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Bless Me Father for I have Sinned 01

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Sister Kathryn sees Father Thomas for his spiritual guidance.
5.9k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/17/2023
Created 01/24/2016
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Losing her faith, Mother Superior sends Sister Kathryn to Father Thomas for counseling and for his spiritual guidance.

Author's Warning:

This story has explicit, X-rated sex between a priest and a nun of the Holy Order of Virgins. If you are offended by such a story, please do not continue to read about Sister Kathryn having graphic sex with Father Thomas.

Author Note:

Many men wonder and are curious to know what a Catholic Nun wears beneath her habit. They wear what any other woman wears. Most nuns wear panties and a bra. Those smaller breasted women wear panties without a bra with a slip or plain camisole while others, returning to the times of old, don't wear any underwear beneath their habit. Many nuns today don't wear habits but wear modern, modest blouses, appropriate length skirts, and a cap to signify they are a nun in the way that a priest wears a white collar to signify that he's a priest. Different from how nuns are shown in the movies, nuns don't wear makeup.

Although it may be many men's sexual fantasy to have sex with a nun, a national survey of tens of thousands of nuns has uncovered widespread sexual abuse of nuns within the Catholic Church. It's hard not to believe that nuns are sexually abused too after the scandal of children being sexually abused by priests. Yet, nonetheless, an astonishing statistic, four out of every ten nuns, more than 40% actually, of all Catholic Nuns have been sexually abused by Catholic Priests and/or by other Catholic Nuns, even by parishioners. It's even more of a staggering statistic when denoting that priests and nuns have taken vows of celibacy. If Catholics can't trust their priests and nuns to obey and abide by their vows of celibacy, who can they trust?

If one was to scratch the surface and delve behind the scenes with hidden cameras, despite their vows of celibacy, teaming with sexual frustration, the Catholic Church is seemingly a hot bed of sexual activity. If more than 40% of nuns are having reluctant, non-consensual, and forced sex, the percentage of priests and nuns having consensual sex between themselves and with members of their congregation are even higher. Perhaps it's time the Pope allowed priests and nuns to marry. Perhaps it's time the Pope allowed nuns to become priests. Perhaps it's time to reveal the mystery of what really goes on behind the altars, the closed rectory doors, and inside of a convent.

How dare they deceive us and disappoint us with their sexual behavior? How dare they continue to make us feel guilty with their holier than thou looks and attitudes for being human, when they are no better than the rest of us? How dare they continue to break their vows by continuing to break the 7th Commandment, Thou shall not commit adultery and the 10th Commandment, Thou shall not covet thou neighbor's wife (and husband).

A woman of faith should feel safe in a convent, in a house of God, and/or in a house of worship without being a victim of the Devil and/or of sexual abuse by of all people, her priest. Sadly, traumatically, and tragically, after being so sexually abused and having their vows forcibly broken, many nuns have confessed that they were left with feelings of anger, rage, shame, anxiety, and depression. With the sexual abuse so horrific, rapes, gangbangs, and cum baths some nuns were diagnosed with PTSS, Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

Some nuns even considered leaving the religious life as a nun and others confessed to having thoughts of or had attempted suicide. Unable to cope with the shame, the embarrassment, and the humiliation, some nuns have taken their own lives by committing suicide. Just as they felt that they'd never make it to Heaven as a nun having forced or consensual sex anyway, they'd never see the light of Heaven after killing themselves either. Having broken their vows of celibacy whether forcibly or consensually by having sex with priests, other nuns, and/or with parishioners, the ultimate betrayal, they were wives of Jesus who cheated on God.

* * * * *

This story is not an investigatory exposé on the sexual abuse of nuns, hardly that. This story is a work of fiction of a single incident that later blossomed into a sexual relationship between a priest and a nun that may have happened in real life as it happened in fiction. In the light of so very many nuns being sexually abused by priests, by other nuns, and by parishioners within their congregation, this work of fiction may be more of a work of non-fiction indeed.

Being that priests and nuns are human and mere mortal souls, sometimes a want, a need, and a lustful desire, may lead to sexual abuse and to even having consensual sex between a priest and a nun later. Being that priests and nuns are human and mere mortal souls, sometimes forced or consensual sex may happen between members of the clergy and members of the congregation. Priests and/or nuns having heterosexual, gay, or lesbian sex between one another has happened since the birth of the Catholic Church and will continue to happen behind closed rectory doors and inside of convents.

