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Meet Jong Park- Measurements: 34D-34-47.
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"Get the fuck out of my room, Andy."

"Come on bro, we just wanna favor; just help us out with one thing and we're out of your hair." I'd been sleeping off a wicked drunk when Andy and his friend Rob invaded my room. I was laying flat on my back when these two idiots had the nerve to pull away the pillow covering my face.

"You're going to get out of my face when I put my foot up your ass." The sunlight from my window.

"Come on brother, I'll owe you one, man."

"You owe me too many, Andy! You clean the fucking house up?" Andy and Rob fancied themselves musicians, going by the colorful moniker "Hell's Dildos" although I had yet to see any of their supposed performances. Death Metal was really my cup of tea after visiting a few dive bars and some alley venue shows. Part of me suspected I'd been invited along was because I was "The Black Guy" and a veritable raisin in the sun at some of these events. I'd been purchasing some beers when a racially disenchanted long hair asked whether I was the guy's bodyguard. Minor as it was, a revelation is a revelation which is what informed my excursions going forward.

"Man, don't worry about it; we got that shit covered." Rob chimed in earning a face full of Cheetos from a bowl at my bedside. The "twins" as the boys were known, had thrown a little get together which ballooned into a full blown kegger before I'd passed out in my bed.

"So that means you didn't do a damn thing, right?"

"Dude, call a service; get with the times! Who cleans their own pace anymore when there's perfectly good indigent labor waiting for the opportunity?"

"Fuck you supposed to be; the Shah of Atwater Village or something?"

"More like the Khan, actually." Andy got a face full of Cheetos for his hubris. Both of his parents were doctors who could've cared less about his musical aspirations. Basically, he was afforded a stipend not to come home and this included holidays, too. He was third generation Korean, more American than anything.

"Get out of my room, bitches."

"So that's a yes, then?" Andy had a telemarketer's resilience when it came to getting his own way.


"Look man, all you gotta do is tell her that I had another engagement and want to reschedule."


"Jong Park."


"Jong Park, Andy's bitchy new bride to be; kind of like this arranged marriage shit set up by his mom." Rob explained everything with a stoner's grace earning a slap to the back of the neck from his best friend.

"Shut the fuck up dude; you're telling my business!"

"You have an Arranged Marriage?"

"NO, WE DON'T DO THAT SHIT!! Look bro, moms on this kick about how I need a good woman to straighten me out and some shit, you know? Jong Park is this chick I used to know back when we were kids and mom has put this crap in her head about how I'm waiting for my true love, which is her because...fucking reasons, right?"

"That bitch fuggly too!!" Rob added for good measure earning more debris tossed in his direction.

"Man, why don't you just talk to the girl?"

"FUCK THAT SHIT; SHE'LL TELL MY MOM!!" Andy's mother was known as a "Tiger Mom" and from all accounts she was vicious when provoked. He'd talked me into moving in with him just to get away from her.

"You're a real grownup, you know that?" Flustered, Andy pushed too fifties into my hand.


"It's your money, fool." Both rail thin guys quickly bolted from the small bungalow we shared.

Five minutes later I was passed out dead to the world when I was roused from my sleep by loud repetitive knocking. I rolled over in the bed curling into a fetal position as it continued seemingly never ending until I jumped out of bed in a blind rage in just my basket ball shorts. My suspicions were confirmed when I opened the door finding the living room trashed with debris, half eaten food and a veritable sea of beer cans. The knock continued unabated even as I worked my way to the front door staring through the peep hole.

The top of Jong Park's head was plainly visible as the knocking continued. Her light brown hair appeared to be done up in some kind of bun while the rest of her body was obscured by my height and her position wedged up against the door.

"Jong Park?" I called out.

"Yes, I'm Jong Park; I'm her to see Andy. You open the door." It almost sounded like an order, but I figured English was probably her second language.

"He's not here; he had uhm, another engagement."


"Andy wants to reschedule."

"I'm Jong Park."

"Yeah, okay."

"I'm Jong Park, open the door." She was definitely issuing an order. I had a pet peeve when it came to someone taking to me like a subordinate.

"Andy's not here; have a nice day Jong Park, buh, bye." I walked away from the door with the intent of catching up on some sleep when I heard a set of keys rattling. I looked over my shoulder just as the door opened revealing the indomitable, Jong Park.

