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Black Nympho Ch. 01

Story Info
A black man discovers and explores his nympho side.
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/22/2009
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Disclaimer: This story features sex between mature, consenting adults despite it occurring in a school environment. The subjects engaging in sexual intercourse are mature.

Chapter 1:

Benji stepped in the bathroom and found it, too his surprise, warm and steamy. Someone else was also showering this late. Naked, he walked over to the sink and drank a quick sip of water. He took a good look at his reflection and smiled at his good, pretty boy looks that always made him look a lot younger than he was, even though he was half way towards being nineteen. He knew he was hot. His body, a nice amber complexion, was toned to perfection, having spent much time being a top athlete in hockey, squash, swimming and athletics did nothing little to make his body as Herculean as possible. What made most people notice him however was the green eyes he had, despite being black.

After having had enough of his daily narcissist self-indulgence, he made his way towards the showers. Stepping in the showers he found the other late-night showerer to be Bruce McDunnet, a good friend of his. He too had a body to die for, but his was built more for size than tone, as Bruce played the demanding position of flank in rugby where size often counted a lot. He had big, beefy arms and pecks Arnold Schwarzenegger would envy for his age.

"Hey man, wassup?" Benji casually greeted his friend.

"Not bad hey. Just showering up and going to bed soon," replied Bruce, while absent-mindedly massaging his dick and washing his crack simultaneously. Of course this was something Benji did not fail to notice. Bruce's dick was huge, it was hard not to notice it. He realised that he would probably want to jerk off before he went to bed later on.

"You've been in here for a while," Benji enquired, referring to the level of steam that had collected in the poorly ventilated room.

"Not really... why?"

"I check there's a bit of steam in, that's all." Benji said, feeling slightly aware that he was almost flirting.

"Oh... yeah, there were a couple of other guys in just before you came. Sisqo and Zak." Bruce said.

Benji's mind immediately manifested the naughty images of the three hot boys showering together. Again he was reminded of the silent desperation he felt due to his craving for man flesh despite the colloquial appropriateness hindering him from being able to fulfil this desire. He was, after all, in a boys school that expressed the repressed conformity of conservatism, tradition and hyper-masculinity. Benji liked girls, but he also, equally, liked boys.

"So how come you're showering this late?" Bruce asked Benji, snapping him out of his daze.

"Oh I was on prefect duty tonight."

"Shit yeah, it's your turn isn't it. That means mine is tomorrow. Fuck!" Bruce said, making obvious his hatred for responsibility. Sometimes, Benji found that sexy about him.

"Yeah it's shit sometimes. I got fucked today. I was on duty in the hostel and on school grounds," Benji said.

"Oh damn. That's unlucky. But you know really, there isn't much that needs to be done on school grounds, I mean I don't do my duty there much anymore. I just make sure the kids leave the quad and that's it, I am off to break." Bruce shared.

"Really? I do the full deal. I walk around and check the spots." Benji told Bruce of his keenness for prefect duty.

"Hell no! Nah man, that's you alone hey."

"Not really, I do it with Leo usually. Sometimes Leo or Jace."

"Fuck. Well me and Micheal don't do that anymore. Don't tell me you still get the teacher and shit?" Bruce asked.

"Definitely not," laughed Benji.

"Good man, good. I was worried there for a sec," Bruce sounded relieved and amused. Benji paid close attention as Bruce touched his dick again without seeming to notice.

Benji decided to tell Bruce about his day. "Hey you know what was really interesting today? Me and Leo went around behind the science block trying to find smokers and I could have sworn I saw two kids kissing."

"What? Like two boys?" Bruce asked, seeming shocked.

"Yeah man, two boys. We are in Boys school after all, right?"

"Fuck. Are you sure?"

"Yeah well, not really. But it did look suspicious. I mean I they were pretty close and when they heard us, they quickly separated and ran off. It looked like your standard issue secret kissing, except that they were boys."

"Shit. Fucking hell. Well that is some shit. Did you see who it was?" Bruce asked.

"No we didn't... I was pretty surprised though."

"Yeah fucking no wonder, hey."

"Hmm." Benji agreed wordlessly.

He was thinking about the scene of the crime. The quiet location, the scared scramble the two suspects had made, it looked a lot like what it was. So... he wasn't the only boy in the school who liked boys. Good. But no surprise really, this was a large boys school and they had to be at least some gay or bi boys, other than himself. And sometimes urges got the better of you. Of course Benji knew better than to carry out his urges in places where someone might easily walk onto your sordid behaviour. Or at least he had never done so before. But he did wonder what it would have been like doing it in a public place like that. In fact he more than wondered, he fantasized it. He began to feel horny again. Without thinking about it really, he changed the subject.

