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Big Bang Theory Season 14 Ep. 02

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Leonard & Sheldon begin interviews, Penny makes another video.
9.8k words

Part 130 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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While Penny was cementing her place in the porn industry, back in Pasadena Amy and Bert returned from their honeymoon and Amy was more than ready to return to work. She loved spending time with Bert, but camping and seeing at those rock formations was not her idea of the perfect honeymoon. She did enjoy the wedding gift they received from Leonard and she kept running the foursome over and over again in her mind.

They returned to find the apartment across from them empty. Amy went to the apartment supervisor and found out that Penny Hofstadter still was the holder of the lease, even though she hadn't been there for several weeks.

She touched base with Bernadette, visiting her at work.

"So tell me Amy, how is married life? Don't you just love having a man around to fuck whenever you want?"

Amy turned red, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Unlike Sheldon when he had to schedule coitus, Bert takes me and I take him whenever we have the urge, which I may say is often."

Bernadette giggled, "Yeah, if I had the body you have now, I'm be naked all the time. Have you and Bert talked about children?"

"Yeah we have, but like you said with both of us with these attractive bodies, we don't want to fuck it up with a big baby bump and saggy breasts. We'll have them but we wanna wait for a few years. I'm on the injection, I hate taking pills and the shot is so much more effective."

Bernie nodded, "Yeah, I'm on the shot too, even though my sex life is non-existent. Raj is a staple at my house, we even sleep together, but I'm still hoping Leonard wakes up and realizes that we should be together."

"Where is he staying since he left Pasadena?"

Bernie scoffed, "He went off to New York and is staying with Sheldon. Something about sowing his oats. He feels that now that he is free from Penny, he can fuck anyone he likes without the guilt of cheating on her. What a putz, she could cheat on him all the time and that was okay."

Amy stood up, "Well you know, he was one of the good guys, too bad he's turned to the dark side with Sheldon. Funny, he hated change and he goes off to New York and he's the one who has changed more than any of us. Listen, Bert and I are thinking of moving out of the apartment. No reason for us to stay there any longer. Penny, from what I've heard hasn't been back in weeks. Bert and I have a good sum saved from our awards and are looking to purchase a house."

Bernie thought for a moment, "You know the house next door to mine is for sale. Maybe you and Bert can take a look at it."

Amy chuckled, "If I remember correctly, a couple of years ago you told us it was for sale, but you tried to shy us away from being your neighbors."

Bernie laughed, "Yeah, well first of all, that was the house on the other side and most importantly, we didn't want Sheldon for a neighbor. We never had a problem with you living next door."

Amy came to her and hugged her, "I'm glad we are still friends. I'll talk to Bert and see if he wants to check it out. I'll leave you to work, I need to get back to the lab. I'll talk to you soon."

That evening Bernadette and Raj were soaking in the hot tub, naked as always, seeing they hated the clammy suits on their skin when they got out. Raj turned to Bernie, "Maybe we should put on our suits."

"Why should we do that? I love soaking in the hot water all naked and free."

"Well, I invited Stuart and Denise to join us for a soak and maybe dinner afterwards."

Bernadette scoffed, "No way, they've seen us naked before and I'm not moving."

A few minutes later a voice came over the privacy fence, "Hello, is it okay to come in?" It was Denise and Stuart followed behind her.

Raj yelled out, "Sure, but just to let you know, we are naked in the tub."

They heard Denise giggle and there was a slight rustling and as the gate opened the naked married couple came strutting in and Denise giggled, "This was my idea, I figured if you were naked, she shouldn't be wearing our suits either."

Bernadette giggled, "You are in your suits, birthday suits. Come in, there is a lot of room and the water is incredible."

They climbed in and Stuart moaned, "Oh my God, you were right Bernie, this is fabulous." He let out a sigh and leaned back and closed his eyes.

Bernadette and Raj were neck deep in the bubbling water and they both took in the figures of the two naked newlyweds as they slipped into the water.

Denise moaned as she laid her head back on the edge of the tub, "Oh God, I had no idea how much I needed this'. After a long day at the comic book store, I need to relax."

After a few minutes, Denise felt Stuart's hand begin to massage her thigh. She parted her legs even more and took the twin feeling of the water and his moving hand. She tried not to groan, but she opened her eyes and saw Bernadette and Raj watching her.

