the fire.

Howard and Bernie went in and Howard went through the roof when he saw his mother gave Stuart some of her old furniture for a sitting area in the store. "Is that my mother's furniture?"

Stuart came up beside him, "Yeah, she said I could use it. Doesn't it look great?"

Howard went bananas, "Not as great as it looks in the den, where it belongs."

"What is your problem? She said it was okay!"

"Well, I'm her son, and I say it's not okay."

Bernie came over to him, "Why don't we leave so you can cool off."

Stuart nodded, "Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Take him out of my store."

Howard blew up, "YOUR STORE? My mother gave you the money to reopen. I'm not going anywhere!"

Back at Penny's apartment, Penny taught Sheldon how to let it go, until she heard that Amy was using her and Leonard in an experiment to test their skills compared to chimpanzees.

Sheldon turned her lesson back on her and told her to "Let it go".

The entire group met up at the comic book store and Howard was still upset. Bernadette followed him out of the backroom, "I'm sorry Bernie, but it's making me crazy."

She stopped him, "Can you please just let it go?"

Just then Howard's cell phone chimed, he reached into his pocket, "Hello?" He went back into the backroom to listen to take the incoming call.

Bernie went over to Stuart, "You could have warned him about the furniture."

Howard came out of the backroom in shock.

Leonard saw him and asked, "Hey, you okay?"


"What's wrong?"

He nearly broke down and in barely a whisper he replied, "My mom died."

Bernadette came rushing over to him, "What?"

He cleared his throat, "That was my aunt. Ma took a nap. She never woke up."

She threw her arm around him and cried out, "Oh, my God, Howie."

Penny started crying too and Leonard stepped over to him, "I'm so sorry."

Raj stared at him, "What can we do?"

He sat down in his mother's sofa, "I don't know?"

Sheldon came over, "May I say something?"

Leonard thought he was gonna say something insensitive, "Not now Sheldon."

"But I think it would be comforting."

Howard looked up at him, "No, it's okay."

"When I lost my own father, I didn't have any friends to help me through it. You do."

Howard and Bernadette left for Florida where his mother was visiting. She was cremated there and he was going to bring her urn back to Pasadena.

A couple days later the group was having dinner at Leonard and Sheldon's place. Amy began speaking, "I just read about an experiment designed to see if you can make two people fall in love in just a matter of hours."

Leonard chuckled, "That doesn't sound right. My research has shown that it takes three to five years of shameless begging."

Penny shook her head, "Honey neither of us comes off good in that story."

Raj pulled his smartphone from his pocket, "Yeah, I saw that article you're talking about. The participants ask each other a series of questions designed to promote intimacy."

Amy cut in, "And they finish it off by staring into each other's eyes for four minutes."

Sheldon rolled his eyes, "Oh, that's nonsense. I proclaimed my love for you and the last time I looked into your eyes was when you thought you had conjunctivitis."

She chuckled, "Other than the fact that I had it; that was a magical night."

Penny looked to Raj, "Would you try an experiment like that with Emily?"

"I don't need science to win her heart. I have my family's wealth for that."

Leonard was still skeptical, "I'm telling you, you can't create love in a few hours, right?"

Penny shook her head, "Careful, you're poking at the whole foundation of "The Bachelor."

Sheldon retorted, "Yeah, well, we don't have to debate this. We're scientists. We can conduct our own research. I propose that we imprison two street people-"

Amy cut in, "NO!"

"You didn't even let me finish."

"Forget it!"

"Oh! So you can experiment on all the apes you want, but I wanna manipulate the emotions of two captive human beings, suddenly I'm the monster."

Raj threw it back at him, "Why don't you just do the test?"

He stared at Raj, "In the interest of science, I'd be willing to."

Penny broke in, "You're okay with an experiment where you answer awkward questions about your innermost feelings?"

"He nodded, "Yes."

Penny stuck her foot in her mouth, "Please, can I do it with him? Please?"

Leonard threw up his hands, "I've been listening to Sheldon's feeling on things for 10 years." He tapped her shoulder, "Tag, you're it!"

