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Big Bang Theory Season 15 Ep. 01

Story Info
Leonard/Stephanie mate, several times Bernadette joins them.
13.7k words

Part 141 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Dr. Stephanie Barnett was torn, but she knew because of the HIPAA laws, she couldn't disclose to Leonard about Penny's treatment last night. She checked on Penny before her shift ended, but she was still sedated. She gave the nurse on duty instructions to call her when she came out of her sedation, with instructions not to inform her of her condition. She would tell her what had occurred.

She headed home and took a long, hot shower. She was drying her freshly washed hair when she got the call, "Dr Barnett, Ms. Copper has come around and wants to know about her condition. I told her you would be in soon to update her on her condition."

Stephanie put her hair up in a ponytail and a messy bun, "Thank you, if she asks again, tell her I'm on my way in and will give her an update within a half-hour." She hung up and threw on a pair of slacks, bra and a pullover sweater. She headed back to the hospital and found a white coat and buttoning it up she hurried to Penny's room. She knocked and entered before being told to enter.

She stood over Penny and Penny's jaw dropped; "Oh fuck, from the pot into the fire. What the fuck are you doing here?"

Stephanie chuckled, "Believe you me, I'm not very comfortable with this either, but I was the attending physician on duty when you were rushed here last night. As you know my oath is to do no harm and we worked feverously and regret to inform you that you lost the baby. With the past miscarriage and the drug you took to have the miscarriage, it weakened the walls of your uterus. Along with the intense sexual activities you were involved in last night. The uterus walls ruptured and the baby literally drowned in her own blood. You were extremely fortunate to be rushed here last night, or you could have bleed out yourself."

Penny's face was as white as a sheet. She bit down on her fist, "Oh my God, I was such a fucking fool. I thought because they were not large, I could have some sex."

Stephanie came closer to the bed and placed her hand on her arm, "Normally, that would have been true, but like I said, the walls of your uterus was weak and with the multiple orgasms you had, blew out the walls. It didn't matter the size, your high blood pressure was what pushed it to the brink. I'm gonna put you on some high blood pressure medication for the next few months." She paused and looked at Penny, "There is one other issue you need to know about."

Penny took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay Doc, let me have it."

Stephanie came over to her and took a seat beside her on the bed, "I have to tell you, but I'm afraid you won't be able to conceive again."

Penny didn't know if she should laugh or cry. In a way she was relieved. She wouldn't have any more unexpected pregnancies sprung upon her. On the other hand, she was still young enough, and if she found the right man, she might have wanted another shot of having a baby. A tear ran down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away, "Are you sure doctor?"

Stephanie placed her hand on her arm and nodded, "Without a doubt, you really did a number on your reproductive system and I'm afraid, it is irreversible, I'm sorry Penny."

Penny leaned over and allowed Stephanie to hug her and she did feel better. She pulled back and gave her a weak smile, "I guess this really makes your day, huh? What do they call it, karma? I guess it is really a bitch."

Stephanie felt sorry for her. It was the first time she had other than contempt for the gorgeous blonde and if she wasn't an ex of Leonard's she may have felt something for her. "So tell me Penny, what are you gonna do now?"

Penny shrugged, "I guess I'll go back to my porn job. At least there is one thing I won't have to worry about any longer." She scoffed, "I will still have to watch out for those social diseases yet, right?"

Stephanie nodded and reached up and swept one of Penny's long blonde locks that floated across her cheek. She tucked it behind her ear, "Yeah, you have those pesky diseases. You know you're gonna have to refrain from penetration for a few months. And any intense sex of any kind for at least a month. I wouldn't try anything until you return here for an examination. I'll refer you to a fine gynecologist to check you out before you resume your film career."

Penny gave her a weak smile, "I'd feel a lot more comfortable if you did the exam before I get a clean bill of health. I'd hate to get the two men who put their reputation on the line in hot water with their family and the press. You know who they are and I'd hate to have anyone else know who it was."

Stephanie nodded and rubbed her arm, "You know, if the situation was different, I think we could be friends, but there is way too much that already occurred to make that possible. Yeah, I can do the exam and keep the specifics of your condition out of the press."