Stuart began moving his hand over her lightly hair covered pussy. She was going to push his hand away, but it felt too good. He wasted no time in taking advantage of Denise's cooperation. She shivered when she felt a finger part her tight lips and began rubbing in circles over her stiff clit.

She opened her eyes and looked to Bernadette when she heard her moan too. She saw Raj leaning over the tiny blonde and kissing her deeply. She felt Stuart's hands on her hips and both Raj and Stuart lifted their partners up out of the water and planted their butts on the rim of the tub.

Both Raj and Stuart began raining kisses from their mouths down their bodies, stopping at their firm tits. Raj sucked hard on Bernie's huge nipples as Stuart flicked his tongue back and forth across Denise's smaller, but firmer tips. She moved lower and were soon buried between their partner's legs, licking and sucking at their slippery cunts, feasting on one bare and one with a downy feathery light brown haired cunt.

Both Bernie and Denise were moaning as they came closer and closer to an orgasm, one Bernadette needed badly after all those nights thinking of Leonard.

Denise turned towards Bernadette. When Bernadette saw the slender light haired brunette staring at her, she wrapped her hand around the nape of her neck and pulled her to her. Their lips met in a heated kiss and she kissed Bernie back and felt her orgasm coming closer, a whole lot faster. Bernie's tongue invaded Denise's mouth as their tits pressed against the other's upper arm.

The kissing, the seductive licks and the entire situation was all it took and it sent Denise over the top. She painted Stuart's face with her cunt juices and she realized he had become rather proficient in eating pussy over the past few months.

Bernadette came right on the heels of Denise and as they broke apart, she pushed their mates faces away from their pussies and sank back into the hot bubbling water to soothe their tight muscles and they clung to their partners for the next few minutes.

Bernadette made the next move and floating across the tub, she took Denise's hand and tugging on it, she led her over to Raj.

As Denise straddled Raj's lap. Bernadette did the same to Stuart. She wrapped her arms around Stuart's neck and as she felt him sink into her, she leaned in and nipped at her ear, "Fuck me Stuart, shove that cock deep into my slimy pussy."

The hot tub became a rolling cauldron as the two men bounced their mates on their cocks faster and faster, harder and deeper and as Denise screamed out, she felt Raj filling her with his potent cum.

Stuart was on the heels of their friends as he began pumping his hot creamy cum deep into Bernadette's sucking cunt. The two women pressed their tits hard against their men's chest and wrapping their arms around their necks, they kissed them and held on until they slowly slipped out of them.

The ladies returned to their partners and they clung to them as they settled down in the hot, soothing water.

All of a sudden the waves and bubbles stopped and Bernadette looked to the other three, well I guess the timer went off, time to go inside, and dry off."

They did and afterwards, Denise was a little self conscience about kissing Bernadette. She turned to Stuart, "You know we have to open early tomorrow seeing it's Saturday. We better hit the road." She looked to Bernie and Raj, "Thanks for the hot tub and...well you know."

Bernadette giggled, "Yeah, and the I know was nice too." She kissed them both, "Drive safe and we have to do this again, really, really soon."

Both of the guys seconded that idea and they left.

The next day, bright and early Amy and Bert were out looking at homes to purchase. They stopped in mid-afternoon at the house next door to Bernadette's house. It happened to be the ninth house they looked at and as soon as they walked through it, they both agreed, it was perfect. To top it off, they would have Bernadette for a neighbor. They went to the real estate office and put in a bid for the house and later that same afternoon, they got a call from the agent, their offer was accepted.

They rushed over to Bernadette's house and knocked on the door. When Bernie opened the door Amy blurted out, "Hi neighbor, we just got the call from the agent, our offer was accepted and we're moving in as soon as the paperwork is completed, should be next week."

Bernie was happy; the last people were a pain in the ass, putting up lights that turned on every time they got into the hot tub and to top it off, they built a extension to their balcony. Sheldon had them reported for not clearing the easement. To top it off their music was always too loud. She knew Amy would be a pain, but she knew she could handle her, to top it off, Bert was a completely changed man and she heard and saw how huge he was and wondered if she may get a chance to sample him sometime in the future. She hugged Amy, "Welcome to the neighborhood." She turned and hugged Bert and she stifled a moan when she felt his hands drop to her butt and give it a light squeeze.

Bert gave her a light kiss on the cheek and moved down to kiss her neck before moving away and smiled at her.

Bernie knew he was going to be an issue, but one she was glad to set straight, one way or the other.

