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Bless Me Father for I have Sinned 06

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Father Thomas is ready to have anal sex with Sister Kathryn.
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Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/24/2016
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Sacred albeit salaciously sacrilegious, with Sister Kathryn reluctant at first, Father Thomas has his wicked sexual way with Sister Kathryn and has anal sex with the fallen nun.

Continued from Chapter 5:

"Mother Superior confessed that you've been troubled, my child. The Holy Mother told me that you've been slowly losing your faith and have been praying very hard to find your faith again," he said while still playing with her lips with his finger.

Unable to help herself, she accepted his finger in her mouth and sucked it as if she was taking Communion or was already sucking his cock.

"I have Father," she said ejecting his finger from her mouth with her tongue for her to speak. "I've been praying so very hard to God to find my faith again and to regain my belief in Him."

He smiled at her as if he was the pontiff.

"She has sent you to me to help you with that. I can help you, my fallen angel. I've helped many nuns of the Holy Order of Virgins before," he said as if he was an oracle who possessed a miracle instead of a priest who possessed a big, hard prick.

Momentarily covering his cock with his hands, he folded his hands in front of him as if he was a monk instead of a priest. Then, unfolding his hands to expose his cock to her again, he put a hand on her shoulder again as if he was her father in addition to being her priest. Yet, instead of looking at her as if he was her father and/or her priest, he looked at her as if he was already her lover.

"I have. Seemingly, I've lost my way Father Thomas," she said looking up at him with sorrow and sadness before looking down at his exposed prick with sexual excitement.

As if he was the Lord Jesus himself, he removed his hand from her shoulder to open his hands. He showed her his palms as if welcoming her to join him in the valley of the forbidden, the forsaken, and the forlorn. Without being forceful, he was persistent in seducing her to give him sex in exchange for him renewing her faith. Seemingly, the deal that she needed to make with this devil, he was unable to give her one without the other. Unable to renew her faith without a sex, seemingly it was a win/win for both.

"I'm here to help you restore your faith. I'm your way to reconnect with God," he said placing his hand on her shoulder again.

This time, making his sexual intention known, he gently pushed down on her shoulder until she moved to her knees in front of him. With his erect prick only inches from her mouth, he looked at her with kindness while she looked at him as if she was about to cry. In the way he'd soon be slowly sliding his cock along her ass and parting her cheeks with his cock, he slowly slid his cock across her lips before parting them.

"You're here to help me and to restore my faith?" With his cock pressed against her lips and making it impossible for her to say no, she looked up at him wanting to believe him. She looked up at him wanting trust him. She looked up at him as sexually depraved as he seemingly was. She looked up at him wanting to give him sex as much as he obviously wanted to give her sex. "You are? How?"

He smiled at her as if he was the Pope. He looked at her as if he was Jesus on Earth. Only, he wasn't the Pope and he wasn't Jesus. If he was anything, he was the Devil disguised as a priest. If he was anything, he was a perverted priest and a predator who preyed on innocent nuns.

"Don't question, Sister. Just believe. Don't question, Sister. Just suck. For my reverse exorcism to work and for me to inject you with His holy spirit to renew your faith, you must have faith. I cannot renew your faith if you don't believe that I can," he said while putting a gentle hand to the back of Sister Kathryn's head.

Wanting to believe that Father Thomas could renew her lost faith, she opened her heart, her soul, and her mouth. Chapter 6:

Even though he was a man of God, looking at him with respect, obedience, belief, and trust before, she looked at him with disrespect, rebellion, doubt, and distrust now. How dare he lead her astray off the garden path? With her innocence, kindness, and goodness, as if she was Eve in the Garden of Eden instead of Sister Kathryn in the rectory, he was her snake dangling his apple disguised as his penis in front of her.

Her temptation was sex. Easy to find her weakness, he used the one thing she missed in her prior life as a sexual woman to have his wicked sexual way with her. As if he was the Devil in disguise and reincarnated in the form of her priest sent up from Hell to seduce her, even though she smiled at him as if she trusted him, she didn't believe a word he said.

