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Big Booty Bitches Ch. 05

Story Info
Scarlett Johansson uses her body to pay off debts.
10.4k words

Part 5 of the 39 part series

Updated 09/11/2023
Created 07/02/2016
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Author's Note: This story is completely fictional and did not happen. All characters and names are fictional and were made up.


Los Angeles, California

From a hotel room, a man found himself undressing to call it a night. Steven had just arrived in L.A. a day ago on Saturday and before he was to get down to business with things he wanted to relax a bit in the town that he rarely visited. Being from Miami, he couldn't say there was much in L.A. that made him want to stay longer than the fun house he had back home. But this was a business trip to sort out problems. A specific money problem that had become something of an amusement to Steven. Right now, he was in L.A. to see if he could meet a new person in the game that would prove to be worth some fun here.

A mutual friend to Steven and Scarlett Johansson agreed to tip her off about her boyfriend's problems with money problems. Steven would never be able to figure out how a fuck up such as Chris could land one of the most gorgeous women in Hollywood, but apparently it was a reality. If Scarlett was truly as caring as Sofia had told him days ago, he expected a call after she had been informed of everything going on in the shadows. Steven was hoping for that call at any moment, weather it was the money or a chance to meet her, he was not going to pass this opportunity up.

Right now he was laying in the bed of his hotel flipping channels trying to find a baseball game when his cellphone began to ring. Leaning over to grab it from the night stand, he noticed that the number was unregistered in his phone. Maybe this was the call he was looking for or maybe it was the wrong number, he answered it.


"Hello, am I speaking to a Mr. Steven Diaz?"

The voice on the other end was that of a woman with an accent hailing from New York. Steven decided to play it cool and calm as he answered her back.

"Yes, and who is this?"

"This is Scarlett."


"Yes! I am calling you about an important matter that has been passed down to my ear about something regarding a good friend of mine. I was told that you are the man to speak to and you're currently in L.A. where I am."

"You heard right about that, I am in L.A."

"Well, that's good. Do you think that the two of us could arrange some kind of meeting tomorrow? Maybe in the afternoon?"

"Yeah sure, tomorrow sounds great Scarlett."

"I would like to meet some place private if you don't mind, I am a private person after all."

"So am I, how about the back room of the Pink Flamingos diner? You know that place?"

"Yeah, it's not far from where I'm staying. Tomorrow afternoon, around say 2?"

"That sounds great. I'll be waiting for you, goodnight Mr. Diaz."

He hung the phone up with a smirk on his face. If everything he had been told last week was true, this would be easy to get her involved. First base already conquered with this phone conversation. Luckily for him, despite not knowing L.A. very well the diner she wanted to meet was just a couple blocks from the hotel he had checked into. Tomorrow he would be there, and he had a great feeling about this meeting as soon he would wander off to sleep.



With a shining sun high up above and a busy day over L.A., it seemed a little odd that the Pink Flamingo's diner wasn't occupied with a large number of people. Steven didn't know how slow the business really was at this place, since he rarely was in this town to know how things went. When he first walked in, the manager told him to go in the back room and wait. Scarlett knew the family that owned this place and had called them early in the morning to tell them about how she needed a place for a private meeting. Steven stood in the back room looking out the window to see his reflection in the black suit and the red undershirt. He had been waiting just a little over 20 minutes when the door opened and from the reflection he could see what appeared to be a woman.

Steven turned around to the sight as it was Scarlett herself wearing a small white dress. From her gorgeous face and long blonde hair down to the ample view of her busty cleavage. All the way down to her legs that had the finishing piece of beauty with big white matching high heels. He gave a soft smile before greeting her.

"Hello Scarlett, you look even better in the physical form than I could have imagined."

A smirk graced over her puffy lips.

"Thank you, Mr. Diaz."

"No, please! Call me Steven, all my friends call me Steven..."

"OK, whatever you wish."

Scarlett approached him now as she walked towards the window and he turned to look in her eyes. Steven could see the glimmer of nervousness in her face, and a sense of stress. The woman sighed before she began speaking.

"Alright, so I guess I should go ahead and get to the point without much of your time. I was told that Chris is in trouble, who I am sure you've guessed by now is my lover. What would you call the bottom line of this?"

