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Big Bang Theory Season 16 Ep. 03

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Penny's bachelorette party & more!
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Part 156 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Penny knew Sheldon had planned a very special bachelorette party for her and she spent the day at the spa and the fitness center where she was pampered and relaxed with Amy and Bernadette in the sauna and hot tub.

Friday evening Penny was ushered into her apartment blindfolded. She was about to experience a gang bang. Something she was used to, but not involving the men in her past. It was all a secret, but she was about to find out.

Penny was dressed in a tiny thong and bra and over it, she was wearing a wrap-around skirt that barely hid her ass. Covering her bra was a tight tank top that showed off her tits to an extreme.

Upon entering the suite, Sheldon removed her blindfold and she stood staring at Leonard, Raj, Bert and Stewart. They were all dressed in slacks and dress shirts and they call came over to to her to congratulate them on their marriage tomorrow morning.

Penny looked to Sheldon, "So why did I have to wear a blindfold? These are all my best friends and I love them dearly."

He chuckled, "Well Penny, after a quick buffet, they are gonna show you just how much they love you. They are your bachelorette party and they are your wedding present from me."

She threw her arms around him and kissed him, "Mmmm, I'm gonna have the best husband ever!"

Leonard heard that and slowly shrank away to the background of the group.

Penny knew she stuck her foot in her mouth, nothing new. They all moved over to the kitchen countertop where there were several trays with assorted meats and vegetables. They all filled their plates while the hostess Sheldon had, poured them all a glass of wine.

Sheldon doled out a Deja Vu capsule to everyone and put one directly into Penny's palm, "I'm not sure if you'll need this, but I'm certain the guys most certainly will."

She popped it into her mouth and washed to down with a large sip of her wine. After they had finished dinner and the hostess had cleaned up and left, Penny, Sheldon and her four men for the night took seats in the living room.

Sheldon turn of some music and Raj stood up and extended his hand, "Would the bride to be like to dance?"

Penny, so unlike her blushed and nodded. She danced close to him and his hands drifted over her lush curves. Before long he was joined by Leonard who danced with Penny next and before long Steward and Bert had their turn dancing with her too.

Sheldon broke in, and danced one slow dance with her, he was a little awkward and as the song ended, he pulled back and looked to the four men, "Shall we take this to the bedroom?"

They all followed Penny as if she was the Piped Piper. Sheldon took a seat in one of the large overstuffed chairs nearest the bed, so he could have a ringside seat.

Bert took a seat in the matching chair, while Steward took a seat at Sheldon's desk.

Penny sat on the bed and was joined by both Leonard and Raj who took a seat on either side of her.

Sheldon got up and turned on some mellow music to get Penny in the mood, but it wasn't necessary. He left the room and came back with a glass of wine for Penny and a pitcher of beer and five glasses for the guys. He turned the light down and picking up a remote, flipped the switch which activated the several cameras he had pointed towards the bed from every angle imaginable. He turned to Bert, "I had Eric, Penny's producer bring in a crew and they set up all kinds of cameras to catch all of the action. I'm sure Penny is gonna love having this on tape to watch later."

Bert chuckled, "You always think if everything. Penny is one lucky woman."

Penny got up and swayed to the music and just like out in the living room, they took turns dancing with her and before long, they barely moved their feet, they just swayed from side to side with Penny in their arms and their hands traveling all over her lush curves.

Sheldon spoke up, "Well I think we've danced enough. Penny I'm sure the guys would love to see what they came here to sample. Why don't you show them that sexy butt of yours?"

She giggled, "Oh you are a nasty one, Sheldon. Okay guys, hold onto your cocks." She swayed to the music. She reached down for the hem of her tiny skirt. As she continued to sway, she slowly pulled her skirt up. It was difficult to do, so Penny just reached up and popped open the button on the wrap-around skirt and it fell to the floor.

Sheldon looked from one guy to the other and he saw the lust in their eyes and he knew he was the lucky one. Leonard shook his head, knowing it was once his and he wasn't gonna give up the one last chance to fuck it. "So guys, what do you think?"

Raj chuckled, "She was always fucking hot, but she seems to have gotten hotter and sexier."

Penny bit her lip as she continued to sway from side to side and bending over, she began to Twirk.

Steward, usually shy was nearly drooling blurted out, "Now that is fucking sexy. I've never seen such a great ass before."