Back in New York, over the week end Sheldon took Leonard sightseeing and afterwards they went back to the suite to discuss the line-up of candidates they had to begin interviewing on Monday. Sheldon skimmed through them, "Are you aware, including Heather Tesch, who we already hired, we have a total of forty-five applicants and only fifteen are men leaving thirty for us to interview and maybe at least half will be chosen for the online division of the weather network."

"Yeah, I can do the math, so where are you going with this?"

"We have to finalize the hires by Friday after next week. That is ten work days and if we chose a little more than half for the internet, we have to test drive about fifteen to eighteen women, maybe more."

Leonard chuckled, "Test drive? Come on Sheldon, how crude have you turned since you moved to New York?"

Sheldon threw up his hands, "Okay, how would you categorize them?"

Leonard thought for a moment, "We have to determine whether or not the fifteen to eighteen applicants for the online division are suited for showing their physical assets and their sexual prowess to us and see if they are meant to do it also on camera."

Sheldon scoffed, "I'm saying the same thing, but in a lot less words."

Leonard nodded, "Yeah, but you have to agree my way of putting it will pass H.R. scrutiny a lot better than your way of saying it."

"Okay I agree, so here are the head shots of the thirty female applicants. I think we should put them in three piles, one definitely we'd love to see naked, one we don't want to see naked and one that could go either way. In order to get them all done in two weeks, I think we need to split them up with an even amount of all three so we are not overly taxed physically for us. We can't be worn out after the first day, don't you agree?"

"Okay, I see where you are going with this, but we need to have a lot more of the naked ones on the first day. You have to remember we have to give them twenty-four hours to decide if they wanna do naked weather. I heard H.R. is firm on that issue."

Sheldon nodded, "I knew I had you here for a reason. I wouldn't have thought of that and at the end, we'd be drowning in naked candidates, pardon my way of putting that."

Leonard chuckled again, "I know what you're saying. Between the two of us, I think it would be easier to say, naked, not or maybe. We just can't come across that way in the interviews."

"Okay, so lets start with each one and after the first go round we can count them up and see how many we have of each pile."

Leonard picked up the first photo head shot, Stephanie Abrams. He stared at the gorgeous blonde with the huge tits, "Definitely nude."

Sheldon agreed, he picks up the next one, "Kristina Abernathy, I remember seeing her on the Weather Channel, another nude."

Leonard agrees and picks up the next one, "Chelsea Ambriz, she looks too innocent, not nude."

"I agree, next is Liana Brackett, with a body and face like that, nude for sure."

Leonard chuckled, "Yeah, I know, you wanna bang her, we're gonna flip coins for that one. Okay next is Tracey Anthony, I have to say maybe. She has one helluva body, but she too looks too innocent."

"Okay, I have to agree. Knock on woods,we haven't disagreed yet. Okay next is Jill Brown, no for sure."

"Yeah, she's just too small, next is Vivian Brown, yes for sure."

"I don't know, she looks a little large. For the nude station."

Sheldon, don't forget we need diversity and she does have one gorgeous face and just look at those tits."

He chuckled, "You're right, okay nude pile. Okay next is Jen Carfagno, for sure nude. I can just see her and Stephanie Abrams together."

"Yeah I agree, next is Kelly Cass, I'd have to say maybe. She does have that sexy look, but has put on a lot of weight."

"Okay, I'll agree, I wanted her with the nudes, but we can always move her over later f we need to. Next is Felicia Combs, without a doubt, nude pile. Just look at that big round butt and tiny waist. Could you see her in those boots and nothing else"

"Again, Sheldon, I agree, okay next is Heidi Cullen, for sure no. She'd be great on regular cable weather. She's good, just not for the nudes."

"Agree, next is Betty Davis and not the old actress, I'd have to say no, no sex appeal, sorry Leonard, diversity or not."

"Okay, I was gonna say, maybe, but if you are that serious, I'll go along with you. Next is Dominica Davis, I have to say maybe, again looks too innocent and I don't see the sex appeal."

I agree with maybe, but I think she's hot, but looks too innocent, next is Jennifer Delgado, without a doubt, yes and the next one Kristen Dodd, no, just too old."

Leonard chuckled, Better not tell Kristen that, you may end up with a age discrimination suit. Yes for Jennifer too. Next is Meredith Garofalo, pretty, but a no for me, what do you think?"