Raj looked at Penny, "Yeah, but what if the experiment works?"

Penny chuckled, "I'm not gonna fall in love with Sheldon."

Amy giggled, "That's what I said. Before I knew it, he pontificated his way right into my heart."

Penny and Sheldon decided to do the test in private. They went over to her apartment. She was dressed casually, in a pair of tight blue jeans and a pullover thermal top. It was easy to see she wasn't wearing a bra beneath the top, her nipples were showing through.

Sheldon left the apartment, "Just out of curiosity, Penny if this experiment does make us fall on love would you drive me to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, for Gary Con? It's the only convention celebrating the life and work of Gary Gygax, the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons."

"You know what? I can honestly say if we fall in love not only will I drive you there, I will buy you all the dragon T-shirts you want."

He was raring to go, "Okay, babe, let's do this.

Howard and Bernie were at the airport, the airline lost his luggage with his mother's ashes in it.

Raj, Emily, Amy and Leonard decided to go to an escape room and try their luck there. It was a total waste of two-hundred dollars seeing they were awfully smart and solved the clues in just six short minutes.

Back in Penny's apartment, Sheldon was already seated, "Are you ready to begin?"

Penny was pouring herself a large glass of wine, seeing she was stuck with Sheldon for the remainder of the evening, "Yeah, be right there. I assume you don't want wine."

"Correct. You're not supposed to drink alcohol when operation heavy machinery."

She took a sip, "What heavy machinery?"

He pointed to his brain and she came over to the sofa, Let's just start."

"Well, as a Texas gentleman, I'm inclined to say ladies first. Although I'm concerned that level of politeness and charm might make you fall in love with me before the test even begins. Perhaps we should flip a coin. Or if you're familiar with the rules of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard—"

She jumped in, "Question one! Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?"

"Hmm, Oh, I know! The person I'd most like to have dinner with is myself."

"You sure that's your choice? Because I've had that dinner."

"Well, I haven't, and while they say never meet your heroes, I just don't see how I could disappoint. Who would you choose?"

She looked at him, "Robert Downey Jr."

"Ye-Oh...I didn't think of Iron Man. Maybe after myself and I have dinner, we can meet you two for dessert"

Sheldon picked up the next question, "What would constitute a perfect day for you?"

"Uh, well, I'd probably sleep in, do a little yoga, then lie on the beach while cute cabana boys brought me drinks and probably get a massage and then cap off the night with some dancing."

He looked at her, "That's it?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You didn't mention Leonard."

She was stunned and quietly replied, "He's there."

He shook his head, "I don't think so. Leonard can't stand yoga, the beach, massages or dancing."

"Yeah, well, he brought a book, okay? What's yours?"

"Uh, I wake up. I enjoy some French toast with butter and syrup. Uh, then a wormhole opens and whisks we millions of years into the future where my towering intellect is used to save the last remnants of mankind from a predatory alien race."

She smiles at him, "Interesting you didn't mention Amy."

"Who do you think made me French toast?"

Penny was sipping more and more wine. Her legs were crossed, Indian style as Sheldon asks the next question, "If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?"

"Honestly? If I could have one quality, I wish I could be as smart as you guys."

He threw his head back, "HA! Keep dreaming."

She yelled out, "Sheldon!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. That was me having fun with you. Look, you may not be as academically inclined as are we- Yes, that's how you say it. But you possess an intelligence I envy...which leads to my answer: I would choose the ability to read people's minds."

She chuckled, "Well. I can't read people's minds. Actually, that's not true. I can read men's minds. But only because it's usually the one thing, you're all alike."

"Well, what I meant was, I often misinterpret how others are feeling. Like, I can't always tell if someone is only joking or laughing at me. You know, like, if they're mad at something I've done or just in a bad mood. It's incredibly stressful."

She pulled back, "Really? You always seem so confident."

"Well, I'm not. And if I could read people's minds, life would be so much simpler."

She understood, "Well, now I wish I had the ability to make that stuff easier for you."

