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Big Bang Theory Season 13 Ep. 01

Story Info
2 Bachelor parties & a Whole Lot More.
8.7k words

Part 117 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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The group returned from Sweden after the ceremony where Sheldon and Amy received the Nobel Prize for Physics.

On their first night back, while they were having take-out dinner, Stuart and Denise came over. They were both excited and Stuart blurted out, "I asked Denise to marry me and she said yes!"

The entire group was happy for them and immediately the guys began planning a bachelor party for Stuart and the girls planned a bachelorette party for Denise.

Stuart calmed them down, "We don't want anything special. Neither of us have families, you guys are the closest we have to actual families. The wedding is set for two weeks from this Friday. You are all invited."

Sheldon stood up, "That Saturday is the beginning of San Diego Comic-Con. I have an idea, for your honeymoon, I'd like to pay for the two of you to spend an all-expense paid week there."

Amy tugged at his wrist, "I don't think that is a very..."

Both Stuart and Denise jumped up and hugged him, "That would be fantastic!"

Bernie turned to Amy, "You spoke too soon. You forgot where they work and what nerds those two are."

Bernadette and Penny began planning the bachelorette party, while Howard and Raj started in on the bachelor party.

Leonard and Amy were put in charge of a small reception after the wedding at the courthouse.

The following Friday night the guys and girls met together in a nearby hotel. They reserved two adjoining suites one for the bachelor party and one for the bachelorette party.

Howard was in charge of securing the entertainment and Raj was in charge of the decorations and food. As always, Raj did it to perfection and the same as always, Howard dropped the ball and the ladies he had planned backed out and they were left without any women for them to hoot and holler about.

In the ladies suite, Bernie had the same job as Raj and Penny got the men. She got the same two she had for Amy's party. Zack was more than willing seeing Leonard came through for him and he was an expecting parent. Kurt came because he was a cunthound and could smell a willing pussy a mile away.

Howard began to panic after hanging up his phone, unable to get any strippers for the men. Kripke was the loudest, "Where is the stripper, Wolowitz? Bad enough there wasn't any for your bachelor party, but you can't stiff us again."

He heard the same form Bert and Wil Wheaton.

In the room beside them, the women were going crazy. Zack and Kurt were teasing all of the women and Kurt dragged Amy into the bedroom and planted her at the edge of the bed. He dropped to his knees, "Well, pretty lady, I remember you from your bachelorette party, but I have to say, marriage has done wonders for you. You are "Smokin' Hot!" What are you doing with that loser Sheldon?"

She ran her hands through his close cropped hair and drew her to her chest, "You''re right, I shouldn't be with him, but I made a commitment, for better or for worse and I'm gonna do everything possible to uphold that vow." She chuckled, "Now with that being said, I didn't speak the words, to be faithful and I know without a doubt, he hadn't been either. Soooooooooo, if I remember correctly, you love oral and so do I. What do you say you climb up on the bed and hop on?"

Kurt roughly pushed Amy onto her back and as she spun around and tore off her skin-tight jeans and panties. She spread her legs and reached up and waited. She looked on as he stripped off his muscles shirt and as he began unbuckling his pants, Amy literally began to drool. Before she could react, he climbed up onto the bed and didn't pull any punches. He swung his leg over her chest and sliding back, he threw his head back as Amy took his stiff cock into her mouth.

Amy reached up and grabbed hold of his tight ass and pulled him closer to her. She flicked her tongue around his thick shaft and began sucking wildly at his cock. She pulled harder and gagged slightly as she took too much of his cock into her mouth..

Kurt finally caught his breath and stared down at her freshly waxed, bare pussy. He began licking up and down the entire length of her pussy. He was amazed how wet she was already. He took his time, but every time he felt her tongue flicked out and teased his cock. He pulled back and looked back at her.

Amy pulled his cock from her mouth and stared at him, "What?"

He chuckled, "The way you were flicking your tongue and sucking my cock, I just had to make sure it wasn't Penny back there. That is exactly what she did to make me cum."

She grinned at him and giggled, "Aw, let me tell you, every thing I'm doing to you I learned from Penny. She should make videos on cocksucking techniques." She resumed sucking on his cock with increased gusto knowing she was being appreciated, unlike with Sheldon.

Out in the living room, Zack was performing for the rest of the women and suddenly there was a knock on their adjoining door, it was Howard. He poked his head in, "Aw, can I speak with Bernie?"

