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Big Bang Theory Season 08 Ep. 32

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The first of four fuck-fests are a roaring successes.
14.5k words

Part 85 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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As the train inched closer to the Pasadena depot, Leonard's apprehensive level rose to the point of near panic. Sheldon tried to calm him down and he nearly had to drag him to the bar and ordered him a stiff drink.

The train stopped at the station and Leonard just wanted to stay on the train and head back east. "Sheldon, you did promise my mother, sister and sister-in-law a return visit. They are going to be disappointed. What about your mother and Missy? It isn't fair to tell them we are going to stop and see them and then change our minds."

Sheldon scoffed, "Leonard, since when do you want to spend time with your mother. As for my mother and sister, they just may be happy we're not coming. Either way, they will understand when I explain that we needed to sort things out with both of our relationships."

Leonard picked up his bag and patted Sheldon on the back, "As always, you're right Sheldon. I hate to admit it this time, but I have to say you have grown tremendously in your social skills and it's time for me to step up and confront my issues face to face. Thinking back, I should have stayed and worked things out."

Sheldon nodded and then chuckled, "You, I guess you're right, but you can't dispute the fact that we had an incredible time. You may have second thoughts about going on the train trip, but I wouldn't trade it for all the tea in China, and you know how much I love tea."

Leonard finally cracked a smile and nodded, "Yeah it was something, that is why I stipulated in our relationship agreement that I get to keep doing this every summer."

"Yeah, even though we're cutting this year's trip short, we are going to make a precise outline for next year's trip. Come on, let's go, I see Penny and Amy standing out there on the platform. Penny looks just as apprehensive as you are. Suck it up Leonard and let's get this over with."

They disembarked and before his second foot him the pavement, Penny's arms were wrapped around his neck and she tried to kiss him. He avoided her lips and kissed her cheek lightly. He pulled away and gave her a weak smile, "I believe we need to take things slowly Penny. I need a shower, how about heading back to the apartment so I can clean-up?"

Penny felt shunned, but she sucked it up. She knew, especially for her this is totally uncharted territories for her. She usually was the one breaking up or throwing a fit and throwing cellphones out windows. She refused to let him get to far away. She wrapped her arm around his and led him out the parking lot.

Leonard was disappointed to see Amy had driven and he knew he had to get in the back with Penny. He placed his suitcase in the trunk and allowed Penny to get in first. He climbed in and hugged the door, not wanting to get especially close to Penny.

Penny immediately noticed this, but wasn't going to push things. Luckily the trip to the apartment wasn't very long and as soon as Amy pulled to the curb, Leonard hopped out and asked Amy to pop the trunk. He got his luggage out and hurried into the apartment.

They all walked up the stairs in silence and as Leonard reached his apartment door he turned to Amy, "Thank you for picking us up Amy. I gotta shower and change, I'll talk to you later." He was looking to Penny when he said that and hurried into his room where he dropped his suitcase and pulling out some clean clothes. He headed into the bathroom where he closed the door and locked it.

Sheldon was left out on the landing. He looked to Penny, "You have to give him some time. He was getting more and more upset the closer we got to Pasadena. I had to drag him to the bar and get him something to drink to calm his nerves." He gave her a tiny smile, "He does want to give your relationship another shot, but he's stuck in neutral and he's afraid to make the first move. He's been burnt too many times and he's worried it will happen again. He's my very best friend and if he's hurt again, I'm not sure he can survive."

Penny nodded, "I know I fucked up Sheldon, I'm not sure how I can prove to him I'm going to change."

"I guess the only way you can prove it is by actions in the future. I'm not lecturing you, but talk is cheap and he's heard it over and over again. You have to show him and not just for a few weeks, it has to be an everyday occurrence, a real lifestyle change." He hugged her, "I have to get in there and make sure he's okay."

Penny frowned, "I'm sorry Sheldon, I know you cut your summer train excursion across the country short. You are a good friend please take care of him. Tell him when he wants to talk, just come over, I'll be waiting."

Sheldon entered the apartment and unpacked as he waited for Leonard to exit the bathroom.

It was nearly half an hour, but he finally came out, refreshed and ready to face the music. He entered Sheldon's room, "I'm going to order a pizza. I have to have something in my stomach other than the alcohol I had earlier. Hopefully I'll be calmed down and ready to talk to her. You know as soon as I saw her on the platform, all the anger returned and I nearly stayed on the train."

