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Big Bang Theory Season 10 Ep. 09-13

Story Info
Penny beds Raj, Leonard, Amy, Sheldon & more!
12.5k words

Part 99 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Sheldon was livid, he found out that the "Rock Guy" Bert, was awarded the MacArthur Genius Grant and he was extremely jealous. He struck back, throwing a rock, but it landed on his foot. He tried to be happy for Bert, but when he told Sheldon he got to nominate someone for next year's award, he wanted to know if Sheldon knew any good engineers. Sheldon went off again and slipped and fell trying to attack the water fountain. It ended when Bert invited Sheldon to go see Ellen.

The following week, Amy asked Sheldon if he was interested in redecorating the apartment seeing they were co-habituating there. It got Sheldon to thinking and he decided he wanted to divvy up the property Leonard and he accumulated. They got into a huge argument, Sheldon ended up subleasing his room to a homeless bum. They made up and they ended up being best friends again. The worst part was that Penny was given the painting Amy had painted of herself and Penny. Meanwhile at the Wolowitz household, Stuart managed to get Howard and Bernadette to take him in seeing he was evicted from his place.

Howard loved it and so did Bernadette. They basically had their own live-in maid and chef. Raj got extremely jealous and Howard became the recipient of another house maid.

Howard was lying on the couch while Raj and Stuart put together a baby seat. Bernadette came out of the kitchen, "I think I'm in labor."

Howard hopped up, "Whoa, whoa, okay, I can do this. We have a plan." He turned to Raj and Stuart in a panic, "Somebody please tell me the plan."

Stuart turned to Raj, "I'll get the hospital bag." Raj blurted out, "I'll pull the van up." Stuart added, "Meet you outside in two minutes." Raj nodded, "Team "Baby," go!"

Howard hugged Bernie, "I love you!" She cried out, "I love you too."

Stuart came back into the room with the "to go bag", "Are we hugging or having a baby? Let's go!"

Raj sped across town as they rushed to the hospital. While they did this, Sheldon was sitting up in his bed while Amy slept. He was checking his phone, he tapped her on the shoulder, "Amy, wake up."

She rolled over and looked to him, "What's wrong?"

He showed her his phone, "It's midnight, "Happy Birthday!"

She smiled at him knowing what this meant. She let out a long sigh, "Sheldon!" She turned to put her glasses on and he picked up a New Year's Eve horn and blew it. She grabbed it, "Okay, you can have this back in the morning."

He turned on the light, "All right, this is for you." He grabbed hold of a Happy Birthday bag and placed it on the bed, "I was going to wrap it, but touching Scotch tape gives me the heebie-jeebies."

She pulled a frame from the bag, "What is this?"

He scoffed, "It's a functional MRI of my brain. I did Sudoku before they took it so I'd be ripped."

She grinned at him, "I love it, thank you."

"And it's not just an MRI; the orbitofrontal cortex is lit up because I was thinking of you."

She wrapped her arms around him and called out, "Sheldon!" She kissed him and pulled back still holding onto him.

He held her, "We seem to be moving on to the coitus portion of your birthday festivities."

She licked her lips, "Is that okay?"

He looked down, "I didn't put on my come-hither plaid pj's for nothing."

She chuckled, "You hate Scotch tape, but you love Scotch plaid. You are a mystery."

Sheldon turned off the light, Amy removed her glasses and they met in the middle of the bed in a passionate kiss. He pushed her onto her back and just then there was a knocking on their apartment door.

Penny yelled out from the hallway, "Guys, wake up. Bernadette's having her baby." Leonard added, "Come on, we're going to the hospital."

They sat up and Amy whispered, "I guess we should stop."

Sheldon nodded, "I'm afraid so." He turned on the light, "Childbirth, looming coitus? It's a banner night for female genitals."

At the hospital the nurse found out Bernadette's contractions were twelve minutes apart. She shook her head, "Go home, and come back when the contractions are five minutes apart for an hour."

Back at the apartment, the four of them hurried down the stairs. Penny spoke up, "Sheldon, what took you so long?"

"Wolowitz might hand out cigars. I had to find my bubble gum cigar so I could join in without looking foolish."

All of a sudden Penny's phone began ringing; she answered it, "Hey!"

Raj talked over the car's speaker phone, "Don't come to the hospital, we're headed home."

Penny scoffed, "That was fast, did she sneeze the baby out?"

They all smiled and Bernadette replied from the back seat, "We showed up too early. We'll keep you posted."

