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Big Bang Theory Season 17 Ep. 10

Story Info
Leonard get more than he can handle, but loves it all.
10.2k words
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Part 175 of the 177 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/18/2015
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After Penny and Halley had their cozy get-together, Penny got a call from Chris. He's the manager of the ranch in Nebraska, "Hi Chris, what can I do for you?"

"Aw, well Penny, I got some bad news. Your mother had a stroke this morning and the doctor says she may not make it through the day."

Penny broke down, "Oh My God, "I'll be catching the first flight out today. Thank you for being there and calling me right away."

She rushed around and found Leonard. She threw herself into his arms, "My Mom had a stroke! I have to get to Nebraska ASAP."

"Oh Penny, I'm so sorry, come on, pack a small bag I'll get one too and we'll head to the airport."

She got a hold of Halley and Michael and told them what happened. "You two have to take care of the place while we're gone. I'll call as soon as I hear anything."

Penny looked to Halley, "Please put everything we discussed on hold until we get back."

Halley hugged Penny, "Don't you worry about that whatsoever. That isn't important, you go and tend to your mother. Give her our love, we both love you!"

Penny hugged them both and they left for the airport.

They landed in Omaha and rented a car and headed to the nearby hospital that Chris texted Penny. When they got to her floor, Chris and couple of other of the ranch hands were in the waiting room.

Penny ran over to Chris and threw her arms around him, "Oh Chris, thank you for being there for Mom. How is she doing?"

"Aw well, they won't allow us in, seeing we are not family. I told them I was the closest thing to family she had here in Nebraska, but when I told them you were coming, they made me wait for you to arrive."

Penny and Leonard went the nurses station and Penny read them the riot act.

They calmed her down and led her to her mother's room. She was unconscious with tubes sticking out of her. She turned and found the doctor arriving, "How is she doing doctor?"

He led her aside, "I'm afraid it doesn't look good. This isn't any brain activity, but we'll monitor her throughout the day, but you may have to decide if we should continue to keep her alive my mechanical means to an extended about of time."

She sat with her throughout the remained of the day as Leonard filtered the ranch hands in one at a time to see her.

Leonard left and got a hotel for them and another couple for the ranch hands. He returned to the hospital, but found Penny sobbing uncontrollably. While Leonard was preparing them for a lengthy stay, Susan slipped away without awakening. Penny was devastated, even though she was her father's baby, not her mother's.

Chris and the ranch hands returned to the ranch, while Penny went to the hotel. Leonard went out to the ranch and found a file with her last requests. He put it aside and found an envelope with Penny's name on it. He opened it and found her will. He closed it up, not wanting to look at it without showing it to Penny first.

He got an outfit for his mother-in-law for the casket and hurried back to the hotel. He consoled her as much as possible, but knew it was a lost cause. He finally calmed her down and handed her the envelopes.

Penny opened the first one and in her wishes. She assigned Penny as the executive of her will. She looked at the next page and read it to herself. She looked up at Leonard, "She requested not to have a open casket, not even a showing. She wants to be cremated and her ashes spread across the meadow out at the ranch, same as Wyatt's ashes were a few years ago."

Penny let out a loud sigh, "Wow, that makes it a lot easier. I didn't know if I could hold it together if I had to have her showing at a funeral home. I called Sally and she's coming in tomorrow and Randall chuckled and told me to stick it, he hung up and left me hanging on the phone."

She opened the other envelope and began reading to herself and her jaw dropped. She looked to Leonard, "Wow, Sally and Randall are gonna be pissed."

She handed the will to Leonard and he read it out loud, "I give both Sally and Randall, one hundred thousand dollars that I had set aside in out joint bank account. Randall's will be controlled by Penny and given to him as increments of ten thousand a year, but only if he keeps clean. This will be determined by Penny. The remainder of the money and all the property will be given to Penny and her husband Leonard." He looked to Penny, "This must have been done recently seeing we've only been married a couple months."

Penny nodded, "Well it is very clear, we get the ranch. What do you think, Leonard?"

He thought a moment, "Well I was looking to sell the place in Santa Monica and retire. This would be a very RED state and no more liberals, but it's up to you."

