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...can be so good!
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/15/2012
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I hadn't expected this; I wasn't prepared for it to happen. I had decided that I would be stupid to do what I was doing, that I would just go through the motions. I couldn't even imagine it happening to me this way. But it wasn't turning out the way it was, why? Because I wasn't expecting to even begin to enjoy what was happening, and that's not the way it should be, even have been.

My name is Charlene or Charly to my friends etc. His name is Paul Rafferty. I am a better than good looking blond woman of 28, he is a very good looking black man of 28 too. I am here, or I was here under duress, but not so much any more. He's changing that opinion in a way I never thought could happen.

He is the man who has saved my husbands business, I am the price for that rescue. Because of my husband's track record with the banks he couldn't get the loan he needed to fund forward looking investment. Without it he would go under taking everything we have with it. His rivals in his business line would be like vultures mopping up the very lucrative remains of our lives. He was being railroaded into the deal by this Mr Rafferty.

We would end up on the street with no sign of ever getting back on our feet. Our very existence rode on the money coming through before the end of the month.

Paul Rafferty had set the deadline, no play, no pay! It was his way or the highway. Jack had no where else to turn, there were no other avenues open to him or us. He had negotiated the deal with Jack, my husband. Then he had added the proviso that I would go to him for two weeks and be his woman for those two weeks. There was no doubting what he meant, no wiggle room.

I of course was blissfully unaware of this negotiating tactic being used by Mr Rafferty as I knew him to be a genuine business friend of Jack's. I had met him, and he seemed to be a really nice guy. I held him in high regard because Jack had told me he was the man that would stop the rug from being pulled from beneath our collective feet.

This was all taking place four weeks before our deadline to come up with a very substantial amount of money. After the initial explosions and what have you from Jack. Mr Rafferty had calmed him down, held him off because Jack wanted to kill him. He of course refused his demand, but Mr Rafferty suggested to Jack that he talk to me about it, discuss it.

Ask me my opinion he had said, if I loved Jack as much as I was supposed to, then as a loyal and dutiful wife, maybe I would see what benefits would be gained by all if I agreed but only with Jack's consent. We would all be winners in Mr Rafferty's eyes. The upshot was we both agreed finally after a lot of discussions. We would accede to Mr Rafferty's demands; we arranged a meeting with him where questions would be asked and answered by him and us.

On the day we were to meet, I got ready; I was going to dress down, to not appear as I know I can. But Jack told me there was no point in that, Rafferty knows what you look like, he said to me. He knows that you would look good in a plastic bin liner! He was being remarkably stoic about this. I knew he was hurting inside, how could he not be, I thought. He was being made to give up his wife to another man, and knowing that that man would have me for his own in every way.

Jack was seriously considering refusing and giving it all up. The trouble was, the loan he would get from Rafferty was at only 1% interest, all other possible loans had ludicrously high interest rates attached to tem, and some had wanted a partnership and or a controlling interest in my husbands business. We really were between a rock and a hard place!

So after much and much more talks about the situation we were in. It was I who made the final decision to go ahead with Rafferty's way. I told Jack that no matter what happened, Rafferty would never own me. I was my husband's wife, and that's the way I will stay, I told him.

So I got ready, I had had my hair done, I had told my hair dresser to pile my long soft golden hair high on my head. I wanted it elegant and stylish as if I were going to a glittering ball. She wove a silver chain through it. It was truly magnificent, I loved it.

I am 5ft 8" tall, weigh around 120lbs, and I am all woman. Like most females who, and though I hesitate to say it, can stop traffic, and I can. People do give me more than the once over. I have even seen just about every head turn in a restaurant, or a dinner engagement we have been to when I have walked in. I am of course very proud of that, I know Jack loves it. He has me on his arm when nearly every other man in the room would slit his wrists to swap places with him.

We have been married for four years and we have known each other for just over six. I have never been unfaithful, though as you could guess, I have had many offers, some of them even tempting but no. I did have a varied sex life before Jack, but that's where it stays, it was pre marriage, no more!