"Okay, well, we'll talk to you guys later, bye." She hung up and turned to Amy and Sheldon, "She said not to come; it's going to be a while."

Amy let out a sigh, "Well, first deliveries can be slow." She turned back to Sheldon, "Well, should we, uh, head back up?"

Penny cut in, "Come in, guys. We're all awake, why don't we go to a diner or something?"

Amy had something else on her mind, "Oh, uh, I don't know. Sheldon, you don't want to do that, do you?" She shook her head, hoping he took the hint.

"It doesn't matter what I want. It's your birthday, you decide."

Penny blurted out, "Oh, my God, it's your birthday! Let's do something fun."

Amy looked to Sheldon, "Uh--"

Penny cut her off, "Oh, we can go to a bar..."

Amy began to panic, "Welllllllll!"

Leonard stepped in, "Babe, they want to have sex."

Penny chuckled, "Oh, of course; the birthday booty spectacular!"

Sheldon rolled his eyes, "That's a bit childish, isn't it?"

Sarcastically she replied, "I'm sorry, and what flavor is your bubble gum cigar?"

He showed her, "Grape, I find it the most mild."

Penny knew he missed the sarcasm, "All right, well, you two go have fun."

Amy and Sheldon turned and hurried up the stairs.

Leonard turned to Penny, "Maybe we can get frisky too?"

As they climbed the stairs, Penny patted him on the butt, "Oh, you sexy, wheezy, little man. After what you let me do to those nerds at Comic-Con, you can have whatever you like."

Sheldon and Amy were back in their bedroom and suddenly Amy was nervous, "So, where were we?"

They both sat on the bed, "I believe we were kissing like randy teenagers, and your nose was whistling ever so slightly. You sounded like a foxy teakettle."

She grinned back at him, "Well, shall we start over?"

He nodded, "Very well." She scooted closed and he embraced her. He kissed her and pulled away.

She looked at him, "What's wrong?"

He shrugged, "I'm not sure. Earlier tonight things began organically and now it's feeling forced."

"Okay, that makes sense. I mean, the mood's a little different now. We don't have to rush."

"I know, but Leonard and Penny think we're doing it. I don't want to disappoint them."

Sarcastically she replied, "And the mood continues to change."

He caught on, "No, and also I don't want to disappoint you. You know, come on, it's your birthday, I can soldier through this." He went to embrace her.

She stopped him, "Hold on, I think I might have a little surprise that might help get things back on track." She stood up and headed for the bathroom."

He sat there, "Intriguing! Is "back on track" a hint that it had something to do with trains?"

She poked her head out of the bathroom and grinned at him, "NO!" She closed the door behind her.

At Leonard's apartment, Penny was checking her phone when he came out of the bedroom, "Found my backup inhaler. Want to have sex?" He took a seat beside her.

"Well, I didn't until I heard that." She reached out and wrapped her arms around his neck. They began making out like two long-lost lovers.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door, it was Raj, he called out, "Hello?"

Penny was hot and she needed to be fucked and suddenly thought having both Raj and Leonard seemed very appealing. She climbed off the sofa and moved to the door. Her legs felt like rubber and she threw open the door.

Raj immediately saw the look in her eyes and he looked over her shoulder and saw Leonard sitting there.

Leonard threw up his hands, "It's okay Raj, when she gets this way, the only thing to do is to go with the flow. Have your way with her, she's more than ready."

Raj closed the door and just as she turned around, he pinned her arms above her head and closed his lips over hers.

Penny was startled by the sudden movement, but she closed her eyes and returned his kiss ten-fold. She moaned as he began moving her up and down along his strong leg that was pressed against her mound. She shivered as she tore her mouth from his and looked to Leonard. She smiled when he gave her the thumbs up sign and she turned back to Raj. She kissed him as she felt his tongue invade her oral cavity. She arched away from the door as she rolled her hips back and forth against his leg.

Raj pulled away and ran his hands up and down her lush body. He saw her look to Leonard for guidance and when Raj looked at Leonard, he saw him spread out on the sofa, watching without any urge to stop what was happening.

Penny ran her hands up and down Raj's back and slowly drifted down beneath the waistband of his pants. She clawed at his tight ass and pulled him against her excited body. She was staring over Raj's shoulder as she kept them focused on her husband. She dipped her head and nipped at Raj's ear and neck. She smiled when she heard Raj let out a tiny groan.

Raj's hand was on her hip, guiding her from side to side applying pressure to her against his stiff cock. His hands were traveling all over her body, setting off tiny fires wherever he touched.