"It's quite steamy in here, huh? You and the other guys heated it up pretty well." He said, realising that it sounded exactly like he was flirting.

Bruce didn't seem to notice. "Well you know Sisco, he loves to shower. Don't think there is any hot water where he comes from."

He laughed. Benji did too- a little too much even, trying to cover the slightly uncomfortable moment he just had. He felt suddenly very annoyed with his stupidity that resulted in him nearly blurting out his sexual desires. Not very shy, Benji was, but never when he knew there was too much to lose. The last thing he needed was the whole school thinking he was queer.

Bruce had left Benji alone soon. Taking his time, Benji finished showering. Stepping outside, he dried himself. He spent an unusually long time touching his asshole with the towel, his favourite place to pleasure himself. With his towel wrapped around him, he walked back to his room. Much to his surprise, he found Bruce standing by the door, wearing only boxers that did nothing to hide the size of his dick.

"Bruce, what's up man?" Benji asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Bruce said, sounding a little ominous.

"Um... okay. What's up?"

"Let's go inside."

It was a command really, said in a tone different from what he sounded like in the showers. Bruce sounded more authoritarian, more threatening. As if he were speaking to one of the juniors and not his friend and fellow prefect. Benji felt a little intimidated and wondered what this was all about. He unlocked his door and they both walked in.

"Sorry about the mess," he said as he switched the lights on.

"That's cool." Bruce laughed.

"What is it you want to talk to me about?" Benji said, dropping his towel, standing naked. He didn't mean to be such an obvious come on, but he was feeling pretty horny and he couldn't miss this opportunity to engage in a bit of deeply subconscious flirting. Besides, it's not anything Bruce hadn't seen, they had just showered together.

Bruce chuckled lightly just as Benji was putting his boxers on. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Benji frowned and asked him what he meant.

"I wouldn't put my clothes on if I was you right now. Or you are at least going to find out why," he said.

"What are you talking about?" Benji felt confused as he continued to dress.

"Oh you don't know? Tell me something... And be honest. Do you not find me attractive?"

Benji froze still. He couldn't believe his ears, "What?" he asked in confusion,

"Do you not find me attractive?" Bruce repeated, more assertive than ever.

Once again Benji paused before he spoke. "What are you talking about dude? Are you alright?"

"Oh I am good man."

"You're acting weird. What the fuck kind of question is that?"

"It's a simple question actually. Do you find me attractive? Yes or no."

Again hesitation from Benji and when he spoke, his voice was weak and shaky. He was tense and he could feel blood rush up to his face. "What? What do you mean attractive? Do I think you are an attractive guy? You are. But I don't have to tell you that, half the girls in Girls High think so, why do you ask?"

"No Benji. I think you think me attractive and want to have to sex with me."

"What? Where the hell did you get that idea?" Benji nearly shouted, suddenly feeling not so horny anymore. This was something scary, made worse by the uncertain sound of his voice. "Why the fuck would you think that?"

Bruce smiled. "I've known for some time you like boys."

"You do? I mean, I don't but... how, why?" Benji stumbled over his words like he was drunk.

"Well you came onto me in the shower just now. That's a sign."

"Fuck off! You're fucking weird now. I did not come onto you, what the fuck?" Benji did his best to hide his secret.

"Maybe a little weird, but I am not leaving till you admit it. I haven't played my best card yet even. I bet your struggling to keep your dick soft."

Now Benji felt angry," Man you better getter get the fuck out. You can't be fucking serious."

"I am very serious Benji," Bruce said, taking a step closer towards him. "Does the name of Patrick Dahomey mean anything to you?"

Benji felt that if he wasn't black his face would have turned gray right now. How did Bruce know about Patrick?

"Yeah I know him. He's an old friend. We went to elementary together and he lived in my town. Why?"

"Because I know you didn't just live and school with him, you fucked him." Bruce smiled devilishly," am I wrong?"

Benji frowned a little and didn't reply. How did he know about that? He and Patrick had been very careful. They never did anything if anyone else was awake in the house. And when they did fuck, they didn't get carried away. There was no way that Bruce could have found out about them... unless Patrick had broken the secret.

"Okay. How did you know about that? How do you know Patrick?" Benji enquired.

Bruce smiled again and made Benji's blood rush even faster. He was so damn sexy.

