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Blake's Coming Out Pt. 01

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Blake heads out to a gay nightclub and meets Lincoln.
4.9k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/11/2021
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First Visit to Gay Nightclub:

My name is Blake, I'm 20 years old, 5'7" with short shaggy blonde hair and an athletic build. I am also a closeted gay virgin and prior to this story had not come out to anyone.

It was a Thursday night and I was sitting in my on-campus accommodation bored. My classmates were going out for drinks for a friend's birthday but I didn't know him and they had said they may end up at one of the local strip clubs. This didn't interest me as I was gay although hadn't come out to anyone yet and wasn't comfortable telling this to my classmates having been already introduced to them and they assumed I was straight.

I didn't have any Uni work to complete and feeling adventurous I began to Google for any local gay clubs in the area. I was new to the city and mixed with excitement and nerves about potentially heading out to a gay club on my own. Not having any gay friends I had no idea about how to act and meet people and until now had not got up the courage to head out to a gay club.

The search showed me a gay club that was only 15 minutes from the campus accommodation and it seemed to have a mixed age crowd from the photos. Thursday was a uni night so I thought this could be my chance as predominantly a younger crowd would be in attendance. I showered and got myself ready putting on a pair of skinny jeans and a fitted black t-shirt. I wasn't overly muscular but had an athletic build from growing up playing football and basketball.

I decided to walk to the club and left my room just after 10pm as this is the time reviews of the club had said it started to get busier. It was a perfect night outside not too cold or hot and I felt a twinge of excitement as I rounded the corner to see the club entrance. There were about 15 people cued up outside between velvet ropes and I joined the end of the line. As I was standing there the group of guys in front of me probably in their late 20's were joking about the night ahead and how they knew one of the drag queens performing tonight.

As I stood behind them one of the guys turned and saw me standing alone and asked if I was meeting anyone inside. I told him I wasn't and that this was actually my first time coming out. A group of younger Asian guys closer to my age then joined the line behind me as the guy speaking to me said, 'Oh my god! Shut up this is your first night out! Have you come out to anyone?'

I replied and said 'Not yet, I'm new to the city and no one else I know is gay so wasn't sure what I should do'. All of a sudden he reached out his arms and hugged me.

His friends now realising we were talking stopped and looked at us as he released me saying 'Honey welcome, I'm Michael and these are the boys, boys this is...' And he trailed off waiting for me to answer with my name. I told them that I was Blake and then Michael informed them that this was my first night out as a gay and they all immediately became very excited and told me to join their group and they would buy me a drink to celebrate.

The line was moving now quicker than before and as we moved ahead the boys all introduced themselves to me. Michael was 28 and worked at a local news outlet, like the others he was taller than me by a few inches and had dark brown hair. Then there was Steven, Owen, Sam and Gregory all of whom had black hair and were 27.

We reached the front of the line and the security let them all through and as I looked young even for my age at 20 he stopped me to check my I'D. It was cleared and in we all went as Michael pulled me along with them towards the bar. 'What's your drink honey?' He said as we reached the bar.

'Umm vodka raspberry please' I responded.

'So cute!' Was all Michael said back to me as he turned and ordered a round of drinks for the group.

Across from the bar was a large dance floor and stage which was crowded with around 50 guys dancing along in various states of dress, some with their tops off and others in full drag. It was something to behold and it made me smile as everyone could be themselves here without being judged. Around the sides of the dance floor were booths which is where Michael and the group sat down. Then at the rear of the club were some pool tables, restrooms and stairs leading to another level but I wasn't sure what was upstairs.

We sat down and I was bombarded with questions from the boys about how I felt to be out for the first time and what my type was and if I was interested in being a top or bottom or versatile. It was all a lot to take in and Michael realising this told them all to slow down before turning to me and saying not to feel too overwhelmed and that here we could all be free to be who we are and not to be offended by any sexual questions.

I said not to worry and that being a virgin and relying on gay porn for my sexual awareness I wasn't sure what I was if it was top, bottom or versatile. It was then that I noticed from the corner of my eye the Asian group of guys that had been lining up behind me enter the club and one of them looking over at me. I tried not to look back but it was too late and as I turned my head our eyes met and he smiled at me. I smiled back and then turned to continue listening to the tips on sex that Sam and Gregory had to share. They seemed only too happy to educate me on the best condoms, lubricants and sex toys for gay guys.

