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Big Bang Theory Season 13 Ep. 06

Story Info
Mini orgy after wake, Leonard consoles Bernie.
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Part 122 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Leonard and Penny entered the Wolowitz home and they found everyone there. They were all sobbing, especially Raj.

Amy was trying to comfort Bernadette, but she was not doing much good.

As soon as Bernadette saw Leonard, she came to her feet and was welcomed into his arms. She buried her face in his chest and began to cry uncontrollably.

Penny came over and stood beside her and she looked on at the special connection the two of them had together. She turned to Raj and he folded his arms around her and she cried silently, partly for the loss of Howard, but more because she saw the special bond Bernadette had with Leonard.

Leonard held Bernadette close to him and soothed her by gently caressed her hair. He felt her shuttering in his embrace and after a few minutes she looked up at him with those blue eyes.

Bernadette's eyes were red and swollen. Her bottom lip was quivering and she licked them,"You were right Leonard, I used a disaster concerning Howard to get you back here and like you said it was Karma. I'm being punished and now I've lost Howard. All those years of Catholic upbringing and I should have known better. Oh Leonard, how am I ever going to be able to live with myself. I'm the cause if Howard's demise."

He hugged her tighter as she began sobbing, "No, no you can't think that way Bernadette. I was angry and mad, and I struck out. What happened was a malfunction on the capsule and has nothing to do with what you did. I heard Howard was in on it, so you can't blame yourself and just think, if you didn't get me here, I wouldn't be here now to comfort you. I would have felt horrible if I wasn't here to be with you, so don't you dare put this on you. Blame it on the Russians for having such a shitty space program." He held her until she calmed down.

She had her face buried in his chest and once she calmed down, she stared up at him and like a magnet and a piece of metal, their lips came together in a soft, loving kiss.

Leonard kiss her with such love and affection, his hand came up and slowly caressed her cheek with the back of his hand and then his fingers combed through her long tousled hair and he smiled at her and kissed her again.

Bernadette let out a long sigh and buried her face in the crook of his neck. She looked over her shoulder and smiled weakly at Penny, "I hope you don't mind, I just need some comforting right now."

Penny nodded as tears rolled down her cheek, half because of Howard's death and the other part was because she knew she was slowly losing Leonard and with Howard gone now, it left an open path for the two of them to come together.

Sheldon saw how Leonard holding and comforting Bernadette was affecting Penny and he tugged at her arm and she came willingly to the sofa beside him. He enveloped her in his arms and just like Leonard was doing, he swept a stray lock of hair from her cheek and guided her head to his shoulder.

Amy looked to Raj and scoffed, "Nice, why is it that he can comfort her, but never showed that kind of compassion with me? I just don't know how we are going to get past this. I spoke with Leonard last week and he told me Sheldon wasn't going to budge on the changes I'm doing with my life."

Raj drew her into her embrace and hugged her, "You don't have anything to feel sorry about. Just like after winning the Nobel, I told you to make changes and with without any doubt you have made strides in so many portions of your life and you cannot, and I repeat, you cannot go back. You'd just be knuckling under his needs and you'll never, ever feel good about yourself again."

She pulled back and stared at him, "Why oh why wasn't it you I fell for. You know me better than I do myself. How is it that you are the only one here without a woman in your life?"

He scoffed, "Ah Amy, I have you in my life."

She chuckled, "I mean romantically, I don't see you that way."

He sadly replied, "Yeah, that's always been my problem."

After that They all sorta broke apart and congregated in the kitchen where Amy and Raj cooked up a meal for the six of them.

Bernadette stood up, "If it is possible, I'd like each of us to say something about Howard, something that was memorable about him that concerned you."

Raj stood up and cleared the lump in his throat, "I'll always remember the evening we both dressed up in Goth clothes and even wore skin-tight tattoo sleeves on our arms and went to a Goth bar. We picked up two Goth girls and one of them had a special place for us to go. It was a tattoo parlor and Howard told them he would get a tattoo. When the guy began, Howard panicked and ran out after showing the girls the fake tattoos on his arms."

Penny giggled, "I remembered that, I told him he would get beaten up at Walgreens when he went for more make-up." She cleared her throat, "I remember the first year I knew him, I belittled him and he was broken and went home. I went to his house to apologize and we sat on his bed and I told him what a good guy he was. He took it the wrong way and as he tried to kiss me, I punched him."

