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Black Sucks White (Teacher 5)

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MWM teacher fucked and enslaved by Blacks.
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White Sucks Black, Black Fucks White (The Teacher) Part 5

Married white male teacher fucked and enslaved by Blacks.

If stories about dominant black men turning straight white men and their families into cocksucking sex slaves offend you, then try reading some other story. If you are looking for loving relationships between men, try the gay romance section; this story isn't it. If you don't like bisexuality, father-son incest, lots of facial cum or the occasional golden shower, this is not the story for you. If degrading sex and over-the-top racial stereotypes offend you, stop reading now. All characters are over 18. This is all pure fantasy, none of this is real; do not attempt this at home. And of course, in real life, always practice safe sex (or better yet, maybe just jerk off to these stories and nobody gets hurt.). Note: All High School students are 18yr old seniors.

White Sucks Black, Black Fucks White (The Teacher) Part 5

The next morning I woke up with the sun in my eyes and realized I had set no alarm. Usually I have no trouble waking up early, but as I looked at the clock my heart jumped. I was already late to suck my son's cock! I jumped out of bed and ran naked down the hall like some little kid to my son's room. He was already awake and stroking his good-sized cock.

"You're late," he said. "Get sucking."

"Jeez, Mom's going to be home any moment."

"I said, get sucking."

I did as ordered, sucking my son's cock for all I was worth. My son lay back with his arms folded behind his head, with an unbelievably smug look on his face as he watched my mouth slide up and down on his big dick.

"Look up," he said. I did, just in time to look into the camera as he took video of his dick in his dad's mouth. "You really do look better with cock in your mouth, dad," he said, his voice dripping with contempt. "I have to send this to my brother."

Just then I heard the garage door open. My son got a picture of me that must have showed an absolute look of panic, not to mention his dick still in his mouth. I tried to pull up but my son held my head in place. "Not so fast," my son said.

As I heard the door to the garage open and my wife call out, I felt my mouth fill with a load of my son's cum. I couldn't believe my own dick was erect again.

"Now you can go, cocksucker," my son said.

Without a shred of dignity, I ran naked from his room and down the hall, getting into the master bedroom a fraction of a second before my wife turned the corner into the hall. Then I ducked into the master bath, just before she came in the room and called out, "Hi honey!" Only then did I realize I had a mouth full of my son's cum, which I gulped down, before answering.

"Are you in dispose?" she asked.

"No, just getting ready to shower." At which point my wife barged right into the bathroom catching me fully naked, and still hard."

"What's gotten in to you?" she said, looking right at my erection.

"Besides a bunch of black cocks and my own son's dick?" I thought, saying only, "Nothing."

Without another word, my wonderful, beautiful wife, still in her white Navy uniform, dropped to her knees and took my cock into her loving mouth. I felt so dirty and ashamed to think about how many cocks I had sucked, while she sucked mine. She was so incredibly good, deep throating me right to the balls. It wasn't long before I couldn't take any more. I moaned to give her warning in case she wanted to come off my cock, but she refused to budge. I shuddered as I flooded my lovely wife's mouth with a huge load of pent-up cum, which she dutifully swallowed. She then stood up and planted a wet French kiss on my mouth. I realized I was lucky that with the taste of my cum in her mouth she wouldn't taste our son's cum in mine.

"Can you taste your cum?" she said.

"Yes," I lied.

"Such a bad boy."

"Hey, anything for you babe?"

"You may eat those words," she said a little ominously. "Sorry for the rush job, but we're going to be late for church. I'm surprised you're not dressed already. Where's our son?"

"Probably still in his room."

"Well, go wake him." If she only knew I thought. "And put something on before you do," she said as she gave my dick a playful squeeze.

I threw on a robe and went down the hall to my son's room, as I heard the shower in the master bath turn on. I didn't see my son in his room. I went downstairs, but didn't see him anywhere, but then I noticed a light on through the powder room door at the front entrance. Without thinking I swung the door open and was startled to see some strange young Black man sitting on the toilet with his pants down, and my completely naked son kneeling in front of him sucking his typically huge black cock. My son didn't hesitate for a moment, but just kept sucking.

