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Big Bang Theory Season 12 Ep. 16-17

Story Info
Girls play adult D&D. Bernie & Penny & more.
13.4k words

Part 113 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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After their award winning paper, Amy and Sheldon went on several TV shows to promote their discovery. They even went on Wil Wheaton's Professor Proton show. To surprise Sheldon, Wil had a very special guest waiting in the wings for Sheldon.

The doorbell rang and Wil asked Sheldon to answer it, after a few minutes of bickering back and forth, Sheldon had Amy open the door and he was so shocked, he vomited all over the guest, it was William Shatner, Star Trek's original Captain Kirk.

Sheldon went to Wil's house to apologize for barfing all over Bill and he found out Wil was playing Dungeons and Dragons with Shatner. Before Sheldon could ask him if that was Shatner, Wil slammed the door in his face.

He raced back to the apartment and threw open the door while everyone was seated, already eating. Penny and Leonard patched things up the way they always did, they ignored the issue and let it slide.

Sheldon screamed out, "Guys! Guys! Wil Wheaton hosts a secret celebrity D&D game."

Leonard looked up from his plate, "How do you know?

Howard added, "Who was there?"

"I'm positive I heard William Shatner."

They figured out Kevin Smith was there and saw a posting that Stuart was there too.

Later that evening they ambushed Stuart. They were all in Howard's kitchen when Stuart returned home and saw them all sitting there. He looked around, "Hey guys."

Howard refused to look at him, "You're home late."

"Uh, yeah, I had a crazy night. I went to the pharmacy. I like to be there when the new decongestants drop."

Raj slapped the table and stood up before him, "Cut the crap, we know where you were. We know what you were doing."

He shrugged, "Yeah I just told you. I was at CVS breathing my ass off."

Sheldon stood up, "Oh, you were breathing all right. You were breathing the rarefied air of celebrities."

He leaned back, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Leonard came up behind him, "We know you were at Wil's D&D game. We saw you on Instagram. We just wanna know how you got invited?"

"I can't talk about it or they won't invite me back next week."

Leonard stepped even closer, "So, there's another game next week!"

Stuart grabbed his head, "No! I didn't mean to say that."

Howard grabbed a chair and slammed it to the floor, "Who's in it?"

"I can't tell you."

The walls were closing in on him, Raj blurted out, "How do we get invited?"

Stuart was trembling, "I don't know!"

The next day Stuart called Wil, "I don't wanna play anymore. It's too much pressure."

Wil replied, "Why, what happened?"

"I've said too much."

Wil scoffed, "You haven't said anything."

"Not to you, to them."

"Who's them?"

Stuart grabbed his head and screamed into the phone, "Ahh! Now I have said too much!" He hung up and Wil stared at his phone and shook his head.

Later that day Wil called Leonard, "Hey, Leonard. I have an opening in my D&D game next week, and I was wondering if you were interested in playing."

"Yes! Thank you."

"Okay, great. Now, here's the thing, you can't tell anyone. I'm serious, not Howard, not Raj and certainly not Sheldon."

Leonard nodded, "Okay."

"I'm really sorry to put you in a position where you have to lie-"

Leonard cut him off, "See you there!" He hung up.

That next week, Leonard was sitting around, listening to them go on and on about how they should handle one of the monsters. Along with Wil, Shatner and Kevin smith, there was also Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Joe Manganiello.

Kareem looked to Leonard, "What do you think?"

He threw up his hands, "I think this is the greatest day of my entire life."

Bill chuckled, "It's all right, buddy. One day, you'll meet a girl."

Leonard returned home, he was floating on air and Penny looked up from her magazine, "Hey, how was your lecture?"

He was so excited, "Oh, it was so good! It started great, and then the middle was great, and the ending was like, so great."

Penny chuckled, "Leonard, if you went to House of Pies again, just say it."

He scoffed, "No, wait, if you think I'm lying, why do you think I'm eating pies? Why don't you think I'm having an affair?"

Now she scoffed, "Listen, it's fine, just next time, bring me a slice."

"Okay, well, if you really wanna know, I'll tell you where I was. I was at Wil's D&D game, but that's all I can say."

"Oh, fun, were there famous people there?"

"Ah! Sorry, I can't tell you that." He turned away and turned back, "Okay, well yes, but I can't tell you who. Well, no, I can tell you Shatner, but that's only because you already knew that one."

She looked up from her magazine, "Well, I'm glad you had fun."

He was dying to tell her, "Yeah, oh, I wish I could tell you who else was there!"