Sheldon didn't know how to reply. He just nodded, "I'm on your side Leonard; let me know if you need to vent. I'm not very good at this, but will do my best to back you."

It seemed like forever for the pizza to be delivered and as the delivery guy knocked on the door, Leonard opened it and saw Penny throw open her door. He saw the disappointed look on her face. He paid for the pizza, "I was coming over after having some pizza." Once again his good nature took over, "Would you like to join us, we have more than enough for the three of us?"

A huge smiled crossed her lips and she nodded vigorously, "Yes, oh yes, I'd love some." She stood there waiting for him to allow her in. She hurried past him when he turned and allowed her to pass.

Leonard got paper plates and a couple bottles of water. He handed them to Sheldon and Penny and was glad Sheldon was there to run interference. They ate in silence and after waiting so long for the pizza, he didn't want to finish too soon. The longer he ate; the longer he was able to delay talking about all of the issues before them.

Sheldon took the pizza box, empty plates and napkins to the kitchen to be disposed. He turned and saw the two of them sitting there, neither of them looking at one another. He entered the living room and stood over them, "Okay let's address the 800 pound gorilla in the room. You two need to get your asses up and go over to Penny's and settle your issues and I'm locking the door and chaining the door until I hear you two have settled things." He waited till they got up and left the apartment. He went over, locked the door and chained it.

Penny opened her door and waited for Leonard to enter. She closed the door and immediately went over and cracked open a bottle of wine and poured two glasses. She took them over to the coffee table and set them down and sat on the sofa, but not too close to Leonard. She let out a long sign, took a sip of her wine and turned towards him, "I've missed you! I never realized how much I really loved you until you were no longer here in my life. I'll do anything to make this work, please give me a chance to show you."

He nodded in agreement, "I know in your heart you really want to do this Penny. I know you can do it for a short period, even longer knowing how I feel about it, but over the long term, four, five years after we are married. How do I know you won't get bored with just one man, me? You may think I'm too invested and will look the other way and you'll do it once. You'll find I didn't catch you and you'll try again and again, then what? You lied right to my face in a car on the way to our wedding. How do you expect me to feel and to wonder when the other shoe will drop and you'll fall into the same old rut?"

She looked down at her hands as she clutched them together and she shrugged and in barely a whisper she replied, "I don't know, Leonard. I just know that this past month has been the worst month of my entire life. I had numerous opportunities to have sex. On my job, I'm hit on by rich, handsome doctors, but they were not you. I turned them all down and will continue to do so. I don't want to jeopardize that ever again. That is why I'm against this 36 hour long orgy. I'll do it if it means you'll come back to me. Will I enjoy it?" She shrugged, "I'm only human and once alone with all of those men, who can resist? I know you'll have a great time. I saw the names on the list you sent me, some old flames and others I don't even know."

He slid closer to her, "If you follow through on what you just said, I see no reason why we can't be together. Words are cheap, you have to prove it to me and you know I'll trust you eventually, but not for the foreseeable future. Whenever you are late, come home looking disheveled, I'll wonder. Can you blame me?"

She gave him a weak smile and again she shrugged, "No, I guess not, but I can't live my life wondering when I'm caught in traffic will you believe me. It's going to be hard living like that."

He nodded, "I understand, but look at your past or better yet, put yourself in my shoes and if all that occurred, would you believe me? Especially the way you can lie and not bat an eye while doing it. What says to prove to me, if you're caught in traffic, call me, facetime me and show me the traffic. If I'm home alone and you come home tired and rush into the bathroom to shower because you say you're sweaty, would you believe you or wonder if you're washing off the sweat and bodily fluids from someone else."

She looked up at him; tears were running down her cheeks. She whispered out to him, "Boy, you must really hate me. To think I'd do something like that, maybe you are right. Maybe you are right; it may have gone too far for you to ever believe me."

He shook his head, "Okay, tell me, after wresting with Wil Wheaton on the set and letting him fuck you, did you not rush home and jump right in the shower?"

