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Blackmail, Submission, Was It?

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Jenny and her daughter's boyfriend.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/15/2012
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Jenny Carter was grunting and puffing, she was on her back, and the man on top of her were fucking her with such unhindered ferocity she couldn't cope with it. His unfettered power was too much to resist any more. There was nothing she could do to stop from eventually responding to it. She had never been taken in this way, the thick heavy cock was beating her into the ground, and resistance to it was ebbing fast away, like an outgoing rip tide.

Her first orgasm hit her, she tried to fend it off but it breached her walls and washed her away. Her body cringed within itself, her legs tightened around his thighs crushing him to her, her nails dug into his back as he continued to pound her, another one hit and Jenny collapsed in defeat. Her husband wasn't like this; he was a caring considerate lover, always making sure that she got hers before he got his.

She loved him for this, but she had wished over the years that he would sometimes be more aggressive in bed with her. Well, the man on top of her was being aggressive, only just realising that what he was doing was what she wanted, agreeable to it or not. She was having her unsaid desires and her secret wishes, her dreams, her inner needs. He was accomplishing what Jenny had wanted her husband to do every now and again. And he was making her cum hot and fast, it had been years since she had orgasmed more than once while making love, now she was on her third and knew there was more to come and no way of resisting or stopping them.

He had the power, he had her, and she was where she was until he had finished with her. The gorgeous mother of an only child was helplessly squirming around at his will. The brute was having her his way, she had no say, he had taken her, was controlling her. Jenny sighed, her mind was taking over from her body, the feelings of the cock in her had transferred from her body to her mind, until she knew this was special, more than special. This was how she had wanted to be made love to and screwed all her adult married life.

The orgasms she was having now continued unabated until she drifted away, 'he isn't going to stop until he's ready is he Jenny,' she told herself. She held on to him now, she was loving it, although she hated him for making her feel this way, her mind had made her accept this ponderous heavy fucking. Jenny drifted off in a sort of faint. The man on top of her pounded heavily once more and shot humongous amounts of thick salty cum into her, he slowed, looked down at his victim and smiled, It was a smile of pure satisfaction.

After a lot of thought he had rightly guessed when she had approached him, to talk about her daughter that she would be supplicant to a bit of pressure, and emotional blackmail, and he had been right. Of course, he had thought it could all go tits up. He would not only lose the girl, but not get her beautiful mother either, but it had worked a treat and soon, maybe in the next week or two, he would be fucking the pair of them at will. He would concentrate on Jenny first now he had her where he wanted her, he would drive her downwards and into his control.

Get her to where he wanted her to be, and then go for her equally beautiful blond haired daughter. Ray would be the most fantastically envied man in town when he let it be known to his friends, that not only was he fucking Kerri Carter, but her gorgeous mother Jenny too. He slipped off Jenny but enveloped her in his arms; she wasn't going anywhere just yet. He lay there quietly himself, he needed to recover too, he had given Jenny the best he had to offer, and that, he told himself, was a fucking lot!

He even nodded off, slumbering quietly while Jenny did too, he would be ready to screw her again when they wakened he knew that, he was if nothing else a consummate lover of women, at the age of twenty three he knew his way around them. He thought back to the night he had met the beautiful blond Kerri Carter, she had given him the eye in a night club four weeks ago, they had danced, had a drink, he offered to escort the young eighteen year old beauty home.

He was the perfect gentleman, at her age he thought, she won't be too experienced with men, and he was right. The young blond beauty had only had sex once, and that had been just to try it, it hadn't been particularly successful but she had in the main enjoyed it. He asked if he could see her again and she had said yes.

They started meeting regularly and she liked him, she liked him a lot. His assured ways, his mannerisms, he didn't smoke, he was athletic and extremely good looking. Ray was a black guy so they got some funny looks from people, two very good looking people in their own right, she the ultimate young blond beauty, he the tall rangy but powerful black skinned man. Ray was older than her by five years, Kerri knew her mother would have issues with the age gap, and probably when she met him, and saw that he was black.

That wasn't a real problem in itself, but being older would be. After seeing each other for three weeks Ray was moving her along to a sexual relationship. Kerri was hesitant, but he reasoned, she is so gorgeous I am going to wait for her, not too long, he said in his handsome head, but for a while at least, she'll be worth the wait!