She hugged him, "That was my thoughts exactly. I guess I can ask Chris to take over as full time manager of the ranch until we move. I know it can't be right away. We can discuss this later, but my mother is my first priority."

They had Sally over the next day, her husband stayed in New Jersey and she wasn't upset about the will. She knew she wasn't her parents favorite and took it all in stride. A couple days later, she was on a plane back to New Jersey and Penny and Leonard went to the ranch for a few days.

They sat down with Chris and gave him a huge raise, "Listen Chris, we don't know how long we'll need you as the manager of this ranch, but we'll need you here until we move from California. After that, we'll still need you, seeing we don't know shit about being ranchers."

He hugged Penny and did the same to Leonard, "I'm here for you and would love to be in charge. I know some time in the future, you'll be able to take over, but until then, I'm yours."

Leonard chuckled, "I'm sure we can work out something even better, but we'll discuss it further when we come here full time."

A couple days later, they left for California and on the flight back, they thought about how to break the news to Halley and Michael.

Penny knew the news about Halley and the baby would be a perfect time to bring it up to him and with the move it would be perfect timing. "Leonard, Halley has something to discuss with you when we return home. She was going to talk to you about it before the news of my mother hit. I just hope you listen to her and have an open mind about it."

He turned to her, "What is it Penny?"

She shook her head, "Sorry Leonard, this is her idea, and I believe it is something you should hear from her. I totally support what she is proposing. I think it is completely unselfish and it would be the best thing that ever happened to you."

He was a little worried, "You have to tell me Penny. We told each other, no secrets, no lies."

She rolled her eyes, "It isn't a secret. We were gonna bring it up the day after our little virginity parties. You know I was conflicted. I know we told each other, no secrets, but it isn't one. It just so happened that my mother's illness put a damper on it and we decided to wait until we returned home." She took his hands in hers, "Please, listen to what she says with an open mind and think about it before you react."

"Oh fuck Penny, now you are worrying me."

She shook her head, "No, it's just the opposite, but you have to listen before you react."

"She isn't returning home to Bernie's is she?"

She shook her head, "No, no way. I spoke with her yesterday and that is all I'm gonna say. I just wanted to prepare you. I didn't want you to think I was withholding things from you."

After speaking with Penny yesterday, Halley decided to call her father, Howard and get him to invite Michael over tomorrow evening. She had the perfect plan, "Hey dad, it's Halley, how are you doing?"

"Halley, I think I had a daughter with that name. It can't be her, she's living in Santa Monica with two people. Neither of them are her parents."

"Ha, ha, I guess I'll just hang up now!"

"WAIT! I'm sorry, please let's talk."

She let out a huff, "Okay, I wasn't calling for me. I was calling for Michael. He's having trouble deciding which classes to take for the spring semester. He wants to take a lot of engineer courses but can't figure out which to take first."

"Okay, so why isn't he calling me and asking me himself."

She scoffed, "You know, he is his mother's son. Should I have to say anymore?"

He grunted, "Okay, I understand. I need to call him and bring it up, right?"

"You got it, but I think it would be a lot better if the two of you did it outside the house, preferably not here or at your place. Dad, I mean Leonard and Aunt Penny are returning tomorrow from Nebraska. Her mother passed away. And she's still a little upset about it."

He chuckled, "Yeah, I get it, I'm not comfortable there and I was going to call her and send my condolences, but thought it would be better to just send a card instead. I know the last thing Michael wants to see is his mother."

"Wow, you are a lot smarter than I give you credit for."

"Now Halley, I don't like the tone, but I agree, I am smarter than you give me credit for. I'll call him and invite him out to dinner and talk to him about classes."

"Great dad, I owe you one."

He scoffed, "I'm going to collect on that too, bye Halley."

"Yeah, bye dad, and thanks."

Howard called Michael and invited him out to dinner, "I'd love to see you, away from your mother. So how is your schedule for the spring semester going?"

"Wow, this is perfect. I was having difficulty deciding what I should put as a priority and seeing you already went thought it, I could use your input."

Howard sighed to himself, "Perfect, bring your catalog and we'll review it together. Thanks Dad, I'll see you tomorrow, what time and where."

"How about six, at Longhorn Steakhouse?"

"Great, see you then, bye." He hung up and went to see Halley, "You'll never guess who called me just now?"