Penny continued to grip the edge of the dresser and flashed Steward a grin, "You think you can handle this, Stuart?"

He scoffed, "I definitely can."

The other three guys just stared and she looked at them and saw serious lumps tenting their pants. She looked to Bert. "What about you Bert?"

He nodded, "Oh I'm sure I can handle a high class porn star like yourself. I was wondering, I've seen all of your videos, but is the rest of you as hot as your ass is?"

She straightened up and flashed him a grin, "You tell me, Bert!" She crossed her arm and grabbing hold of the bottom of her tank top and raising her arms she drew the tight top up and over her head. She tossed it to Sheldon and giggled, ""So tell me Sheldon, like the looks of your bride to be?"

He nodded as did Bert and they both let out a tiny gasp. There was a chorus of yes coming from all five of the men staring at her near naked body.

Raj was ready for more and he bellowed out, "I wanna see those tits, Penny!"

Not waiting for her to react or speak up, Sheldon stood back up and reached behind her and undid the bra. It dropped from her arms and slid off her shoulders. His hands went to her hips and spun her around so she was now facing her four friends.

Penny lowered her arms and the bra came away and her nipples stiffened up from the cool air of the bedroom. She looked to Raj, "So there, is that better?"

He growled out, "Oh yeah, much better!" Without waiting for an invitation, Raj stood up and reached out and caressed on of her large, firm tits. He squeezed and thumbed the one nipple as he heard Penny release a moan.

Raj took that as an encouragement and as he twisted and tugged at the one nipple, he leaned in and closed his dark lips around its twin.

Penny's eyes closed and she rolled her head around, "Mmmm, that feels incredible, Raj. Just suck a little harder." With her eyes closed and her mouth open, she bit her lower lip and suddenly felt another mouth on the nipple Raj was tugging at. She opened her eyes and saw Leonard sucking greedily at the one Raj was teasing.

Penny raised her hands and unclipped her hair from the large spring clip. She shook her head and her long blonde locks tumbled downward, covering her shoulders and half of their faces.

Steward came up behind her and whispered in her ear, "How about showing us what you have hidden down below?"

Raj and Leonard stopped their sucking and waited for a reply from her.

She gave them all a sly smile and placing her thumbs in the waistband of her tiny thong, she slowly wiggled her hips and they fluttered to the floor. She kicked them aside and landed on Sheldon's lap. He picked them up and inhaled her musky scent.

Raj immediately resumed sucking on her tit like a stared baby, but not waiting for permission, his hand dropped down to her fleshy cuntlips. He petted it lightly and without warning, shoved one of his thick, dark fingers deep into her juicy cunt hole.

Penny shivered and her knees nearly buckled from the sudden intrusion. She released a louder moan, "Wow Raj, you've changed. Nice to see someone here with the balls to take the lead."

Stuart called out, "Bring her over here!"

She turned and let out a gasp. Stuart had his pants off and he was stroking his stiff cock. It wasn't anything special, but it was a cock she never sampled before.

Raj released her tit and grabbing her by the hand, he led her over to Stuart. Stuart grabbed hold of her other hand and tugging at it, urged her down to her knees.

Penny looked to Sheldon for his approval, but all he did was smile and nod. She turned back to Stuart and gripping him by the base of his cock, she swept the leaking head from side to side across her plush lips. His pre-cum coated her lips and her tongue came out to lick them clean. She parted her lips and drew his cock into her mouth using tightly closed lips, sucking him inward, applying as much pressure to his quivering shaft. She let out a sigh and knew this was just the beginning, She also knew this wasn't for any director or camera. She was her own boss now and was going to enjoy this, no hurry or no reason for a money shot. Little did she know it was all being recorded.

Penny picked up the pace, bobbing up and down on Stuart's cock. She liked not having one that was super large. It was the perfect way to begin and she soon had his completely buried in her mouth and throat. She let out a gasp when she felt a finger enter her pussy from behind and knew this was only gonna get better from here on out.

She moaned out as she pushed back against the invading fingers. She didn't care who those fingers belonged to, as long as they went deeper and didn't stop. She was disappointed when she felt the fingers withdraw from her juicy cunt. She was gasping for air when she tore her mouth from Stuart's cock and looked back and shivered when she saw a naked Raj behind her. Her gasps turned to groans when he gripped his dark, thick shaft and slowly fed it into her tight, wet pussy, "Mmmm, so much better than your fingers, Raj."