Her jaw dropped and her shoulders slumped and she nodded slowly, "You're right Leonard, so tell me, where do we go from here? "

Leonard shook his head, "I don't know. I really want to believe you. I want to forget all of this, but I'm not going to sit back and let you slap me in the face and smile and say "I love you" and turn around and fuck another guy. So here is what I propose, we both sign the relationship/marriage agreement. We get it notarized and if you are caught violating the agreement; you'll be seeing my back as I walk out the door and will not look back."

She stared at him and she fought back the tears, "Are you telling me there is no leeway. There is only black and white, no grey?

He scoffed, "Yes, no leeway, only black and white. I can see, in the back of your head, you're thinking you can't do this, am I correct?"

She stared at him, again tears rolled down her cheeks and she shook her head, "No, but if I slip..."

He blurted out, "I'M GONE!"

She got up and went into the bathroom and was there for several minutes. She came out and sat back down. I have my copy of the agreement. Should we get Sheldon in here? He's a notary and can verify me signing it."

"So you're going to sign it, knowing you can't abide by it?"

She shook her head, "No Leonard, I'm going to prove you wrong! Just remember, the pendulum swings both ways and I can walk out too if you violate the agreement."

He nodded, "Don't worry Penny, once I say "I Do" I will honor our vows. They are sacred to me and I will be faithful. Listen, I may sound hateful, I have reasons to be that way, but remember, I love you. I wouldn't be here if I didn't want it to work. I swear right now, I will not bring up any of the past digressions, but one stumble, one extra-marital affair behind my back or one that I don't agree to, I'm not looking back and you have the same option." He took her hands in his, slid closer and tightened his grip, "Penny, will you marry me?"

She gave him a weak smile and threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly, "Yeah, oh yes Leonard Hofstadter, I'll marry and I'll be faithful to you!"

Now that, that was behind them, she sat back, "I was very impressed with the group of men you selected for me. Were there any you didn't list, but tried to get?"

He stared at her, "Yeah, there were a few, but didn't want to list them."

She sat forward, "Who and why??"

He stared at her, "Ah, well, I contacted the studio and the guys from NCIS denied ever knowing you. I told them what happened and where, but they denied it. I didn't want to put them on the list. All I can say is Fuck'em! You don't need them and you have a bunch of men who are excited about having this last shot at you. Sorry that may sound a little callous, but hey, look at you, you're gorgeous and I still can't believe you want to marry me."

She lunged forward and wrapped her arms around him again. "Oh you stupid, stupid man, can't you see you are a catch. I saw all of the women on your list and there are some who are a lot better catch than I am. I'm very, very jealous and even when I'm with those men you picked for me, I'll be thinking about them with you. Can I ask you a question?"

He broke free, "Please Penny, no sexual contact. I want the next time we make love is our wedding night. Okay, what did you want to know?"

She cleared her throat, "Did you leave any women off your list? I saw some were bolded and don't know who they are either."

He stammered, "Well Ainsley Earhardt can't attend, it seems she's pregnant. Maya Bishop can't attend because she's on the same shift at the Seattle Fire Department as Andrea Herrera. Maya gave the chance to Andrea because she's the person who saved me from choking in Las Vegas. Ava, Natalie and April all work in Chicago and they can't get off the time because of the line of work they are in."

Penny stared at him, "So Ainsley's pregnant? Did she say who the father was?"

He cleared his throat and he shook his head, "No, she didn't and I wasn't about to ask her who it was. I don't think that is any of my business."

"So any other women on the trip out East?"

He nodded, "Are you sure you want to hear all of them?"

She gave him a sly smile, "Okay stud, let me have it."

He sat back, "Well after Andrea saved me in Vegas, I took her out for a thank you dinner and one thing led to another and you know."

She slapped him, "You dog, now I'm getting jealous. Okay after that?"

He grinned at her, "We went to Denver to interview for the tutoring positions, but found out we were over-qualified. Seeing it was off season for school, we were interviewed at the principal's residence and one thing led to another and she had sex with both of us, what really made it unusual, her three daughters came in, one at a time and joined it."

Penny's jaw dropped, "I'm not so sure about you and this yearly summer trek across America. Sounds like Sheldon is a bad influence for you. So after that, where and what?"

He chuckled, "Aw, well we went to Omaha and well, you know."

"Okay, skip over that one, I know my mother."