Penny turned to Bernie who was stuffing dollar bills down Zack's tiny black briefs. "Hey Bernadette, get your hands out of Zack's pants and get your ass over here and speak to your husband."

Bernie giggled and turned red and climbing off the large sofa, she come over to the door, "Hi Howie, how is your party going?"

"It's a disaster, the stripped I hired backed out at the last moment."

She rubbed his head with her hand, "Aw, poor boy, what do you want me to do about it?"

He grinned at her, "Welllllll!"

She chuckled, "Aw forget about it, I'm a mother of two and you want me to strip for our friends? I'd never hear the end of it."

He grinned down at her, "Come on, you owe me a favor, especially after what you and Sheldon did in the hot tub in Sweden, I saw you after everyone left. You knew it would drive me crazy to watch you."

She slapped him, "You are evil, Howard Wolowitz. I can't, I don't even have a costume to wear."

He pulled out a bag from behind his back. "Leonard found this one in his closet. He said it was the one that Penny wore when she tried to keep him from making a baby with Zack's wife."

"How the hell did he have it and bring it here tonight?"

He scoffed, "Leonard wanted to see the stripper wearing it, he had fantasies about seeing anyone, especially Penny wear it again."

She grabbed it, "I'm gonna regret this, but okay, but I'm putting it on under my clothes and no way are you to tell anyone about this after tonight." She turned and closed the door behind her.

Penny looked at her, "What the fuck was all that about?"

"Howie fucked up again and his stripper bailed on him. He wants me to take her place." She opened the bag and pulled out the tiny royal blue and black bikini and panties with the tiny skirt.

Penny grabbed it, "What the fuck are you doing with that. That's mine, how did Howard get it?"

She shrugged, "He said something about Leonard bringing it. He's been having dreams about a stripper or anyone wearing it."

Penny chuckled, "Oh someone's gonna wear it all right, but not you! I'm gonna put it on and give them a show to end all shows. Just think about it, a pregnant stripper, at least I can't get any more pregnant and I'm thinking Denise and Amy are gonna need help once Kurt gets going and I'm not especially fond of either one of them any longer. That's my old life, Leonard and the baby is my new life, that is after I put on a show for them. Sorta a last fling before motherhood." She threw the bag over her shoulder and headed for the bedroom where the bathroom was.

She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw Amy and Kurt, both naked, locked in a torrid sixty-nine. "Way to go Kurt, eat that pussy."

Kurt lifted his head, his face was shiny from Amy's cunt juices. He smacked his lips, "I have to thank you Penny, Amy says she learned every thing about cock sucking from you, she's just as good as you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" He dipped back down and resumed eating her pussy as he heard Amy let out a shriek when he shoved two fingers deep in her pussy and a thumb up her ass.

Penny shook her head and headed for the bathroom to slip into her costume. She untied her wrap around dress, took off her bra and panties and slipped into the costume she tried and succeeded to seduce Leonard in. It was a little tight. Her belly was slightly rounded, no longer flat and her breasts were even larger, billowing over the tops of the top. She slipped back into her dress and tied it loosely. She wrapped her hair up in a messy bun and secured it with just long chopstick. She wanted it to fall easily when she let it down later.

She left the bathroom and Kurt was now on his back, Amy was riding him like she taught her long ago.

She made her way into the living room and both Denise and Bernie were naked as was Zack.

Bernie was riding his face while Denise was face Bernie, riding his huge cock.

Penny slipped out of the suite and snuck over to the suite beside theirs. She tapped on the door and Howard opened it, expecting Bernie. She stepped into the room and scanned the guys all staring at her. She looked to Leonard and shook her head, "What the fuck, Leonard? No one but me wears my lingerie, so I hope I'll be acceptable; seeing Howard fucked up and lost his stripper. Unlike the stripper Howard had planned, I intend go gooooooo all the way." She patted her belly, "No chance of getting any more pregnant, huh?" She looked around and spotted Stuart. She pointed to him, "You, the man of the hour, get him on a chair in the middle of the room and someone turn on some music."

Penny turned towards the room full of men. She felt a rush of excitement seeing all the eyes on her. She reached down and untied the belt on her dress and it floated open. She let it slip from her body and it dropped to the floor, leaving her wearing nothing but the bright blue and black bikini top and sexy tiny skirt covered booty panties. She grinned when she heard a bunch of gasps and moans from the men watching intently.