The first thing my eyes caught was the round oval shaped face adorned with passive, crescent shaped eyes, button nose and thin lips devoid of makeup. Her brown hair was done up in a bun with bangs and slivers of hair framing her face. Her build reminded me of a pear shape with clothing that did her no favors, consisting of a white long-sleeved sweater over a collared blouse and shapeless, ankle length, jean skirt. Simple canvas sneakers covered her feet. Her figure reminded me of a weeble wobble making me see why Andy had been keen to escape Jong Park.

"HEY LADY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I tried to look ethnically menacing but Jong Park stood her ground.

"Andy's mother give me the keys to his house; told me to make home and wait if he was not here. I wait now." My roommate's mother was indeed a tiger mom with her own agenda.

"Look, I live here too and isn't rude to just let yourself into someone's house without permission?"


"Come on lady, don't you think it would be better if you came back later?"

"No." I chuckled to hide my annoyance at her temperament.

"Look uh, Jong Park; the place is trashed so why don't you, just come back later? I'm really trying to be nice here and Andy's not coming back for a while." Jong Park didn't respond, ignored my overtures tossing the olive branch back in my face. She unslung her purse and began picking up the living room. I towered over the short, chubby looking woman and could've easily tossed her out on the stoop, but I knew that could have potential legal consequences.

"Whatever." I stormed back to my room, fishing out my phone to call Andy but he wasn't picking up. I shot a few text messages his way that also went unanswered. He was deliberately ignoring me, so I figured I'd done everything I could to contact him before hitting the sack again.


"Wake up."


"You wake up." Something was poking me in the side and I awoke to find that it was a broom handle. Jong Park was standing three feet away from my bed nudging the broom into my abdomen.


"My name is Jong Park, I know Andy is not here. I want talk to you."


Jong Park tossed a photo on my chest before sitting in a chair in my doorway. I recognized the chair from the kitchen realizing that she'd planned out waking me up. A glance at the picture explained everything as it revealed Andy and bandmate Rob with two skanky looking blonde groupies.

"Andy like white girl?"

"Look this was taken a long time ago, maybe you should talk to Andy about that, Jong Park."

"Andy like white girl; you tell me."

"Look, I really don't think that's my call to make." Her brow furrowed as she mulled my words sitting there with the broom slung across her lap. She had cleaned my room while I slept.

"He like white girl because they nasty. He like skank with skinny body and ugly, flat ass with big hole in middle." Her monotone sounded angry even in its robotic state. Her round face conveyed the slightest emotion bringing my inner white knight to the fore.

"Hey, I'm sorry about things; it's just a picture with two fans Jong Park; maybe you've got it all wrong."

"Andy fuck white girls; you tell me?"

"I don't put other people's business out on the streets like that, Jong Park." She stared blankly in my direction without movement, appearing almost frozen in place.

"Jong Park?"


"Excuse me, young lady?"

"Blowjob, I suck your cock for you; make Andy cry." Her intent was clear.

"Uhm, no; I don't think that will be necessary." I barely stifled a snort imagining the nearly robotic, young woman struggling with the business end on my ten inches. Jong Park put the broom to the side of the door scratching her head.



"You no want blowjob; you gay. You fuck Andy?" She said it so plainly that the insult nearly escaped my notice. Her face remained impassive and emotionless.

"FUCK YOU, THAT'S SOME STRAIGHT BULLSHIT RIGHT THERE!! Oh, okay baby you wanna suck some fucking dick, huh?!! That what you want, huh?!!"

"That what I say; you deaf?"

"MOTHERFUCKER!!" I'd had enough of the strange Asian woman who'd invaded my home deciding to make that fact known in the most insulting manner possible. My semi-erect member was released flopping over the waistband of my basketball shorts for Jong Park to see. I figured she'd run screaming from the house and I'd be done with her.

Jong Park's slanted eyes took in the sights I looked on smugly waiting for her to bolt. She silently rose taking two steps to my bedside to get a better look at my endowment. Her chubby digits methodically enclosed tightly around the base of my penis.

"Cut it out." I had second thoughts, Andy didn't exactly say how he felt about Jong Park, only that he wanted me to send her away when she arrived. I didn't want to cross the line.

"I suck your cock better than Andy; I better than boy who like flat, disgusting white ass."