The music continued in the background and Michael ordered another round of drinks as the guys each recounted their own coming out stories to me and first experiences to gay clubs. I told them I was lucky to have met them for the welcoming introduction and sort of taking me under their wing. Gregory then said 'We can't sit here all night on your first night out, lets hit the dance floor!' We all left the booth and headed to a spot in the middle of the dance floor.

It was Steven, Sam, Gregory, Owen, Michael and I in a group dancing away, I watched closely the moves the guys were doing and started to sort of mimic that as I hadn't really danced before. I looked around as we danced and as there were so many bodies together on the dance floor got pushed a little to the side away from the group. I kept dancing to the music and watching the DJ on stage when I turned and standing next to me was that same Asian guy from in the line and before that had been staring at me.

He was now next to me dancing wearing short black gym shorts and a black tank top, he was slightly shorter than me at 5'5" but had a clearly muscular build. His biceps were toned and on full display and his skin was slightly bronzed. He had dark brown eyes and short black hair but no hair on his arms or legs which only served to show off the definition of his muscles even more. He looked at me as we were both dancing next to one another and placed his hands behind his head, his biceps tensing as he did so and said 'Hey I'm Lincoln' and stepped a little closer towards me continuing to dance.

I replied and told him my name was Blake and he reached out to gently hold my hands and said 'Nice to meet you Blake, you want to dance with me?' Lincoln had a slight accent and between that and his clear good looks I couldn't say no to him so I smiled and nodded. He gripped my hands tighter and then pulled me into his body so as my chest was now pressing into his and began to swerve his body against mine. I went along with what Lincoln was doing and began to move my hands up and down his arms. He then turned around and pushed his ass against my crotch as he bent forward and began to twerk against me.

As we danced I began to feel more comfortable as others around us were in their own worlds and not seeming to care about what I thought were provocative dance moves from Lincoln. So I began to copy what I saw others doing and placed my hands onto Lincolns hips turning him back to face me and then thrusting our crotches together as I leant my head back and sung along to the music.

It was then as I was leaning back that I felt Lincoln move his head closer to mine and his lips press into my neck and he gently kissed then playfully bit me. I looked back down as he smiled towards me and then his hands were placed either side of my face and he was pulling me towards him. Our lips met and he began to kiss me at first I did not respond but as I opened my mouth I felt his tongue pressing against my own and reciprocated.

We must have been making out for a minute or so when I pulled away and looked at Lincoln who was smiling back at me. His friends had joined us on the dance floor while we had been kissing and were clearly impressed that Lincoln had managed to kiss me. One of them high fived him and said 'Looks like Lincoln's managed to net a white boy'.

I wasn't a racist but prior to tonight had not really ever considered being with an Asian but Lincoln was hot and looking at him I could not help but be attracted. Lincoln spoke to his friends in what I think was Mandarin and they all began dancing around us as Lincoln turned back to me and apologised if I had been offended. He then told me how normally white guys would not dance with him and his friends so this was a rare occurrence.

It was then that I told Lincoln that this was actually my first time at a gay club so I didn't have anything to compare this too but I was having a great time and found it hard to believe that people would not want to dance with him when he looked so good. He blushed at my compliment and thanked me, telling me that he had overheard it was my first night when he was in line behind me and that he would love to make sure I was comfortable and enjoyed myself as he leaned in and kissed me again.

While kissing Lincoln back I felt a tap on my shoulder and broke off the kiss to see Michael and Sam standing next to me. Michael then excitedly said 'Hey honey, just wanted to make sure you were finding your feet ok, I see you've met a boy. How about you two come back to the booth for a drink.' He and Sam then pulled Lincoln and I along to the booth seating.

It was Lincoln and I on one side while Sam and Michael were sat on the other, Michael ordered us a round and I asked for another vodka raspberry which Lincoln also requested. Sam said 'Oh my god that's so cute they have the same drink!'

