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Blasphemous Seduction

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A man is driven to blasphemy by his sexy feminine neighbor.
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Warning the following story contains an absurd amount of blasphemy and a brief watersports scene


My name is Andrew Norman. I'm an average guy, nothing that special about me. I know I'm not exactly fit, but I can still rock the "dad bod". My girlfriend Lauren is a different story, she's incredibly hot, and if we hadn't hooked up when we were young, she likely wouldn't be with me now. We met at church camp when we were teenagers and have stayed together since. I have a nice-ish house in a rural area with only a couple neighbors. It's a relatively quiet life. All of that changed when the new neighbor moved in though...

We were actually out of town when the young man moved in. I noticed him getting home late one night while I was taking out the trash. I know it was dark, but he looked a little odd... His clothes seemed a bit tight and I could almost swear his shirt (more of a crop top really) was... pink? However, because I was raised in a friendly Christian house, I felt it necessary to go over and introduce myself. The next day, I cheerfully knocked on his door. When he came out, it was immediately clear just how odd he was. He was young, maybe 19, but definitely no older than 20. That wasn't what caught me off guard though; he was wearing makeup! Bright red lipstick, mascara that made his already long lashes look stunning, dark eyeshadow that brought out his pretty green eyes, and even a bit of blush to rosy up his cheeks! My words caught in my mouth and I was unable to say anything... He let out a small laugh.

"Well, aren't you cute!" he smiled at me. His voice was higher than I expected, more feminine than it was masculine. "My name is Alexis Robins. It's a pleasure to meet you sir."

I stammered out, "I... Uh... I-I'm Andrew. Uh, Andrew Nor-man." I winced as my voice cracked on the last word. Alexis had a short haircut, but instead of being like a "normal" man's haircut, it looked more like... well... to be honest it reminded me of those haircuts the feminist women who keep showing up on the news were wearing. Nothing a good Christian man should have.

"Aw, what a handsome name!" Alexis giggled (he actually giggled!). As I looked closer at him, I noticed his clothing. It was absolutely a crop top and this one was purple with hearts on it. He also wore a pair of tight, black hot pants. Biting his lower lip he said, "Would you like to come in?"

I struggled out an apology that I'm not exactly sure made sense and told him that I had some work to do back at my house. "I uh... just wanted to introduce myself as your neighbor."

"That's so sweet of you! Thank you! And listen, you feel free to come over any time you like," he winked at me.

"Y-yeah, you too." I forgot to mention what house I lived in, and was too polite to stop myself from pointing it out. "I live there. With my girlfriend," I said absently. I couldn't be sure, but I think Alexis's face dropped a little at that.

Alexis actually stopped by the day. I opened the door, and there he stood, wearing a black mesh top, tight leather pants, and black lipstick. Being nice, I invited him in and immediately regretted it when he accepted. My girlfriend couldn't keep her eyes off him. She looked furious, and being the very religious (and judgemental woman she was), I knew it was genuine anger. Alexis didn't seem to mind at all though. In fact, he almost pretended she wasn't there and lavished me with attention.

"So Alexis, what exactly is your job?" Lauren said condescendingly.

"Oh, I don't really have one... Daddy kind of just sends me money!" Alexis replied while staring at me.

Lauren's jaw dropped. "Well, guess that makes you pretty useless then..." she muttered.

"Like, what is it you do then?" Alexis retorted.

"I keep this house in top shape while Andrew works from home in his office," Lauren said haughtily 

Alexis giggled, "and I'm useless..."

Feeling extraordinarily awkward, I did my best to imply that maybe it was time for Alexis to go so that we could start on dinner.

When I walked him to the door, he whispered to me as he left, "If you ever want to have some fun without the sourpuss, don't be afraid to come visit!" He put special inflection on the last half of the word "sourpuss".

"What a faggot!" Lauren said angrily. "I can't believe there are actually people like that in the world!" I quickly agreed with her, not wanting to incite her. "While I'm on my trip, don't you dare let that little queer in our house again!" I promised to keep him out. After all, why would I want someone like that in our religious castle?

Lauren was packing for a month long visit to her family in another state as she spoke. She made this trip about once a year and I took advantage of it by pigging out on junk food and watching every game that came on TV. She was leaving the next morning and I couldn't wait to start my sports binge!

