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Black Daddy at the Y Pt. 07

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Trans cheerleader loves Black hunk.
5k words

Part 8 of the 17 part series

Updated 12/05/2023
Created 11/18/2021
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Robert walked home after saying good night to Jamie. It had been a while since he had gotten out and seen the city. He'd only known Jamie for two days, but it felt good just to be with the boy.

He got a kick out of seeing the gay neighborhood. Robert had no idea that gays were getting so out, as they called it.

Sex with Jamie was terrific too. Yesterday Jamie had given him a mind-blowing BJ. Tonight, the two had shared a fuck that made the Earth move. Once they started on their role play it took him over.

He loved dominating the white boy. Being the boss, or the daddy as Jamie called it. And Jamie obviously loved being the submissive. Robert thought of Jamie with his shirt off, peach-colored skin, his eyes half closed as he petted and stroked Robert's chest and arms.

Robert's cock was getting hard as it swung against his pants. An image flashed of Jamie kneeling on the bed with his creamy butt arched, and Robert's massive black cock, three inches across, stuffed in the boy's tight anus. The kid was grunting as Robert plowed in and out.

Shit, thought Robert. That was one of his best fucks ever. I better stop thinking about Jamie. I must stay focused on my career. That was the only reason he was in DC. To take a tech course that could take him to the next level.

It looked like it would happen too. Robert knew he was the top student in the class. He was surprised when the teacher took him aside and said he wanted Robert to move to DC and help him teach the course.

It sounded like a dream come true. He could live in his own place in Washington, teach, and meet others that were moving up in the Navy hierarchy. Get away from living on a ship, bossing around recruits, and sucking up to the captain.

Moving to DC would give him the chance to explore the city's gay world. It was big and growing. He was in that restaurant for an hour and there must have been ten guys he'd love to fuck.

These last few days with Jamie had helped Robert understand he had a powerful desire for fit, young white guys. Robert grew up in Washington. He knew the city was fast becoming a place where white men and black men interacted. Some were gay, some were curious.

He decided to stop for a beer. He passed a bar that looked like it would welcome a brother. It had a mixed clientele. He looked in and the TV was showing a college football game. This looks good.

Robert sat at the bar and ordered a draft. The room seemed like a neighborhood joint. Definitely straight. There were some brothers joking about the game, a guy eating his dinner and in the corner a man who looked like a lobbyist jawing with a prospect, probably a Congressional staffer.

An interception grabbed Robert's attention. The fans were yelling. A player had been hurt. The sportscasters were jabbering, and the camera panned over the coach and players on the sidelines.

The college cheerleaders used the break to show off their gymnastics. Robert had traveled the world and no place on Earth could match America's wholesome college cheerleaders, bobbing breasts in loose sweaters and short skirts flying up to show off their panties.

There was one guy cheerleader who kept busy catching the girls as they came down from a twirl or jump. He wore a matching sweater and long pants with the college colors. Good looking white guy. A big smile and thick dirty blonde hair that bounced as he moved. His butt looked firm and round in the stretch pants.

Robert assumed the boy must be a fag. They were like dancers. Most of them were gay, weren't they? The girls were all over him as the cheer team struck a pose or sat in his lap. Ooops, not supposed to say fag, thought Robert.

The game broke for a commercial and Robert gave the kid a silent toast. Good luck buddy.

A memory came over him. It was about 1968, he remembered, and a white guy cheerleader he met. It must have been 10 years ago, back when Robert played college ball. His school wasn't anywhere near the level of these teams. But Robert got a scholarship good for two years and it kept him out of Viet Nam.

The school was a small one in Maryland, about an hour from DC, and it played in a division with similar schools in the Mid-Atlantic region. His parents insisted he take the scholarship. That way they had a little more so they could help him pay for his final two years at another school.

Only a few of the players ever went to the pros, and that was to some industrial team, not the NFL. Robert had played in high school. He was a good tight end, back-up linebacker and occasional special teams' player.

Robert recalled how he met the cheerleader. It was a road game. They were in the Virginia mountains. It was November in the 1960s and the autumn leaves were beautiful. He drove down on Saturday, the morning of the game.

He first saw the cheerleader on the sidelines during the game. This was small stadium so both teams were next to each other on the sidelines. The host college's cheer team included about a half-dozen white girls and one guy, who caught the girls and provided strength where necessary for the routines.

