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Bill and the Red Lettuce

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Picking up pussy in the produce aisle.
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This wasn't the first time he'd seen her here at the supermarket. It was a few of weeks ago, on a Wednesday, that he first cast his eyes upon her mature, full figure and her fine head topped by billows of natural red hair. She was about 45, and her large hips and breasts where accented by a slim waist. She was a West Texas earth mother type, but with a hint of sadness. Since then, he'd made Wednesdays his regular shopping day in the faint hope that he might run into her again. And now, here she was in front of him.

Bill wasn't very shy, but there was some risk in approaching the object of his lust in a grocery store. He had been shot down before, but at 55 years of age, Bill didn't waste time feeling sorry for himself or contemplating failure. Life was all too short to waste it like that, or in any of the other ways he had done so in the past. Now, life was about the moment, because you never knew how many more moments were available to you.

So, with only a vague plan in mind, Bill approached the redhead in the produce section. At first, he just watched her as she put a bag of limes into her cart and milled around by the asparagus. When he saw her heading toward the lettuce, Bill moved in closer.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Do you know if this red lettuce tastes any different than the green? I wanna make a really nice salad tonight."

She glanced at Bill sideways, not sure he was speaking to her, and he caught her eye.

"Not much difference between the two. At least, I can't tell the difference."

"Well, I'll trust you then. You look like you might be a real salad expert, with all the exotic stuff you have in your basket."

The woman was turned toward him now, trying to decide if he was a moron, or if he was trying to pick her up. Or both. Honestly, it had been so long since she'd attracted this much attention from a man that she thought he might be trying to distract her, so she reflexively put her hand on her purse.

"Oh, I wouldn't say I was an expert, really", she said, testing the waters. Bill smiled gently and gazed directly into her eyes.

"Tell me," he said, picking up a cucumber by the end. "Do you like a big cucumber in your salad?" Bill let the cuke bob up and down a couple of times.

The woman smiled. "What do you know," she thought. "A real pickup artist. Boy, will he be surprised when my husband shows up in a minute."

"Sure. Sometimes I like a really big cucumber," she smirked.

Bill dropped the cuke and reached for a carrot. "If you don't have a cucumber, will you sometimes settle for a carrot?" Bill held the carrot by the end and raised the other end slowly until it was pointing over her shoulder, his smile holding her eyes.

"Hmm. Carrots can be good, too."

"I'm really attracted to this red lettuce," Bill said softly, looking away. "I just know it'll taste great."

"Honey, did you get the lightbulbs?" she said. For a moment, Bill was confused. And then a big gorilla of a man brushed by his shoulder and put some items into the woman's basket. Bill dropped the carrot back in the bin and moved his cart slowly in the other direction. As the couple left the produce section, the buxom redhead gave Bill a little smile over her shoulder, as if saying, "Nice try, buddy."

"Husband, huh? Something tells me that's not the showstopper it might be," thought Bill.

For the next 15 minutes, Bill tailed Big Red and her pet gorilla. It seemed that whenever she'd look up, he'd be there, lurking somewhere nearby, but not too close. Bill pulled an old receipt out of his shirt pocket and scribbled his cell phone number on it. Several times as Red encountered Bill in the aisles, she saw him slightly wave the piece of paper in his hand.

Finally, he was standing at the end of an aisle when Gorilla passed behind him, and he held the receipt between his index and middle fingers, bending his wrist back to offer it to her as she pushed the cart within a foot of him. On a whim, she took the paper and stuffed it into her skirt pocket.

All he could do now was wait and hope. Bill paid for his groceries and sat in his pickup truck outside, waiting to see which car Red was driving.


It was 7:30 the next morning when Bill's phone rang. He was already on his way to work, passing near the same shopping center where the supermarket was. He pulled over and answered.

"Hi, it's Bill". There were a couple of seconds of dead air. Then she spoke.

"Bill, I'm the redhead you were stalking in the grocery store yesterday."

"Umm, let's not call it stalking, okay? That kinda has legal ramifications. Let's just say I'm your not-so-secret admirer. Besides, a stalker wouldn't give you his number, would he?"

"Well, whatever. I don't know why I'm calling. I only took your number so you'd go away. I'm not getting into anything shady. I'm married, and I'm not looking for trouble. I mean, you seem like an okay guy, a little weird, but you probably ought to just forget about me."

"Aren't you curious about why I approached you yesterday? I don't do this kind of thing as a rule."

