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Big Tits Hitchhiker

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A mature gentleman picks up a carefree buxom hitchhiker.
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The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons alive or deceased is purely coincidental. All participants are over the age of 18. A minor descriptive portion of this has been taken from my previous story, "Busty Amazon Hitchhiker". The rest of the story is new with a different plotline.

"What the fuck?" I thought to myself as I spied the woman hitchhiking at the side of the road. I'd never seen anybody hitchhiking in this spot on the edge of town. Geez, I hadn't seen anybody hitchhiking on any of England's roads for years now.

But this young woman definitely had my attention. I know all the things I'm gonna say now were burned into my brain in just a few seconds after spotting her; but with a woman like this, that first impression is something you never forget.

The first thing that entered my mind was how voluptuously buxom this young woman was. A woman with a lush curvy figure like this one was something that had inhabited my fantasies for years, and now here was one standing near the side of road on the edge of Huntingdon. I shook my head and blinked hard, not sure if my eyes were deceiving me. But when I opened my eyes, she was still there, her arm thrust out and her thumb pointed in the direction I was going. A shiver of excitement ran down my spine as my eyes hungrily roamed over her.

I'm gonna start at the ground and work my way up, much as my eyes did as they were drawn magnetically to her incredibly lush form. She wore a pair of strappy high-heeled sandals, with light-colored straps running over her painted toes with another slim strap around her ankles, sufficient to hold the sexy pair of shoes in place. Being around five and half feet tall, I could see that although she didn't need the extra height by any means, those delicate sandals had what looked like a nice slim 4" heel, the added lift making her legs look fantastic.

Speaking of her legs, she stood next to the road with her legs spread more than shoulder-width apart, her right arm extended for a ride while her left hand carried a big black duffel bag. I guess standing with her legs fairly far apart like this helped her to distribute the load from the duffel bag, but I didn't care, looking at those spread legs had my cock twitching already. My eyes instinctively followed the narrowing inverted-V of her spread legs upwards, the gap between them getting smaller and smaller when all that was left was about an inch before those strong full alabaster columns disappeared beneath the hem of a faded denim miniskirt.

With her legs spread amply apart like this, the skirt was drawn taut across her full thighs, the soft-looking fabric seeming to strain against the pressure her body was putting it through. It caressed her upper thighs in a tight embrace before it too disappeared under the bottom of her sweater, the overlapping garments flowing enticingly over her wide womanly hips.

The brilliant yellow sweater hugged her ample body invitingly, molding itself to every lush curve and flowing contour. From the bottom up, it narrowed nicely as it formed to her full hourglass figure, her wide hips giving way to a sensually-indented waist. What really set her waist off was a wide brown leather belt, cinched tight over her sweater. The warm-looking leather band circling her waist looked incredibly erotic for some reason, seeming to hint at the pleasures this women's tremendous body was capable of if that sexy belt was untethered.

My eyes continued upwards over the sexy wide belt, but not very far before the snug sweater almost overshadowed the belt, a truly spectacular pair of tits thrusting forward in a gorgeously voluptuous shelf. The yellow sweater was sleeveless with a deep V-neck that showed an incredibly deep dark line of cleavage. The outsides of the sweater's V-neck flowed outwards as they rose to her shoulders, amply displaying a generous amount of soft-looking tit-flesh, the impressive swells threatening to spill over the plunging neckline of her top.

Her tits were huge; there was no doubt about it. They were remarkably round, and massive, the sweater stretched almost to the bursting point as her two voluminous orbs filled the soft fabric with more than it could take. I could see that the tight yellow sweater was made up of numerous slender vertical ribs. Those ribs flowed in and out provocatively as they followed the expansive swells of her huge tits as they spread out over the full breadth of her chest, mesmerizing following the incredible contours of those magnificent breasts. It made my mouth water just looking at how that sweater seemed to cup and caress those massive mounds.

My eyes followed the inviting line of her cleavage upwards over the smooth creamy skin of her chest to her face, which was rapturously beautiful. She had full sensual lips, which I could see were glistening with a glossy coating of red lipstick. Her wide full mouth and pouty lips looked like they were made specifically for sucking cock. She had a slim aquiline nose which gave her a regal look. Her eyes were dark and mysterious, shadowed by long dark lashes and accentuated by dark curving brows and high pronounced cheekbones.