Robert could not help but watch the guy. He was prettier than the girls. He was athletic too; he took it seriously.

Out of nowhere the guy looked right at Robert. Their eyes locked and Robert couldn't take his eyes away from the boy. Robert's squad was called to the field, and they broke contact.

Robert kept looking for the boy as the afternoon wore on. He thought he wasn't obvious, but it happened again. He was looking towards the other team and, boom, the pretty kid was there, looking right into his eyes.

'Why am I staring at this guy?' Robert wondered. He's a cheerleader, a guy cheerleader. Some guys look like girls, some girls look like guys, it just happens sometimes.

After the game Robert joined some teammates at a local restaurant for an early dinner.

Robert was scanning the room when who should he see. The guy cheerleader was sitting at another table with two of the girls. His teammates checked out the girls while Robert secretly looked at the boy. Their eyes met once again.

Robert went to the bathroom. He was washing his hands when the boy came in. They stopped when they saw each other.

The boy softly said, "Hi. I wanted to meet you." He was even prettier up close. His white skin was flawless, dark eyebrows setting off blue eyes, full lips, and a lock of blonde hair fell across his forehead. The youth was thin and small yet built like a agile dancer.

Robert was tongue-tied. He felt huge and clumsy compared with the boy's lithe frame. And his dark black skin stood in sharp contrast to the white cheer boy.

The boy said, "Meet me at the corner of Grand and First. Take a left out the door and go four blocks."

Someone came in the bathroom and Robert and the boy pretended to go about their business.

Robert told his teammates he had to check something on his car, then left the restaurant and followed the boy's directions to their meeting spot.

It was an overcast autumn day. Robert didn't see anyone at the intersection. He felt self-conscious but waited a few minutes.

Robert was not a gay virgin. After high school graduation he had gone to bed with an effeminate 18-year-old guy he knew from school and church. The boy was giving and patient, happy to please Robert and enjoying it when Robert experimented. They masturbated together, gave each other blow jobs, and Robert fucked the kid.

Robert knew the sex was better than any he had had with his teenage girlfriends. He wanted more. But then he left for his small-town college and man-to-man sex opportunities dried up.

Robert was jolted from this memory when he heard something from the dark bushes nearby. "I'm over here." Robert saw nothing, took a step toward the voice, and a shape started to appear. It was the beautiful boy. Robert walked towards him.

"I'm glad you came. I wanted to apologize for staring at you," the boy said shyly. His eyes shone, reflecting the dim light. "You are very striking. I couldn't help it."

Robert could see the boy was unsure, a little afraid. Robert could understand that. He was a large muscular black man, about six foot two, two hundred pounds, and he towered over the cheerleader, a white guy who looked to be five foot six and 150 pounds soaking wet.

Still, the kid had the courage to set up this meeting. And he had the strength and athleticism to do the cheers and catch the girls as they twirled to the ground.

"I have to apologize too. I hope I didn't bother you," said Robert. "You're striking too. Please don't be offended but you're very attractive. "

"Some people say that I look different for a guy," said the boy in a breathless voice. "My name is Terry."

Robert introduced himself. He looks like a girl, and he has a name used by men and women, thought Robert. There is something mysterious about this whole situation.

"Robert, I'm glad you came to visit us. We tend to be in our own world out here in the mountains. Where are you from?" Terry asked.

Robert shared some of his background, then asked Terry where he was from.

"I've lived most of my life here," said Terry. "I look so different so I'm hesitant about going away."

Robert took a step closer. He reached out and held the boy's hand. "Your difference is what makes you beautiful. There are people in the big city that would accept you as you are."

The boy held Robert's hand and moved so they were only a few inches apart.

"Thank you, Robert, that's genuinely nice. I'm glad I met you." He reached up and touched the black man's face, his small white hand against the ebony skin.

Robert could not stop himself. He gripped the boy gently, bent down, and kissed his lips. Terry responded with an open mouth, kissing back, and licking Robert's thick lips.

They kissed for a few minutes. Robert's dark body blended into the gathering shadows while Terry's luminous skin caught the fading light. Someone watching might think the boyish creature was reaching out and kissing the falling night.

Terry broke the kiss and said, "Robert, I've never kissed a black man before. It feels wonderful. Have you kissed a white guy?"