Amy chuckled, "Belittling people, haven't changed have ya?" She stood up and smiled at the group. "My fondest memory of Howard was when we were paired together during Raj's lame scavenger hunt."

Raj blurted out, "Hey, it wasn't lame, it was adorable."

Amy ignored him, "We went from spot to spot and grew closer together singing Neil Diamond songs. I never felt closer to him, well until recently with him and Bernie, but that's another story."

Leonard chuckled, "Okay, I guess I'm next, I think the most memorable moment was when Leslie Winkle had just broken up with Howard. He was heart broken and we took him to Vegas and got him a Jewish hooker. We never saw him so happy."

Bernie grumbled, "I heard about her, thanks a lot Leonard."

He shrugged and smiled meekly at her.

Sheldon stood up, "I guess that leaves only me. There were so many times I have fond memories of Howard, but I have to say I regret the times I always put him down for being an engineer. I have to say as far as engineers go, there were none better than him and I hate to say I never told him so."

Bernie hopped up and hugged Sheldon, "That's okay, I bet he's looking down at us right now and smiling just hearing that."

As they began to leave, Leonard turned to Penny, "You can head back to the apartment, take Sheldon with you. I know he doesn't wanna be here with Amy."

Penny was stunned, "Why what are you going to do?"

He stared at her vehemently, "I'm staying here to console Bernadette. Something you know very little about. Now take Sheldon with you, as you can see, he really doesn't wanna be here either. You two make a perfect couple."

Sheldon knew he couldn't challenge Leonard right now and he didn't wanna upset Bernadette any more, "Come on Penny, we both have to work in the morning."

She was going to protest, but when she saw the anger in Leonard's face, she relented. "How are you getting to work in the morning?"

Amy spoke up, "We work together, I'll take him."

Penny threw up her hands, "Whatever!" She turned and looked to Sheldon, "Come on, let's go."

She stormed out and Amy chuckled, "Good one Leonard, they ARE the perfect couple!"

There wasn't anything sexual about that night, Leonard was just there for Bernadette, holding her and telling her that everything was going to be okay. They talked halfway through the night remembering all of the good times they had with Howard and finally sleep overtook them and they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

Amy woke him up early and she persuaded him to go to the fitness center. He went, but wasn't happy. He did a tiny workout compared to Amy. He decided to take it slow and after a few exercises gave up for the day. He wasn't into it thinking about Bernie and Howard.

They returned to the university to work and just after a few hours, they left.

Amy took Leonard back to his place, but Penny was still at work. Afterwards Penny did come home, but she wasn't speaking to him. He tried to explain that all Bernadette and he did was talk, but she wasn't listening. He was so frustrated, he left and went over to Sheldon's apartment across the hall. He entered without knocking and he stopped dead in his tracks.

Sheldon was watching a DVD of the wild night where Penny was used by each and everyone of their friends. He couldn't believe what he saw and after a few moments he realized he could believe it. It was in her DNA and he knew without a doubt she would never, ever change, but he wasn't gonna leave her, but he was now just a husband in name and title. He was through being her partner. He would fuck her at his leisure, but vowed never to have a baby with her. He turned to Sheldon, "Don't you dare turn that off, I'll be right back." He crossed the hall and walked over to her as she stood in the kitchen. He grabbed her by the arm, "You're coming with me!"

She screamed out, "I'm not going anywhere with you. You left me all alone to spend the night with Bernadette. Who knows what you did?"

He dragged her across the hall and screamed back at her, "I told you, I don't lie! Unlike you, you fucking slut!" He pushed her into Sheldon's apartment and turned her face to the TV, "Unlike you, you fucking whore! I can see you really were sorry about losing the baby, right? We're gonna put up a happy face while we're at NASA for Howard's memorial, but after that, I don't think I wanna be married to you any longer."

Her jaw dropped and she started crying like a newborn any. She dropped to her knees, "Oh Leonard, "I'm so sorry, please forgive me!"

He scoffed, "You're only sorry you got caught. Now get your ass back in our apartment and get packed; we're leaving in the morning for Houston and Howard's memorial."

Penny went and did as told. She knew she was skating on thin ice and didn't want any more trouble, even though she knew it would come to a head once they returned from Howard's memorial.