She walked on her high heels to the center of the room. She cocked her hip and her legs shook to the beat of the music. She began to move seductively. She whirled and twirled she shook and shimmied. She was on automatic pilot as she heard the whistles and applauding coming from the group. She turned away from them she shook her ample butt at them and the room erupted. She started to increase the gyrations. At first she threw an extra hip thrust here and there. Then she added some booty shaking and the men ate it up.

She slowed as she remembered this was supposed to be a strip tease and not just a sexy dance. She faced away from from the sitting men and reached one hand behind her back. With a swift tug she untied her bikini top. She pulled it up over her head and tossed the soft blue material over her shoulder towards Stuart.

There was a chant from the group of men, "Turn around, turn around!"

Penny placed her hands over her bare tits, but the firm mounds overflowed. She took a deep breath and spun around. She gave Stuart a wink and she licked her bee-stung lips. She went back to her dance routine, but kept her hands in place over her fat nipples. She felt them stiffening and the large aeroules pimpled up from the excitement coursing through her body. She was really getting into it and her excitement level was off the charts. She never felt so desirable and felt the power. Every eye was on her gyrating body and seeing Leonard, she gave him a wink and he smiled back at her and just nodded.

She knew it was time, she slid her hands upward, revealing her large bare tits as her hands and arms were high above her head. She twirled around and hopped up and down several times, shaking her tits and they swayed atop her lush body. She resumed her sexy dance as she leaned over Stuart, shaking those gorgeous fun bags in his face and moved back as she saw him lean in to kiss them.

A tiny sheen of sweat began to cover her lush body as she danced faster. She saw all of the eyes on her luscious tits and long legs.

She slowed her dancing and took a deep breath and she knew it was now or never. She turned her back to the men and bent over at the waist. She shook her ass at them, she hooked her thumbs into the sexy skirt covered panties and she playfully slid them down over her tight bubble butt. She swayed her hips to the beat of the music, while gradually exposing her ass to the group of men. Finally, she dropped the silky panties to the floor and stepped out of them. When she turned back to the guys and they saw her smooth, hairless pussy, they burst out in a roar of whistles and cheers.

Behind the sitting Stuart was Kripke. He had a handful of dollar bills and he screamed out, "Come over here and collect your payment."

She swayed over to him and she reached for the bill he held on one hand, but he avoided her hand and rubbed the bill against her slightly swollen belly. Kripke slid his hand upward and cupped one of her large swaying tits. He used the tip as an excuse to feel her up.

Penny basked in the glow of the sexually charged room. She grabbed the bill and crushed it in her hand as Kripke gave her tit a gentle squeeze and tweaked the nipple before pulling back. She let out a tiny groan and before he could pull away, she grabbed hold of Barry's head and pulled him to the deep cleavage suffocating him in her lush boobs.

She pulled back and giggled, "Mmmm, and to think Leonard always said you were a slime, he just may be correct."

Will was sitting beside Kripke and he hopped up, "I'm next!" He waved several bills in his hand and Penny grabbed them and used her other hand to stuff his face between her sweaty tits. She rolled her shoulders, grinding her lush tits to his face and she released a groan when Wil captured one of her ripe nipples between his lips and sucked and nipped at the tip. She felt a bolt of excitement run down her body and settle between her thighs. She pushed his mouth to its twin and felt his tongue circle around the stiff nipple.

All of a sudden, Stuart was beside Wil and he pushed a fistful of singles in her hand and he attacked her other nipple. She threw her head back and looking down, she saw two heads feasting on aching nipples. Even though she loved what they were doing, she didn't want it to get out of hand this quickly. She knew there were more men to tease and drawing in a deep breath, she pushed them off and danced back to the center of the room.

While this was going on, in the other suite, Amy and Kurt were huddled together in their post-coital glow. Amy finally got up, she couldn't remember the last time she felt so full of cum. She tightened her cunt muscles and headed out into the living room.

Denise was flat on her back, her legs were pinned back against the cushions of the sofa and Zack was driving in and out of her as a frightening pace.

Amy took a seat on one of the large chair and draped her slender legs over the arms. She watched intently as Zack slowed in and out of her juicy cunt. Her hand lazily drifted down to her sopping pussy and began fingering her hole. It was soon covered in a mixture of her cum and Kurt's.