"Look, it would probably be really fun to talk to you, but I'm driving. I just wanted to call to say I'm married. You know that. I can't...I don't want to..."

"Are you someplace where you can pull over and talk for a couple of minutes? You can give me that, can't you?" As Bill spoke, he saw what he thought was Red's blue Nissan pass him, slow down, and turn into the supermarket parking lot. He watched as the Nissan pulled to a stop in a parking slot.

"Okay, I pulled over. Go ahead and say what you have to say, and then I've gotta go to work." She sounded stressed.

"First off, I don't know your name. Give me something to call you. You can make something up, if you don't trust me."

"Okay, I'm Bonnie. That's my real name."

"Bonnie by name, and bonny by appearance. I'm Bill, like I said. I've seen you at the grocery before, and I've been hoping to see you again. I got a feeling when I saw you that first time. It's like you were a mink coat that somebody had tossed into the bottom of the closet. You're someone classy and classic, but you're not being cared for. Somebody is disinterested or thinks you're out of fashion, and so they let you languish. Somebody should treat you better. That's the feeling I got. Was I right?"

"No, I'm fine. I'm married. Things are as good as I can expect. I mean, sure, I could be happier, probably, but I have the life I have. Nothing I can do to change it."

"How about your sex life? How long has it been since you got laid?" asked Bill eyeing the woman in the blue Nissan.

"Wow, that's pretty personal, for somebody I just met."

"Bonnie, we may never talk or meet again. Who better than me to spill your guts to? Sometimes a stranger can be your best friend."

Bonnie was quiet for many seconds. Then she sniffed.

"Okay, I haven't had sex for over a year. My husband goes out a lot with his buddies, and he drinks too much. I stay home and watch TV. That's my life."

"Do you masturbate?"

"Oh, now that's really over the line! I'm not going to answer a question like that!"

"Bonnie, you're not an old woman. You deserve a sex life of some kind. With the terrific body you have, I'll bet you really enjoyed sex at one time. Maybe your husband just squeezed all the fun out of it over the years. That can happen in any relationship."

"Terrific body. Right. How can you say that when you've seen these hips?"

"Would I have made the effort to 'stalk' you, as you say, if you weren't attractive? Curvy women have always been attractive to me. And not just me. Most men like women who look like women, not like a boy or a stick. Besides, if it weren't for those nice hips, you'd be top heavy."

The line was silent again.

"Look, I don't really have a sex life. I hardly ever masturbate. I just don't get excited very much. And if I do, it's always inconvenient to do anything about it. Either I'm at work or he's around, or I'm just too tired. I don't have the time or energy for a sex life."

She paused. "Maybe my sex life is kind of over."

"No, that really would be tragic. Sex doesn't take away from your energy. It gives you energy. And it hardly ever takes a lot of time. You're not at work now. You're in your car someplace. Are there lots of people around?"

Since he was watching her car at that moment, Bill knew the answer to that question.

"I'm in a parking lot, and it's pretty empty right now."

"See, you could be masturbating right now."

"No way! I would never be able to get off in public! I'd be scared somebody would come up and look in my window."

"Bonnie, do this for me. I'm not going to ask you to do anything dangerous. Are you wearing a skirt?"

"Yes. And don't even think about getting me started here."

"Pull it up to your waist. Nobody will see that. If somebody looks at you, they'll just see a woman talking on a cell phone. Pull your skirt up and just run your hand over your thighs. Just feel how soft they are. Are you doing that?"

"Yeah. God, I can't believe I'm doing this."

"Run your hand down between your thighs. I'm not gonna ask you to actually masturbate. I just want you to feel and remember how nice it is to touch yourself. Look down and watch your hand. Run your hand over your panties. Feel that cleft between your lips. Tell me how soft you are. Tell me how your freckled hand looks gliding over your skin."

Bill waited while Bonnie stroked her thighs and undies.

"Yeah, that feels good."

"How does it look? What does your skin look like on your thighs? What color are your panties. Do you have freckles down there?"

"It looks okay, I guess. My thighs are pretty big, and I have freckles everywhere. But the skin on my thighs is really white, except for the spots. I have on light blue cotton panties. So, what's your point? Are you just trying to get off?"