Since sexual abuse had been proven to happen on a regular basis within the confines of the Catholic Church, writing about the sexual lust of a priest and the sexual desires of a nun is fair game. Whether the sexual abuse happens in a convent, in the rectory, inside of a church, and even in the bingo halls during a bingo game, sexual abuse between a priest and a nun and/or between two nuns is just wrong. Even when the sex is consensual, sex between a priest and a nun, between two nuns, or two priests, is wrong too. It's just nasty. If we can't trust priests and nuns to be celibate after taking their vows of celibacy, who can we trust? How can we as Christians keep our vows when even our spiritual leaders can't?

Yet, by poking fun of a serious, sexual abuse issue that continues to exist within the Catholic Church, Bless Me Father for I have Sinned may bring more exposure (forgive the pun) to the problem of forbidden sex within the Catholic Church. Being that the sexual abuse of nuns existed even more back then and long before than it does now, updated from 1945 to modern time, this story is what the Bells of St. Mary should have been had it been made today. By taking the leap of disbelief, if you can imagine Bing Crosby having sex with Ingrid Bergman, then it should be easier to see Father Thomas having sex with Sister Kathryn.

With tongue firmly planted in cheek, I give you Bless Me Father for I have Sinned. If you will, think of this story as a modern day version of The Bells of St. Mary. Think of Father Thomas as Bing Crosby who played Father O'Malley and Sister Kathryn as Ingrid Bergman who played Sister Mary Benedict in the movie. This story, Bless Me Father for I have Sinned is a similar story, kind of, not really, well, not at all but it's a sexy story nonetheless and an inside look of what routinely happens between a priest and a nun.

* * * * *

Bless Me Father for I have Sinned, Chapter 1, Part 2

"Bless me Father for I have Sinned," said Sister Kathryn at confession.

Father John, who sat across from her in the confessional, bowed his head and closed his eyes while listening to the good Sister.

"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost," said Father John blessing the nun. "Tell me, Sister Kathryn, a Sister of the Holy Order of Virgins, what were your sins?"

Ashamed, embarrassed, and full of remorse, a fallen angel, Sister Kathryn broke eye contact and bit her lip before confessing her sins.

"I cursed seven times. I had bad thoughts of Sister Audrey when she took the biggest piece of pie. And," she said with a long and seemingly painful pause. "I had sex with Father Thomas," said the nun.

As if splashing him with icy cold water, Father John popped open his eyes to look up at the nun with a face full of shock and curiosity.

"Sex? Sorry Sister. Perhaps I didn't hear you correctly," said Father John straightening his posture in the booth while staring at the nun. "Did you say sex? Did you say that you had sex with Father Thomas?"

Sister Kathryn looked at the priest through the screened partition as if she was looking at a holy spirit in her room.

"Yes, Father. I said sex. I'm embarrassed to confess that I had sex with Father Thomas," she said with deep feelings of guilt, remorse, regret, and disgrace.

"When you said you had sex with Father Thomas, did you have touchy and feely sex while kissing?"

Not looking at her priest, she continued looking down at the confessional floor.

"No, it was more than that Father," she said.

Leaning forward to move closer to her, he cleared his throat before speaking.

"When you said you had sex with Father Thomas, did you have vaginal, sexual intercourse?"

Father John looked at Sister Kathryn with a sudden keen interest and Sister Kathryn looked at the priest shocked that he'd even ask her such a question.

"Dear Heavens me. God no, Father John," said Sister Kathryn taking her cross in hand to kiss it. "I can't believe you'd even ask such a question. I'd never break my vow of celibacy, never," she said.

Father John looked at her embarrassed.

"My apologies Sister Kathryn for insulting you by asking you that," he said. "Please forgive me."

As if she was an actress giving her line on stage of a Broadway play, she straightened her posture and lifted her chin high before speaking again but this time without reservation or apology.

"Something I've given hundreds of men before becoming a nun and a Sister of the Holy Order of Virgins, I merely gave Father Thomas a hand job. While he kissed me, French kissed, I stroked his cock," she said as if giving her priest a holy hand job was permissible between two members of the clergy in the Catholic Church. "While he felt my bra clad breasts, fingered my nipples, and felt my panty clad ass through my habit, I stroked his cock," she said whispering before pausing to see how the priest reacted to her confession.