Paul Rafferty is very good looking, he has charm and charisma dripping off him, he is affable, is easy going. He can hold a conversation with any body, on any level. He is around 6ft 2 or 3" tall, broad shouldered and I suppose underneath his suits and clothes is a very well built man. I must confess I was a little in awe of him, and now a certain amount of fear and intrepidation was in there too, especially now.

We met him at around 2oclock in the afternoon; it was three days to D day! as it were. When we walked in he stood to greet us, and he could hardly tear his eyes off of me. I was wearing, to all intents and purposes, a simple summer dress that finished about 3" above my long legged knees. It was of silver silk, flowing around me even though it was a close, though not tight fit. It was sleeveless allowing my smooth bare arms to show. A low but not revealing neck, a silver necklace and high heels completed my attire, but only Jack knew I was dressed to kill and maim any man by what I had on under it.

The first thing he did was hand Jack an irredeemable bankers order post dated for the amount he/we needed. It was also 20.000 more than we had asked for.

"A token of confidence in you Jack, and hopefully to show my sincerity in this business deal." He said, smiling at me. I have to say I was staggered, that this man would do this just for the opportunity to have me.

"I am not happy Rafferty," Jack said, "you have forced this on me and Charly, we both dislike it intensely, and believe me if I could find another way, this situation would never have got off the fucking ground!"

Mr Rafferty smiled benignly, "Yes Jack, I am taking advantage of the problem you have," he said, "though, and I hate to lay it out. It wasn't me who put you where you are, it was you. I'm sorry to have to say it. And I can tell you also; this is your decision to go through with it, not mine."

Jack's head dropped at that, he knew what the man was saying was true, and that we could pull out, but we couldn't could we? Time had run out. It was go or no go, I tapped Jack's foot.

"Okay," he said, "but I will never see or speak to you again after this Rafferty!"

On my part I was rather quiet about it; I knew where I was heading and what was waiting for me. But I knew better than my husband that I could and would get through this. I had hardly even contemplated having sex with this man, good looking or not. Because that is just what it would be as far as I was concerned, sex! Certainly not even attached to love, it was sex, pure and simple.

If he wanted me that badly that he sank to monetary blackmail just to get me into his bed, it would cost him very dear, I wasn't going cheap! That extra 20.000 had been my secret demand that Jack knew nothing of.

Jack had had enough and said it was time to go. We had discussed the general terms, he had surprised us by saying we were flying to Paris to start with. Did he somehow know it was one of my dreams to go there, I never had. But on Saturday I would be going there with a man other than my husband, to the romantic capital of the world?

"What's the timetable Rafferty?" Jack asked.

"My car will pick you up at 11am Charly," he said to me, "have your passport, and as many case's of luggage you think you may need, although you will have the use of an American Express gold card at your disposal."

We walked away without saying another word, but I knew his eyes were on me, I could feel them tugging at me. Jack and I didn't have a lot to say; the time was drawing near, what was there to say between us now. I was literally being forced into infidelity, even though it had been my decision to go ahead with this.

The next two and a half days were purgatory, he had tried to pretend that it wasn't really his fault, and in a way it hadn't been, but for a couple of decisions that were the wrong ones neither he nor I would be in this insidious position. I spent the intervening time packing and repacking.

Then Saturday was upon us, Jack had been following me about like the love sick child he was. He was losing his wife knowingly to another man for two weeks knowing what I/we would be getting up to. Another man would be, for want of better phrasing, fucking his wife whenever and however he wanted to.

The car pulled up at our house at exactly 11am, we looked at it, at each other, he hugged me. There were tears in his eyes, one more minute and I would be gone, no come backs, no saying no. I wasn't taking my phone with me. I would be out of touch until I got back.

I got in, a small smile, a tiny wave, the car pulled away, I was on my way. I was taken to the airport, where I was guided into the VIP lounge for first class passengers. Paul Rafferty was waiting for me.

He rose to greet me, asked after my comfort, was I alright, did I have everything I needed. He was the epitome of the perfect gentleman, and that was the way it and he was all the way. He had wine served, my bags had gone somewhere, I didn't have to check in like the normal cattle cue.