Her dark hair shone in the sun, the shimmering tresses flowing like black silk far down over her shoulders. She wore it parted slightly to one side, the lustrous flowing curves of hair framing her sensuous face attractively.

Her skin was creamy white, and there was plenty for me to see in this provocatively sexy outfit she was wearing. It stood out boldly against the colors of her clothes, yet looked incredibly soft and touchable, just calling for a hand to reach out and explore the wonders lying beneath.

Like I said, all this shot through my brain in milliseconds after I first saw her. All in all, she was breathtakingly beautiful. What made her so impressive was not just that she was a nicely put-together package; it was her overall size that made her all the more attractive; at least to me. This wasn't some little skinny waif, like my ex-wife; this was a full-bodied woman. She was definitely a BBW, but not a chubbette. She looked like someone who had always been big and full-bodied, one of those women who always seem to retain just that alluring bit of baby-fat throughout their entire life. She looked as if she could easily go over to 'the other side' though if she didn't take care of herself. She might gain that weight and get that real chubby look someday, but right now she was just touchably soft-looking, lushly curvy...and absolutely perfect. I thought of all those fantasies I'd had since I was a teenager; the countless number of loads I'd pumped out of my throbbing cock while picturing what I could do with a woman like this. Yes, a woman like this was definitely the things that dreams were made of.

A truck in a rush hurtled past me with his horn blaring as I slowed to a crawl. It shook me out of my trancelike fog back to reality. I couldn't believe she was actually standing here hitchhiking. I was shocked that a gorgeous woman like this hadn't already been picked up by some lecherous horny bastard just like me. I had a very conservative nature, and hadn't picked up a hitchhiker in years, but seeing this woman with her thumb stuck out changed everything. I immediately put on my blinker and pulled over, edging completely off the road as I came to a full stop just past her. I hit the button and rolled down the passenger side window of my Honda as she stepped up next to the car.

"Hi, can I get a lift?" she asked, her low purring voice cutting right through to my stiffening prick. As she leaned into the open window, I got to see her face close up. Fuck, she was beautiful. Her dark hair, dark eyes and full sensual mouth gave her an exotic look that made her look incredibly hot and sultry. Yes, sultry was definitely the word to describe the warm sexuality that seemed to just ooze from every luscious pore of that magnificent body of hers. She leaned on the side of the car looking at me, a playfully suggestive glint shining in those smoldering dark eyes of hers. I felt a lurch go right to my swelling dong as I struggled to reply.

"S...sure, just...just throw your bag in the back," I stammered, my thick tongue catching in my throat as my heart beat rapidly. She opened the back door and slung her duffel bag in before moving to the front. I looked over as she opened the door and climbed in, her buxom frame feeding my hungry eyes as I watched her long muscular legs slide in, one after the other. My eyes were drawn to the insides of her full creamy thighs as one leg came in first, then the other as she settled herself onto the leather seat. With that short little skirt, I was able to catch a glimpse all the way up to the cockpit, a nice pair of white panties barring my view of what I'm sure was a succulently fleshy cunt.

"So, what's your name?" she asked as I put on my blinker and started to pull back onto the road.

I was a bit surprised at how carefree and up front she was with that question. I'd picked up a few hitchhikers many years ago, and I don't think I'd exchanged names with any of them. She looked safe enough, but who knew what kind of things she was carrying in the big duffel bag. Maybe she was some kind of whack-job, and that bag was filled with many sorts of hammers, socks weighted down with lug nuts, maybe even one of those huge hypodermics that they use for giving spinal injections. As I thought about her tying me down and shoving one of those huge needles into my urethra, I decided to keep things on the safe side when it came to her knowing who I was. I decided on a half-truth and gave her the pseudonym I used in my writing.

"Alex...Alex Barton," I replied, giving it my best James Bond imitation. I even put a little of Sean Connery's Scottish charm into my own English accent. She looked to be in her early twenties and I figured the James Bond thing would be lost on her, but at age 67, it was the kind of thing my generation was used to doing, so I went with it anyway.