Halley looked up from her magazine, "Who?"

"Our Father."

"I thought he was on his getting ready to come back home from Nebraska."

"No, not Dad, but our father, Howard."

"Oh, what did he want?"

He went on and told her and still couldn't believe he was actually reaching out to help him.

Leonard and Penny landed in California and took an Uber back home. Halley and Michael came rushing out to greet them. Both of them hugged Penny and told her how sorry they were to hear about her mother passing away.

They settled in and Leonard looked to Halley, "So Penny told me you had some news to discuss with me?"

She stared at him, "Oh, that can wait Dad. Did you hear Michael got a call from Howard and they are having dinner this evening."

Leonard looked to Michael, "Oh, that's some good news, why did he call?"

Michael looked to Halley, "It seems Halley called him and told him I was having difficulty choosing by upcoming semester classes. He offered to help and we're having dinner." He looked to Halley and scoffed, "What, do you think I'm an idiot? I knew you must have called him and told him."

She rolled her eyes, "Wow, I guess you're not as dumb as you look. She looked at her watch, "Speaking of dinner, isn't it about time to leave to get there in time?"

He groaned, "Okay, yeah I guess you're right." He looked to Penny, "I can call and cancel if you want me here with you tonight."

Both Halley and Penny blurted out, "No!" Penny looked at Halley and rolled her eyes, "No, I think it is something you need to do. Give Howard our love."

Within the hour, he was walking out the door and Halley was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rockers. She was on her second glass of wine and she was in the living room, her feet tucked up under her butt. She was soon joined by Penny and Leonard.

He took a seat across from her, "Okay Halley, what is important announcement and why did you have to have Michael out of the house to tell me?"

Penny released a groan, "Oh fuck Leonard, why not make it even harder for her to tall you, COME ON!"

He stood and moved over beside her. He took her hands in his, "I'm sorry Halley, please, take your time and I told Penny I'd listen with an open mind."

She gave him a weak smile. She licked her lips and looked down at her hands, "Okay, well you've been such an incredible Dad to me and Michael. I could never, ever repay you for all you've done for us and we are not even your real children."

Leonard tightened his hands around hers, "I'll always think of you as my children, even though Howard is your blood father."

She let out a groan, "Please, Dad, let me get this out before I lose my courage."

He nodded, "Sorry!"

"So I was talking to Aunt Penny after, well you know and I brought up the subject and after the shock wore off, she thought it was a fantastic idea. I know Penny lost your offspring many years ago and you tried having a baby with my mother, but was never able to have one." She looked to Penny and saw her nod, "Well Dad, I'd like to be the one to give you a baby."

He released her hands and looked back, "Are you out of your fucking mind?"

Halley's jaw dropped and tears immediately formed in her eyes and she started crying.

Penny jumped up and came over to her and drew her into her arms. She stared at Leonard over Halley's shoulder, "Nice, really nice Leonard! How can you be so callous?"

Leonard suddenly realized how insensitive he was. It was just a reaction to her stunning announcement. He drew them both into his embrace, "Oh Halley, I'm sorry for my outburst, but you can't be serious."

Penny turned Halley around and as Penny sat back, she pulled her into her arms and had her lean back against her. Penny gently caressed Halley's silky hair, "I thought that you'd be against it at first, but your outburst was totally inappropriate."

He scoffed, "Inappropriate? Halley's suggestion is totally insane. How could you be on board with that?"

She let out a deep breath, "Leonard, I think you'd be an excellent father. I fucked up and can't give you what you've always wanted, to be a father. Halley is offering you a gift what is so unselfish and you trampled on it. We spoke of it in length and she'd give up the baby and we'd raise the child as our own. You'd be the real father and I'd be the mother I wish I could have been so many years ago."

He shook his head, "This is completely insane, I can't even wrap my head around the idea."

Halley spoke up, "I know it is the one thing you wanted more than anything in the world. I heard you tell my mother that over and over again. Well, one day I went into her purse to get her wallet and saw a packet of birth control pills. At the time I didn't think anything of it, but later on, I realized she was holding back, giving you the thing you wanted more than anything else and from then on, I hated her for it. You were and are the best and most loving Dad I could ever imagine and I just wanted to give you what my mother refused to give you."