We were escorted on to the plane and shown directly to the first class lounge. There were flowers waiting for me, red roses, my favourite. He sat at my side, he didn't impose himself on me as I had half expected, he more or less kept his distance, was he being respectful? I suppose he was in a way. But he had commandeered another man's wife for his personal use hadn't he?

The flight passed rather quickly, but I was still thrilled to see Paris below us eventually, we were whisked through customs and taken to our hotel. I expected him to rush me as soon as we arrived at our room. But it wasn't a room, it was like an apartment. It was huge; it must have cost the earth. It had a master bedroom for a start, a lounge, and his and her bathrooms.

I had my own attendant who unpacked and stowed my belongings, even setting my personal items for me in my bathroom. I didn't have to do a thing except to say thank you. Paul Rafferty was doing what he had to do, and then we were alone for the first time. Here we go, I thought, this is where it starts, he has me, he's got me, I'm here for him to bend to his will.

Nothing of the sort happened; he asked if he could take me to dinner. I told him I would be at least two hours before I would be any where near ready. He said that would be just fine and to let him know if there was anything he could do. I declined his kind offer and went of to bathe, and do the things us women do to get ready to go out to dinner in a swanky restaurant.

Two and a half hours later I emerged from my room, which was as big as a football pitch. I saw him look at me, his jaw almost dropped. I had decided that as I was here I would play the part of his beautiful woman, but give him not one jot of encouragement. I would have him at my heels, begging for me, but not ever getting me. He could and was going to take me I knew that, and so did he.

But he would never own me, take yes, but nothing given, no matter what kind of pressure and dominance someone could exert, my gift of love and life could only be taken not gifted freely. So with that in mind I stepped to him. In my walk in dressing room I had found arrays of different garments, not only were my belongings there but there was a whole wall of items for me to check out. They were all my size. I had been amazed to find them, he had obviously checked me out to the nth degree.

I was stunned to say the least at the obvious expense of it all. Everything was top designer labels, all extremely elegant and very wearable. Being the woman I was, or any woman for that matter, it was impossible not to be impressed by it all. I checked it all and selected a long dress; it was a cross between an evening gown and an ankle length divine light blue silk number.

I donned it and it fit me as if it had been made especially for me alone. It had no sleeves, I liked that, I liked to show my bare arms, the neck was loose fitting with no edges. But it was made for no underwear either; no one could wear this without going native underneath I thought. I quickly took it off, got naked and put it back on. I have to say even I was impressed by me. I looked fantastic.

The dress slid and shimmered over my curvy voluptuous body. I looked as if I had been oiled for it slide around me like that. My hair and the dress made my big blue eyes bigger, I have a toothy smile, not protruding, just a big wide very even, full lipped toothy one. There were around thirty pairs of shoes, all my size, I took a hold of a pair of backless little things they were a matching colour for the dress.

'Jesus Charly, you look out of this world,' were my thoughts. 'This lot will knock him dead, he will want me right from the off.' My personal desire wanted me to make myself look like I know I can.

I felt like I was tempting fate, but needs must. I had to let him know, I would never be his. He would never have my love or consent for why I was here, yes I would do all he asks of me, but that's it, two weeks and it would be over and done with. I would return to my loving husband forever.

I loosely piled my hair up, did my face, my big blue eyes were like headlights. As I approached him he had a look of confusion on his face, he obviously hadn't expected me to dress like this for him did he? I did a twirl for him, I hated myself for that, but the woman in me had made me do it for my guy, and right then he was my guy, so intuition to tease him took me over for the moment.

"Charly, my god you look absolutely magnificent, so attractively beautiful; there can't be a more beautiful woman than you." He told me almost breathlessly. He stood there unabashed at what he was saying to another man's wife, knowing she was his to do with as he willed. It had been decided and agreed by him, myself and Jack my husband.

I was still wondering why he hadn't exercised his right to have me. Why was he waiting? What was in his mind, what were his plans for me? They were to unravel slowly, blindside me, a way past my defences is what he had in his good looking head. I had never been with a black man, other than white skinned ones.