"You want some too?" the Black man said. "All you white boys do."

I whispered, "shh," and pointed upstairs to indicate people were in the house.

"Like I give a shit," he said. "I'll be happy to fuck your wife too. All you white boys love that."

I figured the best way not to attract my wife's attention, was to end the "conversation" and get back upstairs. When my wife came out of the shower, completely naked, I lied and told her our son wasn't feeling well and wouldn't be going to church. She had an obviously unhappy look on her face, but accepted it without further comment.

We both got dressed and headed downstairs just in time for the doorbell to ring. I could see the light in the powder room was on as I opened the door and greeted my wife's father and mother. I tried acting perfectly normal, knowing that I had seen my wife's father in a gay video simulating being "gang-raped" by Black sailors, although there was nothing simulated about the fucking.

I also hoped neither of them would need to use the powder room, since I was pretty sure my son was in there only a few feet away sucking a Black guy's cock. I figured my wife's father would have a seizure if he know his grandson was a sex-slave to Black men, and his son-in-law too, although it struck me that what could he possibly say after what he had been doing? I had no idea what my wife would think if she knew that just behind that door, her own son was being used as a cumdump by some random Black guy.

As we started to head out the door to church, my father-in-law said, "On second thought, I better use the little boy's room before we go. As they say, you never know when you will be in a survival situation."

"Uh, actually, that one's not working. It's stuck. Better use the hall upstairs."

"Since, when is it broken?" said my wife, as her father disappeared up the stairs.

"Let me see," as she assumed her "take-charge" officer personality and before I could react, swung the door open to find, nothing. She then flushed the handle, "Seems to be working now?"

Of course, now I tried to suppress panic. Where had my son and the Black guy gone? To go to the hall-bathroom, my father-in-law would have to go past my son's room, and god knows what might be going on in there, although I made the obvious assumption that the Black guy would be fucking my son in the ass. I thought I heard some voices upstairs, but couldn't make out what anyone was saying. After what seemed like a bit too long time, my father-in-law came down the steps, trying to act normal, but looking like he'd seen a ghost.

"Are you OK?" asked my mother-in-law, "You don't look well."

"No, I'm fine," he said, giving me a strange look. "Our grandson, won't be coming to church today."

"Oh, maybe I should look in on him?" said my wife, concerned.

"No, I think he would prefer to be left alone just now. He's pretty sick."

"Should I not go to church then?" asked my wife, realizing she hadn't looked in on him after I said he was sick.

"No, not that kind of sick. It looks like something he'll get over pretty quickly," answered her dad.

And with that, we were off to church, two cocksuckers and our wives. I was pretty sure my father-in-law had seen his grandson sucking or being fucked by a Black man, and I knew he was being fucked by Black men, but I wondered if he knew that his son-in-law was now a slave to Black men, and to his cocksucking grandson? Brunch was going to be pretty awkward.

When I got to church, I tried to avoid making eye-contact with other parishioners who'd seen me sucking cock under the football stands Friday night or at the car wash yesterday morning. Naturally we bumped right into one of the guys I'd sucked off, and our wives stood around chit-chatting, while I tried to pretend I hadn't had her husband's cock and cum in my mouth. And, then, my across-the-street neighbor, his wife and daughter walked up and joined in, as if everything was perfectly normal and all three of them hadn't been fucked by Black sailors from my wife's ship right on their front porch the day before. Peyton Place had nothing on this place I thought.

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, I got a text message. I thought about ignoring it, but decided I better not, in case it was Coach Jefferson. I glanced at it, and saw that it was. "Sorry, I have to take this," hoping that no one else could see that the text was accompanied by the usual portrait photo of me with black cock in my mouth and a huge load of cum on my face.

"What could be so urgent now?" asked my wife. "We're about to go into church."

"I think it's one of my students," I lied.

The text just said, "Go into the confessional during communion." That completely wrecked my concentration during the rest of the mass. I kept flashing back to the dream of me hanging naked on the cross, and it gave me an erection during the whole service, which I tried to hide.