He shook his head, "I was wondering why she couldn't conceive? I should have realized it was something like that. Why didn't you tell me?"

She shrugged, "I didn't put two and two together until I realized what a conniving bitch she was in Las Vegas."

He drew her to him, "I'm sorry for screaming at you Halley, I just can't allow this to occur."

"Why not, we already had sex together and I'd love to do it again and again and maybe the three of us could do it together and share in the act that puts a baby in me."

He stared at Penny, "You're really onboard with this?"

She nodded, "Yes, yes I am Leonard. We could tell people that we went to a specialist and I was inseminated and it took. I could wear padding and clothing that would show that I'm pregnant."

He shook his head and how about Halley? How can we hide her for none months?"

Halley spoke up, "Well, I wouldn't be showing for the first three months. After that, Aunt Penny said I could be at the ranch in Nebraska."

He shook his head, "The crew there would notice and it would come out eventually. I could never hide that."

Penny chimed in, "We could hide her condition for a few months with loose clothing, after that, hopefully we could find a home in Florida like you've wanted. You know live in Nebraska from spring till around Christmas or the first snow fall and then live in Florida from winter, till Easter."

He snickered, "You two thought all this through before springing it on me, didn't you?"

They both giggled and Halley nodded, "Oh yeah, Dad, we did. We both know you hate California. You can retire now and with the huge amount you could get for this place would easily find something beautiful in Florida. Aunt Penny told me you loved Sanibel Island."

He shook his head, "This isn't fair, the two of you ganging up on me. Yeah, I loved Sanibel Island. Beverly and Alfred used to vacation there in the winter and in the morning there would be thousands of sea shells washed up. I used to beg them to move there, but they were stuck in New Jersey. Listen, I digress, this is so insane, we could never pull it off, could we?"

Penny saw a crack in his armor, "Sure we could, in Nebraska, we'd keep her behind us, in loose clothing and if I was faking a pregnancy, the focus would be on me and it would be easy to hide her condition. Once she really began to show, we could make up some excuse about me needed to relax away from the ranch and take off to Florida. We could easily find a private doctor to have a home birth and she could sign my name and they baby would be ours, just like we were meant to have all along."

Halley giggled, "If I were pregnant, the three of us could have a lot of sex together. I think that is a very, very big plus for me." She giggled again and gave him a big pout, "Please Daddy, make love to me and put a baby in me. I really wanna be the one to give you a baby."

He grunted and pulled her to him, "You two have to be insane and I have to be just as crazy to agree with this."

She hopped up and down, "Yeah, you'll do it?"

He shrugged and stared at Penny, "You're okay with this?"

She hugged the two of them, "Yes I am and I wanna be involved in the process from beginning to end." Halley kissed Penny and she released a sigh, "I'm ovulating right now, Daddy. What do you say we got to the bedroom and have you put your potent seed in me right now?"

He looked at his watch, "What about Michael? We don't want him to catch the three of us in bed, do we?"

Halley picked up her cell, and called him, "Hey Michael, how is it going?"

"Great, I was just gonna call you. Things got a little complicated and we're still going over the schedule. I was gonna stay here and come home in the morning, if that okay with Aunt Penny and Dad?"

"Hold on let me ask." She held the phone out and waited a moment and came back to the phone, "Yeah, they said it was okay, be safe and see you in the morning, bye." She hung up and moved over to Penny and Leonard. "He's staying there until morning." She reached out and grabbed hold of the both of them, "What do you say we get into that big bed and make a baby."

She pulled them both up off the sofa and tugged at them until they were all in the bedroom.

Penny broke away and sat on the edge of the bed. She wanted Halley and Leonard to begin. She would jump in when she thought they needed some assistance, but they way they were rolling around on the bed, kissing and caressing one another, she didn't expect to be needed. Regardless, she stood up and removed her clothes, waiting for the time to join the couple and help them make a baby. She felt a little jealous as her husband and his step-daughter made out like two young lovers.

Halley was dressed in a tiny short and her top was extremely short too, It allowed her belly to be bare and her cute belly button winked at Leonard.

He rolled onto his back and pointed to his pants, "I think the both of you may be a little interested in what I have waiting for Halley." He looked to his naked wife, "Wow, I guess you're already ready for some action, huh?

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