Penny raised her ass upward, wanting more of him in her aching pussy. She got what she wanted as Raj plowed deeper into her. She was so turned on and wet, she felt him sink completely into her and felt his balls resting on the cheeks of her bubble butt. She let out several loud grunts as he thrust in and out of her harder and deeper.

She whipped her head around and growled out, "Oh fuck, yeah, just like that, faster Raj, give it to me harder!" She turned back to Stuart and resumed sucking on his cock,. Her tongue whipped around the shaft and poked at his crinkled nut sack.

Stuart fisted her tousled locks, guiding his cock in and out of her gaping mouth, "Oh my God Penny, suck it, suck my cock, you gorgeous slut!"

She giggled around his shaft, causing reverberation to course through his shaft. She thought to herself, "I guess I am a slut, naked before four guys, taking their cocks in my mouth and pussy the night before my wedding. Yeah, I am a slut and I love being one!"

Penny took it as a mission to service the two cocks in her at the present time. One on her pussy and one in her mouth. She pushed back against Raj as she felt his nut sack slapping again and again against her overheated and stiff clit.

She could feel her cunt juices running down her thighs. She just wished there was another woman here to help her and lick her clean so she could take more.

Raj leaned back, drawing his slime covered cock from her pussy and he called out to Stuart, "Roll her over."

Stuart pulled his cock from her tight mouth and rolled her over onto her back. Raj scooted forward and gripping his cock in his fist, shoved his cock between those fleshy lips and sank into her easily.

Stuart straddled her chest and grabbing hold of her head, he pulled her forward and once again he was moaning as she swallowed his cock

She glanced to the side and spotted Leonard and Bert. She saw Leonard shifting the lump he had in his pants. She drew her mouth off of Stuart's saliva covered shaft and blurted out, "Do you remember doing this to me, Leonard?"

He simply nodded, not really interested in dredging up old memories of having sex with her. He was ready to make new ones and try and forget the two wives he had back in his suite. He dropped his pants and shorts, kicking them aside he came over and knelt to the side of her.

Penny reached up and closed her large Nebraska man-hand around his shaft and began to stroke him. She turned her head to the side and sucked on it and went back to Stuart. She did this movements, back and forth between the two of them, all at the same time, humping her hips upward, urging Raj to fuck her harder.

Leonard looked to his buddy Raj, "Don't take all day Raj, I want one last shot at the skanky cunt before she marries Sheldon."

She groaned out, "Oh wow, Leonard, I never knew you felt that way. Why don't you say what you really mean!" She pushed that thought out of her head and sucked harder on Stuart and urged Raj on. She too wanted a shot at Leonard, especially after he just tried to make her feel more of a slut than she already knew she was. "Come on Raj, give it to me. Fuck, I love how thick and dark your cock is. It reminds me of all that gorgeous black cock I get on a regular basis." She laughed, knowing she just gave Leonard back what she was thinking and doing and it made her feel even better."

She got what she wished for and as Raj picked up the pace, driving in her harder and faster, she lost it and started to cum. She released a dose of her milky cum, coating his dark cock to the point of turning it white.

When Stuart saw what was happening, he couldn't hold off and he started to cum as jet after jet of his hot creamy cum hit her face. Penny turned her face towards him and opened her mouth. She caught some on her tongue and savored it, but the remainder of it covered her pretty face.

She squealed and lapped at the hose as it sent a few more blasts onto her feverous skin, "Oh fuck yeah, Stuart, I never knew you could cum so much. Yes, oh hell yeah, paint my face! Mmmm to top it off, it is rather tasty!"

All of a sudden Raj bellowed out, "Look out Penny, I'm about to blow too!"

She was gasping for air. With her face covered in cum, she struggled through and spat out, "Give it to me Raj, fill me up. No way are you pulling out, cum in my cunt."

Just hearing that foul language pushed Raj to the brink. He drove in really hard and fast two more times and throwing his head back, he started pumping rope after rope of his thick semen in her.

Penny exploded at the same time. Just feeling his cum blasting against the walls of her pussy, she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him tight to her body. Every muscle in her body tensed up and she was gasping for air as Raj tried desperately to stay clear of her cum covered face.