The relationship changed the very night Kerri took him to her home to meet her parents. She introduced him to them; she had warned her mom and dad that she was bringing a very special man home. Her dad was okay from the start and made him welcome, but Jenny was stand offish. The first chance she had to ask Kerri how old was he was the moment it all changed.

"He's twenty three mom, nearly twenty four," she told her looking at the floor, she knew what her mom would be thinking, she was!

"He's far too old for you Kerri, you can't get serious about him, it won't work believe me darling?" Jenny said quietly but hotly. Kerri made a mistake then, she told her mother that she was thinking of starting a sexual relationship with him.

"Because he is kind and gentle," Kerri said softly, Jenny sensed the opposite, she told he self that she saw through the veneer, that he wasn't what he was pretending to be, she was to be proved very right.

Jenny implored her daughter to wait before letting him have his way, "at least another month Kerri please?" Kerri to keep the peace agreed and said she would tell Ray that she wasn't ready yet, and ask him to wait a while longer. Kerri asked him to her home several more times and Jenny made it clear to Ray that she wasn't happy with him. He, for his part assessed her, he knew what she was thinking, a black man, her daughter, five years apart, no way!

He was of course right, but he admired her, Jenny was a real beauty even for the ripe old age of forty two, the blond lovely was a gorgeous sexy woman. She hadn't succumbed to his charms, but he sensed something else, he wasn't sure yet, but there was something in her that made her scared of him, wary.

Kerri invited him round one night, her dad was out somewhere so it was just the three of them. After a while Kerri told them she needed to shower, and went up stairs. Now Ray was alone with Jenny for the first time.

"Why don't you like me Jenny?" he said straight out, it wasn't a demand to know, he just posed the question in a reasonable way, but it still came as a surprise to her, she had to breathe in before responding.

"Really Ray, I think you are too old for her, in fact you are too old for her," she told him.

"Not because I'm black then?" he asked.

"Not at all, that has nothing to do with it," she replied, "are you having sex with her yet?" Jenny knew she shouldn't ask, but she was desperate. Ray smiled, now he knew, this was what she was worried about.

"I will be very soon," he told her unequivocally, Jenny nearly had a heart attack, the answer jarred her very being

"But you can't she's only eighteen, you're twenty three, you are too old for her." Jenny exclaimed.

"You can't stop her, or me!" was his measured reply, "she thinks she's ready, and then I'm here to give her what she wants Jenny." He stepped close to her, now he had the bit between his teeth, he saw that there was something to be gained here, he wasn't sure yet just what, but he trusted his instincts. Her hesitancy egged him on, he was after the upper hand, the ascendancy in this minor confrontation, he had never been a man to back off, concede.

He was very close to her, Jenny half turned from him; she was feeling very unsure of herself. "You got something on your mind Jenny, an offer for me, what, what are you thinking?"

"An offer, why would I want to make you some sort of an offer, some compromise, this is my daughter we are talking about here, what do you mean, an offer?" she mumbled.

"You don't want a black man having sex with your daughter, and an older black man to boot, even if you both think I am extremely handsome and good looking." Jenny gaped at him, and started to speak but he cut her off, "don't worry Jenny, Kerri told me you had said that." He was on solid ground, and very quickly he had shifted hers to quicksand.

They had made their way into the kitchen, they could hear the shower running, Jenny put the kettle on for something to do. She turned towards him and he stepped right in front of his beautiful girlfriends beautiful mother, and put his hands on either side of her on the counter.

"What have you got for me, what can you offer me that will keep me away from your daughters beautiful body Jenny, or even her from mine hmmm?" he asked her brazenly, "she is staying at mine this weekend, did you know that hmmm?" Jenny was shocked to the core.

"I'll give you money, anything, tell me, but you mustn't start a sexual relationship with Kerri, she's just too young." That's when Ray hit her with the hammer; it had come to him like a bolt from the blue.

"I don't need money Jenny, I'm well fixed up on that score," Jenny was trapped between his arms. "I need sex Jenny, I love it, lots of it," he forced his eyes at her, forcing her to look into them; "it's the only thing that can get anywhere near keeping me happy." Jenny couldn't breathe, not only because she was so stunned at what he had just said, or what she thought he was implying but hadn't actually said. But also she was gasping because he was too close to her, she could smell him.