"Bonnie, I want you to think about something today. Imagine yourself in a cabin somewhere in the mountains, a long way from your husband and anybody you know. Imagine somebody's tongue, preferably mine, slowly licking your pussy. It's cold outside, but we're under blankets in a big feather bed. We've got all day and all night if we want it. I'm building you up to an orgasm like you haven't had for years. You can tell me exactly what to do, and I'll do it. Anything. When you've had a good cum, I slide inside you and we move together, taking all the time we need. I'm holding you and kissing you. You can roll me over and be on top, or have me take you from behind, or we can sit in big comfy chair while you rock against me. I'm there to do whatever you want me to. Think about this today, and when you have a chance, rub yourself to a climax."

Bill clicked the cell phone shut, put the truck in gear, and drove away.


At 7:30 the next morning, Bill's phone rang again, and he saw her number on the display. He had arrived early at the parking lot, hoping she would call, or that he would at least see her drive by. As he answered the phone, Bill saw the blue Nissan pull into the lot and park in a far corner. He started his truck and pulled into a spot about 20 yards away from the Nissan, off to her left. With the heavy window tint in his truck, he was well hidden.

"Bill, this is Bonnie."

"Hi, Bonnie."

"Bill, you had me shook up all day yesterday. I couldn't quit thinking about your tongue on my pussy. That's something my husband has almost never done. It's just as well, since he was terrible at it. I couldn't get a private moment the whole day, and Andy, my husband, decided to stay home last night. I'm about to pop, and it's your damned fault!"

"I'm gonna help."

"Bill, I'm not ready to start some affair with you."

"Don't worry, baby. I'm just gonna talk to you and help you cum. I'm gonna be your guardian angel this morning."

"Don't you understand? I can't masturbate out here in public."

"I'm watching over you, babe. Look over to your left. Do you see the white pickup?" Bill lowered his window and waved at the Nissan.

"You're here? You are stalking me! This is insane."

"Calm down, hon. I just got lucky and guessed where you might be. This road is on the way to work for lots of folks, including me. I'm gonna stay in my truck and talk to you on the phone. I can see everything from here. If anybody comes near your car, I'll tell you. You're safe. You don't have to worry about anything. I'm watching over you."

Bonnie did start to calm down now. (It was anything but calm between her legs!) If he would really keep an eye out, she might actually be able to get herself some relief. They chatted for a minute or two as Bonnie got used to the idea, and then Bill spoke.

"Put your seat back as far as it will go. Now, I want you to pull your skirt up all the way to your waist. Run your hand across your thighs."

"I'm already wet, believe me. I don't need a lot of prep."

Bill put the binoculars to his eyes and zoomed in on Bonnie's face as she lay back in the seat.

"That's good. More time to enjoy yourself, then. If you feel like it, you can pull your panties off. If that bothers you, just ease your fingers down inside them."

"I'm gonna leave them on for now."

"Okay, then. I'll bet you have a beautiful full red bush down there, right?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty hairy."

"That's nice. You might want to think about clipping it short, but don't shave that good stuff off. Shorter hair can make masturbation a bit nicer. Put your middle fingers down into your vagina and pull up some of that sweet juice. Rub it all over your inner lips and clit. If we had a lot of time, I'd tell you to work on your G-spot a bit, but let's get right to that pretty clit. Is your clit big or small?"

"Pretty big, I think. I never had a problem finding it." Bill could hear Bonnie inhale as she began touching herself.

"That's wonderful. I love a big clit. The better to suck on. How do you like to rub it? Push the hood down and back, fast up and down, side to side, or what?"

"That's all good. Oh, Bill, talk to me."

"Baby, I wish it was my tongue down there on that big pink clit right now. I can just about smell that woman scent pouring out of you now. I'll bet you taste like heaven. Mmm, I'd like to dip my tongue inside you and get a big load of your juice. Honey, we're all alone out here. There's nobody else around. I'm guarding you, and I'm wishing I were between your legs, eating you up."

"Oh, god! That feels so good!" Bonnie breathed hard.

"Bonnie, Bonnie! You're so sweet, so nice on my tongue, so beautiful! Bonnie, I'm rubbing my cock, but I'm still watching out for you, so don't worry. It's all clear.

Bonnie's middle two fingers vibrated on her clit. She needed relief in the worst way, and it was coming on quickly. After the long drought in her sex life, punctuated by the intense vision of sex she'd had in the last twenty-four hours, her fall over the cliff into orgasm came on quickly.

"Oh, oh, Bill... It's coming. I'm cumming already. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...," she moaned as release overtook her. She didn't stop her ministrations until the last contraction of her pussy had ended.