After a few moments, Raj leaned back and as his cock slipped out of her swollen pussy, Penny turned her milky white face towards Leonard and smiled. She licked at the cum that dripped close to her lips, "Okay Leonard, hop in the saddle, you're up next."

Sheldon left the room and returned with a warm washcloth and he gently wiped her face clean. She beamed up at him, "You know what Stuart just did would be considered a world class money shot."

Sheldon chuckled, and pointed to the several cameras hidden around the room, "Oh don't you worry Honey, I caught it all. Maybe Eric can release it as a home video."

Leonard was already on his back, but not on the floor. He was very comfortable on the bed. He motioned for her to join him and she got up on her shaky legs and slipped slowly onto the large soft bed, "Mmmm, so much nicer than that scratchy, hard carpeted floor."

She slid upward and straddled his outstretched body. She lined her leaking cunt with his spit covered cock and as Leonard fisted his cock, he guided it into her well fucked pussy. Flashbacks of this exact same position came rushing back to him. She growled out as she felt him forcing a lot of Raj cum out from around his invading cock.

Leonard closed his eyes and tried to block out what was happening. He had reservations about doing this, but Sheldon begged him to join in. Leonard did it because he helped out when Stephanie wanted Sheldon for her last unmarried fuck and he reluctantly had to repay Sheldon.

Penny rode him like a world-class rider. She whipped her head around and caught sight of Raj standing beside the bed. His cock was still covered in her milky cum and she felt the urge to clean him up, "Get your ass up here and let me suck on that limp prick of your."

Raj was more than ready and just hearing that, he perked up. The Deja Vu capsule didn't hurt either. He shivered and looked down at her as those dark green eyes locked onto his. He watched at her large pink tongue darted out and ran the entire length of his shaft and before she reached to base and his balls, he was once again stiff and raring to go.

Penny smacked her lips as she had him spotless in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, she continued riding Leonard. She knew his heart wasn't completely into it, but she needed it, more as a reminder of what she lost and at the same time, giving him a sendoff, knowing this would most likely be the last time for the both of them.

Leonard struggled through and tried to perk up., He groaned out, "Fuck Penny, you sure feel great. I used to remember us doing this endlessly on weekends."

She smiled weakly down at him and nodded, "Me too, but don't you mind fucking me with my pussy already full of cum?"

He shook his head, "Just reminds me of why I left our marriage in the first place. I'm sorry to be a downer, but I can't help feeling this way."

She gave him a sad nod and she closed her eyes as she felt the familiar caresses of his hands on her chest. The incredible way he made her pussy tremble and quake whenever he tugged and thumbed her stiff nipples.

She looked over and saw Bert standing there, unable to get into the whole orgy. She wiggled her finger at him and he approached the bed, Come on Bert, get your ass over here."

He stepped over beside her bouncing form and she reached out and undid his belt buckle. She reached into his boxers and let out a gasp. She forgot just how large he was. He was close to Sheldon's size, just not as long, but just as thick. Her mouth watered and as she closed her fingers around it, she shivered,. She knew he was thick, but he was even thicker than Sheldon. She tugged at him and he knelt on the bed beside her. She leaned over and wrapped her bee-stung lips around the dripping head.

Bert kicked off his pants and boxers as he moved closer to the three already there. She leaned over more and with her lips stretched wide, she took inch by inch of him into her mouth until he was pressed against the back of her throat. He gently stroked her hair and she felt a shiver run through her body. She knew Amy was a lucky woman to have a man so large and be so gentle at the same time.

She stared up at him and tried to grin, but her lips were stretched out wide. She pulled off him and whispered, "You like that Bert?"

He chuckled, "Well, what's not to like. Getting a world class blow job from one of the biggest star in porn? Yeah, I love it!"

She felt a surge of excitement as she continued to bounce up and down on Leonard. She was glad she had the distraction of Raj and Bert. It kept the thought of who was fucking her away from her immediate thoughts. She went to resume sucking on Bert, "I can tell you're close to cumming. Where do you want to cum Bert? Do you wanna cum in my mouth, or on my face or maybe all over my big fat tits, It is all up to you, your choice."

Just hearing her talk like that was just too much for him and he lost it. He started cumming. The first rope caught Penny unready for it and it hit her cheek and shot upward onto her forehead and into her hair. Penny closed her lips around the fire hose and started to swallow as fast as she could. It seemed to her like he came a gallon because she couldn't catch it all and down dribbled out of her lips and down her chin.

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