Penny kept her eyes locked with Leonard's and she let out a tiny moan as she watched him free his stiff cock and began stroking it. She pulled back slightly from Raj and stared into his dark, lust-filled eyes, "Fuck me, Raj, right here, right now!"

Raj couldn't believe his good fortune, especially after being thrown from the Wolowitz house for spilling the beans on the gender of their baby. He pulled back and taking her hand, he was going to lead her to the sofa, but was stopped.

"No Raj, right here, right now up against the door. The last thing I need now is for Sheldon and Amy to come barging it." She turned, locked the door and put the chain on. "What the fuck are you waiting for?"

A slow smile crossed his lips. He reached down and in one swift motion, drew the large, bulky knit sweatshirt from her body. Her bra quickly followed and grabbing hold of her sweatpants, he pushed them down.

She kicked her pants aside and seeing she wasn't wearing panties, she was now naked, waiting for him to take her.

Raj toed off his shoes and quickly rid himself of his pants and shorts. He chuckled as Penny tore at his shirt and undershirt and he was now standing before her, just as naked as she was. His dark skin was a huge contrast to her milky white skin. He leaned in and attacked the sensitive flesh of her neck. He moved once again to her mouth and they were fused together. Raj reached down and lifted her leg closest to Leonard. He hooked it around his thick waist and thrusting forward, he sank his thick, dark skinned cock into her juicy pussy.

Penny's head slammed against the door as she threw it back and relished the thickness of his cock as it sank deep into her juicy cunt. She rolled her head to one side and when she opened her eyes she saw Leonard, naked too. She clung to Raj's shoulders as he began pumping his cock in and out of her at break-neck speed. Her tits jumped and swayed as she was pushed repeatedly against the door. She heard her husband let out a loud gasp. She knew he could see Raj's cock sliding in and out of her receptive body, open wide for his viewing pleasure.

Raj was over the top for this gorgeous blonde. He ran his hands up and down her body and forcing her mouth to his, he kissed her viciously as he pulled at her messy balled up hair. It came tumbling down about her shoulders and across her lush tits. He attacked her neck, "You have no fucking idea how hot and tight you are, Penny."

She couldn't stop staring at Leonard and she wanted him, she needed him and she caught his eye, "Get your ass over here Leonard, I need you too. I want you both to fuck me; I need you to claim your wife, Leonard! Stop being so fucking agreeable, I need to know you want and need me!"

Without saying a word, Leonard got up off the sofa and came over to the two joined together. He grabbed his wife's arm and pulled at it. He saw her grimace as Raj's cock slipped from her juicy cunt. He tugged at her arm and he led the two of them down the hall to their bedroom.

Raj and Penny fell to the bed and as if they were magnetized, he was immediately balls deep in her pussy once again. He pumped several times making sure he was totally seeded in her once again. He rose up on to his elbows and gently swept her unruly hair from her face, "Okay, you have us both here, how would you like us. We're here for your pleasure; we are at your disposal."

She let out a gasp as he picked up the pace and she let out a gasp, it was too much to fathom at the moment, she loved what he was doing and had a tough time thinking straight. She tried to decide and each time she was about to speak, Raj drove into her harder and she was cut off with a gasp or a moan. She turned her head towards Leonard, "Ah, yes, Mmmm, I'm thinking I want my husband's cock in my mouth, I'd love to taste him, even though I am partial to licking my cream from a cock that has been in my pussy."

Leonard scooted up and stared at his lovely wife, "My God, Penny, do you have any idea how gorgeous you look right now, right here. Let it be known, no baby coming is going to stop me, before we're done here, I WILL claim you and I WILL fill your sweet pussy with my cum. Who knows, maybe the day Bernadette had a baby is the same day you conceive."

She rolled her head and just before she enveloped his cock with her lips, she spat out, "Not tonight sweetie, you forget, I'm on the pill." She guided the tip of his cock to her rosy red lips. Her tongue swept over the glistening flesh and her lips sealed around the shaft as she stared up at him and saw his length slowly sink into her throat.

Raj was turned on even more watching Leonard fuck his wife's mouth. He drove in and out of Penny's pussy like it was the last one he'd ever have.

Leonard fisted her hair and even though she didn't need any encouragement, he pulled her closer to his body as he fucked her face.

Penny was finally getting what she wanted and she felt her cunt muscles begin to tighten. She felt that glorious feeling of an impending orgasm.

Raj felt her getting tighter, if that was even possible. He cried out, "Cum, come on Penny, cum for us."

Leonard knew better and he pulled his cock from her mouth just as her climax enveloped her. He knew if he was still in her mouth, she just might bite it off. He cradled her head and soothed her as she came.