"What are you referring to Ray?" she asked bleakly, she was unsteady, losing the space she had, he was in her space, and she was cowering before him. He was backing her up, nowhere to go, she was digging herself into a hole, and she felt that Ray was about to take away the shovel once she was below ground level.

"Nothing in particular Jenny, sex is important to me, I need it and Kerri is willing now to take care of my needs, to provide it for me. What do you think I'm referring to?" Jenny was more than physically trapped, he was telling her he wanted sex, and if he didn't get it when he wanted it, then Kerri, her beautiful daughter would be led like a lamb to the slaughter.

They heard the shower stop; the door open, Kerri would be down in a moment. "I'll pop and see you in the morning Jenny about ten o clock, okay, we can carry this conversation on then, right?"And he walked away Jenny had to stay leaning against the counter. Kerri came down and went into the sitting room where Ray was. Then the door opened and they came out, he was leaving Jenny breathed a sigh of relief.

Ray looked back at Jenny and said, "Goodnight," and "see you soon Jenny," he gave her a wink and was gone. Kerri asked her mother if she was alright, to which she replied that she was tired and going to bed. Kerri asked her when her daddy would be home. She told her he was away for three days and she must have forgotten because she had told her daughter.

The next morning passed in its usual way, moping around from Kerri, then breakfast followed by school. Jenny looked at the clock, ten, he had said, and she was going to give him a piece of her mind, and strongly too. How dare he say that to me she raged in her head? But he hadn't actually 'said' anything, just informed her of his needs, his wants.

She found herself getting ready for his visit, a summer dress, hair up, a little make up, high sandals. Even though she had only taken twenty minutes to ready herself, when she looked in the mirror, her reflection told her how good she looked, but there again, she always did.

Jenny was forty two, a real blond haired beauty, she wished she could have been taller but at 5ft 5" she was okay with it, her face was still flawless, creamy complexion, smooth as satin, full lipped, high eyebrows over amazingly blue eyes. Her breasts were still rather high and firm, her buttocks were soft, rounded and firm all at the same time, and she was very proud of her long tapered smooth legs.

The only things missing from her life was a second child, there had been complications and no more were added. And the other was her sex life, she was in the main happy with it, the only fly in the ointment as it were, was the lack of aggression in bed from her husband, if she had had that she would have had everything. The door bell rang, 'That must be him,' she told herself, one last look in the mirror, a deep breath and she went open the door.

What she saw nearly stopped her heart from beating, her breath caught in her throat. Ray was stood there yes, but it was the way he was dressed and looked that caused the havoc that would soon surmount and drown her. He looked immaculate, dressed casually, but so fetching. He was wearing a dazzlingly white stringy collarless top, four buttons all undone, it was short sleeved showing off smooth black skin encasing powerful arms, a corner flapping down, and a heavy gold chain that smoothed at his neck.

His thick shiny hair looked straight out of the hair salon; she could see he was freshly shaved, black very expensive slacks and soft calf leather white loafers. His brilliant white even teeth, his thick lips were spread in a heart warming smile. It took Jenny just a few seconds that's all to appraise him, and hating herself, said in her lovely head, 'No wonder Kerri thinks he's terrific, he really is very good looking!'

"Ray," she said with a smile, "please come in," she told him. He did and surprised her with a quick kiss on her cheek, she smelled his cologne, 'expensive too,' she told herself. She closed the door behind him, now she was alone in her own house with her daughter's boyfriend, and Jenny felt more unsure and uncertain of herself than she ever had.

She had everything planned in her mind, but Ray spoke first, and it negated just about everything she had thought she was going to say. "I assume you have thought about things Jenny," he said, "about Kerri and I starting a loving sexual relationship. But you don't want that do you, so tell me Mrs Carter, what are you going to do to make me not go forward. What are you prepared to do for me Mrs Carter?" It was almost a sneer, he had nearly called her Mrs Snobby fucking Carter, but had refrained from that.

"I'm not too sure what you want me to do Ray," but she did, it had been in the back of her mind, but now, though he still hadn't said it, it was out there in the open.