"Nice to meet you, Alex." Yes, the James Bond thing seemed to go right over her head, but I wasn't surprised by that. "I'm Arianna. How old are you? I'm 23."

For some reason, I found her forthright behavior refreshing. "23? That's a great age. I wish I was 23 again. I'm 67 actually."

"67 isn't so old, and you look like you're in great shape. I prefer older men actually. I like the beard thing you've got going too. It suits you."

I thought her words were sweet, even if she was just feeding me a line of shit because I was giving her a ride. But there was something more going on that I found bewitchingly intriguing. She had turned in my direction when she answered and I caught a small whiff of her breath. I'd always had a sensitive sense of smell and I was definitely getting something interesting here. Was that the scent of cum I was detecting? Just the illicit thought of it sent a jolt right to my already half-hard prick. My cock had been that way, sitting at about half-mast, within seconds of me laying eyes on her.

"Thanks for saying that. That's very nice of you. I thought of cutting off the beard, but I just can't do it. I don't know why."

"Don't do it. I think it makes you look very wise, and quite masculine."

She gave me a bit of a naughty wink when she said that, which I didn't fail to notice. She seemed to be in the mood to flirt a bit. Two could play that game. "Thanks, it's nice to hear the opinion on something like that from an attractive young woman."

"It's true. I think the beard looks great. You look very attractive with it. Like a distinguished film director, or an author."

I kind of flinched a bit when she said the word 'author'. Was this some kind of setup by my old friend Dexter, who'd paid this girl to go and stand by the side of the road when he knew I was going to be driving by? No, even he didn't have the cash to spare for something like that. Or was her saying that just a coincidence? I guess I'd find out sooner or later. Whatever it was, it was fun having this voluptuous young vixen in the car. "Arianna. That's a nice name. Where are you off to this morning? I'm heading over to Bluntisham," I said, wanting her to keep talking so I could hopefully check out that breath of hers again.

"That's where I'm going to," she replied with a broad smile on her face. "That's perfect."

Yes, although it was just a hint, her breath definitely had that distinctive smell of cum. "So what takes you to Bluntisham? Visiting someone there?"

She nodded as her gaze flicked out the windshield, taking in the lush green fields of the English countryside flashing by. "Yes, my father lives there. I'm going to spend a few days with him. I was all set to leave this morning only my piece of shit Corolla wouldn't start. I knew it was on its last legs and I can't afford to get it fixed right now. I was going to take a bus, but I got a little distracted this morning and missed it. So, I decided to hitch a ride. That's when you came along."

She'd faced me when she'd been speaking, and there was no doubt in my mind now, that was definitely cum on her breath. There was no mistaking it. I figured her 'distraction' this morning was the reason for that alluring scent. It definitely turned my thoughts to numerous possibilities about how that had happened this early in the morning, each thought more lurid than the one before. "Your father lives in Bluntisham? Where abouts?"

"He's got a house on East Street. He's been there since my mum passed away a few years ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that about your mum. But, East Street? That's just down the street from my parents' home. They're on Laxton Grange and that's where I'm headed."

"Huh, small world, eh?" she said, and when I looked at those massive tits of hers beautifully encased in that yellow sweater, the word 'small' never came into my head once.

I wanted her to keep talking, maybe get an idea of what her morning's 'distraction' had been. "Uh, so you said your car broke down. Are you living in Huntingdon then? Do you work there?"

"Yes, I work at the Bliss Beauty Salon on the High Street."

Fuck, the Bliss Beauty Salon? That was just around the corner from where I lived! "Uh, yeah, I know the place."

"So anyway, I've got a few days off in a row and I'm going to spend them with my dad. Since my mum's been gone, I like to visit him when I've got some time off. I think he likes the company."

I'd like the company too if I was him, I thought to myself as I let my eyes rake over her spectacular form. Fuck, those tits were incredible. "That looks like a pretty big bag of stuff you've got there for just a few days," I said as I gestured towards the back seat.

"Oh, yeah. I know. My dad likes me to bring a lot of lingerie when I come to stay. He likes to see me in different things."

I almost veered off the road as I listened to what she'd just said. Had I actually heard her correctly? No, my mind must have misunderstood, my perverted old brain deceiving me. "Uh, sorry, what did you say?" I asked, feeling my heart racing like a runaway steam engine.