"No. This is new to me."

"Do you like it?"

Robert picked the boy up by his waist and kissed him, using action instead of words to express that he loved what they were doing. He put the boy down.

"Wow. Robert. You're making me dizzy," said Terry. "I feel like one of the girls in our cheer routines."

Robert laughed. "I hope I wasn't too rough. I got carried away."

Terry grinned, shook his head no, and his eyes sparkled. He had been thrilled.

Robert looked the boy in the eyes, waited a beat, then leaned down and picked him up in his arms, one under his knees, the other gripping his shoulders. The kid felt as light as the women Robert had been with.

Their faces were intimately close. Terry gently kissed Robert's lips and his eyes. "Where did you come from?" he said. "You're like something out of a dream."

"That's what I've been thinking about you," said Robert.

Robert was turned on. He didn't care that the kid was a boy. He was beautiful, magical, and mysterious.

Terry told Robert he lived in a house with two girls, but he was on the second floor with a separate entrance. His place was above a converted garage, so it offered some privacy.

"It's only a few blocks away but I can't be seen bringing a man to my place," said Terry. "Would you like to come over?"

Robert answered with a kiss. "First, I have to go back to the restaurant and say goodbye to my teammates. Show me the way to your place, and I'll be there in about 15 minutes."

Terry led the way, careful to walk on the dark side of the street. He spoke in his quiet breathless voice, a sound so intimate it seemed as if it was just the two of them in the small town.

"That's my place. Just walk up the steps but please be quiet," said the boy.

Robert agreed and walked back to the restaurant. He went over to his friends at the table, trying to look crestfallen. "Guys, I just remembered I have to finish a paper and get it in by Tuesday. I'm going to head out now so I can work on it all day tomorrow."

His friends commiserated, and Robert left, getting in his car, and making the short trip to Terry's place. He parked about two blocks away. Robert tried to be as inconspicuous as a large black man could be in the rural town. He stopped half a block from Terry's stairway and doublechecked if anyone was around. Seeing no one he walked up the steps quickly and quietly.

Terry was waiting at the door, opening it before Robert could even knock. Then he held a finger to his lips to ensure Robert said nothing. He closed the door, took Robert by the hand, and pulled him into the living room area.

Terry had already pulled down the blinds and the only light was a small desk lamp. The room was in shadows.

"Sit down," whispered Terry. Robert sat on the couch.

"I'm sorry to be so secretive but I have to be careful. People gossip, especially about a strange creature like me," said Terry.

Robert didn't say it, but he was thinking Terry was strange. Yes, he was beautiful and beguiling, but Robert wondered what he had gotten himself into. He didn't care, he wanted the boy.

"Come here," said Robert, pulling Terry into his arms. The temperature rose as the boy straddled the stud and kissed him. Hands started to explore each other.

They began to remove their clothes, article by article. First their shirts were gone. Terry's skin was like silk as Robert held him and licked his nipples. It was different from a woman's breasts, but the nipples got hard, and the boy sighed with joy as Robert kissed them tenderly.

Terry loved to stroke Robert's huge chest and arms. He rubbed his face on the black man's muscles, then whispered in his ear, "I love your body. You hold me good."

Robert was careful to be gentle. The boy was so small it was like holding a woman, but Terry had a man's musculature under his skin. Robert was learning what worked as he kissed the boy's neck and ears.

Robert's erection grew as Terry wiggled in his lap. The boy's weight put just the right amount of pressure on Robert's cock.

"Hey mister, it's time to take off your pants. I can feel you poking me," Terry giggled.

"OK, you take them off," said Robert. He stood and faced the angelic white boy who looked up at Robert.

"I'd love to," said Terry. He reached up, unclasped Robert's belt, and pulled it out of the jeans. Terry started to open the pants' single button, then stopped for a moment to stare at the erection tenting the jeans. He stroked its outline with one hand, but it was so huge he placed both hands over the cock straining the jeans and squeezed the phallus.

Terry opened the button, lowered the zipper, and reached into the pants. The big dick couldn't fit out the small opening.

"Let me help," said Robert. He tugged down his jeans and jockey's, slowly revealing the shaft of his jet-black cock. Terry's mouth fell open as he stared while more was revealed. The boy licked his lips, waiting. He reached out and tried to help Robert.