'Reverse exorcism my ass," she thought while giving Father Thomas a gullible smile. 'Not sure whether to believe him or not, there's no such thing as reverse exorcism is there? Who the Hell does he think he's kidding with that line? How dare he lay that shit on me? I've been around before I became a nun. I've heard better lines in a bar. How dare he think me dumb enough to fall for reverse exorcism? Yet with me so horny and sexually frustrated, having my cake and eating it too, I'd do anything if it means that I can remain and nun and have sex too,' she thought while smiling at her priest.

Albeit her disrespect, rebellion, doubt, and distrust of her priest, she was so tempted to have sex with her priest. What did it matter how she felt about him and whether or not she believed and/or trusted him, he was a man, she was a woman, and she was so very horny? His cock stuck straight out of his pants as if pointing to her and as if choosing her as the one, the very special one seduced by this Devil on Earth.

She couldn't help herself from looking at him with unadulterated lust, wanton desire, and sexual excitement. She couldn't help herself from staring at his exposed prick. Even though she knew better than to stare at his cock and to succumb to his sexual seduction, unable to stay strong against his will to have sex with her, she silently prayed to ask God for his help.

'Dear God in Heaven, help me to resist temptation and to resist this priest. Help me to stay strong against this Devil dressed as my priest. Help me to not stroke his cock before sucking his cock. Help me to say no to my priest giving me anal sex. By the way, God, is there such a thing as a reverse exorcism?'

She was weak and just as she knew she couldn't help herself from staring at his erect cock, she knew that if she hadn't pray to God, she'd succumb to his seduction. Being that she was soon to be on her knees anyway, she silently prayed. Only, with her prayers going unanswered, she was doomed to have sex with her priest. She was doomed to suck Father Thomas cock before he stuck that huge monster of a prick in her ass. Yet, not all bad, at least she'd be having sex and perhaps, he'd help to renew her faith in God and restore her faith in her religion.

Other than masturbating herself when alone in her room, it had been such a long time since she had sex. Feeling as if it had been much longer than ten years since she became a nun and took her vow of obedience, poverty, and celibacy, it had been so long, too long, since she had her wicked, sexual way with a cock. Now, here he was, a young, handsome, Catholic priest of all people, not much older than her, offering his erect penis to her, a Catholic nun of all people. If only he could read her mind, wouldn't he be shocked. If only he could read her mind, undoubtedly, he'd think of her more as a slut and/or a whore than a nun and a woman of religion and of God.

With his cock exposed to her, she didn't have to read his mind to know what he was thinking. Obviously by his erection, she already knew. Obviously by his erection, he was thinking what she was thinking. Obviously by his erection and with her already wet, he sexually wanted her as much as she sexually wanted him. Obviously, he was thinking of having sex with her just as she was thinking of having sex with him too. She'd love nothing more than to have communion, a reunion of sorts, with his cock in the way she once had with so very many different cocks before becoming a nun.

As if he was a sexy, sexual prophet instead of a priest, he had awakened her sleeping, sexual feelings that were deeply rooted within her and that had remained dormant for her to become a nun and take her vow of celibacy. In the way she had seen the light of her religion and heard the calling of her God, she had seen the erectness of his penis and heard him requesting that she suck him. In the way she fell to her knees to pray to her God, she knew she'd be falling to her knees to suck her priest.

With her unable to say no, seemingly sucking Father Thomas was something that she had to do. Whether she remained a nun or not, she may not have this sexual opportunity again. Seemingly, having sex with her priest was her new life. Seemingly, his erect prick was her new calling. She had seen the light and heard her calling again. Only, in addition to being the wife of Jesus, she'd also be the bitch, the slut, and the whore of this priest. A win/win for her in exchange for him renewing her belief in God and restoring her faith in her religion by a reverse exorcism, she'd have to have sex with Father Thomas.

'Thank you, Jesus,' she thought.

Now that she had seen his stiff, erect prick and now that he had teased her, tempted her, and tested her with his stiff, erect prick, she so wanted to touch his stiff, erect prick. In the way she only and always thought of Jesus, the Bible, and the convent, she now thought of Father Thomas, his big prick, and sucking him. She so wanted to take his stiff, erect prick in her hand, wrap her holy fingers around his cock, and stroke him before falling to her knees to suck him. Instead of kneeling to pray before her priest, she wanted to kneel before her priest to suck him.