Through the binoculars, Bill saw Bonnie's face contort and her head flop side to side.

When Bonnie was almost back to her senses, Bill said, "Honey, everything's fine. I'm coming over to your car now. If you're feeling modest, you can pull your skirt down. I just want to see you before you go." Bill hung up the phone.

Bonnie left her panties exposed and her hand under the elastic as she lowered the window and watched Bill approach. She could clearly see the lump down the left leg of his jeans. Bill leaned in, and his eyes went to the sight of her damp blue panties and white speckled thighs. He gently removed her right hand, the masturbating hand, from her panties. Bill brought it to his face, inhaling her aroma, and then slid her fingers into his mouth, cleaning them with his tongue.

"If I can't have it from the source, then second 'hand' will do," he said.

Bonnie smiled at him, too happy and dazed to respond otherwise. Bill leaned into the car, planting a soft, wet kiss on her mouth, his tongue sliding between her lips.

"Bye, hon. Call me."


Throughout the weekend, Bill contemplated Bonnie. He wondered how she would react, in the aftermath of her parking lot orgasm. He wondered whether she would ever want to see him again, or if her fear had chased her back to her dull, sexless life. Mostly, though, Bill fantasized about eating and fucking Bonnie. He was driven by his attraction to her. No, she wasn't a conventional beauty. Not like the women on magazine covers or in the movies. But there was something so eternally female about her. She was archetypal; she was the Mother Goddess of myth. Her generous, fertile body and flaming hair overwhelmed him with the primal lust of a much younger man. It had been many years since he'd felt so drawn to a woman.

The fantasy he had offered to Bonnie became his as well. It was their shared fantasy now, the two of them alone in a mountain cabin. He played the scenes over and over while he stroked himself to several orgasms that weekend. He found himself out riding in his pickup at times, checking the supermarket parking lot in hopes of spotting Bonnie, but she was never there.

When she didn't call on Monday morning, Bill started feeling irritable. No, there was no requirement or expectation that she would ever call again, and he had promised himself not to call her. That could be considered stalking, and he wasn't a stalker. Persistent, yes. Stalker, no. He bided his time. He could always check the supermarket on Wednesday, if nothing happened before that.

But on Tuesday morning, the phone rang as he left for work. She was calling earlier today, and he wasn't close to their meeting place yet.

"Bill, can you meet me? I need to see you."

"Sure, babe. It'll take me about 10 minutes to get there. Why are you calling so early this morning?"

"I'm horny, that's why!"

Bill's foot involuntarily pressed harder on the gas pedal.

"Okay, I'm on my way. Don't start without me."

The blue Nissan was parked in about the same place it had been on Friday. Bill pulled in, leaving one slot between them. Bonnie was already out of the car and opening the rear door on his extended cab pickup by the time the vehicle came to a stop. She climbed in and closed the door. Bonnie felt safer in the big heavy pickup, so far off the ground and away from prying eyes behind the tinted glass and front seat. No one was likely to know there was anyone in the pickup, let alone what they were up to.

"Hey, it's dark in here," she said. Bonnie was wearing a full denim skirt, cowboy boots and a dark green cotton cowboy shirt with snaps down the front and on the pockets. She looked at home in the pickup, like she was fresh off the ranch. "Come on back here and sit with me, cowboy."

"Why, yes ma'am, I surely will," Bill drawled.

Once in the back seat, Bill slid over and embraced Bonnie, giving her a lingering kiss. Then he slid back to take a better look. "What's with the cowgirl outfit?"

"Well, a couple of things, really. First off, it makes this easy." In one move, she unsnapped her shirt half way, and her full cleavage came into view. "And, this skirt is real easy to get up and down." Bonnie put her left knee up on the seat and hiked her skirt to mid-thigh.

"Holy cats! What's gotten into you, girl? Last week, I had to talk my balls off to get you to touch your thighs, and I was nowhere near you then. Now I'm sittin' here, and you're giving me a peep show."

"Well, you haven't gotten into me, and you probably never will. But what you said has gotten into me. Bill, I just wanted to thank you for opening me up and reminding me that sex is great, and that I really do need it to be a complete person. I don't know where this is leading, and I'm not ready to start cheating on my husband, but, damn it, I need some sexual release every once in awhile. So, I'm gonna show you a little skin. Call it showing you my appreciation, so to speak."


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