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Big Bang Theory Season 08 Ep. 25

Story Info
Leonard & Sheldon board train to Vegas and Denver.
18.1k words

Part 78 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Sheldon was sad about Amy rejecting him, but as soon as he climbed the stairs and entered the train, all of his cares seemed to melt away. He was even happier he had his best friend in the world to join him. He knew he would have to adjust his itinerary. After Amy rejected him, he saw a posting online for job openings in Denver. He hated teaching, but doing it to a select small group, he thought it may be challenging. He knew it couldn't hurt to check it out and thought Leonard may be interested in this too. It could be a new start for the both of them and he always liked Colorado, except for the liberal pot laws.

Leonard, just like Sheldon was devastated what happened with Penny. He hoped she would have come clean about her indiscretions, but a leopard doesn't change its spots.

The two of them entered their extra-large cabin. They decided once they arrived on the train to splurged and get one of the largest Pullman cabins available. Once they unpacked they went to the dining car to discuss where they were heading.

Sheldon pulled out his computer and after booting it up, he turned it so he could show Leonard where they were heading. "First stop is Las Vegas, I know it may be a sore destination for you, but I promised Christy Vanderbilt (Brooke D'Orsay) I would stop over for a day or so. I'm sure with all of the loose women in Vegas; you should be able to find someone to hook-up with. If not, I'm sure Christy will have a friend to set you up with."

Leonard couldn't believe Sheldon, "You know something Sheldon? As soon as you stepped onto this train, you seemed to have changed into a completely different person. I'm not complaining, I like this Sheldon, so loose and fancy free."

Sheldon flashed him a smile, "You know, I haven't realized that, but thinking about it, I can see what you are saying. I feel so free on trains and it may be more of my future, especially after Amy broke up with me."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, maybe you can bring her on one of these train treks of yours. I know she'd see a completely different person, it may be good for both of you."

Sheldon shrugged, "You may be right, but once the train leaves the station, I'm leaving that life behind, at least for the next couple of months. So, tell me. What happened with you and Penny? I know you told me she didn't confess, but you already knew about them."

Leonard looked down and wrung his hands and looked up at Sheldon, "Yeah, I knew about them, but like I told you at the apartment, I came clean about Mandy onboard the ship. I asked her several times if anything happened while I was away. She denied it over and over again. I couldn't begin a marriage with that hanging over her head. When I called her out on it, she was more upset with Raj and you for telling me. It didn't faze her in the least; well not until I told her I couldn't go to Vegas with her. Suddenly she began sobbing and said she was sorry, but you know Penny, when she's cornered, out comes the waterworks. It usually works, but this concerns the rest of our lives and I couldn't go forward knowing she really didn't think it was wrong."

"So what happens now? Are you going to be able to live across the hall from her? How did you leave it?"

He let out a long breath of air, "I don't know what happens next. I hope this long trip will clear my head and I can think things out. As far as living across from her, I did that when we were broken up for a couple of years. Before I left, I wrote her a long note. "I told her I still loved her and wanted to marry her, but thinks had to change. I was no longer going to be a doormat for her to stomp on. If she wanted to marry me, she was going to have to show me, not just tell me. Actions are a lot more effective than words." I was thinking somewhere along the way on our trip, I may hire a private investigator to check and see if she's changed, or if she tossed our relationship in the trash and went back to her old ways."

Sheldon nodded, "Sounds like a plan, I have another option; our second stop is in Denver. I don't know how good it will be, but it can't hurt to explore. I found an exclusive tutoring job where an elite group of students want to boost their grades and it pays well, it has nearly a one on one learning program."

Leonard nodded, "That sounds interesting, especially if things don't work out with Penny. It would be a new start and we could get out of the liberal crap in California. Where are we going from there?"

Sheldon cleared his throat, "I'm not sure if you want to stop there, but I was going to spend a day or two in Nebraska and I contacted Wyatt (Keith Carradine) and Susan (Katey Sagal). It may be a little uncomfortable for you."

He shook his head, "No this is perfect, I can layout my side of the story and let them know what has to happen if their daughter and I have a future. Hell, Wyatt knows what a slut his daughter is and I hope they understand where I stand. Where do we go from there?"