When Michael got back with the drinks he said 'Ok boys now as we've taken Blake here under our wing we want to make sure he isn't pressured into anything or seduced by anyone who's not to be trusted. Lincoln can we trust you with Blake?'

I felt protected by Michael and Sam and looked at Lincoln as he responded to them, 'Blake is very lucky to have you looking out for him. He is very good looking and I know it is his first time out so want to make sure he is happy.'

'Alright that's all I need to hear, if you do need anything Blake just let us know, here are our numbers'. Replied Sam and he and Michael then winked at me and smiled then went back to the dance floor.

I apologised to Lincoln and said they were just looking out for me and asked if he really thought I was good looking. He laughed and said 'Of course I do, I wouldn't have danced with you if I wasn't attracted to you.' We then sat in the booth and talked about one another, where we were from to how long he had been out of the closet to who his friends were. It was only when he was talking about his Uni that we realised we both lived at the same campus.

As we continued to speak Lincoln had placed his hand to my thigh and was doing small circles on my jeans. I felt comfortable talking to him and he asked if I wanted to dance some more or head back to campus together. I said it was probably time to head back and he went to say bye to his friends some of whom wolf whistled as we left together.

Outside it was getting colder and I was surprised as Lincoln grabbed hold of my hand with his and began to walk. I hadn't held hands with anyone since primary school and this was a strange feeling but I kind of liked it so we continued to walk back to campus together holding hands.

As we walked back Lincoln continued to tell me how he had come from Taiwan to study and it was on-campus that he had met the other Asian guys either at the gym or in class and said there names were Jae, Park, Vinh, Jung and Lee and that they were all 20 except for Vinh who was 19. I said it must be nice to have found a group of friends that are all gay which Lincoln agreed.

We reached campus and Lincoln looked at me and asked 'Would you like to come back to my room?'

I was nervous and excited about what might happen and replied to him 'Yeah that would be nice.'

Lincoln lived on the west side of campus and I told him how my room was on the east side which is why we hadn't seen each other until tonight. We got to his building and walked through until we arrived at his room number. Lincoln opened the door and the set up was similar to my room, it had the single bed in the corner, a desk on the other side and then his closet. The only difference between our rooms was that Lincoln had put up posters of topless Asian pop stars which he told me were K-pop stars from Korea.

I sat on the edge of Lincoln's bed and he walked over to me and placed his hands either side of my face leaning down to kiss me. Our lips pressed together and as our tongues explored each other's mouths Lincoln's hands slowly moved to my shoulders and without stopping our kiss he pushed me back onto his bed lying on top of me.

My arms wrapped around his back and I squeezed him against me as we made out on his bed. Lincoln was slowly grinding his pelvis against my own and I could feel the bulge in his shorts getting harder as he pressed into me. My own bulge now pressing against the confines of my denim jeans.

My mind was racing 1000 miles a second as I realised I was about to have sex for the first time. Lincoln broke off our kiss and looked down at me before sitting up so as he was sitting on my pelvis with his knees either side of my hips. He then grabbed the bottom of his tank top and lifted it over his head throwing it to the other side of the room and revealing his muscular chest and abs and smooth bronzed skin.

I took a deep breath as I looked up at Lincoln and placed my hands onto his abs moving my fingers up and down as I felt his body. Lincoln grinned down at me saying, 'Like what you see Blake?'

I continued to press my hands against his abs and replied 'You look so hot!'

Lincoln grinned again and reached down for my top, I lifted my back up from the bed slightly as he pulled it off me, revealing my own chest and abs. I was proud of my physique but I was not as defined as Lincoln. I asked if he also liked what he saw to which he replied that he could not be happier and proceeded to place his hands onto my chest and started pressing his ass into the crotch of my jeans.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed this new feeling of having him press into my crotch with his ass and as I opened them again Lincoln began to undo my jeans. Standing up he pulled the jeans off me leaving me lying on his bed in just my black briefs and white socks. He looked at me grinning and said 'I never thought I would end up with a sexy white boy in my bed tonight, make a pose Blake, I want to remember this.' And he picked up his phone from the side desk and directed me to ly on his bed with one arm behind my head and the other on my hip. Caught up in what was my first sexual experience I did what Lincoln said as he took a photo of me on his bed.