"Chris owes a lot of money. That's the bottom line, babe."

"Well, I'm here to help him. Whatever it takes, I know I really probably shouldn't be helping him but I want to."

Steven nodded, smiling at her before answering.

"You are a good woman Scarlett, Chris is very lucky to have someone as thoughtful as you to approach me to pay off his debt. Most women I know wouldn't think twice to support their boyfriend the way you are doing."

"Why thank you, it's the least I can do. He didn't tell me he was in trouble or that it went back a long way. You know how he is, don't ever want to admit to something being wrong. So how much does he really owe you?"

"300 grand."

"Jesus, that's a lot of money..."

"And that's not counting what he owes my cousin Ramón."

Scarlett sighed looking down nervously before she responded.

"Oh my god, just...this is so embarrassing for me with Chris."

"Well, you can pay it all off. You and me, let's make a deal babe."

"What kind of a deal, Steven?"

Steven smirked at her before sighing. What he had in mind was very dirty, but regardless if she truly wanted to help Chris the offer was on the table. Otherwise money exchange could go back in place.

"There are other ways instead of blowing money like this. Other ways, as in your body."

She nodded at him, smirking a little before replying.

"I knew that option could be on the table."

A sinister laugh cracked out of Steven's mouth before he responded. He couldn't help himself, how easy this was to get what he truly wanted.

"Good, good...I tell you what, you can pay it off with your body but only under my terms. Are you willing to hear my deal?"

"I'm listening, go ahead."

Looking back into her eyes he smiled.

"You will use your body for pleasure with me, under my terms. It will have to be in Miami though, that's the offer I make you. I will have to talk to Ramón and see what he thinks of the debts."

Scarlett thought for a minute, looking down as she folded her hands. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary that she wasn't used to. After a couple seconds she looked back up at and nodded with a smile.

"Why not? I don't have a problem with doing this. Let's arrange it, on your terms?"

"Can you come back to Miami, weekend? I will have time to place this on schedule."

"Yeah I can do that, I have to get out of L.A. anyway to do some stuff with a movie. This can be before I make the trip, no one will know."

"Excellent. Now before I go back home to Florida and start planning, I need to know if you're really in with this. And I mean, 100% fully down for what I will do for you."

"Of course I am, I made the decision already. I only hope that I can trust you in return to keep your word that after this is all over, we can move on with our lives."

Steven looked at her and nodded.

"You have my word, but I only ask you because...I have to talk to Ramón first about the money owed and between me and you, I can be very aggressive in the bedroom."

Scarlett nodded at him and laughed.

"I can handle that, look...if you wanted to fuck me, you could have just asked. I was hoping we could work something out without the money."

The man bust out laughing at her and then the two shared in the laughter.

"Alright, alright. This is just what I like to hear, now I gotta go. You call me when you get to Miami next weekend. I'll have everything prepared for our day. Just one day and then everything is finished, Chris won't have to worry about any of us beating the shit out of him for his bullshit."

"OK, I'll call you when I get into the city."

She began to walk towards the door now and make her exit before turning around and having a final word with him.

"Oh yeah Steven, thank you."

"No, don't thank me babe. Your stupid ass boyfriend needs to be thanking you, without you he would be in a world of hurt in the near future."

A big smile lit up on her face as she laughed. Sad but true, Chris should be the one thanking her for this. Scarlett could never let him know about this after the fact.

"Yeah you aren't wrong about that, well I'll see you soon Steven. I promise."



Miami Beach, Florida

The morning clouds blurred the view of the sun from up above but couldn't kill away the blazing heat.Light winds whistled through the palm trees while Steven was sitting in his Cadillac waiting for Ramón to come out to ride with him for breakfast. He had not told him at all about the deal he made with Scarlett back in L.A. earlier this week. He could have completely cut his cousin out of it and took the glory for himself but he figured it was best for them both to share her. This could be the most fun that loansharking Chris had turned into so far and now he was waiting for his cousin to join him for a ride to tel him about the whole deal. Ramón came out the front doors of his small condo apartment walking towards the shiny blue Cadillac in his blue jeans and a floral shirt before opening the passenger door and inviting himself in.

