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Birthday Pool Party Ch. 29

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Part 29 of the 39 part series

Updated 09/25/2023
Created 09/05/2022
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Hey guys, here's Chapter 29. I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know! As always, this is a world without STI's, and everyone involved in sexual activity is at least eighteen years old.



On Friday, like every day, my alarm wakes me up far earlier than I would like it to. Also like every day, I have to resist the urge to roll back over and go to sleep. I'm not a morning person, yet I have to act like I am. It's what happens when you're the oldest of four and both your parents work.

At least I'm up early enough to be able to take a shower. I strip down and step into the stall. Then I soap myself up, shave my legs and my pussy, and finally let the spray wash the suds off of my tan skin. With a sigh, I dry off before dressing into my clothes for the day and putting my long brown hair back into its usual ponytail.

Once I'm dressed, it's time to cook breakfast. I prepare a nice meal, and then I head to the bedrooms to wake up my brothers. First, Scott. At fourteen, he is the closest to me in age, being in his last year of middle school. We miss out on going to the high school together by one year, unfortunately.

Next is Daniel. He is twelve years old and also goes to the middle school. Finally, my baby brother, Michael. He's only eight, and follows me around like a puppy whenever we're both home. Michael goes to the local elementary school.

Yeah, I'm the only one with an unusual name. Turns out, Hazel is the name of my great grandmother who passed away the morning of my birth. Since she'll never get to meet me, I get to have her old-fashioned name.

After my brothers are fed, I make sure they get ready for school. Then I get them to their respective bus stops, and am free to start my own day. Our parents work so much because of the cost of supporting four kids. They'll be working late tonight as well, so I'll have to make dinner.

I offer to get a job occasionally, but they insist that my education has to come first. I understand, and appreciate the gesture, I just hate that I have to be the third parent around here sometimes. Third parent, yet they still treat me like a child in so many ways.

I toss my backpack into my beat up car before getting into the front seat and buckling my seat belt. Then, it's off to school. Like every morning, I chat with the girls. I'm still unusually quiet, I can't put my finger on why I don't feel right, but I still feel off. Fortunately, my friends don't press the issue.

I text the girls during homeroom, then morning classes begin. I sit in the back of my first class and flirt with a cute boy. He doesn't ask me out, but it's definitely a fun time. The rest of my classes go by slowly. Then, it's finally lunch.

I eat my cheap food as my friends flirt with their respective love interests. Even Kayla and Ian are talking again. I'm happy for them. Still, I'm so glad that I don't have a boyfriend. Granted, Ashley and Marcia aren't official with Josh and Shawn, but still. I'm single. I'm hot. And I'm loving it.

Immediately after lunch is when things heat up. Everyone starts whispering among themselves as I walk down the hallway. Even more than usual. Their voices are all riled up. I can't hear what they're saying though. I eventually stop someone and ask them what the fuck is going on.

"Didn't you hear?" the girl asks. "Keith Strulk just got arrested!"

"For rape?" I exclaim without thinking.

"Uh, no." the girl gives me a weird look. "For drugs!"

I thank the girl and then continue on my way to my next class. I'm glad my assigned seat is near the back of the room. This way, I'll be able to text with my girls. I pull out my phone the instant class starts and text our group chat.

Hazel: Oh, my God! Girls, I just heard Keith was arrested!

Lexi: Wait. What?! He was? For what? Details!!!

Ashley: Arrested for rape?

Hazel: I don't have any details! I just heard it was for drugs.

Marcia: Oh God, finally!

Kayla: It's true. He was arrested right in front of me. The officer said it was for having drugs.

Lexi: Why were you with Keith?

Kayla: The usual. He stopped to call me a cum dump.

Ashley: What a piece of shit!

Hazel: At least you got to see him get handcuffed. You did get to see that, right?

Kayla: Yes! He tried to run and was tackled right in front of me!

Marcia: That's justice.

Lexi: I wish I could have seen that asshole led away in handcuffs.

Kayla: It was beautiful. :)

Ashley: I can imagine! I'm so happy for you, Kayla! And you, Lexi!

Hazel: Now, we need to get rid of David!

Marcia: That would be nice.

Lexi: Hopefully, he's next!

Kayla: I hope so.

We continue texting throughout the day. Then, we meet up after the last bell. The five of us all end up in a massive group hug as we celebrate the downfall of Keith Strulk. Filled with hope, we're all expecting David and Keith to be charged with rape any day now.

I hop in my car, thankful that the old piece of shit starts, and drive home. Then I prepare after school snacks for the kids. They get home a few minutes later and start devouring everything. They're growing boys, it's understandable.