Seemingly ready to burst through the confessional to have sex with Sister Kathryn himself, Father John did his best to look up at her with a non-judgmental face.

"Please continue Sister. For me to give you my forgiveness, you must tell me everything," said the priest.

Sister Kathryn took a big breath before speaking again.

"Then, while he continued fondling my tits and fingering my nipples through my habit, as if I was praying, I kneeled before him, took his priestly prick in my mouth, and sucked him. Nothing new there either," she said. "Before becoming a nun, I sucked lots of cocks. Yet, it was different with Father Thomas. With him helping me to restore my faith, the kind and giving Father filled my mouth with his goodness and I swallowed his holy seed," she looked up at her priest again.

Father John's mouth fell open and he stared at her as if she was naked after he undressed her with his wide-eyed stare.

"For me to give you total absolution of your sins, without leaving anything out, you must tell me all that happened sister," he said.

With the confessional booth suddenly softly shaking, Father John masturbated himself behind the enclosed partition in the confessional. Looking around her as if there was an earthquake, Sister Kathryn nodded her head before speaking again.

"Then, commanding me to spread my legs and put my elbows on his desk, he bent me over his desk, in the way that James Spader as Mr. Grey did with Maggie Gyllenhaal as Lee Holloway in the Secretary. As if covering a religious statue with a black shroud, he lifted my habit up and over my head before bunching it around my neck in the way of an oxen's yoke," said Sister Kathryn.

Stroking himself faster and harder, the confessional booth creaked and groaned while Father John self-abused himself.

"And then what happened Sister. Tell me. Tell me everything. Don't leave anything out," said Father John seemingly out of breath.

Pretending she didn't know what he was doing on the other side of the confessional, she gave him a sexy look with her best naughty smile before speaking again.

"He removed my panties and unhooked and lifted my bra. My big tits fell in the palm of his horny hands. He fingered my nipples before lubing my rectum with gel. In order for him to restore my faith, I allowed Father Thomas to inject me with his goodness by not only cumming in my mouth but also in my ass too. I allowed Father Thomas to give me anal sex, Father John," said Sister Kathryn.

With the Father John's face as red as the devil's cape, the priest put a finger to his collar to loosen it.

"Oh, my God," said Father John in a quivering voice while seeming sexually excited by Sister Kathryn's confession.

As if she was smiling at the Holy Spirit, she gave the priest a reverent smile.

"He restored my faith Father. He did. He truly did. Only, even though Father Thomas assured me that it wasn't a sin what we did and that no vows were officially broken, I wanted a second opinion," she said.

She seemed proud that she didn't break her vow of celibacy by only giving her priest a hand job, a blowjob, and anal sex instead of having vaginal, sexual intercourse.

"I'm glad that Father Thomas took you under his wing, so to speak and showed you the way. As far as the Catholic Church is concerned by them turning a blind eye, hand jobs, blowjobs, and anal sex are permissible under a secret Canon Law written in Latin fine print. That was kind of Father Thomas to, um, restore your faith by showing you the loophole of how you can have sex without breaking your vow of celibacy," said Father John. "As your attrition, say one hundred Hail Mary's," said Father John.

Sister Kathryn bowed her head and signed herself.

"Thank you Father. God Bless you, Father. Peace be with you, Father" said the nun.

The priest held up his hand to make the sign of the cross.

"In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. God bless you, Sister and may peace be with you too, but before you go," he said with some reservation. "If you have the time, I'd, um, like to see you in privately in the rectory. I, um, have something to show you, um, I mean, I just want to see something. Sorry, I, um, have something to give you," he said.

Sister Kathryn, while still a virgin and a Sister in good standing of the Holy Order of Virgins, albeit now a sexually enlightened nun, smiled a knowing smile.

"As long as you fill my mouth with your holy goodness as more reinforcement to my faith, I'd be happy to kneel before you while praying, stroking, and sucking your cock, Father John," whispered Sister Kathryn.

Father Thomas looked at Sister Kathryn with sexual excitement. He looked at her as if he was seeing a vision of a saint.

"I'd like that," said Father John. Perhaps if we have the time, in the way that Father Thomas so kindly did, you can allow me to give you anal sex too as even more spiritual reinforcement."