She shook her head, "You know, if it makes you feel better, I couldn't care less."

He pointed at her, "That's true, you don't care, so there's no harm in telling you. All right, I'll tell you. Kevin Smith was there and this really tall guy named Kareem."

All of a sudden, Penny perked up, "Wait, wait, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?"

Leonard shrugged, "I don't know. It was Kareem something Jabbar."

Penny stood there with her mouth open. He looked back at her, "Well, how do you know him?"

She screamed out, "How do you not know him?

He shrugged again, "Well, I know him now, because he was there."

Penny pulled a bottle of wine out of the fridge, "WOW! That is so cool!"

He nodded, "Yeah, oh and that... The guy who played the werewolf on True Blood, he was there."

Penny stopped dead and stared back at him. Her eyes shot wide open, "What? Joe Manganiello?"

He nodded, "Ah, yeah."

She blurted out, "From Magic Mike?" She was breathing so hard, looked like she was having an orgasm.

He looked at her, "What's that?"

She picked up her phone and began typing, "Okay, okay, did he this?" She showed him a picture on her phone."

He looked at it, "He had his clothes on, but yeah."

She was grinning from ear to ear, "Oh, I can't believe you met Joe Manganiello! Was he nice?"

"Oh, he was so nice. I rolled my dice underneath the couch and he just lifted it up, one hand."

She stared out into space and mumbled, "Oh, I bet he did."

The next day Penny rushed over to see Bernadette. She was in the kitchen with Amy, "Hi, okay, can you guys keep a secret?"

They both replied, "Yeah."

She chuckled, "Good, because I can't. Leonard played Dungeons and Dragons with the hot guy from Magic Mike."

Bernadette stepped over to her, "I never got to see that movie."

Amy looked up at her, "Seriously?"

"Yeah, Howie made us leave as soon as he realized it wasn't about magic."

Amy blushed, "Well, I have seen that movie one or seven times and, trust me, it is magic. Which guy?"

Penny looked it up on her phone again and showed it to Bernie. "That one!"

Bernie took the phone and looked at it closer, "Abracadabra!"

Penny stared at them both, "Hey, you know what was fun? That time we played Dungeons and Dragons."

Amy nodded, "That was fun, we should play that more."

Bernie was still scrolling through the pictures on Penny's phone, "Sorry, what now?"

The three of them went to see Wil on the set of Professor Proton. He saw them, "Hey, what are you guys doing here?"

Amy stuttered, "Oh, I think Sheldon might have left something."

Wil chuckled, "You mean, besides his lunch?"

A;ll three of them burst out laughing and Bernie giggled, "You are so funny, Wil."

Penny added, "We were just talking about how funny you are."

He nodded, "Yeah sure, Leonard told you, didn't he?"

They all nodded, "Yeah!"

He stared at them, "Manganiello?"

They nodded, "Yeah!"

"Feel good about yourselves?"

They all shook their head, "Nope, yeah!

Later that day Leonard got a call from Wil, "You're out, you told the girls."

Leonard told the other three about the D&D game and they ran over to Wil's to try and get the open seat, he refused to let them play.

The next night, the girls told them they were going out for a girls' night out, but they were invited, all three of them to Wil's house for D&D.

Amy was seated between Joe and Kevin. Penny between Wil and Shatner and Bernie was between Kevin and Kareem. Penny came prepared, dressed in a tight pair of yoga pants and a loose fitting blouse, no panties or bra. Her hair was pulled up atop her head in a loose messy bun.

Wil looked around, "Okay,who's next?"

Shatner blurted out, "I was about to go all Wrath of Khan on the ogres."

Kevin rolled his eyes, "Oh man, that's it, put another dollar in the Star Trek jar, Bill!"

He shoved it into the jar, "Worth it!"

Amy leaned over to Joe, "Speaking if putting dollars in things...I loved you in Magic Mike."

He stared at her and chuckled, "Thanks!" He turned to Wil, "Switch places with me!"

Shatner blurted out, "Are we playing musical chairs, or Dungeons & Dragons?"

Penny called out, "Yeah let's teach that ogre what my broadsword tastes like."

Shatner looked to Penny, "I like your moxie."

Penny chuckled, "Aw, and I like your grandpa words."

Bernie leaned over and whispered to Kareem, "My dad and I watched you win back to back championships." She too was dressed to kill. Her long blonde hair floated over her large tits, without a bra, they swayed loosely in her loose blouse and she had a tight pair of yoga pants on too.

He leaned over to her and chuckled, "And I watched you sniff Joe's hair when he wasn't looking."