"Did you sleep good? I was beginning to wonder if I'd have to blow the horn."

"Do you sleep at all? Fuck man, you're always up all night working at the club and then it's only 8 in the morning now, I don't know how you do it."

"It's called working, Ramón. You get used to a tight schedule when you have a wife and kid before you're old enough to legally buy a pack of cigarettes. Now let's go outta here and go get some breakfast."

Steven started the car again and soon the Cadillac was pulling out from the driveway of the condo apartment and heading onto the streets. They would have to cross over the long bridge connecting South Beach to Downtown Miami but first there was the stop for breakfast at a drive thru as Steven always promised Ramón when they made these short trips during the early morning. Today however was different for an early drive across town, Ramón knew something was up with Stevnen having a smile on his face which was rare.

"What you smiling about? Come on, man. Tell me what's happening."

"Oh I got something to tell you, alright Ramón. You won't believe it at first, so prepare yourself."

Ramón sighed, he wanted to roll his eyes but he managed not to.

"What? I know you been out to L.A. lately, you got any cash from Chris?"

"No, I got something better."

"And, what's that!?"

Steven stopped the car at a red light and looked over at his cousin's clean shaven face, answering him with a smug grin on his face.

"Scarlett Johansson. She wants to help pay off her boyfriend's debts."

A look of confusion spread over Ramón's face.

"What the fuck? How does Chris manage to date her?"

Steven laughed as he put his eyes back on the road and continued driving.

"That's just what I said when I first heard about it, but I can tell you it's true! I met with her in L.A. over the weekend."

"Ay dios mío, and you aren't kidding?"

"Hey man, I wouldn't joke about that. I met with her in person and I have her phone number too. Anyways, cut to the chase of this; she wants to pay off Chris' debts. But not with money."

Ramón thought for a second at the hint that Steven had given him. The car rolled through traffic soon approaching the little drive thru diner that they would hit for breakfast before leaving South Beach.

"Are you implying that she wants to fuck you, to pay off the debts?"

"I'm not implying it, I'm saying it. We agreed to it."

"Bullshit man, I call that fucking bullshit."

"If I was lying, I wouldn't be here telling you about it. She agreed to come into town for this, so she could pay off the debt with her body. I told you cause I wanted to know if you're in or not. "

The car pulled into the drive thru now as Steven looked back at Ramón who finally answered him after thinking for a minute. They had to wait for a couple cars in front of them to move forward before they could place an order here.

"Am I in or not, as in what? Are you inviting me in for that?"

"Yes! Chris owes both of us money, she's willing to work it out with both of us. You in or out?"

"For a chance to bed her, yes I'm in."

Steven smiled looking back at his cousin. He knew Ramón would give in eventually, it was all part of the plan anyway. He had no problem sharing Scarlett with a family member, since Ramón was involved with the loansharking deal with Chris. Steven spoke up as he pulled the car forward in line of the drive thru.

"Since you're in with me, I want to use that small yacht of yours. Let's take her out on sea and just fuck her all day from there. This is a classy lady, she likes her privacy. Your boat has that cabin room with the couch, all three of us have great room in there."

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'm just shocked she would go that far out of her way to help some stupid pendejo like Chris."

"I know what you mean, if my ex-wife would have been that nice to bail me out of trouble when I did stupid shit 15 years ago, who knows? We probably never would still be married."

Ramón laughed at the comment, just nodding.

"Whatever man, let's go ahead and eat. I'm starving this morning. We'll talk more on it later."

The car pulled up once more this time finally to the drive thru window. The two men would decide on their order for breakfast and then the morning carried on; business as usual. It was only a Monday morning, there was still a days in time before the weekend and Steven had to work his schedule for a clean weekend slate to set up this appointment to prepare everything.



Scarlett sighed to herself as she wiped the mirror or fog from her bathroom. She had just stepped out of the shower and began to wrap her long golden hair up in a towel to dry it faster. A lot had been over her mind this week as time had moved on and here she was in Miami on a Friday morning, earlier than she had planned to get this over. At least to her view, this was best to go ahead and do it and move on and not delay it. She had to fly down to the Bahamas after Sunday to work on some film scenes with a new movie, this was all on leisure time before film work would have her busy.