He chuckled, "Well, this is a little awkward to bring up, but I had your mother set up this next stop. It's sort of a sex ranch." He waited to see Leonard's reaction, but he just sat there listening, "Ummm, I going to be learning how to orally give women the most intense orgasm of their lives. They guarantee that by the time you leave their compound, you will have the skills to make any and all women come so hard that they will squirt. " He gave Leonard a smerk, "So what do you think, would you like to attend, I'll even pay for it. That way, if it doesn't work with Penny, you'll have another great learning technique under your belt."

Leonard had a big grin on his face, "You never fail to surprise me Sheldon. HELL YEAH, I can't wait to see what happens and what we'll learn. After that, where are we headed?"

Sheldon hit the next tab and showed him Chicago, "We'll be spending a whole week in Chicago. I want to visit the FBI office there and see if they have any more information about the murder of Special Agent Angela Page. You know I was about to give up everything to be with her and my world collapsed when she was killed in an undercover sting. I have a couple other stops while we are there, but I'll let you know what they are the closer we get to Chicago."

Leonard patted Sheldon's hand, "I know you were hurt badly when she was killed. I hope there isn't a lot of pain there for you. How about after that?"

"It's a little up in the air, maybe Washington DC and after that, most likely going to Princeton to visit your mother, your sister and sister-in-law. I want to see my two sons, but you can always skip that. I know you and your mother are not that close."

He shook his head, "No, no Sheldon, I'd like to see my sister and sister-in-law, maybe even Michael, my brother. As for my mother, who knows, maybe in her own home, maybe I'll be able to put our differences aside and be more than just mother and son."

The train left and before they knew it, they were out of the city and streaming along the desert, heading for Vegas. Leonard couldn't believe Sheldon, he was a totally different person, more relaxed and not paranoid at all. He was truly a different and likable person.

Late Saturday evening the train pulled into Vegas and they got off the train. Leonard had Sheldon explain to him how this "Across America" train ticket worked and he was amazed they could get on and off the train over the next two months with the single cost, but once they reached the other end of the country, they had the ability to return back to California without an additional cost. If they wanted to go back east, it would be another cost."

Sheldon hailed a cab and gave the driver the name of the hotel where he had booked a room for the both of them. The driver pulled up in front of Caesar's Palace. They piled out and went and checked-in.

Leonard's cellphone went off and he saw it was Penny calling; he ignored the call and headed up to their room. It was a modest room with two queen-sized beds and a mini-bar and a very large bathroom.

They unpacked and Sheldon got on his cellphone and called Christi. He set up a date for the following evening and Leonard turned down the opportunity to have Christi set him up with a date.

They decided to hit the sack and start out early Sunday morning. They had breakfast at the large buffet and even tried their luck in the casinos. Sheldon went to the Ripley museum and Leonard went to the pool to try and get some sun. He knew the desert sun would be hot and knew to use a lot of sunscreen.

They met back up at the room and after showering each headed out in separate directions.

Leonard was starving, seeing he hadn't eaten since breakfast. Whenever he had an idle moment, he thought back and was still upset about Penny and her failure to come clean. He found an all you can eat seafood buffet. He walked through the entrance and looking around, he saw an awful lot of paramedics and firemen. He stood before the hostess, "Why all the uniformed firemen and paramedics?"

She chuckled, "Yeah, I just love this week; it's the annual Seattle Firefighters convention. Just look at all of the hunks wondering around. You should see them at the pool." She cleared her throat, "I'm sorry, I sorta got carried away. Do you want the buffet? Table for one, I presume?"

He nodded, "Do I look that pathetic?"

She chuckled, "No, no way, but I always hate when I go to a restaurant and arrive as couple and the hostess says, "Table for two?" I just want to bitch slap her and say, "No party of twenty, can't you see all of us?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, I guess that is a little aggravating, "Yes, buffet and party of one."

She led him to the table and handed him the menu, "This shows what's at the buffet and what station you can find your preference, enjoy and sorry about the party of one crack."