That morning, I kissed Lauren goodbye, wished her well, and promptly turned on the tube. After an hour or so, I started thinking about Alexis though... He's a guy right? I think? Surely he'd like to hang out... And so, I decided to pay him a visit.

This time, he answered the door in a pair of pink panties and a matching pink shirt that showed off his navel. While that alone would've threw me off, it's what was on his shirt that really made my eyes bulge. It was a prominently printed black pentagram. He just smiled and looked confused.

"What's up Mr. Andrew?" 

"It's uh... Well, um, your shirt..."

He looked down at it. "Isn't it cute? I had it custom made!"

"Yeah, but... Isn't that a... pentagram...?"

"I know! I just love it! Come on in Silly," he grabbed my hand, and before I knew it, I was in his house. All around me were blasphemous images. Statues of Baphomet, depictions of orgies, pentagrams, and even inverted crosses hung on the walls and sat on tables. "Like it? I decorated myself!"

"It's... it's all satanic!" I cried out.

"Well, kind of... I'm not really a satanist, like I don't follow the real religion or anything. I just think it all looks cute and it really pisses off my mom and her side of the family," he giggled.

"Look, this all a bit much for me. I think... I think I should go..."

"No, please don't!" Alexis grabbed my arm pleadingly. "I know you're all like, 'super religious' or whatevs, but it's not like you're the one doing it right? I'm allowed to have my choices..."

Thinking about it, I decided that maybe I could help him change his mind about all this... It was his choice like he said, but maybe I could convert him... That was the point of Christianity after all. "Okay... I was going to invite you to watch the game today, I suppose it would be wrong of me to cast you aside."

"There now," he smiled. "Let's go over to the couch and watch together!" He sounded excited. We watch the rest of the game that was on when I headed over while Alexis sat very close to me. I thought mentioning it would be rude, and besides, if I wanted to convert him, I needed to be on his good side.

"Alright, I should head out for today."

"Sure," he replied sounding dejected. "Um, how about I come over to your place tomorrow?"

Now that was an idea. I had a better chance of making him see things my way of I could get him out of this environment. "I think that's a good idea," I said smiling.

Alexis instantly brightened up and squealed, "I can't wait!"

Tomorrow came, and sure enough, there was Alexis. In a skirt covered in upsidedown crosses, a red crop top, makeup, and wearing a pentagram necklace. He stood with his hands crossed in front of him. I just invited him in doing my best to stay calm.

"Hey," he giggled, "all your crosses are hanging up wrong!" He smiled and narrowed his eyes teasingly.

"Actually Alexis, that's the way they're supposed to be."

"Well, that just looks stupid," he laughed, sticking out his tongue. "I'll fix a few of them for you before I go." This time his grin was wicked.

The day started simple enough, but after Alexis got up to get more chips, he came back to sit on my lap. "You're so comfy Andi, baby."

"Alexis, that's not really a good place for you. Please get off, two men shouldn't sit this way."

Alexis giggled, got, planted a kiss on my cheek, and mockingly said, "Two men. Sure... I might be a boy, but I'm so not a man."

"Well, we can both agree on that..." I just ignored his kiss for the moment, but a strange sensation happened when he did it...

"Oh hey, do you like use that gaming message app?" I knew the app he was talking about and I actually did use it when I played games with my friends. "That's great! Let me add my contact to your app!" I watched as he added himself, his tag was SatansBoyToy666. I could only roll my eyes. He then added me on his app.

When it was time to go, he held my hand and pressed something into it. "I almost forgot! I got you this!" He kissed my other cheek and skipped back towards his house.

I looked in my hands and found a necklace. One that matched his exactly, but my pentagram was pink... I sighed, and set it on the table. On the way to bed, I noticed that one of the crosses in the hallway had been turned upsidedown. I was annoyed, but just too tired to deal with it.

I woke up to a message: "Hey baby, come on over here today! Oh, and could you please were your new present? It would mean a lot to me! <3" I was conflicted... Alexis actually seemed nice and I didn't want to hurt him... But a pentagram? Could I really? Remembering my mission to get closer to him, I decided it was worth it. After all, I'd be rid of all of this after I converted him. Going to get the necklace, I stopped to look at the cross hanging upside-down. It... honestly didn't look all that bad... And besides one of the saints died on inverted cross right? I just left it as I gingerly slipped in the pentagram and continued to get ready. This time, I decided to take a bible with me. My little gift to Alexis.

