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Big Bang Theory Season 16 Ep. 06

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A big change is coming & new relationships brew.
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Part 159 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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Big Bang Theory Season 16 Chapter 6

Penny woke up the following morning to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and simmering bacon. She donned a robe and slipped out and saw the gorgeous redhead in one of Sheldon's over-sized terrycloth robe.

Penny snuck up behind Molly and wrapping her arms around her, nuzzled her neck, "Mmmm, I could get used to this."

Molly giggled and shivered. She leaned back into Penny and turned her head and kissed her lightly on the lips, "Don't get too used to it. If you look outside, the storm has subsided. I was already on the phone and I secured a seat on the noon train to Boston."

Penny released her and came around the kitchen island and took a seat on the stool, "Wow, noon, huh? I was hoping for more time with you. After last night..."

Molly broke in, "Yeah, it was amazing, but I'm needed back at the network. They are short handed and they are the ones who found me a seat on the train. I tried getting out of it, but without explaining why I wanted a delay, I had to accept the ride. I loved what we did last night. It has given me a new outlook of sex, with my husband and with women."

Penny was smiling from ear to ear, "I hear what you are saying and I'd love to spend the entire day exploring that gorgeous body of yours again. I understand and feel the same way. I just hope this isn't a one time occurrence."

Molly pulled the skillet off the burner and moved over to Penny. She pulled her out of her seat and reaching down, she opened her robe. She let out a gasp when she saw Penny was naked under the robe. She leaned in and gave her a soft kiss. It quickly grew in intensity. Her hand drifted down Penny's belly and cupped her fat lipped pussy.

Penny moaned into Molly's mouth, "I'm torn between eating your breakfast, or eating you."

Molly turned off the oven and after pulling the sheet of bacon out, she placed it on the counter. She turned back to Penny and grabbed her hand and led her back to the bedroom, "Does this give you any ideas of what I'd like to do?"

They were both naked and with Molly taking the lead this time, she placed Penny on her back and ravished her from neck, down to her heaving tits and finally settling down between her squirming legs.

Penny was pleased how fast Molly had learned how to make love to a woman. She used everything on Penny that she liked having done to her last night. She shoved three fingers deep into her pussy and a thumb in her asshole and she was rewarded soon afterwards with a large dose of her creamy cum.

Penny recovered as fast as she could and gave Molly the same treatment and after they were finished, Penny laid flat on Molly's body and their mouths were locked in a heated kiss. They tasted their own pussy juices on their partner's lips and tongue.

Penny, after quite a while moved off of Molly and inhaled the scent of sex covering both of them. She giggled, "I think you better hop in the shower. I'd hate to have you on that train and letting everyone there know what you were just doing."

Molly took a deep breath and let it out, "Oh my God, I didn't realize it. I was so wrapped up in what we were doing..." She giggled and hugged Penny, "Yeah, you're right. I have enough time, wanna join me?"

Penny tugged at her arm, "Just try and stop me!"

After they were done and enjoyed their time in the shower together, Penny dried Molly's long red hair She kept staring at her through the mirror.

Molly shook her head, "Don't even think about it Penny. I'm doing enough of that for the both of us. Just promise me, the next time I come back to New York, we get together again."

Penny kissed the top of her head, "You can count on it Molly and I'm hoping Sheldon can join us. I think it would be a lot better than that big dildo of mine."

Molly blushed, "Are you sure I can handle it?"

She stroked her hair with the brush, "You passed my test with flying colors and I'm sure you'd do just the same with Sheldon."

Molly stood up and hugged Penny. She pulled away and hurried to get into her clothes. As she dressed she blurted out, "I have to get dressed as fast as I can, or we'd end up in bed again and in need of another shower."

Penny sat at the dressing table and watched, "Yeah, I feel the same way. That is why I'm sitting here, just watching or I know for sure you'd need another shower."

Before long Molly was bundled up and Penny called an Uber to get her to Grand Central Station in time. They hugged and gave each other an air kiss to keep from getting Molly's make-up messed up. She left, but not before a long hug.

Sheldon returned from Sacramento and they shared their experiences. Penny turned on the TV and the recording of Molly and her came on the screen. Sheldon could not tear his eyes from the screen and before long the two of them were fucking like the newly weds they were.