He scoffed, "Aw yeah, she told me the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Okay so after that, we went to Topeka, Kansas and sorta paid two women and..."

"No, Leonard, you paid a hooker?"

He shook his head, "No, it wasn't anything like that. Aw, well it was a sex compound where men go to learn certain techniques to pleasure women. I have to tell you, we learned a lot and on our wedding night, you're gonna find out just what we learned."

Her jaw dropped, "I can't believe it. You went to a sex camp and didn't take me? So tell me, what did you learn?"

He shook his head, "No, not until our wedding night."

She groaned out, "You gotta tell me. If you don't I'll get it out of Sheldon. You know he can't keep a secret, tell me."

He threw his head back, "Aw shit, you're right. But you're not going to see it in action till our wedding night. Well, we learned the technique to make a woman squirt."

She started laughing, "Yeah, sure, you know I'll get it out of Sheldon, that can't be it. That is just a fantasy you see in pornos."

He shook his head, "No, it really happens, after the test subject I performed it on...Let me see now, April, Natalie, Sally, Martha, Harris, Jillian, Katie and Kelsea, I believe that's eight women who can attest to the fact what I made them squirt."

She chuckled, "Yeah and I'm going to be the Pope."

He smiled at her, "I don't care if you believe me or not, but you can ask your sister, and my sister. They will be here for my portion of the orgy."

She was suddenly shocked, "You're not kidding, are you?"

He suddenly lost his smile, "Hey, you asked and I had to be truthful. Remember, no more secrets."

She scoffed, Okay, who were those other women you mentioned?"

Well April and Natalie were women who assisted Sheldon at the Chicago emergency room. We missed our hotel reservation and they offered us a place to sleep. Harris, Jillian and Katie all work at Fox News and I believe you're a very big fan of Kelsea."

She looked confused, "What are you talking about, I don't know any Kelsea...Oh wait a minute, you can't mean Kelsea Ballerini, are you serious?"

He grinned at her, "She was just as skeptical as you and afterwards, she was a believer and she wanted us back for a repeat performance. She told me she had a couple of friends, Maddie and Tae who would love to try it out."

Penny was dumbfounded, "You're serious, aren't you. You can actually make a woman squirt?"

He chuckled, "Just wait till our wedding night. I've been told by your sister it was like nothing she'd ever experienced before. You can ask her when she arrives with my mother and sister. So now do you believe me that I love you and want only you, unless we're partying together?"

She looked a little down, "Yeah, I guess, but you get to go on the summer train across America and get to have sex with all of those women and I'll be home, alone; it isn't fair."

Leonard suddenly thought to himself, "She's right, it isn't fair, "Penny, what would you say if you saved up your vacation time and joined us on the train ride across America. I'm certain you'd have one hellava time in New York. I have it on very good authority that one certain Fox News Celeb is very, very bi-sexual and I'd love to see the three of us together."

She hopped up and down, "Are you serious? You'd do that for me? I thought the summer train trip was to get back at me?"

He shook his head, "I don't need that, as long as you're there to share it with me, it will be even more special."

She kissed him and plastered her lush body to his, "Oh Leonard, I really do you love and I can see you feel the exact same way. Let's get this orgy planned so we can forget about the thirty days and get married. I want to be Mrs. Leonard Hofstadter as soon as possible. I've gone nearly eight full years here in Pasadena without a last name and I'm tired of that."

He scoffed, "You were married to Zack for a few years and you didn't know it, so you were Penny Johnson for a while."

"Go, go get Sheldon so we can sign this agreement and start planning our future together. Are you sure you don't wanna go into the bedroom and seal the deal?"

He shook his head, "A very, very tempting offer, but no, no more sex till our orgy and then our wedding." He got Sheldon, they signed the agreement and he notarized it and gave them both a copy and he kept one for his files.

After that, it was a whirlwind of activities as Sheldon, Leonard and Penny worked out all of the logistics of the orgy. They managed to get several cabins in Big Bear, California at a rather reduced rate because it was the off-season. Two huge chateaus had hot tubs, and private lap pools. They realized it was going to be needed to relax after eight hours of fucking and sucking. They also had six more cabins, three for the men and three for the women who were going to be attending the orgies. They each had a hot tub and a communal pool to use.

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