Back in L.A. she had thought about the choice she made. She had heard the stories from friends in Hollywood and all the rumors about the Diaz family. They had connections within Hollywood with famous names and key players with studios, despite all the rumors of the shady business deals and the underworld ventures, Scarlett determined that these men were bad news and could be something of a dangerous situation regarding Chris. It wasn't so much that she loved Chris, she wasn't sure sometimes with his decision making. Either way, she was positive that Chris truly did owe money since he was blowing it left and right on fancy sports cars and stuff that he did not need while speaking of starting his own movie studio project.

Right now none of that was on her mind, she was in Miami a day early and it was Friday morning. After showering and getting a change of clothes she decided to go ahead and call Steven to let him know. She didn't know his schedule or timing so hopefully he wouldn't be upset if she woke him up. The phone rang for a minute until she heard a voice answering it.

"Hello, Scarlett is that you calling?"

"Yes Steven, it is! I'm sorry, if I woke you up or anything."

Steven laughed on the other end of the phone.

"No, babe! You didn't wake me up. I'm down at the college football field about to watch my boy practice."

"Oh, I'm just calling to tell you about our little deal we arranged. I'm already in town, there was no flights out booked to Miami for Friday so I had to go a day early. I have to leave around Sunday to head out for a film shoot."

"That's fine, this works out better since I was shooting for Friday with us. What hotel are you staying at?"

"I'm at a place called the Purple Nights Inn. Some expensive place in Miami Beach, you know the place?"

"Yeah I know that place, babe. Fine choice to stay, now here's the deal; tomorrow afternoon I'll call you and come pick you up. I have everything already arranged for us. We have our day, and then you're free to go."

"OK that sounds great, I'll be looking forward to this tomorrow. Bye Steven, talk to you soon."

"I'll be seeing you tomorrow Scarlett, enjoy your stay."

He grinned hanging up the phone. One day early, he couldn't believe it. She had kept her word so far, Steven slid his phone back into his pocket as he put his sunglasses on and leaned over the railing of the bleachers. He was on the practice football field, attending summer practices for the college football team to watch his son perform.



Saturday morning came by over the city almost at what felt like a breeze. Steven closed duty at the dance club early the previous night as he had called Ramón and told him to go ahead and prepare the yacht. At 9 in the morning, he got dressed in a button up Hawaiian shirt and jeans and jumped in the Cadillac to begin the drive out to South Beach to pick Scarlett up. While driving down the long bridge connecting Miami Beach to the west side of town he picked up his cell phone and began to dial her number, waiting on her to pick up. Within seconds she answered.


"Hey Scarlett, it's me. I'm on my way to come pick you up. Be ready."

"OK, let me fix my hair up."

"I'll wait for you in the back parking lot. I'm in a metallic blue Cadillac with a white top, you won't be able to miss it."

"Alright, I'll be there no worries!"

Hanging up the phone, Scarlett sighed to herself. She had been a bit nervous though she reminded herself not to be. This was not the first time she had made a sleazy deal like this exchanging sex for favors. She walked into her bathroom to fix her hair up, making sure it was split evenly for her face. She grabbed her pink trench coat and put it on, underneath she only wore a red bra and a red thong. Her feet were set with a matching pair of big red high heels to boom loudly over the floor. Buttoning the jacket up, she stomped her heels forward and locked the hotel room before proceeding out.

She took the elevator down after racing across the hall, luckily it was a lonely ride down. After the short ride, she walked out to the back parking lot as he had told her to, and sure enough there was the blue Cadillac waiting for her. She smirked at the sight and proceeded to the passenger door before opening it and looking in to see Steven's face and then sitting down before shutting the door.

"Glad you could make it Scarlett, you look beautiful."

Scarlett laughed at him as he began to pull the car out from the parking lot and back over the main roads.

"Thanks, you look pretty good yourself."

The car moved out back into the streets and now Steven piloted them to the destination of the docks where the yacht awaited them. He spoke up during the drive as he noticed her looking out the window.

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