"Fucking bitch!" I leaned back on the edge of my bed propped up by my palms. She could do whatever she wanted if it meant shutting her the fuck up.

Jong Park definitely had no fucks to give as she took a third of my cock between her thin lips working her right fist slowly along my shaft. I could feel her tongue caressing the underside of my glans as her head slowly bobbed on my meat. It was rapturous and agonizingly torturous simultaneously. Her fist moved in stilted jerky fashion almost machine like. Several times, I had to stop myself from shoving her head down on my cock. Jong Park stood at my bedside bent at the waist moving only the parts servicing my member. She continued methodically working me as a sheen of sweat illuminated my face. There was just something mechanical about this teasing, slow as snail blowjob that finally prompted me to buck my hips up against her face. Jong Park didn't react, didn't acknowledge my aggressive action against her face continuing at her own pace. Soon I was humping her mouth doing my best not to lose control as I neared the crest of a worked orgasm.

"Jong, I-I'm about to cum." She ignored me continuing her steady motion.

"I mean it, I'm gonna fucking cum in your mouth if you don't move." Jong Park looked up at my face never breaking the reliable seal she'd established around my erection. Her fingers tightened as her fist blurred jacking me over the crest.

"I'm telling you; I-I HUH, CUM-CUUUMMMMING JONG!! AAAWWWW FAAAWWWKKK, MAAAANNN!!" Jong Park suddenly buried the rest of my cock down her throat while her pumping fist added a twirling motion that felt heavenly. I felt bad when my pelvis bucked hard against her face as I exploded in her waiting mouth. She stayed with my wildly undulating hips using three fingers of one hand and the other to cup the underside of my balls.

Jong Park vacuum sealed around me taking everything I had to offer riding it out until I was calmed before breaking contact.


"Huh?" I was satisfied beyond measure as Jong Park stared blankly at my face.

"You want blowjob?"

"You just did it, damn girl!"

"That foreplay; I do blowjob now."


Jong Park lurched forward completely throating the entire ten inches in one fell swoop burying her nose in my pubes. She held it there for what seemed like an eternity before throating it once for an even longer period as her pale, creamy skin flushed red. It felt incredible enough that I was soon lying flat on my back while she continued working my crotch for another twenty minutes.

"Damn, you're killing me baby; you're fucking my shit up, Jong Park!!" I could feel each and every time my cock penetrated her throat as she twisted and massaged her frothy spittle into my shaft and let it dribble down over my balls. The short, chubby girl climbed up on the bed right between my legs never breaking contact with my crotch.



"Stop talk, look at me suck black off your cock." With the work she was doing on my junk, I had no intentions of doing anything that would make her stop. Jong Park lay on her belly between my long legs using her mouth as a surrogate vagina with a near perfect, bobbing motion that had me almost speaking tongues.

"Fuck my face; fuck it hard." She ordered.

I managed to rise up from a lying position supporting my weight on my palms and the balls of my feet. I arched my back as carefully as I could giving Jong Park at least six or seven inches of dark meat.

"Fuck my face, now!!" I did the best I could for another few reps before Jong Park finally disengaged. The lower half of her face was a mess of saliva and precum as she got down on the floor in an angry little huff.

"You virgin?"


"I say, fuck face; you FAIL! You virgin, I fix."

"Look honey, I've have plenty of women and ain't none of them complained yet!"

"You sound like virgin; I get on floor, you fuck my face like man." She knelt in front of me offering her open mouth once again. Her stilted robo-talk was giving me fits as well as her questioning my manhood in her own distinct way. I pushed my cock between her wide stretched lips until it bumped the back of her throat and started fucking away like it was a shallow cunt. A few seconds in, I realized that she was sitting there with her hands demurely on the tops of her thighs. Andy was a fool to pass this shit up, I thought cupping the back of her head with one hand. I pulled out a few times slapping my thick length against her rounded cheek before throating her again. It's strange but the impassioned expression on her face added to the proceedings. Every time I bottomed out, the bulge of my length could be plainly seen in her throat. Jong Park pushed back stopping me after ten minutes of this, breathing heavily.

"I lay down, you fuck face until white pee cum."

"White pee?"