Penny let out a deep breath and drew Stephanie to her and whispered in her ear, "You are a very, very good person. Someone who is deserving of Leonard and Alex. I just wish I didn't fuck things up last month at Amy's. I don't know what I was thinking. You know I saw him and the only thing I had in my mind was the two of us reconnecting and hoping it would make everything like old times." She let out a stifled chuckle, "Well, it surely did, just like old times, I fucked things up and ruined any and all chances to fix things. Again, I'm sorry for lying to you and nearly ruining a chance for you and Leonard to have a meaningful relationship."

Stephanie didn't know what came over her, but she pulled away from Penny and again, stroked her cheek and lowered her lips to Penny's and she gave her a soft, gentle kiss. She pulled away before anymore happened. She sat back, "Believe it or not, it was sort of a good thing what happened. Leonard moved out of our apartment, he purchased a townhouse and we are now taking things slow. It is like we are now dating, a little weird this triangle between Alex, Leonard and I. We both expressed our feelings for one another and I'm afraid we'll both hurt Alex. Alex knows how we feel and she doesn't want to get between the two of us, but we are both still worried."

Penny nodded, "Yeah, I know Alex and even though she told you that, if I were you, I'd keep an eye on her. Unlike with you; I was in a serious relationship with Leonard at the time Alex showed up, but it didn't stop her from trying to date him and finally she wore him down and he did have sex with her."

Stephanie stared at her and let it sink in and she nodded and stood up, "I'll keep that in mind. So where are you gonna go after you're discharged?"

She shrugged, "I was thinking of heading back to Nebraska for a while, but if I'm gonna need to do check-ups, I'm not really sure. I could check with Tracey. Aw, you know her as Brandi Love, but she is extremely pissed at me right now and I know that father of the baby is just as mad. I'll have to check with Tracey and see." Stephanie made her way to the door, "Well you'll be here for a couple more days, get some rest, talk to them and if you have a problem, let me know, I may have an idea." She left before Penny could reply.

She was off duty for the rest of today and had tomorrow off too, but touched base at the nurses station to keep her updated with Penny's progress and told them she would stop in tomorrow to check on her.

She headed home and crashed and slept for a few hours and was woke up by Alex who kissed her lightly on the lips, "Hey sleepy-head, are you gonna sleep all day?"

She gave her a weak smile, "I was at the hospital till a few hours ago. I guess I'll get up now and head over to see Leonard. I have a very, sensitive issue to discuss with him. I can't tell you now, but after I speak with him, I'll fill you in." She got up, hugged and gave Alex a sweet, but hot kiss. "Sit tight, I won't be gone too long, okay?"

Alex was befuddled, but knew to trust Stephanie and she too headed out for some take-out food.

Stephanie knocked on Leonard's door and the weight she was holding on her shoulders floated away. She threw her arms around his neck and gave him a cock stiffening kiss. She pulled away and took hold of his hand and led him to the sofa, "Come sit with me, I had a night and a day from hell and even though it is against HIPAA regulations, I have to discuss something with you. I can't tell you specifics, but will try and tell you in generalities what occurred."

He looked at her with concern, "It doesn't involve Alex or you, does it?"

She shrugged, "It affects me, because I was the doctor on duty when the patient arrived via helicopter. Just to let you know on board the helicopter were two of your idols, a George L, and the other was Steven S. That is all I'm gonna say, but I think you can read between the lines."

Leonard's jaw dropped and he jumped up, "Are you telling me that you met George Fucking Lu...!"

Stephanie jumped up before he could finish and plastered her hand to his mouth, "Don't finish it, Leonard, that way I'm not divulging anything sensitive, but..." She nodded, "Now sit your ass down so I can continued telling you what happened."

He sat down and he wasn't really hearing her, he still was thinking about Steven and George on the helicopter.

She took a deep breath again, "Okay, so they rushed one of their guests who was staying in their bedroom they were sharing, if you get my drift...aaaaaaaaaaand she was bleeding rather heavily through, you know her...Aw yeah, you know what I'm saying. It seems the woman was pregnant and after some vigorous sex, she had an unfortunate problem."

It suddenly hit Leonard, "Ohhhhhhhh, I understand, okay, but why are you tell me all of this?"

She hemmed and hawed and once again took a deep breath and letting it out, she blurted out, "The female was your ex!"