We went to dinner with him at my side, respectful of my presence, deferring to me. He stood at my chair helping me to sit. We had more than turned a few heads as we entered. There were men staring at me, and women at him. I suppose we caused a bit of a stir, me being as beautiful as I was, and him being who he was, a very attractive black man, and his beautiful blond partner.

To be honest the evening was more than pleasant, he was the most attentive companion, he ordered for me, did everything he could to keep me on side. We danced and he was a superb light footed dancer. In fact I really did enjoy the evening right from the get go.

We finished the night off by sitting on our balcony looking out over the night skies of Paris and drank wine. 'Hah I thought, is he trying to get me tipsy, to soften any possible resistance to his undoubted charm. I couldn't have been more wrong. As the night wore down, I said I was a little tired and could I go to bed. This was a request as I knew he would say yes to it, but also that he would be right there with me.

He walked with me to the bedroom and said, "You go ahead Charly, and may I say I have never had the pleasure of being with such a beautiful dazzling woman such as you."

I was flattered; he couldn't be more charming and nice if he had tried.

"Thank you Paul, it's been a lovely night." I responded and went in. I expected him to follow me and make his play. I wouldn't refuse would I? That's why I was here, for his sexual enjoyment. He stepped away and I closed the door behind me, 'what was his game?' In fact I was a little annoyed with him, 'didn't he really have the hots for me?' I asked myself. 'He must have?'

I got ready, putting on my little nightdress, and slipped into bed wondering what was going on; in fact I was feeling horny, why? Then there was a knock on the door, "come in," I called getting into a sitting position, 'ha, here we go, he can't stop himself can he? He's trying to play hardball with me.' I said in my head. Well I thought, he won't win that one!

As I raised my eyes my own jaw hit the floor, he was stood silhouetted against the light behind him. And apart from a pair of snug fitting boxer shorts he was naked, and he looked almost god like stood there, the light spilling around a superbly toned body. I could see him now for what he was worth. It put me right on the back foot.

Any woman worth her own salt appreciates a good looking guy, and I was looking at one. I already knew how charismatic and charming he was. Now I was being treated to a view of his terrific stature. His black skin added to his allure, I quietly sucked in a deep breath, so he was here, I was getting a good eyeful of what I was about to be doing in a few minutes.

How many times can a girl be wrong? He came to me and slid in beside me, I pulled over to the other side. He smiled.

"Don't worry Charly, I am not about to attack you, or force myself on you, please do not be afraid of me, you have nothing to fear."

"I am afraid, I wasn't, but I am now." I told him.

"Turn your back to me Charly, please? I did as he asked wondering what he was about to do with me. The enormity of why I was here was coming home to me.

He just spooned into me and said," go to sleep Charly, we are both a little tired." He put his arm around me, and he lightly cupped my breast. A light kiss on my neck, which made me shudder, then he hunkered down and he went to sleep. I was so stunned, how could he not want me? He must want me? Is he mad or what, how can he behave like this with me lying right next to him like this?

My own thoughts were getting the better of me, I was horny, I was feeling the heat of him. I forced myself to be still. The next thing I knew I was looking at the clock; it was 8.15am. It was the morning, I lay there for a while and then last night filtered through my brain. I turned and there he was smiling that smile at me.

His big dark eyes were twinkling bright in the whiteness around them; his smile was just as bright too. His dark skin against the white pillow was intriguing to say the least, it was the first time I had seen anything like this in my life. The sun was streaming in through the windows, I forgot myself for a moment, I smiled back and said to him. "Good morning." I gasped at myself, and jumped up and out of bed. I heard him laughing as I hurried to the bathroom.

In there I scolded myself for being so naïve; the trouble was I had liked what I saw. The very sight of this near naked black man next to me in a nice warm bed made me feel all warm inside too. But I had to get control of myself hadn't I? I washed my face, checked myself in the mirror, my womanly senses wouldn't allow me to return without making sure I looked good, so I did!

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