Raj was nearing the end too. He pumped his cock in and out of her as hard and as fast as he could. He loved how her strong legs wrapped around him and pulled him deeper. He felt her cunt muscles milk him and he lost it. He started pumping his hot, creamy cum deep into her receptive pussy. He threw his head back and screamed out, "Oh yesssssssssss Penny, take it, take all my cum!"

Penny's entire body stiffened. Her legs fell from about Raj's slick damp body and fell to the bed. She rolled her head from side to side, "Oh my God, yes, yes, fill me up Raj, I love how your cock jerks in me every time it shoots!"

He slowed to nearly a stop, tiny shakes made her quiver too. He reached down and slowly stroked her clit and saw how she reacted. He did it again and again. He smiled down at her as Leonard leaned in and closed his lips around one of her stiff nipples. He joined Leonard as he continued to play with her clit, he sucked her other nipple.

Penny arched her back, "You dirty mother fuckers, you've gone and did! I'm there again, oh fuck, just a little more!" She arched her back and thrashed around on the bed as she exploded again, coating Raj's fingers with another dose of her slimy juices. Her entire body was on fire and before she knew it, Leonard rose up and replaced Raj between her legs.

Raj scooted around and fed her his cum coated cock and the three of them were once again off to the races. The sounds her cunt was making were obscene and Leonard reached down and as he played with her clit, he got his fingers soaked with a combination of her cum and Raj's. At this point, he could have cared less. He shoved two thick fingers deep in her ass and he felt her close to another orgasm. He picked up the pace and with each thrust into her, her cunt made sloshing sounds. It was music to his ears and as he threw his head back, he came and came hard, filling his bride with his cum. He knew he was glad she was on the pill; he didn't want the baby coming out dark, from Raj who had first dibs on her this evening.

Penny was beyond the point of no return and as Leonard filled her and his fingers played relentlessly with her butt, she came too. She fell lifelessly to the bed and lay there panting and moaning, a woman completely satisfied and loved, not only her husband, but the dark Indian man too.

Back in Penny's old bedroom Sheldon still sat on the bed, "Can I look yet?"

In a sexy voice from behind the bedroom door she replied, "One second." She opened the door and chuckled lightly, "All right, you can open your eyes."

He did and stared at Amy leaning against the doorframe. Her nightgown was above the knee with black heels on. She was wearing a Harry Potter black and gold cape and was holding her wizard's wand.

She grinned at him, "I thought I'd let Harry Potter make things hotter."

He sat there, his jaw dropped, "Wowza!"

She reached into the bathroom and pulled out another robe, "I got a Gryffindor robe for you."

He let out a gasp, "A Gryffindor with a Hufflepuff? How scandalous, you naughty girl. You went to the Wizarding World theme park without me."

She swung her long scarf around, "I did, am I in trouble?"

He pulled her over onto his lap, pushed aside her robe and yanked her nightgown up to her waist. He pulled down her tiny lace panties by Victoria, and after a gentle caress, he slapped her once, twice, three times on her butt and it turned a light shade of pink.

She let out a groan and a moan, "Ohhh, happy birthday to me." She wiggled her hips, waiting for more. She was sidetracked as Penny ran out of their apartment, her clothes disheveled from her recent bout with Leonard, "Hey, Bernadette's water broke! Come on, everyone to the hospital!"

Amy sat up from her sexy spanking from Sheldon and bellowed out, "You have got to be fucking kidding me!"

Amy, Sheldon and Raj were in the back seat, while Penny was in the passenger seat, while Leonard was driving. Penny looked back to Amy, who was visibly upset, "Howard and Bernadette's kid might be born on your birthday, how cool is that?"

"Yeah, but I thought this baby was supposed to ruin their sex life, not mine."

Raj was upset too, "This is not how I imagined this day going. I should be with them right now."

Leonard shook his head, "Well, it is their child, isn't it?"

Raj shrugged, "I'm pretty sure it is, but to be fair, I've spent nine months helping Bernadette get ready for this baby. There is always the possibility that I could be the father."

They all got to the hospital and were in the waiting room. They went on and on about how things have changed over the years. They were half asleep when Howard came running into the waiting room, "She's here, the baby's here."

They all hopped up and screamed out, "Congratulations!"

"How's Bernadette?"

"She's tired, but great, they're both great. There seems to be only one issue that I can't figure out. The baby has a definite darker skin tone than any of the Wolowitz ancestors, but the doctor said it could be because any number of issues."

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