"Yeah, my dad likes it when I wear lingerie when we fuck. He says a woman with a body like mine should show it off to its best advantage by wearing something tight and sexy. He prefers that to me being totally nude, and I do have to agree that I do look pretty good in the things he and I picked out together."

"HOLY FUCK!" My mind was screaming out as I realized I hadn't misheard her. She was actually admitting she was fucking her own father!

"I...uh...I don't know what to say," was all I could think of as I swung the car along a curve in the road as we wove our way around the outskirts of St. Ives. I was finding it brutally hard to keep my mind on the road ahead, lurid pictures swimming around in my brain like a school of dolphins, each illicit image popping above the waves for a split second before dropping back beneath the surface as another wickedly sinful one replaced it, over and over.

"I don't think there's any point in hiding it. My dad and I are both fine with it. My flatmates don't think anything of it either."

I wondered if her flatmates were like-minded girls. Maybe they were fucking their fathers too? Was all this going on in quiet little Huntingdon and Bluntisham and I had no idea about it? Man, I needed to get out more! "Your flatmates?" I asked, wanting to get as much information about these bizarrely arousing relationships as I could.

"Well they're not as much flatmates as they are landlords. I rent an apartment from two brothers who took over their parents' home when they died a number of years ago."

"Two brothers?" So her flatmates weren't young girls after all. She really had my interest now.

"Yes, one's 71 and the other one's 68. No, sorry, he's 69. I forgot he just had his birthday last month. Those two are the reason I was running late this morning."

"What...what happened?" After what she'd just said about fucking her father, I couldn't wait to hear more.

"Those guys give me a bit of a break on my rent. So in return, I suck both of them off every day, and they each fuck me every now and then." She paused for a second as I looked over at that wide full mouth of hers, my eyes almost popping out of my head as I pictured two men my age pounding their cocks between those cock-sucking lips. "Anyway, I guess they both liked the way I sucked them off this morning, because each one wanted to get off a second time in my mouth. That's why I was late. By the time I'd finished swallowing those second loads, I'd missed the bus."

"Lucky fuckers!" I thought to myself as I kept flicking my eyes between the road ahead and those amazing tits of hers. And there it was, the reason for her cum-breath. She'd just sucked double loads out of two guys older than me! Fuck, if I was her landlord, she wouldn't be paying any rent at all if I had a chance to get my hands on those beauties beneath that tight sweater of hers. As it was, I was struck dumb, unable to speak even a single word as I took in what she'd just said. I could feel myself sweating, and my cock was hard as a rock. I could feel it thrusting upwards, wanting some relief from my restraining trousers.

"Alex," she continued as she gave me a coquettish smile. "I'd like to thank you for giving me a ride. And I'm still a little hungry, if you know what I mean." I glanced over at her as she suggestively licked her lips at the same time she let her eyes drift down to my bulging crotch. I knew exactly what she meant about being hungry, and my surging cock obviously did too. As her tongue circled her shiny red lips, she gave a warm little purr as she lifted her eyes back to mine. "Do you think we could pull over somewhere and you could feed me some more, you know, just like my two landlords did this morning?"

"Oh my God! Fucking yes!" I wanted to scream out, but I used all my willpower to make it look like I was keeping myself under control. But this exquisite temptress had me losing it, and she was so hot that I knew, even at my age, that if I didn't get a load off soon, I'd be making a mess inside my pants. With my mind reeling, it didn't take me long to come up with the ideal place. "Yes, there's a little roadside park just up ahead near the turnoff to Needingworth. I think it'll be perfect."

"I know the place." I watched as she crossed her arms and drew her sweater up over her head and off, tossing it in the backseat. I looked over, barely keeping the car on the road as I took in the exquisite view of her mammoth tits. They were incredible. They thrust out a mile from her ribcage, the enormous globes alluringly encased in a delicate white lace bra. Her cleavage was as deep and dark as my perverted soul, with the massive mounds of velvety soft flesh that were the reason for that enticing line of cleavage, threatening to spill over the jam-packed bra cups. "If you like, you can feel these until we get there."


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