As my wife and I were coming back from receiving communion, I made a signal like I had an upset stomach and had to go to the bathroom. My wife just nodded. Fortunately the confessional was in the back of the church, and was in the direction of the restroom. I tried to wait so that no was looking, but I was pretty sure a couple of little old ladies saw me test the door, and then step into the confessional. At that point, I had no idea what to do, so I knelt down and said the standard, "Bless me father for I have sinned."

"And how have you sinned?" came a voice through the screen.

I made up some minor transgressions.

"Is that all? You can't be forgiven unless you tell the whole truth."

I didn't really want to say that I'd been sucking and being fucked by other men, not to mention my son. But, then I remembered that anything said in the confessional was strictly confidential between the sinner and the priest, although I had absolutely no idea who was behind the screen.

"I have had sex with other men," I said, figuring that would be more than enough sin to confess.

"What kind of sex with men?" the voice asked. I wasn't expecting an inquisition. "Be truthful with me son."

"Fellatio and anal sex," I said.

"Have you penetrated other men or have they penetrated you."

God, I was going to admit to being a bottom to a priest. "They penetrated me," I said, thoroughly embarrassed.

"How many times?"

I made up a number, probably less than actual, but enough to be truly ashamed at telling that to a priest.

"Are you married?"

"Yes, father."

"Have you been fucked by Black men?"

I about fell off the kneeler, not expecting that from a priest.

"Yes, father."

"Well son, many white men have fallen for the temptation of black cock. But it's still a very serious sin for which you will need to do much penance. Do you understand?"

"Yes, father."

"Now, for your first act of penance, take off all your clothes."

What? "But father, there is no lock on the door."

"Are you contrite or not? The whole world saw Jesus naked on the cross. Is it too much to ask of you?"

I reluctantly did as the voice commanded, until I was completely naked. As I knelt back down, a huge, erect, dark black cock came through the opening in the screen. This I certainly didn't see coming. Actually I did see it coming, but I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Say, 'bless me father for I have sucked,'" said the voice.

"Bless me father for I have sucked."

"You know what to do."

So I took his huge cock in my mouth and started sucking. With a couple hundred fellow parishioners, including my wife, only a few feet away, I was sucking a Black man's cock. I tried not to make any gagging or choking sounds, as he said, "You must go all the way down, my son, or else you cannot rise and be forgiven."

I had a hell of a time getting that massive slab of black meat down my throat but some how I managed. I also started to get worried because I knew communion came near the end of the service, so mass would be ending soon. But the priest, if that's what he was, did not seem to be in any big hurry as I sucked up and down the length of his cock. Finally I heard him say, "I absolve you of your sins," as he pumped a huge load of cum in my mouth, which I dutifully swallowed. "Go with God," he finished.

I put my clothes back on and cracked the door to see if the coast was clear, immediately making eye contact with the little old ladies who had appeared to be closely studying the confessional while I was in it. But the service was ending, so I had little choice. I got back to the stairs to the restroom, just in time to turn around and pretend I was coming up them as the flood of people headed for the exits.

"Feeling better? " my wife said, when we met up at the back of the church, with her parents.

"Much," I said, although actually I still felt queasy from having that giant cock down my throat.

As we stood outside the church chatting with friends and neighbors, waiting for the usual grand prix from the parking lot to die down, I saw a huge Black man in priest's garb and remembered that a couple weeks ago a new priest from Nigeria had joined our parish. As he came up to chat, I realized that it was probably his cock I'd been sucking in the confessional. Because of the screen, I couldn't be certain. On the other hand he shouldn't have been able to tell it was me that had sucked his dick. But as we talked, I realized that he would be able to recognize my voice, despite talking in whispers.

"Look forward to seeing a lot more of you in church," the Black priest said to me with a look that made it obvious he knew his dick had been in my mouth.

"That was a strange look," said my wife after the priest moved away.

"He's from Nigeria," I offered.

"That must explain it. I thought he was putting the moves on you." We all laughed, but I could still taste his cum.

The after-church brunch felt awkward in the extreme, sitting with my wife and her parents at a pancake house, trying to act natural, wondering if either woman had a clue that both their husbands could be found on the internet sucking and being fucked by many Black men. I kept visualizing my father-in-law in that ship's engine room, being penetrated at both ends by ten or so black cocks, and the seeing his face covered in cum, ashamed at how hot that scene was.