NASA paid for a charter plane for Bernadette and her friends. She left Halley and Michael at home with her parents, knowing how her father never really liked Howard anyway, but he was truly sorry for her losing her husband.

At the memorial, Missy and Mary Cooper attended too seeing they were living nearby. After the lovely memorial, they were given numerous suites NASA had reserved for Bernadette and her friends.

Mary Cooper excused herself. She told Sheldon she was going to visit one of the past pastors from her church now a minister there in Houston. Missy joined the group at a reception given for Howard and the other astronaut afterwards at NASA headquarters.

Once it was over, they all headed back to the hotel. It was an elaborate set-up including a fully stocked bar that Missy and Penny gravitated to as soon as they entered the suite.

While Leonard, Bernadette, Raj and Amy went for the wine. Penny and Missy went for the hard stuff and Missy even convinced Sheldon to take several shots of tequila and before long he was pawing both of them.

Penny figured if she was in hot water with Leonard already, what difference did it make if she cut loose and got loaded and had a little fun. After the past day or two, with everyone somber and crying. She was ready to liven things up, even though nearly everyone else was still very, very sad.

Missy (Courtney Henggeler), who wasn't that close to Howard started the fun happening. She sat down on Penny lap and wrapped her arms around her neck, she stopped her from giggling by planting a hot, wet kiss on her lips.

Penny was a little tentative at first, but when Missy's hand reached up and clutched at Penny's heavy, firm tits and squeezed, her hand landed on Missy's exposed thigh and she raked her nails up and down the soft, firm leg. Her hand slowly slid upward beneath the soft material of her black, wrap-around dress. The material on the dress where the slit was slipped away exposing more of Missy's gorgeous legs.

Missy increased the pressure of the kiss and her lips parted and as her tongue painted Penny's bee-strung lips, she released a moan. Her hands came up and tugged at the hair that was pulled tight in a bun atop her head.

Penny's hands left Missy's legs and one cupped the side if her face and the other one drifted downward and tugged the the neckline of Missy's dress, exposing her bra covered tits. She tore her mouth from Missy's and lowered her head and began peppering the cleavage between those two massive mounds of flesh.

Missy looked over at Sheldon and wiggled her finger at him, "Get over here brother and show Penny what a large cock you have." She looked down at Penny, "You're gonna love this, it's huge."

Sheldon chuckled, "Oh don't worry about that Missy, Penny has seen it and played with it a lot more than you'd ever imagine."

Penny raised her face from the twin mounds and kissed Missy again, "Oh yeah, I've had that cock nearly as much as my husband." She looked over at Leonard and if looks could kill, she's be dead and buried. She turned back to Sheldon just as he dropped his pants and exposed his stiff cock.

Missy slipped off of Penny's lap and sank to her knees, "Mmmm, bring that big cock over her brother. I've missed it so much. I heard you had a vasectomy, at least if you cum in me again, I won't have to worry about another baby, right?" She didn't wait for an answer as she gripped him by the root and pointing it towards the ceiling, she licked upward from her fist to the tip. Her tongue flicked at the large pee hole and swept up a dollop of pearly pre-cum that began oozing out. She turned to Penny and kissing her, she fed her the creamy drop of cum. She returned back to Sheldon and this time closed her lips around the head and allowed Sheldon to shove more into the warm depths of her mouth.

Penny was there and watched Missy sucking at Sheldon's cock. She looked to the others in the room and watched them. She knew they were waiting for her to join it. She shrugged her shoulders, "You guys are waiting for me to join in, right? I might as well give you the satisfaction of being right." She slipped to her knees beside Missy and she attacked Sheldon's nuts. She sucked on one cum filled nut and then the other. Popping it out of her mouth, she moved upward as Missy moved downward. They met on the middle and began kissing again.

Sheldon, who already had too much to drink fisted both Missy's dark locks and Penny's blonde hair. Penny's bun came undone and tumbled down around her face. He pulled on his cock and shoved it onto Penny's mouth knowing how she could deep throat him.

Amy and Raj watched on in awe as Penny and Missy attacked Sheldon's cock, her husband's cock. She had enough of this and turning towards Raj, she kissed him and her hand immediately dipped down between his legs and rubbed furiously at the lump in his pants.

Bernadette was pissed, they just had a memorial for her dead husband and her so-called best friends were going at it like sex fiends.

Leonard saw the agony on her face and he grabbed her by the arm and he drew her to her feet, "Come on Bernadette, let's get out of here and leave these animals to themselves."