Yeah, I agree, I don't know what it is, but I don't see any sex appeal. Okay next are Jacqui Jeras and Jeanette Jones. I'd have to say no to Jacqui and maybe for Jeanette. I just love the look of Jeanette, those eyes are mystic looking."

"Okay I'll go along with those two, now the next two are, Karissa Klos and Kate Mantych, I'd have to say no to both of them, just too innocent looking, like my sister."

Sheldon scoffed, "Oh your sister isn't innocent, but I have to agree. The next two are, Merry Mathews and Nicole Mitchell, I'd have to say yes to both. Nicole used to work on Fox before and both are gorgeous blondes."

Sheldon nodded, "Okay to both of them and next two are, Maria Molina and Kait Parker, Yes to Maria, she used to work on Fox before too and maybe to Kait, she has sex appeal, but looks a little too innocent."

"Yeah, I agree with both, next two are, Cindy Preszler and Sharon Resultan. I have to say no to Sharon, same reason you said about Kristen and maybe to Cindy. She has the same eyes as Jeanette Jones and she looks hot in boots."

"Okay, but remember you can't tell Sharon that. Okay next two are, Jodi Saeland and Bonnie Schneider. I have to say no to both, I'd like to put Bonnie on maybe, but she just put on too much weight, she is pretty though."

"Yeah, I agree with both. Wow, we're moving pretty quick and no arguments yet. Okay next two are, Marny Stanier and Alexandria Steele. I spoke with Heather and she told me that Marny shouldn't be hired for any of them. She sued Weather Channel for discrimination. And as far as Alexandria, she had to be a for sure yes. With a name like that and a body like that, she should be in porn and not weather."

Sheldon started laughing, "Yeah I agree, those two were the easiest two to pick. The last one is Alex Wilson, and just like the last two, another easy one, for sure a yes. She looks like she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose."

Leonard cracked up, "Yep, you have changed and I agree. Okay, lets add them up. We have twelve yes, twelve no and six maybe. I think we can move all of the maybe to yes. That gives us eighteen yes and twelve no. I wonder how many of the yes will sign the release and allow us to see them naked and hopefully more."

"Okay if we have eighteen yes, that would be two a day after the first day interviews to give them twenty-four hours to decide. I'll contact four of the yes to be interviewed for Monday and two of the no's also."

Leonard looked over the list and nodded, "Okay, but make sure when you call and during the interviews that you do not have a predetermined view of their perspective placement yet."

Sheldon nodded, "Yeah, I may be a little naive when it comes to things like this, but I understand the legal problems if we tell them we already have our opinion of their abilities. Who knows, during our interviews we may change our minds about some of the no's."

"Okay, so who are you gonna call for Monday?"

"I was thinking Stephanie Abrams, Jen Carfagno, Kristina Abernathy, Liana Brackett, Chelsea Ambriz and Jill Brown. I figured with four yes, we can interview them first so they have twenty four hours to decide and then we can interview the two no's. Who knows, maybe they may change our minds. We think some of them are too innocent, but they may surprise us."

Leonard laughed out loud, "My God, Sheldon, I can't believe how much you've changed. Okay give them a call and we can rest up tomorrow for our busy two weeks."

He called them and had the first two set for 9:00 AM, the second two for 10 AM and the last two just after lunch."

They spent the day Sunday resting and playing video games.

Monday morning came early and Leonard and Sheldon were both anxious about the upcoming meeting and as 9:00 AM arrived, they welcomed the two Weather Channel morning blondes, Stephanie Abrams and Jennifer Carfagno. They were dressed modestly and as they took seats across from Sheldon and Leonard, they looked just as nervous.

Sheldon began, "You know what this is all about, right? We are launching two new weather networks. One will be similar to the Weather Channel, but without all of the...pardon my French, bullshit about climate change and all of that liberal crap. The second, with is a little more risque, it will run concurrently with Fox Nation, but as a Fox Weather entity. What makes it risque is that it will be similar to some of the naked news, but with weather only. The women and men will perform weather skits, such as suntanning on the French Riviera, of course nude. Skinny dipping during the winter plunge and other ideas, all with the input of our on-air personalities. Of course there is a substantial bump on pay for those on the Fox Weather Nation. Some would do double duty on both networks. We're in the process of converting two floors of this building for the weather channel and two, possibly three for high-end apartments. Of course some will be offered to our people, in lieu of part of your salary. I've been talking a lot, we'd like your opinion and thoughts."

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