At some point during the brunch, my father-in-law's cell phone beeped with a text. He took a quick glance and then acted nonchalant, but a few minutes later, excused himself, "to use the head." My hunch was that he'd been ordered to meet a Black guy in the restaurant rest room. I kind of had to use the facilities myself, and my curiosity about what my father-in-law was up to got the better of me. As I walked to the bathroom, a white guy came out looking a bit disheveled and said, "You don't want to go in there." Like a dumbass, I went in anyway.

There was a Black guy loitering, a white guy at the urinal, apparently nervously trying to take a piss and ignore what was happening in one of the stalls, where based on the legs and clothes on the floor, and the sound coming from the stall, a white man was bent over the toilet getting fucked in the ass by a Black guy.

Almost the instant I walked in, the Black loiterer pointed at me and then pointed at the empty second stall. Shit, he obviously expected to have me suck his cock or take it up my ass. As I obeyed the silent command, the white guy at the urinal zipped up and made his getaway with a look of gratitude on his face that he wasn't the one getting fucked.

Once I was inside the stall, I stripped naked as I knew was expected, listening to what I was certain was my father-in-law getting his butt pounded by a black cock in the next stall. The loiterer pulled down his pants, hauled out yet another big black dick, and sat on the john. I knelt before him and took his dick in my mouth without waiting to be asked. I tried to suck him off as fast as I could, because I knew our wives were waiting and wondering, "wtf?" and I was hoping to get out of there before the guy fucking my father-in-law was done, because otherwise my father-in-law would know as soon as he got back to the table, that I was in the next stall sucking black cock.

It looked like I was succeeding in my objective, when I had a frightening thought. What if the guy decided to shoot his cum on my face? How would I get out of this? Just then I heard somebody else come in to the bathroom to use the urinal, and some other more timid person came in and immediately turned around and went out. I hoped no one was reporting this activity to authorities.

Then I heard the sound of the guy in the next stall cumming in my father-in-law's ass. And sure enough, the guy I was sucking pulled out and shot a huge load of cum right between my eyes and all over my face. Fuck, now what was I going to do?

Then the stall door opened and a black voice said, "I believe you two know each other?"

"Yes, sir," came my father-in-law's voice. What must he have been thinking seeing his daughter's husband kneeling naked on the floor of a toilet stall with a face-full of cum. He couldn't help but notice that the dick that regularly fucked his daughter was erect, despite the intense degradation. I was actually grateful I couldn't see his reaction with my eyes glued shut by the cum.

"Eat the cum off this cocksucker's face," the voice ordered, and I heard a urinal flush and somebody else beat feet out of the restroom.

"Yes, sir," said the retired military officer meekly.

I felt my naked father-in-law get down on the floor next to me, and then I felt his tongue on my cheek slurping up the cum. Damn if it didn't tickle, but I tried hold still has he very thoroughly and systematically licked up every bit of cum from my face and chest and swallowed it. Once I could see, I saw that my father-in-law had a look of humiliation that probably matched what I felt, although I also noticed his erect dick was pointing skyward too. I don't know why but I was moved to French kiss him, and he responded in kind, and I could taste the cum in his mouth. Then both of us jerked back as if our manhood was at risk by kissing another man. Cocksucking was one thing. Kissing was quite another.

Then a Black guy pointed at my father-in-law and said, "You, get up and bend over the toilet." Then he pointed at me and said, "You, suck all the cum out of his ass. He did you a favor now you do him one."

Just when I thought I couldn't go lower, I planted my lips on my father-in-law's ass, first licking up the cum leaking from his well-fucked hole, then sticking my tongue way up his ass to slurp up every last drop of cum, at least as much as I could.

"Now, get the fuck out!" ordered one of the Black guys. My father-in-law and I got dressed and headed out of the rest room, just as some other white guy went in, and just in time to bump into my wife, who had a concerned look on her face.

"What'd you guys do, fall in?"

"Sorry, something went through me like crap through a goose," answered my wife's father.

"TMI, dad," answered my wife.

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