She gave him a weak smile, "Thank you, I can see you're my only real friend."

They left the five of them and headed down to the coffee shop in the lobby. Leonard led her to a quiet corner where there wasn't any activity so they could be there alone. He reached across the table and gently rubbed her tiny cold hands, "You have to forgive Missy. She had a little too much to drink and she fed Sheldon drinks after drink too. As for Penny, well, that's Penny and the other two, I think Amy was just trying to rub Raj in Sheldon's face.

Bernadette rubbed his hand back with her thumb, "I don't know what I would do without you around Leonard. In a way it was a good thing we tricked you into coming back. If you were still in Canada I would have been all alone in there and I don't know if I could have handled it as well as you did."

He scoffed, "Listen, I almost lost it seeing Penny with Missy and Sheldon, but then I remembered who she was and what she is. She just isn't worth it any longer. I don't know how much longer I can put up with her shit before I either kill her or divorce her."

Bernadette looked even sadder, "She isn't worth killing. You'd be in jail and then I'd really be all alone."

Back in the suite, Raj had Amy naked and she was nearly flat on the large sofa. Missy looked over at the luscious brunette, "I know I don't know her too well, but she doesn't look like the same woman Sheldon married. You know who she reminds me of?"

Penny stopped her, "Let me guess, a younger version of Marie Osmond."

Missy giggled, "Yeah, how did you know I was gonna say that."

She scoffed, "I've heard it a million times and I have to agree, she does. It just pisses me off, she looks way better than I do now. We used to go to the bars and all the guys would be attracted to me, now it's Miss Osmond there."

Missy kissed her again, "Looks like someone is green with envy."

Penny shrugged, "Yeah, I guess I am. Let's forget about her and concentrate on Sheldon."

He nodded, "Now that's what I'm talking about, you know how I love being the center of attention, Missy." He closed his eyes and felt the two mouths on his cock once again. His eyes shot open when he heard Amy let out a squeal across the room. He looked on as Amy was straddling Raj's legs. Amy was riding Raj's thick,dark cock reverse cowgirl style.

Raj was thrusting up into her as she slammed down onto his cock. His cock was already coated in gobs of her creamy cum juices as she already came once. His hands were running up and down her lush body as he mauled her firm, high standing tits.

Sheldon wasn't about to outdone and grabbing hold of Missy, he pulled at the tie holding her dress together. It floated open and he stripped it from her. He yanked off her panties and falling to the sofa, he guided her to his face.

Missy let out a shriek and began grinding her pussy to his active tongue. She tore off her bra and began tweaking her large aeroules and loved how the tiny bumped puckered up and stood out. She twisted her firm nipples and began shaking as an orgasm overtook her lush body.

Penny crawled over to the sofa and grabbed hold of his cock and began sucking on it like a woman possessed. Her long blonde hair floated over his thighs and belly as she began bobbing up and down at a furious pace. She was trying to outdo both Missy and Amy, but neither saw this as a competition other than her. She was so caught up in the act that her lips were flying over his cock so fast, saliva was floating over his cock and down his balls to his ass cheeks. She was rewarded with a gush of cum as Sheldon lost it and started filling her mouth to overflowing with his semen.

Penny kept it in her mouth and even though her mouth was full, she released his cock and sliding upward, she wrapped her hands round Missy's head and kissing her, she fed her, her brother's creamy cum.

Missy let out a shriek and accepted all she could get. It sent her over the top and began flooding Sheldon's mouth with her tangy, sweet juices.

Sheldon was still coming down from the intense orgasm Penny inflicted on him and he fought to drink down all Missy gave him.

On the other sofa, Amy already came twice from the intense fucking he had given her. She was now flat on her back as Raj straddled her upper body and was fucking her fine, firm tits.

He let out a loud groan and began pumping his heavy load all over her face and neck.

Missy climbed off of Sheldon and hurried over to Amy. She kissed her and licked up Raj's cum from her body and turning her mouth towards her, they swapped his load until it was all gone.

On the other sofa, Penny was now riding Sheldon, she was the only one not to cum yet and the two of them were working like a well-oiled machine and as Sheldon mauled Penny's swaying tits, she tightened her cunt muscles and as she came, she took another load from Sheldon. She squeezed her cunt muscles tight and milked him for all he had.


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