"I met Patrick when I was up at a party in Jozi. My brother goes to the Wits varsity as he does his brother and we got introduced. He was up visiting his brother. Small world, huh?"

"Yeah," Benji sighed, feeling like he had won the bad luck lottery. So Bruce knew his secret and was obviously here to blackmail him somehow.

"So you did fuck?"

"Yeah we did." Benji felt betrayed and suddenly very vulnerable, feelings that his friend Patrick had forced him to feel by breaking their unspoken code. Why had Patrick done this? He may have been at varsity where he could be openly homosexual, but Benji wasn't. Benji still had year left in school, a school where reputation mattered and masculinity and toughness was the order. What this meant was that for the next four months until school ended, Benji would be subject to a scandal and then probably some kind of stigma. If the whole school thought he was gay, he was ruined.

He walked back to his bed and sat down, putting his hand on his head he thought about the days about the come. They sure would be interesting.

"So what are you then?" Bruce asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Are you gay?"

Benji thought about that one. Was he gay? Not really. He had a girlfriend until six weeks ago and he really did he like her. The sex was great too, he thought. He loved fucking her. He couldn't really decide what he liked more. Fucking her pussy or getting his fucked by Patrick. To him it was a different role and mentality. One moment he was dominant and masculine with a girl and the next he was submissive and slutty with Patrick. Benji had come to terms for a while that he was a true bisexual and that he craved sex whenever he saw it in front of him, regardless of the gender.

"No I am bisexual," Benji replied.

"Really? So your into guys then too?" Bruce asked, a curious look on his face.

"Yeah," Benji admitted, and then he thought that since he rarely ever got to talk about it, why not share more," I am into both guys and girls. But when with a guy it's different. I care about getting it then giving it, so it's like a completely different thing."

"Getting it? You mean getting fucked?"

"Yeah. I am a bottom."

"Interesting." Bruce said, smiling again," that's quite a lot you've shared with me. But I must say you made a good job of hiding it. I would never have known until Patrick told me about you. And then still I had my doubts till I caught you flirting with me tonight."

Benji felt angry again at his bluntness and then realised he should have been a lot more subtle. But even still, as obvious as he was, once Patrick had sown the seed in Bruce's mind, it was only a matter of time before Bruce realised it himself. Damn Patrick!

"Man I feel really embarrassed now. Can you keep it a secret?"

Bruce smiled again, "Why not. I won't tell anyone you don't want me to."

Benji felt overwhelmed with relief. He got up and walked over to Bruce and shook his hand.

"Thanks man, that's fucking me owing you a lot. A big one."

"Yeah don't worry about it, we can find ways you can pay me back," Bruce said. But Benji didn't catch the tone his friend had said that in. He was feeling too happy to notice the sly, mischievous smile Bruce had and the base he had in his voice when he said it.

"You let me know what I can do for you. I can't believe that asshole Patrick told you that shit. It's unbelievable, what was he thinking?"

"Oh he wasn't thinking much. He was a little bit under duress at the time."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Bruce didn't say anything. Suddenly his stare, which had been fixed at Benji for so long up until then, dropped. Benji had a quick image in his head. Bruce on his hands and knees and Patrick fucking him from behind. Shit! Was Bruce gay? Patrick must have told him in a heated moment.

"Bruce what do you mean? Did you and Patrick do anything?"

Bruce didn't reply again.

"Did you let Patrick fuck you? Are you gay?"

"No. I am not"

"Admit it man. That's what you meant, didn't you?" Benji tried to rattle Bruce, trying to catch him down like a bloodhound," You let Patrick fuck your ass and your gay!"

He went too far. Something snapped in Bruce's head and Benji suddenly saw his friend anger's break. Without warning, Bruce lashed out and pushed Benji back and turned him around till his face was pressed against the wall.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Benji protested. He tried to wrestle free from Bruce but he couldn't. His rugby player friend was as strong as a python and didn't even struggle to press him against the wall. He had him pinned.

"Watch what you say man," Bruce warned.

Benji calmed down, "alright, I am sorry. I was just asking."

"Yeah? Well you nearly pissed me off. Now how are you going to make up for it?"

"What do you mean?" Benji asked. He suddenly felt very vulnerable. His face and body were pressed against the wall and he could barely move. His one arm was behind his back in Bruce's brutal grip. His ass was sticking out like a mole hill and he could feel Bruce's crotch pressed firmly behind it. Both boys were wearing only boxers.