After they were finished, Penny promised to make sure Molly Line would join them the next time she was in town.

Back in California, things were settling down, but Alex was restless. She got Stephanie and Leonard in the living room after dinner. She made sure they all had a drink and she took a seat across from the two of them, "I wanted to talk to you both together. First I'd like to say I love the two of you more than you'd ever know."

Stephanie and Leonard tried to tell her how they felt, but she stopped them. "Please let me finish without interruptions. I know if I can't, I'll never get it out." She picked up her drink and downed the entire thing. She took a deep breath and turned back to them. "The three of us are so much alike. We all love our professions. I know you love your position at the hospital Stephanie. I'm sure they couldn't find be a better head of the physics department than you, Leonard."

They both smiled and were about to speak, but she put her hand up to stop them, "I love you both and I love my profession, but I am not satisfied with what I am doing. I was contacted recently by Dr. Siebert at Cal Tech. He remembers me and how proficient I was under Dr. Cooper and he has an opening and wants me to come down there and apply for the head of the department. I've been thinking about ever since the conference."

Both Leonard and Stephanie were stunned, neither of them said a word, they were too shocked and didn't know what to say. It had to sink in before they spoke about it.

Alex looked from Stephanie and back to Leonard. She waited to hear what they had to say and when there was no reply, she began again, "I love working with you Leonard, but I feel like I'm being under-utilized. I believe I'm destined to head a department and I can't wait for you to retire."

Stephanie finally had enough time to digest what she heard, "What about us?"

Alex gave her a stunned look, "What about us? I'm not legally the wife of either of you. Sure in Singapore, but we're not in Singapore. I have to do this. There is no saying I will even get the position."

Leonard finally spoke up, "Are you kidding me, Alex? I couldn't think of a more qualified applicant than you. Siebert would be fucking insane not to want you." He chuckled, "We all want you!"

They all hugged and laughed, but Stephanie was still upset, So when is your interview?"

"I have a 9AM appointment oh Monday. I already spoke with Amy and Bert and Amy invited me to stay there. I'm leaving Saturday morning and I'll stay there until after the interview."

Leonard shrugged and looked to Stephanie, "Well it looks like a done deal. She already made her decision, we don't have a say in this." He turned and left the room.

Alex was devastated by Leonard's reaction and she was holding her breath to see how Stephanie was going to lash out.

Stephanie stood up and looked down at the sad face before her. She reached out and drew Alex to her feet. She enveloped her with her longer arms and held her tight, "I have to say Alex, I am just as upset as Leonard is, but I still want to support you. I wish you would have discussed this with us before going ahead and scheduled an interview."

She hugged Stephanie tighter, loving the feel of her large breasts pressing against her tinier body. She looked up at her, "And what would you have said and done. I'll tell you, you would have tried to change my mind and it probably would have worked and I would have gone on with my daily routine hating every minute of it. Can't either of you understand, I'm miserable, not with my personal life, that is perfect, but my professional life is in shambles. The problem is that it is bleeding into my personal life and I see the two of you with both a perfect professional and personal life and I'm beginning to hate both of you for having it so perfect."

Stephanie stroked Alex's dark locks and kissed the top of her head, "Wow, it you think our lives are perfect, you sure do have a problem. Life, personal or professional is never perfect and if you think that, you'll be searching forever, because there is no such thing. Yes, I love my job at the hospital, but I've been approached several times to be the director of Doctors Without Borders for all of Central America. It would be the job of a lifetime, but I've passed on it over and over again. I weighed my options and decided I'd much rather be here with you and Leonard."

Alex was stunned, "I never knew,"

Stephanie nodded, "And you shouldn't have either, but I was just showing you. You and Leonard are more important than any job. What is gonna happen when the job is over and done with? Who do you spend your later years with, your plush office, your job title or the people who mean the world to you."

Alex nodded, but her mind was already made up and Stephanie saw this.

"You know something Alex, Leonard was right, you already decided and it is a done deal. She released Alex and turned and left the room. She joined Leonard out on the patio and she made sure she closed the door behind her, letting Alex know she wasn't welcomed.

Things were tense for the next couple of days and early Saturday morning Alex packed her car and left for Pasadena without saying good bye to Leonard or Stephanie. She drove to Pasadena, the first third of the way was hard seeing through teary eyes. After that, she bucked up and tried to think of how much she needed to prove her worth. She knew she had seriously damaged her relationship with Leonard and Stephanie. She hoped Bert and Amy could cheer her up.