Alexis opened his door, his eyes went bright, and he embraced me in a hug. "It looks adorable on you!" I gave a nervous smile and told him I had a gift for him, handing him the bible. He giggled and said, "Oh thanks! I promise I'll use it."

I was surprised by his response, but was pretty happy about what he said. Maybe I really was getting through to him! We settled ourselves on the couch, and I didn't even think about it when he sat himself on my lap. At one point, he stood up, slightly embarrassed, and explained that he would be right back. He took the bible with him as he left. Curious, I followed... Alexis went into the bathroom (leaving the door open) and pulled out a throbbing erection from his panties. I stood in awe as he opened the bible, and began stroking himself.

"What are you doing?" I yelled. Alexis didn't seem surprised that I had followed.

"I told you I'd use it! I always need a new cum tag!" He smiled as he said it and continued to masturbate. I was frozen in place. I couldn't stop myself as I watched him, moaning in a feminine manner as he came right there on the scripture! He then ripped out the soiled pages, and flushed them unceremoniously down the toilet. Then he looked at me, still grinning. "Oh, do you need some help?"

I was confused at first... Then I looked down, and was even more confused... I was rock solid! It showed plainly through my jeans. "I... uhh... I...?"

"Don't worry sweetie, I'll take care of it," he said while walking over. I was glued to the floor as he removed my dick, stroked it gently, then sucked the tip into his mouth. It was heavenly. Or hellish? Lauren sucked at sucking and rarely ever did it. Always knew exactly what he was doing. I was right on the edge, but just before I came, he popped me out of his mouth. He then spread open the bible, and pumped me with his hand as I too came in the book. "There! All better!" he giggled as he flushed those pages too, but not before licking a little off.

I stuffed my dick into my pants and bolted. "I'm sorry, I need to go!"

Days passed after that. Alexis showed up and sheepishly tried to apologize. He then said he'd message me later to see how I was doing, and before he turned to leave, kissed me square on the lips. I don't know why, or what was happening, but I leaned into the kiss. I kissed him back! He just smiled, and left.

I wasn't ready to face Alexis again yet, but he did message me. Things like "I hope your feeling better today darling <3" and "Maybe we can hang out soon?"

I replied and told him I was okay. Then without focusing on what I was typing, said "Let's hang out tomorrow <3". I saw the heart after I sent it. I didn't edit it out or try to pretend it was an accident... I just left it. A flutter happened in my chest. I went and looked at the cross in Lauren's bedroom (we had separate ones). Something weird stirred within me... I watched my hand in slow motion as it took down the cross, and left it flipped upside-down on the bedside table. I felt... Giddy. I went through the house and flipped the rest of the silly things.

Looking in the mirror, I noticed that was wearing the pentagram still. It did look good on me... I decided to do something different today... Something to shock Alexis. I wanted to shave for him. Everywhere. I spent the rest of the day making myself smooth.

The next day, I messaged Alexis to come over. I also asked him to bring the bible. Minutes after my message, he was at my door. Today's outfit was a shirt sporting Baphomet, a skirt covered in pentagrams, and fishnets. He wore both an inverted cross and a pentagram necklace. I kissed him before he even had a chance to speak. He melted in my arms and greedily kissed back.

"Unholy fuck!" Alexis gasped as he came in, noticing all the upside-down crosses. "Andi, baby, I love what you've done with the place!" He gave a huge smile and kissed me again. I couldn't believe that everything that was happening, everything I had done... was making me harder than I've ever been in my life! Alexis saw it too and groped me. "I can't wait," he giggled.

"I've got more to show you," I told him as a stripped my shirt and exhibited my hairlessness. "I'm smooth all over too."

"God be damned!" He cheered.

I couldn't wait, I wanted to see this boy naked and I wanted to make out. I didn't fight these feelings at all and I knew I should be worried about going to hell... But I was far too excited to give a fuck! "Please, let me see you naked!" I begged.

"Wait, just a second." He started rummaging through a purse I hadn't noticed before. He pulled out a small makeup kit. "Let's make you pretty first!" His eyes were beaming brightly as I led him to the bathroom for him to start his fun. "Okay, this will take a minute, so just hold still, sugar."