"Come on Benji, you know I ain't gay. I know you aren't either, or so you say. But I sure as hell I am turned on by this," Bruce spoke softly, and with his one hand he squeezed Benji's ass.

"Shit," Benji said, the cold wall still pressed in his face," you didn't let Patrick fuck you. You fucked him. "

"That's right Benji, you got that straight. Now are you going to pay me back for keeping your secret?" said Bruce, as he brought his weight down on Benji and whispered in his ear.

Benji felt so turned on right then. He was completely at Bruce's mercy and really didn't have a choice in the matter. He was definitely the bottom in this position.

"What about me keeping your secret?"

"Hmm. Maybe we can make this a mutual agreement." Bruce's hand stroked Benji's ass, playing with the jelly. He put his hand under Benji's boxers and began to squeeze the soft flesh.

"Oh yeah, that feels good," Benji sighed. He didn't mind that he was in a very uncompromising position. In fact, he was turned on by this.

"I bet it does. " Bruce said, as he let go of the Benji' arm, not really having hurt him to hold him in place. Much to his surprise, Benji stayed put stuck to the wall, as if he were still pinned down. Bruce smiled as he realised he had just sexually dominated another person. He rewarded Benji by pressing his crotch, now no more than thin fabric over his massive hard on, further against Benji's ass till the head poked where the middle was. He kissed Benji's neck and played further with his ass, while the other hand stroked and caressed Benji's smoking hot body.

Benji moaned lightly as Bruce kissed his neck. His sking responded eagerly to Bruce's touch and tongue. Goosebumps sprung up on his flesh as he felt this hot stud all over him. His dick pressed against the wall and his skin feeling cooled as it touched the cold wall. Bruce grabbed both ass cheeks and squeezed like he was trying to draw juice from them and got a moan from Benji for his efforts. He pulled down Benji's boxers to his thighs and pressed his hard cock against the ass until it began to spread the cheeks apart. Benji was suddenly aware that his fellow prefect was less than inches away from his most private of places, and yet he could feel his body begging for that dick, hot and willing with desire for some fucking. He moaned as Bruce's dick pressed directly onto his hole, the fabric of his boxers touching the pucker and making it feel good. By gently moving his hips, Bruce controlled his dick around Benji's asshole and knew that the friction of the cloth was causing him intense arousal. Benji's moaning and bucking under Bruce's weight did nothing to dispel this theory, the guy was clearly in boy-pleasure heaven. He saw him writhing further and further, as if he just couldn't take the building pleasure as Bruce kissed his neck and passionately rubbed his ass without using his hands. But he could take it and wanted too, Bruce knew. Benji wasn't the first guy that he had pressed against the wall, ass sticking out. He could tell Benji was loving it by the way he scratched the wall and moaned and sighed with pleasure. He didn't want it to stop but he knew there had to be more in store. As if Bruce could read minds, Benji felt the dick leave his ass crack, which was puckering as if begging for more. Bruce dropped onto his knees and pressed his face into Benji's ass. Kissing each ass cheek and slapping and rubbing the buns, he warmed up Benji to the idea that he was about to get his salad tossed. Moaning and sighs continued to come from Benji as his willing ass welcomed Bruce's mouth. He nearly jumped when he felt Bruce's wet tongue touch his swollen boy pussy. That was something new to him. No one had ever eaten his ass before and he would have never have thought he needed it until now. Bruce's expert tongue was licking and punching that pussy like it was fighting to get in. That tongue was making Benji's ass wet and loose, sending shockwave after shockwave of intense pleasure.

"Shit, that feels good baby," Benji cooed as he felt his ass being eaten. He loved every bit of this new sensation. How in the hell has he never had his eaten before? There was no turning back now. "Make that ass it... oooh yeah that's it baby."

Benji was slapping the wall like as if he was possessed by demons, scratching it and damn near peeling the paint off. Bruce didn't let that stop him. He continued devouring ass like he'd never had it before. Waves and waves of his tongue circled and tickled the tiny pucker as it tensed and swelled in appreciation. He pulled his head back and took a good look at it. And it looked fucking good, wet and shiny. He took his middle finger and began to poke it gently, making Benji moan. Bruce applied pressure and forced that entire finger's length into Benji's ass, which swallowed it like it was a black hole. With his longest index in him, Bruce began to massage his friend's prostate, knowing very well how that caused intense pleasure in most men. Benji's wailing didn't tell no lies, he was loving that finger in his ass just as much as he loved Bruce's mouth and tongue.


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