She chuckled, "I'd do yours too, but you have it all shaved off, well except for that tiny beard and mustache."

Amy was now beside Wil. She was dressed in a brown skirt, it was halfway up her thighs, showing the tops of her brown stockings. She had a blouse on just like Penny's and just as Bernie and Penny, she was going commando too. She leaned over to Wil, "Thanks again for inviting is. And don't worry, we won't tell the guys."

He had an evil thought, "You know what, why don't you tell the guys? But let's wait till we get further into the game. You three do know it's an adult version of the game, right? After each roll, if you don't kill an ogre or help someone, you have to remove an article of clothing."

Shatner grinned at Penny and she did the same to Joe, "Okayyyyyy now, who's turn is it?" She handed the dice to Joe.

He rolled and failed to get anyone one or anything. He tore off his tight t-shirt and Amy and Penny nearly began drooling.

It was Penny's turn and she failed too. When her blouse came off., Shatner was drooling and couldn't remember it was his turn. He rolled and didn't even look at the dice and off came his shirt. The same happened with Kareem and pretty soon, no one was rolling dice, they were just removing clothes and before long, all five guys and the three women were all naked.

Penny let out a nervous chuckle as she stared at Joe and Wil, so now what?"

Joe reached for Penny, "Who gives a fuck, but I wouldn't mind you sliding up and down my pole, just like in Magic Mike!"

Penny let out a shriek and standing up, she straddled his strong thighs. She reached up and pulled quickly at the few pins holding her long blonde hair up in that bun. She shook her head and her long tousled hair came tumbling down and covered half of Joe's body and half of hers too. She reached back and gripping his extremely thick huge cock. She lodged it at the entrance to her moist hole and slowly lowering her body, she let out a long sigh. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with so much intensity, he let out an even louder groan.

Joe grabbed hold of her lush ass and began lifting and lowering her body. With each downward movement, more of his cock slipped into her pussy.

Wil pulled out his phone and began recording what they were doing. He turned it towards Kareem.

Bernie slipped to her knees and grabbed hold of his incredibly large cock, Her tiny hand closed around it and her fingers didn't meet. She licked her lips and knew it was larger than Bert's, Sheldon's and even Glenn's She licked up and down the shaft. She soon had the entire thing gleaming in the light of the room. She closed her lips around the large bulbous head. If she wasn't staring at it, she would have thought the large head resembled a 60 watt light bulb, just as hot and electrified too. Her mouth gaped open when she suddenly felt her juicy cunt being filled.

She looked back and saw Capt Kirk driving is cock in and out of her juicy cunt.

Bill's hands were moving all over her. He set off tiny fires wherever he went. He cupped her tits, twisted her nipples and pulled at them. He slapped her ass a couple times and wetting his fingers with the cunt juices flowing out of her pussy. He used his slime covered fingers and began driving them in and out of her puckered hole.

Kareem was clutching at her hair, combing his long, thick black fingers through that mass of golden blonde hair. He was going to guide her on his cock, but she was way ahead of him. He let out a groan when he saw her open her mouth and allowed a long stream of saliva to slide down his shaft. Her lips and hand followed it as she sucked and stroked his cock. Her other hand was filled with his huge swollen balls. She was amazed how his nuts resembled a pair of ping-pong balls.

Across from them, Wil was still recording all of the goings-on. He now focused on Amy, who was in the same predicament as Bernie, but had an easier go at it. He focused the phone on her lips as she swallowed his entire cock. Her long silky brown hair flowed over his thighs as she licked at his balls that were pressed against her lips.

Behind her, Kevin Smith was grabbing hold of Amy's hips. He shoved his cock in and out of her pussy. He was amazed how easily she accepted his cock. He wasn't aware how large her husband was, but he loved how she pushed back, meeting his urgent thrusts with ones of her own.

Wil hit a few buttons and all of a sudden, he sent the file to all of the guys. He grinned and tossed his phone aside. He snuck out from under Amy and stumbled over behind Penny. He grabbed hold of her trembling ass. He steadied her and as he mimicked Joe's movement, she caught on and without any notice, he shoved his cock into her ass.

Penny thrashed around and in doing so, sent Wil's cock even deeper into her butt.

Wil wrapped his arms around hers and clutching at her tits, he mauled them. He lifted one and guided it into Joe's mouth.

Penny was screaming as she shook and an incredible orgasm raced through her body. She clung to Joe and began rocking her hips forwards and back and with each movement, she either sent one cock into her pussy or ass even deeper.