I felt him gently and expertly applying the make-up. I was actually kind of excited at the idea. I had never been allowed to try it before, but I had seen my mother applying hers while growing up and had always been curious. Finally, Alexis stepped back and allowed me to get a look at myself. I looked... well, still like me, but at the same time not. Like maybe if I had been born a woman... I felt so... gay! Honestly, so excited about what Alexis was able to let me see in myself. But now I was ready for the real fun.

"Thanks for the makeover, sweetie, now we both look beautiful." I couldn't believe the words I was saying, but it felt so good to say them. "It's far beyond time for new to see you in full though," I smiled sexily.

Alexis giggled, "Are you sure? I've got some tattoos you might not like... Besides, are boys really supposed to look at each other this way according to your religion?" He said the last word like it felt gross in his mouth.

I laughed. I couldn't help it. He was entirely right and I couldn't disagree. "You know what?" I said acting like I was thinking about something. "I'm not really sure that I care that much right now. I want to feel this. Whatever this is. I don't care if it's gay, or a sin, or whatever... Fuck my religion if I'm not allowed to do this!" I practically yelled the last part, and I didn't even notice I was clutching the pentagram around my neck till after.

"Oooh you are such a bad boy! I think I'm in love!" Alexis teased me. "Come on, let's go to yours and Lauren's bedroom."

"Well, we actually sleep in separate rooms..."

"Oh... Well, I'll let you decide then!"

I put my finger to my lips and felt naughty... "Let's go to the bitch's room," I smiled as I led Alexis.

"Good! I fucking hate the way she treated me." As we entered the room, Alexis immediately began stripping. He stood before me, completely naked and twirled around. There was an inverted cross tattooed above his cute ass like a tramp stamp. Something shined in his butt, and he paused to show off a butt plug with a hot pink pentagram on it. His ass cheeks also had some interesting words tattooed on them, "Fuck God". I felt my heart flutter. He was incredibly sexy... 

Alexis blushed as he spoke up, "This is like, really embarrassing, but... I need to tinkle before we play." I told him that was no problem, he knew where the bathroom was. "Oh, that's okay, I don't need it. Where does Lauren keep her underwear?" I was a bit confused, but motioned towards the top dresser drawer. He proceeded to open it up, pull it out, and set it on the floor. He also grabbed a picture of her and her family off the dresser, and threw it in with the underwear. Then Alexis started to pee. He let out a soft little sigh as he pissed all over my girlfriend's (well ex later I guess) underwear and made especially sure to soak her face in the picture. Then he happily put the drawer up and announced, "I feel so much better now! Fuck that bitch!" he sang happily.

I just laughed and pulled him in for a kiss. Our tongues began to intertwine and I felt his cock pressing against me. He was so warm! And the way his dick throbbed turned me on so much more than Lauren's pussy ever had! I stood up and stripped myself.

Alexis looked at me hungrily, and then remembered the bible I asked him to bring. "What did you want to do with this?" he asked fishing it out of the purse on the floor.

"Honestly, I don't really care anymore... I was hoping you might have some fun ideas," looking at the stupid book.

"Wanna draw naughty pictures in it? I've got a marker!" He pulled it out as well.

"Oh, that does sound fun! Let me see!" I was excited to draw the first thing in it and flipped it open to the middle. I drew a big pentagram right on the page.

"My turn!" Alexis snatched the market and drew a cute little cock spurting cum on the other page.

"Aw, that's so pretty!" Again, I couldn't believe what was happening! I was so hard from this! I turned over a few pages, giggled, and ripped out a couple for fun before writing, "This is bullshit!" in big letters.

Alexis started giggling as he took the marker for his turn again. He turned the page, rubbed his cock on it, and wrote "Fuck you!"

This time, when I took the marker back, Alexis slipped his mouth onto my dick. I sighed and flip open to the front of the bible. There, I drew the prettiest upside-down cross that I could... made of cocks.

When Alexis took the marker, I decided to repay the favor and put his dick in my mouth. I'd never thought I would suck cock... but now I wanted it with my whole soul. I licked and sucked as best I could to make him feel good. Then he showed me what he wrote: "Cock tastes better than salvation. Dick is my true savior!" I popped his dick out of my mouth, and happily put my hands together to pray right to his cock. I said the words he had written aloud and gave a hearty "Hail Cock!" At the end. We both erupted into giggles and Alexis repeated the prayer to my dick.

He threw the book into the bedside trashcan and bent over to remove the plug from his ass. "Ready to fuck God?" He asked excitedly.


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