He took a sip of his water after the waitress brought it over to him. He looked over the menu and the huge, jumbo shrimp cocktail caught his eye. He went up and got a plateful and started chowing down. He didn't realize how hungry he was and before he knew it, he was swallowing it faster than he had liked. All of a sudden, one got caught in his throat and he started to choke. He staggered to his feet and his face turned red.

All of a sudden there was a strong pair of arms around his lower chest. He felt his belly and chest being pulled back, over and over again and suddenly he coughed out the large shrimp. He suddenly drew in a deep breath and felt his blood pressure returning to normal. The second thing he realized was the firm, flesh pressing against his back. He turned around in the grasp and was stunned by the beautiful paramedic standing before him. She was slightly shorter than he was, but she was stunning. His mouth dropped open and he let out a gasp, "Oh my God, thank you, thank you so much. I need to learn to chew before swallowing."

She flashed him a big smile and her smile reached her large dark brown eyes. She patted him on the back, "Yeah, sometimes people see something as luscious as these shrimp and they want to swallow it before its chewed properly. Okay, so I have to get to a meeting in the conference room over there, be careful."

Leonard didn't want this gorgeous brunette to escape without at least finding out her name. "Please, let me at least by you a drink, or dinner, would you allow me to do that for saving my life."

She giggled, "Listen, it's what I do, there isn't any need to do that." She saw the disappointment in his face and she was running late, "Okay, here, give me your cellphone, I'll plug in my name and phone number, give me a call, but not before three please. I'll be in several meetings and are not allowed to have our phones on. By the way, my name is Andrea Herrera (Jaina Lee Ortiz)." She put out her hand and waited for him to reply.

He stumbled and grabbed her hand, "I'm Leonard, Dr. Leonard Hofstadter. I'm in room 1014; I'll call you after three and again, thank you Andrea."

She giggled, "Don't think nothing of it; again, it's what I do. By the way, I'm in room 214, can't afford the top floor, I'll be waiting for your call, till later, bye Leonard."

He watched as she walked away and he had to close his mouth. He knew she was built. He felt her heavy breasts pressing against his back and even though brief, that feeling was burnt in his mind. He watched as her tiny, tight ass swayed from side to side as she walked away. He took in her tiny, tiny waist and that sassy long ponytail. He liked that she was a couple inches shorter than he was. He finally released a deep breath, not realizing he was holding it.

He sat back and took a long sip of water. He hailed his waitress and ordered a large glass of wine to calm his nerves. He resumed eating, but made a concerted effort to chew before swallowing.

Across town, Sheldon knocked on the door to Christi Vanderbilt. As always, he knocked three times, "Christi, Christi, Christi!" He grinned as she opened the door and rushed him, throwing her arms and legs around him. Locking her ankles around his waist and nearly knocking him to the floor. She rained kisses all over his face and neck. She finally stopped and slipped her legs off of him. She took a step back and slapped him on the chest, "I'm pissed at you Sheldon. You promised to come back last year after you left, but I never saw or even heard from you. I should be furious, but just having you here makes it all better. Come in, come on in." She scooted to the side and waited for him to enter her apartment. She followed him in and offered him a drink, but he refused.

"So Christi, what have you been doing over the past year? I'm awfully sorry I didn't return and when I was on the train, all of my belongings were stolen, along with my cellphone. Luckily I have an eidetic memory and recalled where you lived. In the past year, I was very serious about a female, but she was killed in the line of duty. She was a special agent for the FBI. I wasn't going to do this trek across America this year, but my girlfriend of five years recently broke-up with me. I saw no reason to stay around Pasadena. Do you remember Leonard, my roommate?

She nodded, "Isn't he engaged to marry Penny?"

"Yes he was; they were on their way here to get married, but he found out she deceived him and kept numerous affairs from him. He turned the car around and he needed to clear his mind. He came here with me. He's still very down and didn't want to socialize just yet. I told him you could probably find him a date, but he declined."

She giggled and jumped up and came over and sat on his lap, "I'm glad he declined. If he did take up your offer, I couldn't do this." She wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a hot, steamy kiss on his lips, "Mmmm, I didn't want to interrupt you, but now that you stopped talking..." She planted an even hotter kiss on his lips and she ground her tiny ass against his growing shaft, "Mmmm, there's what I was yearning. She slipped off his lap and like a mighty python she wrapped her arms around his legs and she dropped her head to his lap, "So tell me Sheldon, are you gonna give me what I've been missing, or am I going to have to work for it?"