She was already unbuttoning her soiled blouse revealing a surprising wealth of rich, creamy cleavage that made me do a doubletake. Jong Park simply disregarded my open amazement undoing the rest of the buttons until her chest was exposed with her ample breasts encased in a simple white brassiere. The swell of her full chest sent shockwaves directly to my erection. Jong took the time to fold her discarded blouse into a neat little, square before noticing the trajectory of my gaze.

"34D, you like this?" She pushed her cleavage together with her biceps making it surge.

"Fuck yeah, man." I noticed her slightly doughy belly together underneath her tits and something even more enticing now that Jong Park lost her top. The tops of her hips were seriously thick and meaty extended well out from her waist in an inviting semi-circle.

"My name Jong Park, not man; you want fuck man?"


"Jong Park."


"You prove it to Jong Park, fuck face on floor." It was like talking to a fucking robot as she lay on the carpet pushing her tits together in a clear invitation. My curiosity was spiking as I slapped my cock against her thin lips before humping her face. This girl had no gag reflex to speak of and I was taken wondering what in the hell Jong Park origins were. There was no way Andy knew anything about this girl. I mean this girl was just taking it like a champ. I mounted her belly pushing my cock under her center brassiere strap right into her soft cleavage. My erection pushed against the roof of her mouth, bumping it a few times before she adjusted. I could feel her fingers enclosing over the top of my tumescence as she cushioned it in the valley of her cleavage. I was really giving it to her and it felt heavenly. It was wet and nasty with just the slightest bit of taboo because Jong Park was technically my roommate's girl. There was this kind of squelching sound permeating my bedroom as I took her face like she asked. Jong Park began vacuum sucking my cock ratcheting up the suction on my outward strokes as my thighs tightened.

"Fuck Jong, I'm about to skeet all over your fucking face!" It sounded stupid the moment it left my lips, but I just wanted to warn her out of some sense of responsibility, I guess. Her breasts had been pushed up out of her bra revealing these cute, inverted nipples sunken inside barely there dime sized areolas. They had just the right amount of jiggle.

"You talk too much, sound really gay." Jong managed to insult before a deluge of cum spurted from the top of her cleavage running down towards her neck and glazing the underside of her chin. I took exception to her insult aiming my cock at her face as several bursts of semen covered her lips and rounded flush cheeks. I even managed to get a shot up her nose, continually jerking and beating my cock on her lips until I was spent.

"Take picture." I suddenly found her phone hovering adjacent to my head, her intent clear.

"I'm not doing that shit; take your own fucking picture."

"Okay pussy." Jong Park took several photos of her own soiled face while I watched hoping that Andy wasn't serious about her.

"Fuck you, man."

"You fuck Andy, do Jong Park favor and make large hole in his butt with big, black cock." She didn't miss a beat with her monotone delivery.

"Yeah baby, how about I make a hole in your fucking ass, bitch?"

"GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!!" I pounded her mouth in response in a squatting position over her face, driving my cock into her roughly until she clawed at my outer thighs. Jong coughed loudly clearing her throat.

"You like man now, instead of bitch."

"GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!!" I gave her more rolling my hips while her tits and doughy belly provided a seat cushion.

"GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!! GAKK!!" I wanted to stifle her weird insults and comments in the worse way as her button nose began to run.

"GAKK!! GAKK!!" She slapped and clawed at the back of my calves until rolled off her stomach. Jong Park curled up in a fetal position facing the underside of my bed as her coughed profusely. Her troubles worried me as images of a jail cell floated through my mind. I jumped up running into the kitchen to get her a glass of water. I was in for a shock finding the house immaculately cleaned. It almost looked like a brand new apartment with all the trash missing and everything else sparkling clean. The kitchen looked almost remodeled with everything perfectly organized. I couldn't believe I'd slept through this massive undertaking.

"Here, drink some water Jong." She was sitting on the edge of my bed slumped over staring at the face of her phone. She half snatched the tumbler without a word drinking and texting on her phone. I tried to get a look what she was doing only to have the cup shoved into my stomach.


I ran to the kitchen filling her cup again as panic began to overtake me. What if she were texting Andy's mother about everything that occurred? Mrs. Kim was an absolute terror in most normal situations, I couldn't imagine her reaction to this situation. Hell, I hadn't even considered the reaction of Jong Park's family. Fear washed over me as I beat myself up internally for giving in to my id.

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