She got to Amy and Bert's house in the early afternoon. Before they knew it, they were all in the bathing suits and simmering in the hot tub. It was a little too cold for early January to use the pool and Bert hadn't had it cleaned since before Thanksgiving.

Alex leaned back and allowed the warm water sooth her aches and pains. Amy and Bert played footsie with one another, but tried to stay clear of Alex. They were sorry for how things unfolded with her and her two partners.

Before long, Amy got out to start dinner and Alex felt a little awkward being in the tub alone with Bert. She got out to help Amy with dinner and before long, they were seated, enjoying the fine food and good wine.

They talked about generic things, trying to stay away from Alex's relationship. They said their good nights and headed upstairs to bed.

Alex had a tough time falling asleep and tossed and turned. Listening to Amy and Bert having sex didn't help things.

Sunday Bert went over and spent the day with Raj as they watched one of the NFL playoff games, while Amy and Alex went shopping. That evening, Alex went to bed early, she wanted to be sharp for her interview in the morning.

Monday, she showered and was dressed early as Amy made coffee and a hearty breakfast. Bert and Amy wished her luck as she left early for her interview.

Alex knocked the interview out of the park and was beaming with excitement as she returned to the house to find both Bert and Amy still at work. She removed her suit coat jacket and not finding what she wanted, left for the grocery store. She purchased three of the finest steaks should find and also three of the largest lobster tails too. She got large baking potatoes and asparagus to go along with the main course. She returned to the house and began preparing the meal and after Bert and Amy got off work, she fed them one of the finest meals they had since Sheldon and Penny's wedding buffet.

After they were finished with their meal, Amy sat beside Alex, "Okay, you told us to wait till after the meal. It is over now, we are dying to hear, how did the interview go."

Alex left the room and returned with a bottle of champagne. She handed it to Bert, "Would you do the honors, Bert?"

Amy was beaming, "I take it we are celebrating something? Come on, tell us?"

She screamed out, "He loved me, he wants me to be the head of the physics department starting next semester, just after spring break."

Bert poured out three glasses and handed one to each of the ladies, "To Alex, the new physics department head honcho!"

Alex took a big sip and soon her glass was empty, "Please refill this Bert, I want to celebrate. She sat down beside Amy, "I hope you don't mind me sitting next to you?"

Amy felt a rush of excitement. The two of them got together on the weekend of the conference and she was hoping for a repeat encounter. After hearing about her issues with Leonard and Stephanie, she held back., "Sure, I'm not shy!"

Bert's eyes were plastered to the two dark haired women and hoped her would have shot at Leonard's other wife. He loved the time he had with Stephanie and was hoping for a shot at Alex now.

Amy took a sip of her champagne and looked to Bert.

Bert shrugged, "Don't mind me, I can never get enough of two beautiful women together."

Amy put her glass down, she noticed Bert was getting turned on and nothing started yet. She turned back to Alex and before she could react, Alex took Amy's face in her hands and pressed her lips to Amy's. As Amy's lips parted, Alex felt her soft lips part and Amy's tongue met hers and they flicked back and forth several times. Amy's lips relaxed a little and sucked lightly on Alex's bottom lip. She released a tiny moan when Alex pulled back, but moved from her mouth to her ear. She nibbled at it as one of her hands released her cheek and moved down towards Amy's large, firm breast. She was breathing heavily into Amy's ear, "How about we put on a show for Bert. Let's see how hot we can get him before he has to join in."

Amy chuckled, "Well, if we are gonna do that, let's head upstairs to the master bedroom. I want a nice soft bed under me if the three of us are gonna get frisky."

Amy led the way and Alex and Bert were right on her heels. Bert took a seat in the plush chair they used for reading in the evening. He had a perfect view of the two of them sitting on the bed side by side once again.

Alex resumed caressing Amy's tits through her dress. She was stopped by the tight bodice. She reached behind Amy and drew the zipper down on her fashionable dress and drawing at the shoulders, she drew the dress off and down her arms. It settled in her lap and Amy was breathing heavily, her large tits rose and fell with her breath.