He smiled, "Well. Thank you."

She smiled, "Mmmm, wow, I just felt thus wave of affection for you."

"You sure it's not too wine?"

She let out a deep breath, "And the wave is gone."

They moved over to the table for ice cream. Penny picked up the next question, "If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone what would you most regret not having told someone?"

He smiled, "So it would be today? Huh, I suppose there's something satisfying about dying on my birthday."

She nearly fell over, "Today is your birthday?"

He nodded, "Yes."

"Well, that's always been a secret. Not even Amy knows."

"Well, I don't enjoy presents and the thought of people jumping out and yelling, "Surprise!" fills me with more dread than the words "George Lucas director's cut."

"So why'd you finally tell me?"

"The point of the experiment is to be completely honest with each other."

She smiled at him, "Well, thank you for sharing it with me. I won't tell anyone. You know, I never pegged you as a Pisces."

He shook his head, "You're making it difficult to love you right now."

They moved back to the sofa and they sat back, "That's it, we're done with the questions."

She picked up her cell, "All that's left to do is stare into each other's eyes for four minutes without talking."

"Okay, wait, hang on, bladder check. Okay we're good to go."

She hit the timer set on her cellphone, "And begin."

They stared at each other and after a minute or so she spoke, "This is kind of creepy."

"We're not supposed to talk during this part." He scooted closer to her."

She nodded and did the same, "Sorry!"

He spoke after a little while longer, "This is kind of creepy!"

"Do you wanna stop? I know you have trouble with eye contact."

HE scooted even closer, "Well, you have a brown fleck in your right iris that looks like a Formula One race car, so I was concentrating on that. Plus, it's easier around people that I'm comfortable with."

She smiled at him, "Aww, Sweetie, I'm comfortable around you too."

"Of course you are, I'm warm and soothing and you've been thinking about having sex, haven't you? I'm like a human bowl of tomato soup."

"I meant more like a little brother, but not a brother that I have sex with."

"Oh, well, I suppose I do think of you as a sister, but just like you, not one that I've had sex with, and sometimes a mother."

They continued to stare into each other's eyes and she smiled.

He stares at her, "What?"

She smiles again, "I was just thinking about the day I met you and Leonard. Can you believe it's been eight years? I can't remember a time you guys weren't in my life."

He leaned in and cupped the back of her head and slowly drew her to his face, her lips were cool from the wine, cool and wet.

She hugged him tightly, and her lips moved against his. The two of them rose and stumbled towards her bedroom, "Sheldon, this is so wrong, I promised Leonard I would be faithful."

He slammed her bedroom door behind them and leaned against it, "But...?"

She stepped forward, "It was their fault. They urged us to take this test and look what happened?"

Sheldon worked his hands under the loose hem of her thermal top. He could feel the heat coming off her electrified skin. He slid his hand upward as her pressed her lush body back against the door. He came in contact with her heavy tits and as he cupped one, he drew the top up and over her head, leaving her naked from the waist upward.

Her hands came up and removed his Superman t-shirt. She dipped her hand beneath the waistband of his pants, not even bothering to open them. She let out a groan as she palmed his stiffening cock. Their tongues fought back and forth as she smiled hearing him release a groan. She broke the kiss and slowly drifted down to her knees.

Sheldon's hands were in her short blonde hair. Her hands were feverously working at the opening and popping it open, she drew down the zipper, freeing his cock.

Penny fisted his cock, and when she took him into her mouth, the wet heat of her oral cavity enveloped his shaft. Her tongue swept all along his shaft, making him even wetter.

Sheldon clung to her head with his hands; he was dizzy with lust and was afraid he was going to topple over.

Penny took him deeper into her throat, her tongue making lewd sucking sounds as she whipped around the shaft, coating it with even more saliva.

Sheldon stared down at her as she gripped him by the root of his cock. He combed his fingers through her short hair and pushed her head against the door. In doing so, his cock escaped her mouth.