He chuckled and looked down at her, "Oh, I think you've waited more than long enough. Especially after I failed to call or return, but how about we take this to the bedroom. I want to enjoy you fully and messing around in the living room is a little confining."

She released him and jumped to her feet. Her extremely long hair floated over her slender shoulders and her large tits bounced up and down beneath her loose fitting pullover blouse. She tugged at his arm and pulled him towards her bedroom. She giggled and pushed him to the bed and attacked him. She took off his shoes and socks and frantically worked on his pants and jockey shorts. She stood up and in one swift movement; her blouse was thrown across the room and landed on her dresser. Her large, firm breasts barely moved. She licked her lips and squeezed her tits as she stared at his stiffening cock, "Oh fuck, you have no idea how many nights I thought about this big cock of yours. I must have rubbed out a hundred orgasms thinking about riding this monster again." She skimmed out of her tiny sweat shorts and patted her tight lipped pussy. She ran her fingers through her slit and raising her fingers to her lips, she ran her juices all along her lips and licked them, "Mmmm, I just love how I taste. You caused this Sheldon, what are you gonna do around it?"

He was going to take care of her, but wanted to take in her loveliness before he lost himself in her. He loved how long her hair was now. Last year, it was about halfway down her back. He now saw it was all the way down to the upper slopes of her tight ass and swished across her tiny, shapely hips. He noticed her breasts had grown to at least a C cup, but didn't lose any of her lift or firmness. He sat up and removed his Superman t-shirt and undershirt. He reached out for her and pulled her gorgeous, firm body to the bed.

Before she could react, she found herself on her back and Sheldon was hovering over her. He stared at her, and she shook her head, "Is there something wrong Sheldon? You keep looking at me a little funny."

He reached down and pushed her long, thick hair from her shoulders and breasts. He tucked it alongside her head and cupped her face. He looked deep into her sparking blue eyes and shook his head, "No, nothing is wrong Christi. It's just happening so fast. I wanted to stare at you. You are so beautiful and I wanted to take in everything about you."

She placed her hand over her eyes, "Oh God, no Sheldon, you're making me blush, please stop." She reached up and drew him down to her and she let out a gasp when she felt Sheldon's huge stiff cock brush against her cunt and scrape against her large clit. Her legs came up and wrapped them around his waist and arching her back, she wiggled from side to side and back and forth. Each movement made her shiver and his shaft continued to brush against her sensitive pussy.

Sheldon wanted to start this summer trip off properly. He licked his lips and moved down to her heaving breasts. He spent what seemed like an eternity on each of her lovely morsels. He plucked away at the ripe nipples and his tongue flicked out around and around the large aeroule. His lips closed around the large tip and sucked hard and heard her groan out in lust for him. His hands were running up and down her luscious curves and couldn't believe how something so beautiful could be so firm and void of any imperfections. He finally released her tits and moved down to her pussy and thought how she would react after he learned how to make a woman squirt. He really wanted to try it on her; she deserved it, especially after how well she took his return.

Christi let out a sigh as she watched him began moving downward. She grabbed hold of his head, but didn't have to guide him; she knew he was headed exactly where she wanted him. She just wished he would get there quicker. She drew in a deep breath when she felt his breath on her pussy. She bit her lower lip. She felt his tongue delve between her tight lips and dipped into her hole. She shuttered when she felt his tongue draw upward and uncovered her hooded clit. She clenched at his head as she arched her back, pressing her clit harder against his tongue and lips.

Sheldon now remembered last year. She was the first, the one who sent him on his way to new and exciting experiences and he wanted to show Christi just how much he had grown since last summer. He longed for her taste and drank down her juices. He paused and looked up and Christi rise up on her elbows. He gazed into her smoky, but bright blue eyes. He loved watching her large firm breasts rising and falling from her heavy breathing.

Christi was so close and when she saw him smiling up at her, she let out a groan, "Oh please Sheldon, don't tease me, lick it harder! I'm so close to cumming and I want to take care of you too."

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