* * * * *

Bless Me Father for I have Sinned, Chapter 1, Part 3

Of all the women to become a nun, Elsa Olsen wasn't one of them. Too focused on the natural beauty of her physical appearance to welcome God in her life, she was more enamored with her long, naturally blonde hair and her big, blue eyes than she was with Jesus. Instead of seeing God staring back at her in her mirror, in love with herself and with her good looks, she only saw her beautiful self. If she thanked God for anything back then, she thanked him for her pretty face, her tall, slim, shapely body, and her big tits.

She loved her big tits. If she had to number and name her favorite parts of her body, she'd name her D cup breasts as number one and her shapely, round, firm ass as number too. Third, of course, would be her beautiful face, fourth would be her long, lush, naturally blonde hair and fifth would be her big blue eyes. Just as every man she dated loved feeling and sucking on her big tits, they loved feeling and squeezing her tight, round ass. While she stroked their cocks before sucking their cocks, she loved it when they felt her tits and fingered her nipples while French kissing her, rubbing her clit, and fingering her pussy.

Once proud of her collection of shoes, clothes, nail polishes, CD's, and sexy romance novels, Sister Kathryn was now proud of her accomplishments as a teacher of children in parochial school. Never thinking she could be happy as a nun, her life change couldn't be any more different and any more dramatic. Never believing she could live in a convent as a nun, always having reservations before taking her vows, yet after taking her vows of celibacy and poverty, she couldn't be happier.


After seeing the light and hearing her calling, Elsa Olsen had turned her life around. Before she became Sister Kathryn, a nun, and a Sister of the Holy Order of Virgins, on her way to being a hand job artist and a blowjob specialist, she abandoned men and sex for religion and God. A complete turnaround along her fallen way, seemingly a disciple of the Devil, she did everything that a whore did but for sexual intercourse and anal sex. Even though she sucked her way through college, thankfully saving her virginity for her husband, whomever he may be, who knew her husband would be Jesus?

In the way she loved looking in the mirror at her image, she loved seeing men's cocks. She adored men's pricks. In the way she was on her knees praying night and day now, she was on her knees stroking while sucking cock back then. In the way she loved her Lord Jesus Christ now, worshiping a false God, a phallic idol, she loved men's big, hard and hairy pricks then.

In the way she attended confession once a month and received Holy Communion, as if that was her daily religious ritual, she had a difficult time going a day without sucking a man. Now, it had been more than ten years since she has had sex. It had been ten years since a man saw her naked, French kissed her, and felt her breasts and fingered her nipples. It had been more than ten years since she stroked a cock and sucked a cock.

"Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus! Save from the Devil and from a whore's life, I'm free from all of that nonsense."

If she missed any one thing about her life before becoming a nun it was giving blowjobs. She loved stroking cock as much as she loved sucking cock. Yet, no matter her vow of celibacy and her abstention from sex, her memories of sucking cock have stayed with her from her old life to her new one. Whenever she allowed a sexual fantasy to creep in her head, it was always a sexual fantasy of her giving some man a blowjob. Sometimes, when horny and alone in her room, she played with her nipples while masturbating herself and while running a select list of those men she gave oral sex to through her mind. Sometimes, when really horny and alone in her room, she rubbed her clit and fingered her pussy while thinking about the men she had seen on the street and/or in church who she'd love to blow.

No longer ashamed, embarrassed, or remorseful, unable to stop her sexual desire for stiff pricks, she loved sucking cock. In the way her mother, Ingrid, confessed to her before she was married to her husband, Elsa's father, Hans, her mother loved sucking cocks too. Like mother like daughter, seemingly when it came to stroking cock and sucking cock, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Yet, now that she had forsaken the forbidden fruit of giving blowjobs to grateful men for religion and for God, she was done with all of that promiscuous sexual behavior. With that part of her deviant sexual life over and in her past, she had reinvented herself through her religion and with the help and guidance of her Lord God, Jesus Christ.

Before she found God, in the way that an alcoholic couldn't go a day without a drink, Sister Kathryn couldn't go a day without seeing a cock, stroking a cock, and sucking a cock. Seemingly addicted to sex then, in the way she was addicted to the Lord God Jesus Christ now, she had chosen the wrong path and had gotten lost before finding her way.


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