Bernie snuck out from under Denise and crawled on her hands and knees over to Amy. She ran her hands along Amy's newly tight and shapely legs and moved to her slick cunt. She dove in and immediately began licking and sucking like a woman possessed. She drank down all and went in for more as there was a never ending supply.

Kurt came out and looked at the two couples locked together and his cock sprung to life. He got down on his knees behind Bernie and grabbing her MILF hips, he slid his cock into her and began fucking her hard and fast.

Denise screamed out as she came around Zack's cock and she looked down as he began pumping his semen into her sloppy cunt. She knew he was safe, hearing how Leonard had to be a surrogate for him and his wife.

Back in the other suite, Bert had a better idea, he waves a bill towards Penny and she looked at him. He had it wrapped around the top of the bulge in his pants. She reached for it, but her stopped her, "Sorry Penny, but you have to grab it with your teeth."

She giggled and plucked it up and taking the bill, she noticed it was a one hundred dollar bill. She fisted it and lowered her head once again and placed her lips around the bulge in his pants and mouthed his lump and felt it perk up and stiffen in his pants.

Things were sort of a blur after that, she went from one guy to the next and by the time she finished her first round, her hand was stuffed with bills. She dropped her cash on her dress and began again, this time the guys got a little bolder and Penny welcomed it. They caress her tits, ass and some were bold enough to play with her fleshy cuntlips. They were already glistening with her cunt juices. She was beginning to pant and moan when she finished her second go-round.

Wil blurted out, "Okay, I think it's time for the man-of-the-hour to get a nice, slow lap dance!"

Penny turned and looked at Stuart and his eyes grew wide, but he was also grinning from ear to ear. A wild thumping song came from the speakers and she pushed Stuarts legs apart and she scooted back until her bare back was pressed against his chest. She lowered her lush ass to his groin and began to rub up and back, side to side as she ground her naked pussy against his growing bulge. She leaned back and rested her head on his shoulder. She reached down and grabbed his hands and placed them on her huge tits. She turned her head, nipped at his ear and whispered to him, "It's okay Stuart, it's okay to play with them, you are the guest of honor."

Stuart began to massage them lightly, but as Penny continued to grind her pussy to his bulge, he got a little bolder, teasing, twisting and plucking away at her huge nipples. She moaned and tipping her head, she attacked his neck and felt her aeroules perk up and the tiny bumps grew larger.

Penny used her legs and rose up and spinning around, she straddled his legs once again. She ran her fingers through his hair and pulling him forward, she buried his face in the cleavage of her fine tits. She resumed grinding her pussy against his lump, she was leaking so much, his khaki pants were soaked from her juices. She tugged at his hair and lifting his head, she kissed him hard, driving her tongue into his mouth. She took his hands and planted them on her fine ass. She moaned into his mouth when she felt his hands begin to roam over her body, tickling her fat-lipped pussy.

Stuart pulled away slightly and pulled at the chopstick and her hair came tumbling down around her lush body. He ran his fingers through her hair and forced her lips to his. He was surprised when her tongue darted out and they fenced back and forth, their lips barely touched as they flicked tongue back and forth, sucking and drawing it into their mouths.

Penny pulled away from Stuart and things became a blur once again. She moved from one guy to the next, she gave each and every one of them the same treatment and by the time she circled back to Stuart she was aching for a cock, maybe two or three. She knelt before Stuart and worked on his pants and she roughly pulled them off. She worked his briefs off and grabbed his cock. She stood before him and leaning over, she took him into her mouth. Her long hair slipped over his legs, belly and groin.

Stuart wasn't going to last long and he began thrusting his hips upward and letting out a grunt, he began pumping his seed into her mouth.

Penny let out a squeal and swallowed hard, not wanting to waste one drop of his cum. She finished him off and smacked her lips as she stood up, threw her hair over her back and looked around the room, "Okay guys, who's next?"

Kripke and Wil raced to see who would get their pants off first, but they were both beaten by Bert. She giggled as she saw the newly invented Bert. He, just like Amy used his new found wealth to do a lot of self improvement. Bert dropped nearly eighty pounds, he lost the beard and used what he had on his face, getting hair plugs and now had a full head of hair, he looked rather handsome, coming from where he was.

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