She knew what he was after, 'me or Kerri, which is it to be?' He was telling her without saying it, 'that it's you in bed with me, or your beautiful daughter will be no question,' she told herself.

"Please Ray, can we talk about this, please?" she asked. Ray stepped right up to her then, Jenny recoiled in fear. She had never been this close to a black man, and certainly not in this situation, she was being propositioned, clearly told, 'sex with you, or sex with your daughter, what's it to be, come on answer me!' His implied threat enveloped her.

She tried again, "Please Ray, don't be like this, I'm sure we can agree on a different way forward, find another alternative?" He closed the gap to almost nothing, Jenny trembled, was it fear, trepidation, the closeness of him, the strength in his demeanour, the sexual tension coming of him. Jenny didn't know it, but it was already too late to save herself, Ray knew women, and now he knew Jenny.

"There is Jenny, I'll see Kerri this weekend, she'll be only too happy to make me happy, don't you think hey?" he told her. Now she was between a rock and a hard place, she could see no way out from the situation in front of her.

'I'm going to have to let him do what he wants, oh I hate him, I hate him!' she screamed in her lovely head.

But after all the years of wanting a little roughness from her husband, aggressiveness, she was a sucker for a strong personality, Ray grabbed her and kissed her, Jenny froze, his lips locked on hers, no other man had ever got this close, even though there had been near misses in her life. She was locked in his arms, he pressed her against him, they were head to toe, his hard body flowing over and around her.

She struggled but only in her mind, he went for her neck, she twisted this way and that, but he was on her, and he had the control. He pushed her hand down and rubbed his already half hard prick with it, she shivered, it felt monstrous her.

"Please Ray stop, don't please," but he was relentless, she felt his cock pressing into her where it mattered most to him, she couldn't get away from the hard prong squeezing in between her toned thighs. Jenny felt faint, dizzy, here was a man who was acting the way she had always wanted her husband to act, and now she was reacting to the way she knew she would react, with growing arousal.

He got her neck, Jenny swooned, she tried to keep control, keep her equilibrium, but the fight was draining away. Ray unclipped her hair and let it down; she unknowingly shook her head to free it. "I like to feel hair when I'm making love Jenny, always." He said. It seemed like an order set for future times with her.

He brought his hand to the front of and in-between them felt for and found an already hard grown nipple. "Nice Jenny you're hot for it already, mmm?" he said happily. She wasn't aware that her nipples had hardened until he gripped it, which made her knees buckle slightly, if he wasn't up against her she would have gone down.

"Well," he continued, "I can't let the lady down when she's hot to be screwed by her future son in law" he chortled. Jenny's last line of defence evaporated, with no more said, he whispered to her. "Come on Jenny, let's get you up stairs and into bed, you need a good cocking don't you?" He swept her up in his arms and shot down the hallway upstairs and got her on the bed while her head was still spinning.

Jenny protested weakly as he started to remove her dress, he wanted to get into her pussy before she could get her head around what was happening, what was about to happen. He pulled it down and off followed by her panties, he left the bra for a moment but pulled it up, he fastened his lips over one nipple and sank his fingers into the crevice of her love hole, she moaned and gasped, it threw her head back.

Ray had won the battle if not yet the war, but he was determined to win any divergence from his path. Jenny uncontrollably gripped his head and held him to her breast, she could do nothing with the fingers that were driving her over the edge into total defeat, utter surrender to her daughters black boyfriend.

He lifted his handsome head and smiled brightly at her, saying sagely. "Have you ever had black cock before Jenny?" he raised an eye brow. All Jenny could do was shake her head no. "Well," he told her "I am a little surprised at being the first one to find you, but I can guarantee that you will like it once you've had a test drive," he softly laughed.

Ray stood from her and stared deeply into the now naked woman's eyes, he took her in and marvelled at the older beauty before him, he dared her to remove her own eyes from him while he stripped. Jenny couldn't, she was shocked and stunned into disbelief when he was naked, his marvellous physique, his stance, his posture, his undoubted arrogance, but most of all. The huge, to her disbelieving eyes, black cock, staring back at her with its own eye. It was stood out from him, bobbing slightly up and down under its own weight, it was long, it was thick, it was BLACK! It was the biggest she had ever seen, it curved upwards gently, the bulbous purple head, smooth, and spongy looking.

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