Joe released her tit and cradling her face in his hands, he kissed her so hard, it took their breath away. He bit on her tongue and growled out, "Oh fuck yeah, I'm cumming, I'm cumming."

Wil was right behind her, he began pumping his load into her bowels He ravished her neck and tits as he sent rope after rope into her lush ass.

Across the room, Kareem raked his fingers through Bernie's hair and pulling his cock from her mouth. He stroked it a couple times and began painting her face with his huge load.

She let out a squeal and opened her mouth, but he nearly drowned her. She never, ever had anyone cum that much and she grinned up at him, his cum dripping off her face and covering her swaying tits.

Bill was driving in and out of her, but without a condom, he wasn't about to have any more kids. He pulled his cock out of her and shot his load all over her back. He sent blast after blast all over her trim back and falling back he grinned back at Wil.

Wil picked up his phone and started recording once again. He turned towards Kevin and focused on the sight before him. Kevin was sitting on the sofa. His hands were wrapped around Amy's waist and he was guiding her up and down.

Amy was facing away from him and she grinned into the phone, her legs were spread wide and her feet were planted on the edge of the cushions. Her completely bare pussy was pointed directly at the camera and it easily showed Kevin's cock sliding in and out of Amy's pussy. She threw her head back and let out a scream, "Holy shit, Kevin, I'm cumming, please, please cum in me! She leaned back and whispered, "Don't worry, I'm on the pill, I wanna feel your jism fill my filthy pussy!"

Just hearing that send him over the edge. He mauled her tits from behind and began pumping his hot creamy cum into her cunt. She matched him movement for movement until he began to slip out.

Wil caught a close-up, especially the large stream of cum oozing out of Amy's pussy. He turned and did the same with Penny's holes. He turned off the camera and send that file to Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj."

The nerds got the files and looked to each other. Leonard scoffed, "We deserved that and so did they."

After their romp with the guys at the D&D game, Penny and Bernadette were rejuvenated. Penny jumped into her work and had a sales meeting the next day. She was at the top of her game. She stood before them and gave them her pitch, "With the absence of side effects this means that Inflaminex can be taken in conjunction with other medications. It's a brand-new day." She let out a long sigh. "Such a good tagline, I forgot. Who came up with that?"

One of the other sales team members blurted out, "You did."

"That's right, I did," she let out a chuckle afterwards. "Okay, I know it's late. I've been workin' you guys really hard, so I have a little treat for you."

One of the guys called out, "We get to go home?"

"Noooo, you get to stay here and get a vitamin B-12 shots."

Just then Bernadette walked into the meeting room, "Oh, my God! You guys are still here?"

One of the females from the sales team called out, "We're happy to be here, it's a brand-new day."

Bernie shook her head, "It's 12:15, it's literally a brand-new day. Everybody, go home."

Penny scoffed and threw her hands up, "All right, fine, go. Get out here, go on." She turned to Bernie, "I think things are going pretty good."

Bernie was worried about her, "Are you aware that Dave is in the break room, crying?"

"Yeah, I told him if he's gonna be a crybaby, go to the break room. I just wanna be prepared for this conference."

In a low voice Bernie replied, "You're gonna be great."

Penny stared down at her, "You really think so?"

"Of course, they're scared of you, you're scared of me, the system works."

The next morning Bernadette came down the stairs carrying her suitcase, "Okay, Howie, I'm going."

He put his laptop down, "Have a great conference."

"Thanks, remember, I'm leaving your with two babies. I expect to see two babies when I get back and they better be the same two babies because I'll know."

He laughed, "Think I'm capable of babysitting."

She scolded him, "Don't call it "babysitting," they're your children. It's called "parenting."

He stared at her, "What's the difference?"

She grinned at him, "You don't get paid! Now, the emergence contacts are on the fridge, and I left money for food on the table."

"Oh, so it sounds like I do get paid."

Bernadette left with one small bag.

At Penny's apartment, she came out of the bedroom with two huge suitcases and a large suit bag, as if she was going on an extended trip.

Leonard was in the kitchen, "Wow, that's a lot of luggage for a weekend."

She let out a groan, "You know, I didn't know what to wear, so I brought a few options."

He scoffed, "Was one of the options, the option to never come back?"

She chuckled, "Just really want this weekend to go well."

He looked at her luggage, "It doesn't answer my question, but okay."

She leaned in and kisses him, "I love you!"

He hugged her, "And I love you. And you're gonna do great. Just relax, stay out of your head, and try to enjoy it."

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