He would have been knocked over with a feather. His shoulders slumped and he flopped back against the back of the sofa and covered his face. He sat back up and looked to Stephanie, "So why are you telling me all of this? She's just another patient and you shouldn't be violating the HIPAA laws, especially for someone like her. She made her bed and literally has to lie in it!"

It was Stephanie's turn to have her jaw drop, "My God Leonard, she's your ex and had a miscarriage and lost the baby. Don't you have any feelings for her?"

He scoffed, "No, no longer! She made the decision to terminate OUR baby and now she fucks who and I'm supposed to feel sorry for her, NO FUCKING WAY!"

She was shocked by his reaction, "Aw, one more thing and I could lose my license for disclosing this, but you have to keep it between you and me, unless she tells you. She can't have children, ever again."

He was unfazed by it, "You shouldn't have told me. It is none of my concern, but your secret is safe with me. As far as I'm concerned it went in one ear and out the other."

"Aw Leonard, this is a side of you I never thought was in your DNA."

He was getting upset, "Listen, my DNA is fine. I worried about her for the past thirteen years. On every turn, she threw it in my face, disgraced me, belittled me and I took it all. I'm done, all I have to do is show a little concern and she will turn that tiny crack into a mile wide gully. She would seize it and will do whatever she thinks will be to her advantage."

Stephanie got up and went into the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine. She poured out two glasses downed one and refilled hers. She returned to the living room and giving one to Leonard, she took a seat beside him. She downed half of hers and put it down on the coffee table. She took his from him and and put it beside hers. She turned back to him and took his hands in hers, "I know she's fucked you over so many times that you've lost all trust in her and I believe all women, but we are not all like her. She needs someone now, her best friend in porn, the one she brought to Bernadette's wedding, is so pissed at her. It looks like she accompanied Brandi to a bachelor party held at Mr. Lucas' home, oops, I sorta let that out by mistake, you never heard that. Well, Brandi went to give the groom a special dance in private and things sorta got out of hand and Penny took on most of the group . After that, the two before mentioned guys took her to his bedroom where they sorta had some private fun and then she ended up in my emergency room. Brandi was furious and won't speak to her, especially after losing the baby. The supposedly father feels the same and she can't go home, not until after a clean bill of health, about a month from now. After that, she told me she plans to head home for a month or so, after that, she's hoping to return to her new profession, if they will still have her."

Leonard pulled his hand form hers, "So why are you telling me all of this Stephanie?"

She bit her lip and looked down where their hands were joined, "Aw, well, I spoke with Alex and she agreed..."

He pulled his hand away, "No, no don't tell me she's staying with you?"

She reached for his hand, but he pulled it away, "Yeah, sorry Leonard, but she has nowhere to go and I took it upon myself to make sure she gets well. This way, after her recovery, she can go on her merry way and I won't have any misgivings about pursuing you. We can start our life together knowing she has a fresh start and if anything happened to her in the future, it is all on her."

He shook his head, "That is exactly how I felt when she left the last time. How many fucking chances does she get?"

She tried to explain, "She can always say she was pushed into it because you left her, this time, she'll have no excuses."

He didn't buy it, "She had a great job, a place to live, she fucked it up and she'll fuck it up again, sorry Stephanie I don't buy it. You can have her stay with you, that is up to you, but don't think I'm gonna have anything good to say about her or this situation."

She refused to just hold his hand now. She leaned forward and drew him into her arms and held him until she felt him relax and embrace her too. She finally pulled back and kissed him, "What do you say if we just forget about dinner and take this to the bedroom. I have a sneaky suspicion I can make you forget all about your ex."

He stood up and pulled her to her feet, "Now that is something we can finally agree upon."

They entered his bedroom and it was spotless, something it never was when he was living with Penny. Stephanie turned towards Leonard and she reached under his shirt and caressed his firm chest, eventually pulling the shirt over his head. She ran her tongue over his nipples and giggled when she felt him shiver

Stephanie slowly sank to her knees and reached up to undo his belt that held up his dress pants. A smile crossed her lips when she saw the tent in his pants. Anxiously, she undid the snap and lowered the zipper. She pulled at his pants just enough so that the bulge of his cock escaped them and pushed invitingly against his boxers.