"Okay, make sure you do your homework before you watch television." I say sternly.

"Ugh, fine!" Scott groans.

"Okay." Daniel sighs.

"What are you doing, Hazel?" Michael asks.

"I'm gonna clean up." I answer. "Then I'll do my homework as well."

"Can I help?" Michael wonders.

"Oh, of course you can!" I smile happily.

I hand Michael a sponge, and he helps me wash the kitchen table. He's such a good helper. I love him. After we're finished cleaning up, Michael and I do our homework on the kitchen table together. Scott and Daniel are laying in the living room, doing their own work.

"What are you doing tonight?" Michael asks me.

"I was actually thinking of going to a party once Mom and Dad get home." I answer.

"Can I come?" he inquires cutely.

"Sorry, but it's an eighteen plus event." I laugh.

"I'm eight! That's close!" Michael insists.

"It's very close." I agree as I rub the top of his head. "But not close enough!"

"Aw!" he laments.

Once our homework is done, I let them all watch television. It's tough for them to find a show they agree on. In order to make it possible, I let Michael use the TV in my bedroom while the older kids watch something in the living room. That television cost me a lot of my allowance, but it's worth it. I love laying in bed late, watching my favorite shows.

I watch cartoons with Michael until it is time to make dinner. I slave away in the kitchen, making the best meal I can. I'm not a great cook, but I get a lot of practice, so I'm decent enough. It's edible, at least!

"Aw, meatloaf again?" Scott laments.

"Boo!" Daniel adds.

"I think you meant to say 'thank you, Hazel'." I roll my eyes.

"Thank you, Hazel!" Michael smiles. "It smells delicious."

"Aw, you're welcome!" I rub the back of his head as I lean down to kiss his forehead.

We say grace and eat dinner. Scott and Daniel complain a bit, but still manage to shovel down three helpings each. Once they finish eating, Scott and Daniel run back to the living room to play video games. Michael, my little helper, works with me to do the dishes. We wrap up the leftovers for Mom and Dad, then head back to my room to watch more cartoons.

Mom and Dad eventually make their way home. They ask how the kids are, and I answer that they're fine. My parents thank me for the meal, and heat it up so they can eat. Then they ask about my plans for the evening.

"Well, there's this party I'd really like to go to tonight." I say hesitantly.

"Will there be drinking? Drugs?" Dad asks sternly, his eyes on me.

"Of course not, Dad." I lie. Well, I'm lying about the drinking. I don't think there will be drugs.

"Who is hosting? Will their parents be around?" Mom asks.

"Just a friend from school." I lie again, not divulging that it's actually a frat party. "And, yeah, there will be parents."

"You can go." Dad nods.

"Thank you, Dad." I say with a smile.

"I trust you won't engage in any behavior that would make us disappointed in you." he just has to add.

"Of course not, Dad." I promise.

"Good girl." Mom smiles.

"Remember your curfew." Dad adds.

"I will." I nod.

I have very religious parents. They believe that sex is something only shared between a husband and wife. If they ever find out I'm not a virgin, they'll disown me. And no, I don't think I'm exaggerating at all. I have to be very careful. The freedom I enjoy now is only the result of constantly not disappointing them.

I go to my bedroom to get ready for the party. I put on a matching bra and pantie set, then slip on a cute pair of tiny jean shorts. Finally, I add a v-neck top and step into a pair of flip flops. Slinging my purse over my shoulder, I head out the door.

The party is already in full swing when I arrive. I park my car and walk by various people on the front lawn as I make my way to the door. I'm quickly shown in and offered a cup of alcohol, which I accept. I'm driving tonight, so I can't have more than this one. I take my time and enjoy it.

Suddenly, I notice a lot of loud cheering coming from another room. The fact that I can hear it over the loud music is a testament to its volume. I make my way over and see that the crowd is watching a very, very drunk girl give head right in the middle of the room! The guy she's servicing has his arms over the couch, and a very smug look on his face.

"Yeah, suck that dick!" a female voice calls out.

I frown when I realize that I recognize that voice. Looking around to find the source, my eyes eventually land on a stunning blonde with big tits. The girl is obviously drunk, and holding a red cup full of alcohol. She's standing next to a very tall man who seems out of place here. It's a frat party, and he's in his late-twenties, at least. I make my way over to them.

"Brittney, hi!" I shout over the music and cheering.

"Hazel? Hey!" Brittney responds. "Nice to see you here! This is Peter. Peter, this is Hazel."

"Hi, Peter!" I call out.

"Nice to meet you, Hazel." Peter says politely. "That's a very interesting name."