Bert's eyes were glued to the two of them. He had his pants down around his ankles and was tugging at his hard-on in his fist. He released a tiny grunt when he saw Alex's hand disappear behind Amy's back and saw her tight bra go slack.

Amy's eyes were locked on Bert's fist and she bit her lip, just anticipating what he would be doing with it later. She looked back to Alex when her bra was removed and tossed aside. She let out a nervous chuckle when Alex tossed it to Bert.

Alex stood up and pushed Amy's legs apart. She removed her jacket again and tossed it to Bert. She kept her eyes locked on Amy as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse. She tugged it out of the waistband of her skirt and tossed it to Bert, Her bra followed and soon Bert was covered in discarded clothes.

He stroked his cock harder as he inhaled the two bras left for him to savor. He watched in awe as Alex guided Amy back into her back. She tugged at her skirt until in was high enough for her to climb up and straddle Amy's lower body. She leaned over and licked, sucked and teased both of Amy's large tipped tits.

Amy moaned her approval and she raked her fingers though Alex's dark auburn locks. Alex's hair tickled Amy's skin and sent chills through her body down to her moist pussy.

Alex slipped lower and was soon on her knees before Amy. She reached up and tugged at the dress clinging to her ample hips. She giggled when Amy quickly lifted her bubble butt off the bed to help Alex remove the tight dress. Alex smiled up at her, "Nice, very nice Amy. The thigh hi stocking is an added attraction, very sexy if I may say so. Please, if you would, scoot up a little higher on the bed."

Amy scurried back quickly, not wanting to make Alex wait a second longer than she needed to.

Alex followed her up, leaving a trail of wet kisses from her belly, back to her swaying tits again. Her long auburn tresses excited her as they drifted along her sensitive flesh. Alex stared up at her and locking eyes with Amy's, her lips parted and she began sucking harder on her nipples. She moved from one to the other, her tongue lashing out causing Amy to shiver. She stopped for a moment, "You like that? Do you want more?"

Amy let out a groan, "Oh Yes! More, a lot more, please!" She watched as Alex slipped off the bed and rotated her hips as she unzipped her pencil skirt. She bent over, giving Bert a birds-eye view of her tiny, perfect ass, she lowered the skirt and kicked it aside. In only a pair of black lace boy shorts, she pulled it high, causing the gusset to tighten around her camel toe and give Bert an even better view of her luscious ass.

She looked to Bert, "Are you ready to see me make love to your gorgeous wife, Bert?

He stroked his cock faster, "Oh fuck yeah, I can't wait to see you make her cum."

She giggled, "Better slow up there, I think we'd both be a little disappointed if that thing goes off before we got to enjoy it, right Amy?"

She was breathing heavily through her mouth and nodded, "Oh yes, slow down Bert!"

Before Amy could react, Alex was back on the bed, spread out on top of Amy and their mouths met in a passionate kiss that rocked Amy's world. Amy gave in quickly and reciprocated. She was so turned on and she wanted more, a whole lot more, She loved Bert, but kissing a woman who knew how to kiss another woman was just too much to handle.

Alex stared down at the Marie Osmond look alike, "I need to feel you, Amy!"

She stared up at her and nodded, "Oh yes Alex, me too!" Her hands were on Alex's head, already guiding her. She closed her eyes and licked her lips as she dried them out over and over again by breathing so hard through her mouth.

Alex planted a trail of wet kisses beginning at the heaving mounds of flesh atop her chest, down along her flat belly until she reached Amy's sopping panties. She closed her mouth over the gusset and sucked and let out puffs of air that caused Amy to groan out and arch her hips off the bed. She stared up at Amy between those two mounds of flesh, "Take them off for me Amy. I want my mouth directly on that juicy cunt of yours."

Amy let out a tiny squeal, just hearing her say that, raised her body temperature a few degrees.

Alex rose up just enough to give Amy the space to slip them off. She watched Amy reach down and push the panties off her hips, she hooked her thumbs into her own boy shorts and slipped them off her tiny butt at the same time.

Bert released a groan as he saw the two bare pussies at the same time.

Alex took the panties from Amy and tossed them both to Bert at the same time and giggled, "Oh hold on big boy, you haven't seen anything yet." Not missing a beat, she turned back to Amy and in one swift movement pushed her thighs apart and dove in and began licking and sucking vigorously at Amy's gaping pussy.

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