Penny was frustrated as she tried to recapture his cock, as she gave a slurping, gasping noise as her tongue continued to trace the huge head and thick underbelly. Her hand stroked him and she used her tongue to captured one large pre-cum drop that formed at the tip of his beet red cock.

Sheldon had to free himself or he would cum and he didn't want that just yet. He grabbed hold of her arm and drew her up to her feet. She came, but not without a fight. She wanted to stay down there and worship his huge piece of meat.

Their lips met once again and he shuffled her back towards here unmade bed. He parted her lips and dipping his tongue in, he tasted what was left of his pre-cum and this inflamed his desires. His cock pressed hard against her unyielding thighs. He reached down and yanked down her jeans, taking her tiny thong with it. He could feel the heat of her pussy against his leg and when she turned, he felt her juices leaking from her thick lips and leaving a streak on his leg.

Now both naked, he pushed her back onto the bed and pushed her yielding legs apart. He began at her knees, and moved inside her thighs and slowly moved upward and inward. Before he reached her glistening pussy, he came in contact with a streak of her juices that ran down her inner thigh. He inhaled her scent and gathered up as much as he could with his tongue. He left a line of saliva from there up to her slick lips.

Penny had enough of his teasing as her hands clutched at his short hair and guided him towards her juicy hole. She thrust her hips upward and suddenly his face was completely surrounded by her juicy folds.

Sheldon was gasping for air, but wasn't about to pull away. He doubled his efforts as he tried to distinguish what and where he was delving. He moved slightly higher and came in contact with her clit and as he began to tease and flick it, he felt Penny press his face harder against her juicy cunt. His face was smothered in the taste, smell and juices that leaked from her gash.

Penny needed to cum and she arched her back and ground her cunt harder against his invading lips and tongue. She opened her mouth to scream, but she put her hand over it to stifle her voice. She didn't need Leonard to hear. She was panting wildly as her moans got louder.

Sheldon peeked upward and all he was were the two large mounds of flesh rising and falling with her heavy breathing. He had to swallow over and over again as her hole released pools of her creamy cum; he lapped at it like a staved kitten.

As her orgasm began to lessen, he felt her release his head. He slowly extracted himself from between her cum splatted thighs and moved upward. He removed her legs from his shoulders and pushing them back, he spread her legs even wider and he had her exposed to his gaze. He licked his lips, wanting to dive back down there and lick some more, but he wanted something else and he wasn't going to be denied. He leaned forward and slowly sank into her. He thought he could see her clit quivering as he slid deeper into her as her legs trembled and shook. He continued to slide deeper and deeper into her until he was completely buried in her.

Penny loved how full he made her and her fists clutched at the sheets as she stared up at him with those glassy green eyes of hers. She smiled when she saw him close his eyes. She knew he was close, but wasn't going to rush things, she wanted more and even though she wanted him to fill her, she wanted it to last as long as possible.

Sheldon began moving faster and faster as he fucked her. The sound of wet skin slapping against wet skin filled the tiny bedroom. The room reeked of the smell of sex and spurred him on even more.

Penny's legs slipped from their entrapment and slid down to the small of his back. She locked her ankles and used her heels to kick wildly at his straining ass. In doing this, she drew the root of his cock hard against her clit, over and over again as she raced towards yet another orgasm. She kicked harder at his ass as she let out a loud grunt and began to shake and shiver. Her head dropped to his shoulder and she bit into his flesh to keep from screaming. She came hard, coating him with her slick juices.

Sheldon wasn't able to escape this explosive event and he lost it, filling her with even more cream as she was flooded with a dose of both of their orgasms. He felt a buzzing in his head and he nearly blacked out from the intense orgasm.

Penny used all of her strength to roll the two of them to their sides. She giggled and played with the short hairs on his neck as she watched him playfully lick and suck at her sweaty and erect nipples. She cupped his face and drew him upward until their lips met once again. They kissed like two long lost lovers and eventually she tapped him on the shoulder, "We better get up and take a quick shower. We don't need Leonard or Amy to see how close to falling in love we really did."


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