Lincoln then removed his black gym shorts leaving him standing before me in a pair of white tightly held briefs barely concealing his noticeable bulge and white socks. He then walked back to the bed and lay himself down on top of me kissing me again as his hands roamed my chest and began to move slowly down towards my briefs.

I had placed my hands on Lincoln's ass and was gently squeezing his cheeks as he moved slightly to my side and placed his hand against my briefs gently squeezing my cock and balls through the thin material. I let out a slight gasp as his hand moved under the elastic waist band of my briefs and for the first time he wrapped his fingers around my cock which was now rock hard and at its full 6 inches.

He held onto my cock and kissed me before whispering into my ear 'Don't worry Blake, I'll be gentle.' And he slowly began to squeeze and stroke my cock as he moved his body down my chest and abs until his head was hovering over my crotch. He then released my cock from his grip and held onto the sides of my briefs pulling them down and revealing my hard 6 inch cock which was pointing straight upward.

Lincoln threw my briefs to the side of the room and then moved his face down towards my cock. I lifted my head watching on as Lincoln began to lick my shaft from the base to tip. It felt incredible and I was in sexual heat as he continued to lick from base to tip and occasionally lick my tightening ball sack.

He then parted his lips and moved his mouth down around the head of my cock closing his lips around it and beginning to suck. I had never received a blowjob before and this felt so good. My hands instinctively grabbed hold of Lincoln's head and began pushing him further down my cock as inch by inch entered his mouth and throat.

His lips then pressed against my balls as he had the full length of my cock down his throat which felt amazing. My hands were on his head and Lincoln kept my cock down his throat as he deep throated me before slowly rising up and then lowering himself again and again. He had commenced a steady rhythm moving his head up and down my shaft. It was all getting to be too much for me to hold back and I was moaning softly as he sucked my cock. Just as I thought I could not hold it any longer Lincoln released my cock from his lips and kissed my abs before sitting up next to me.

Lincoln still wearing his briefs which were struggling now to hold in his large bulge had my cock glistening with his saliva and reached under the bed for a small bottle. As I watched on he then pulled down his briefs revealing his 6 and a half inch cock. I was taken immediately by his cock, having never seen another up close before it was smooth and hairless like the rest of his body and although his was longer than mine it was also slightly thinner. On his shorter 5'5" body though his cock looked even larger than it was.

Next he raised himself up and sat on my stomach before saying to me 'I'm going to lube up my ass so you can fuck me. Don't worry though for your first time this position is best and I'll go slow for you.' Lincoln then with his knees either side of my stomach lifted himself up and squirted the lube into his ass hole before slowly hovering his ass over my hard cock. He pressed down and while holding my cock steady with one hand and the other on my abs he began to press the head against his hole.

There was a small popping sound and the head of my cock entered his ass, the feeling I had was all encompassing as my cock was being squeezed from all sides by Lincoln's ass. He held himself steady with the head now inside him and said 'Oh Blake you feel so good in me.' As he then began to slowly drop down further causing inch by inch of my 6 inch cock to enter his ass until he was now sitting with my balls against his ass cheeks. I was balls deep inside Lincoln.

I was breathing heavily taking in this incredible feeling of having my cock balls deep inside him, his ass closing around my entire cock. I said 'Oh my god Lincoln, fuck this is the best feeling', placing my hands onto his hips and grinding my cock as deep into his ass as I could.

Lincoln said 'I know this is great right, yeah keep doing that it feels so good.' As I continued to grind small circular motions with my hips causing my cock to push deeper into him.

He then started to move up and down causing my hips to do the same as our fuck found its rhythm and we both moaned in pleasure. This went on for a few minutes before I said 'Oh fuck Lincoln I'm gonna blow.' I thought he would get off my cock before I blew my load but instead he started to move faster up and down on my cock until I couldn't hold anymore and with a loud moan I pushed my hips upwards and pulled him down onto me at the same time my cock exploding with squirt after squirt of my cum deep into Lincoln's ass.


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