"Yeah, it was my great grandmother's!" I reply.

"Wild party, isn't it?" Brittney asks happily as she drunkenly gestures around the room with her cup. The movement causes some alcohol to swish out of the cup and splash onto her arm. She ignores it and continues to sway.

"Yeah, definitely!" I agree.

"Hey, is Kayla here?" Brittney wonders.

"Nah, she's spending Friday night with Lexi and her father." I answer.

"Too bad!" Brittney calls out. "I miss her coming to parties with me."

"Kayla another Senior?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, we actually just went to her eighteenth birthday party a couple months ago!" I tell him.

"Very nice. Are you eighteen as well?" he inquires.

"Yes!" I nod.

"Are you excited to graduate high school?" Peter wonders.

"I am! It'll be nice to go to college!" I smile.

"College can be really expensive." Peter sighs.

"I know." I pout. "I'll take out loans though, it'll be okay."

"Well, good luck!" he raises his cup to me.

"I don't think I'm going to college!" Brittney interjects with a drunken hiccup.

"With your looks, you can get a job anywhere." Peter says smoothly. He then wraps an arm around Brittney's waist.

We continue chatting and watching the show. It isn't long before the guy cums in the drunk girl's mouth. She actually stands up and opens her mouth, her arms in the air as she cheers with everyone else. Crazy.

Peter seems like a nice enough guy. He makes a lot of comments about how expensive life can get after high school. Sadly, I have to agree. We can't all have a rich Daddy. Anyway, it isn't long before Peter starts flirting with me, too.

"I love that long hair!" he says.

"Oh, thanks!" I smile as I run my ponytail through my hand. I love how long it is, too. It falls over halfway down my back.

"Hey, don't forget about me, Mister!" Brittney giggles as she places her fingers at Peter's chin. She turns his head and leans up to kiss him.

"I could never." Peter replies before pressing his lips against Brittney's.

I giggle and watch them kiss for a couple minutes. Peter is bold. He actually brings a hand up to cup Brittney's breast from outside her scoop-necked top. Brittney just moans into his mouth and intensifies the kiss.

"Would you like a kiss, Hazel?" he asks when he comes up for air.

"Maybe I would!" I giggle as I polish off the rest of my drink.

"Well, c'mere!" Peter laughs.

"Kiss! kiss!" Brittney claps.

I walk up to Peter, and he enfolds me in a hug as our lips meet. He doesn't paw at my breasts, but I do soon feel one of his hands cupping my tight ass. I just wiggle my bum against his hand as our tongues wrestle. After a couple minutes, the kiss breaks.

"What do you think?" he asks.

"Hm," I mutter as I tap my chin with my pointer finger, "not bad!"

"Ouch, that's all I get?" Peter asks, looking offended.

"Maybe I'm used to some amazing kissers!" I laugh.

"Guess I'll have to step up my game!" Peter chuckles.

Peter soon asks Brittney and I to dance. We happily accept. The three of us hold hands and sway to the loud music. I'm having a great time. My long, brown ponytail is flailing in the air as I shake my tight, young body. I'm hot, and I know it! I'm single, and I love it!

"Oops!" Brittney gasps out as she trips and nearly falls.

"I got ya!" Peter calls out as she lands in his arms.

"My hero!" Brittney giggles as she once again kisses the older man.

"Hey, do you wanna find someplace more private to relax?" Peter asks when the kiss breaks.

"Sure!" Brittney hiccups.

"Great!" Peter exclaims. "Wanna join us, Hazel?"

"Oh, I don't know." I laugh. "I'm not nearly drunk enough!"

"Then, let's get this girl another drink!" Brittney laughs.

"I'm driving tonight, I can't." I sigh.

"Well, you can still join us! C'mon! It'll be fun!" Brittney insists.

"It is a party, Hazel." Peter reasons.

"Oh, why not?" I giggle. "Let's party!"

Peter grabs us each by the hand and leads us upstairs. The first room we try to go in already has a couple inside. I blush and giggle when I get an eyeful of the girl's big tits bouncing as she's taken from behind. Eventually, we find an unoccupied single with a large bed in the center.

"Why don't you girls put on a little show to get me in the mood?" Peter suggest.

"Okay! Let's go, Hazel!" Brittney giggles happily as she kicks off her sandals and jumps up on the bed, on her knees.

"Um, sure, okay." I say.

I climb up on the bed, and soon Brittney and I are kissing. We moan into each others mouths as our hands explore. This is my first kiss with a girl who isn't a Slut-sister. I've always been bi-curious, and now I fully identify as bisexual, so I'm very happy with the current turn of events. I slide a hand into Brittney's top and bra, my fingers wrapping around naked tit-flesh as Brittney grabs my ass.