Robert decided to end his tease. He pushed the jeans lower, and his cock jumped out, bobbing in the air, not yet fully erect. The head was a deep plum color atop the eight-inch black shaft. Robert grabbed his balls, shook them free, and the cock bounced again. The scent of a fat dick wafted into the room.

Terry tentatively reached out to touch. He was mesmerized by its beauty and size, its ebony skin, the pumping veins. He felt it, moving one finger from its head down the shaft. He circled the head with the finger, knowing how sensitive it was.

"Oh Robert. Your cock is incredible," Terry said in his breathless voice. He was staring at the cock, oblivious to his surroundings. "I have to... " He didn't finish the sentence. He moved his face closer and went cross eyed as he stared at the meat. He closed his eyes and kissed the head, pressing his mouth into the flesh, and making a wet slurp sound.

Robert watched the delicate blonde-haired white boy kissing his heavy ebony erection. The pleasure was incredible. The color contrast made the moment even hotter.

Pretty Terry kept kissing. He started with the head. Kissing it with his wet mouth, adding a lick or two, then moving down to kiss the neck and shaft. The sound of Terry's wet mouth was horny as hell. He licked the frenum under the penis head and the hole.

The cock was getting harder. It started to curve upward and reach for the sky.

Robert spread his legs and let the boy work, enjoying the feeling of Terry's touch.

Terry got on his knees on the couch, so his head was level with the penis. He reached out and held the phallus in his right hand, then stroked it a couple times. "My hand doesn't even go around it Robert. Your cock is giant," he said.

"Do you like when I do this?" the boy asked as he moved his head sideways and rubbed the black shaft up and down against his pink cheeks and forehead. "It's so warm on my face."

The boy moved lower and took one of the balls in his mouth. He sucked it, then tugged it gently with his lips. His nose was in the hanging skin between shaft and sac. "Your cock smells so good."

Robert groaned in pleasure. "Fuck that's good," he said though gritted teeth.

Terry pulled his head back, opened his mouth, and took the fat head in his lips. His jaws were wide open. He closed his eyes and sighed "Ohhhh" with the joy of having a huge black cock in his mouth. He looked up at Robert, saw his eyes closed in bliss, and the adorable boy/girl moaned.

Terry could only swallow the head and about an inch of the shaft. He sucked on it and jacked the rest. His left hand took hold of the ball sac and used it to lightly direct the cock into his mouth.

Robert's pleasure was intense. It had been a few weeks since he had gone to bed with a girl he met in history class. He needed the release. Still, the big man was a sharing lover. He wanted to give his partner pleasure.

"Come here baby," he said softly. He sat down on the couch and pulled Terry back on to his lap. He realized the boy still had his pants on.

"Do you want to go to bed or stay here? I want to make you feel good," said Robert.

"No baby, I just want to do you," said Terry. "You relax and enjoy."

Robert wouldn't take no for an answer. "Tell me what you like. Let's start by getting these pants off."

Terry scooched away, raised his arms to push against the big man. "No, I'm OK like this. Please, Robert."

Robert stopped, then pulled the boy back in his lap. "OK, whatever you want. Don't be mad, I made a mistake," Robert said, smiling. "Let's try again."

Terry put his head on Robert's chest. Something was wrong, he had been so open and happy but he had turned quiet so quickly. Robert held him and petted his hair. "Is there anything I can say to make it better?"

The boy looked in Robert's eyes. He sighed and seemed to be looking inward, preparing himself for something.

Robert said, "You can tell me. We've just met but I'm a good guy."

Terry smiled. "It's not you. It's me. I said some people think I'm a little odd. Well, I am in some ways."

Robert was thinking this guy gets more mysterious every minute. He kept silent and let Terry tell it his own way.

"You might have heard about guys like me. I was born different," Terry said. "Some of my organs weren't developed like other guys. As I matured, I didn't grow the same as most boys.

"My doctor tells me I was born a woman in a man's body," Terry said, waiting for Robert's reaction.

Robert didn't say anything. "What do you think of your strange boy now?" asked Terry.

Robert was quiet. Suddenly he spoke.

"It's making more sense to me. Your mannerisms, the way you sound," said Robert. "I took a class on human sexuality. One part covered people that weren't exactly male or female. Or, to put it better, they did not fit the way society usually thought of men and women.


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