She licked her lips and caressed the bulge through his boxers. She released it and tugged at his pants, removing them along with his black dress socks. She ran her hands up his hairy thighs until she reached the waistband of his boxers. She tugged them downward until they too were puddled on the floor. His stiff, fat cock sprung free and swayed from side to side before her. She gripped his shaft in her fingers and guided the large beet red head to her lips. She opened wide and took it into her moist, hot mouth.

Leonard drew in a deep breath and felt his heart beating quicker. He kicked aside his boxers as he looked down as his fat cock disappeared into her mouth. His eyes met hers as she began sliding her lips up and down his shaft. His cock was glistening with her saliva and he felt like he was as hard as he had even been before.

Stephanie fondled his balls as she continued to bob up and down and she was doing things with her tongue and teeth that he had never felt before

He clutched at her gorgeous red locks and threw his head back and called out to her, "Oh Stephanie, if you don't want a mouthful of cum, you better stop now."

She felt a surge of excitement and doubled her efforts, picking up the pace as she felt his cock swell between her red lips. She heard him cry out, "Oh fuck, Stephanie, here it comes, I'm cumming!" She tightened her hold with her lips as jets of cum came spurting out of his pulsating cock and down her slender throat. She pulled back so that just the head was in her mouth, wanting to taste what she coaxed out of his swollen nuts.

Leonard shivered as he felt her tongue and teeth nip and roll around the head and it made his tremble and release a couple more spurts into her mouth.

She released his cock and smacked her lips and her eyes were sparkling with joy, knowing she got what she came here for. She licked at the head and giggled, "I just love the taste of your semen, I nearly forgot how yummy it was."

She struggled to her feet and with his still firm cock poking at her belly, she leaned in to kiss him and she allowed him to taste what she extracted from his cock.

He took a step back and looked at the gorgeous redhead with the swollen, wet lips. Dressed in a simple white blouse and a tight black pencil skirt, he took his time as he began unbuttoning her blouse. He slipped it from her shoulders and as it hit the floor, he reached up and caressed her tits through her bra.

Stephanie wanted flesh on flesh and reaching back, she undid the clasp and allowed it to slip down her arms and joined her blouse.

Leonard licked his lips as he stared at her luscious tits, crowned with large pink aeroules and darker, stiff nipples. He cupped them both from the underside and gently ran his thumbs back and forth over the stiff nubs of flesh. He could feel them perk up as he began to salivate, wanting to taste them.

Just as Stephanie did earlier, he released her tits and slid down to his knees before her. He ran his hands up her slender, shapely legs and tugging at one foot at a time, he removed her high heels and caressed her feet. He ran his hands up until her reached the hem of her skirt and slid up as high as he could, but the skirt was so tight he couldn't managed to make it up to her panties. He reached at the side and opened the button and lowered the zipper. He heard her giggle when he fought to tug the tight skirt down and off her slender legs. He made quick disposal of her panties and added both her skirt and panties to the growing pile of clothes. He leaned in and touched his tongue to the top of her exposed slit He clutched at her tight, tiny ass as he buried his face in the intoxicating aroma of her juicy pussy.

He wanted to lick her to climax, just as she did him, but she wanted none of that. She pulled him to his feet and she slipped to the bed and was on her back, her legs spread wide and she patted her bright red cuntlips, "I need your cock in her, now, no oral crap, you can do that later if you wanna, but now, I want that fat cock on yours deep in me."

Without needing any more pleading, he knelt on his new bed and urged her legs even further apart. He lowered his head and let out a burst of hot air and shook his head, "Sorry Stephanie, but turn about is fair play."

She looked down at him and her bright eyes turned darker with lust. She knew she wasn't gonna win this battle, one she really didn't care if she lost. She dropped her head back to the plush pillow and her long red hair created a fiery look around her head. She drew in a quick breath as she felt him work his tongue on her. She immediately spread her legs wider as she felt his tongue began to focus on her clit.

Leonard slipped two fingers deep into her tight channel as he twisted around and began petting her G-spot. It didn't take long for him to work her into a fever pitch and she began thrusting her hips upward to his waiting mouth as her orgasm wracked her slender body.

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