"Let's see some skin!" Peter encourages loudly.

Giving Peter a quick glance, I see that he's taken his shirt and shoes off. His bare chest is on display. I like! Turning back to Brittney, I grasp her shirt at the hem and start lifting it. The sexy blonde raises her arms above her head so that I can remove her shirt. My shirt soon follows.

"Lose the bras, too!" Peter's voice calls out.

Brittney and I kiss as we reach behind each others backs. Soon, both bras are unhooked. As one, we turn to face Peter. We both smile coyly as we shrug our shoulders forward, letting our bras fall off our chests. I giggle and blush when my little titties come into view. Yeah, they aren't nearly as big as Brittney's, but I know I still have a great pair.

"Very nice, ladies!" he compliments as he rubs his bulge. "Now, play with each others boobs!"

"C'mere, Hazel." Brittney coos.

Our lips meet once again. I moan into Brittney's mouth as her hands find my breasts. I can feel her roll my nipple between her fingers. At the same time, I reach out and squish her massive mammary glands together, creating a beautiful cleavage.

"Kiss her tits, Hazel!" Peter orders. Damn, this guy loves to direct!

I break my lip lock with Brittney in order to comply. Leaning forward, I plant kisses all over Brittney's beautiful cleavage. Then I slurp a nipple into my mouth and start sucking on it. That's when I feel her hands reach out to undo the button of my jean shorts.

"That's it, get her shorts off." he says in a carrying whisper.

Laying back on the bed, I let Brittney slide my shorts down my legs and off my body. I'm wearing nothing but a pair of panties. Giggling, I watch as Brittney takes off her pants, so we're similarly clad. Though, Brittney is wearing sexy black underwear.

We don't need to be told what to do from here. Brittney reaches out and grasps my panties by the waistband. I lift my bum to help her slide the underwear off of me. Then I spread my legs so that she can see my most intimate place.

"Turn around, Hazel. Lay at the top of the bed." Peter instructs. I realize my pussy is facing away form him currently, so he can't see me.

I happily comply, showing both Brittney and this strange man my slit. I smile and run two fingers between my labia to spread myself open. My pink interior is now fully visible to two people I barely know. I'm in heaven!

"Very nice, Hazel." he purrs. "Brittney, eat her out for me."

"Yes!" I beg. "Please, eat me!"

Brittney kneels between my spread legs, her face inches from my box as she inhales my feminine scent. Moments later, I feel a tongue at my pussy. Fuck, this feels so good. I grab my own boobs as I arch my back and moan.

"Just like that, yes!" Peter encourages.

I open my eyes and glance over at Peter. He's naked now, and stroking a very impressive dick. Peter isn't quite as big as Steven's, but he still has one of the nicest cocks I've ever seen. I'm going to enjoy playing with it. For now, though, I'm playing with Brittney.

Reaching down with both hands, I bury one hand in Brittney's blonde locks, while my other hand grabs a hanging tit. I lightly slap her boob as Brittney adds her fingers to the mix, finger-fucking me while sucking on my clit.

"Feels so good!" I groan. "Make me cum, Brittney!"

"Yes, make her cum!" Peter agrees.

Brittney definitely has experience eating pussy. She's not as good as Lexi, but still has me on the verge of orgasm after only a couple minutes. Both my hands are on Brittney's head now, holding her down as I buck my hips against her face.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" I announce to the room as my pussy clamps down on Brittney's fingers.

"Let's see how you are at sucking dick." Peter's voice says as I return to earth.

Looking over, I see a hard dick waving in my face. Sure, why not? I shrug my shoulders and reach up to grasp the rigid pole. I give it several strokes before directing it toward my open mouth. Soon, I'm sucking away happily, my cheeks caving in as I give head.

"Oh, good girl!" Peter exclaims.

"Mm, mm, mm!" I moan happily around his shaft as my hand cups his balls.

While I suck dick, Brittney continues to eat me out and finger me. Fuck, this feels amazing. It isn't long before I open my mouth and scream around the shaft between my lips as a second orgasm shoots through my teen body.

"I love this ponytail." he comments as he wraps my ponytail around his hand and pushes my head down on him.

I gag and drool, my tongue lashing the underside of his shaft. I massage his balls with one hand, rolling his testicles between my fingers. My other hand is resting on Brittney's blonde head, encouraging her to continue licking my pink cunt.

"Can you deepthroat?" Peter asks.

"Mm!" I moan as I shake my head.

"Too bad." he sighs. "Still, you give great head."

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