'Oh, my God, Dear God, please forgive me for having sexual thoughts for my priest. Amen,' she silently prayed her abbreviated prayer.

Not wanting to go into too many sexual details with her prayer, if there was a God in Heaven above, he knew what she was thinking anyway. If there was a God in Heaven above, he'd know or should know than nuns and priests should marry. If there was a God in Heaven above, he'd know or should know that nuns should be allowed to become priests, bishops, cardinals, and even the pope.

As if giving her sexual communion instead of Holy Communion, she now truly believed that Father Thomas could restore her faith by ejaculating his cum in her mouth and by ejaculating his cum again in her ass. Even with her having never heard the term before or read about it in the Bible, she now truly believed in reverse exorcism. Being that sexual contact was part of the process of restoring her faith, with her already willing to believe and not too hard to convince, she wanted to believe that hand jobs and blowjobs were the way to her salvation.

'Hallelujah,' she thought. 'Thank you, Jesus.'

* * * * *

What goes around, comes around. In the way pricks were so prevalent in her past, she never thought that hand jobs and blowjobs would return to her life to bite her in the ass with her priest wanting to give her anal sex too. Yet, with one comes the other and as long as she could stroke his cock while sucking his cock, obviously the high price she had to pay to renew her faith, she'd gladly sacrifice her virginal ass to him. Feeling better about bending her vow of celibacy now, if he could help her be born again and believe again, she gladly have sex with him for her to have that blind feeling of faith again.

A bit of a stretch for her, being that she never had anal sex before, but for this reverse exorcism to work, obviously she needed to believe that anal sex was the path to her salvation too. She needed to believe that by her priest cumming in her mouth and then cumming in her ass would renew her faith in her God and in her religion too. Ready to take her leap of faith, already wanting him to cum in her mouth, she was now willing for him to cum in her ass too. In the way she was reluctant to have sex with him before, she was ready to have sex with him now. In the way she was reluctant about him giving her anal sex before, she was ready for him to give her anal sex now.

"I know many young women your age have a difficult time doing without the sexual affection of a man," he said talking to her as if he was her incestuous father instead of her Catholic priest.

As if he was trying to persuade his virginal daughter to have sex with him, he seduced his nun with his promise to make her whole again. With her lost and now found, as odd as it may sound, seemingly, sex was her glue that held her together. If she could have sex with her priest, with other priests, and with a select few members of her congregation, that would help allow her to maintain her faith in God and her belief in her religion.

"I have Father. With sex so much of my life before becoming a nun, I've struggled with the temptation of sex for so long," she confessed. "I used to be such a cock whore and a cum slut before becoming a Sister of the Holy Order of Virgins. Now that God is in my life, my faith is much more important to me than sex. Only, with me beginning to lose my faith, sex has suddenly taken a more dominant role."

Father Thomas looked at her in the way she imagined Jesus looking at her. When his eyes weren't filled with lustful, sexual desire, he had kind eyes. He had the kind of eyes that made her want to tell him all of her secrets while she was on her knees stroking him before sucking him.

"I've helped many Nuns of the Holy Order of Virgins see the light and find their faith again. I've even helped the Holy Mother deal with her spiritual and sexual demons," he said.

He nodded his head as if it was his God given duty to help the Sisters of the Holy Order of Virgins not only spiritually but also sexually find their way along their chosen paths. What a crock of shit? Yet, with her having taken her vow of obedience, she was willing to believe anything that her priest told her especially when the final prize was sex. She was willing to believe whatever her priest said especially when the sex was seemingly secretly authorized by the Catholic Church.

'Oh, my God,' she thought while smiling at her priest. 'Seriously? He helped the Holy Mother? What does that really mean? Does that mean what she thinks that means? Did he have sex with the Mother Superior in the way he's determined to have sex with her too?'

Unable to stop her curiosity, she looked at him while wondering how many other nuns he had sex with while supposedly helping them to renew their faith in God and restore their faith in their religion. She looked at him while wondering how many lonely and sexually frustrated, female parishioners he had sex with while counseling them without their clothes. She looked at him while wondering which nuns at her convent stroked him, sucked him, and anally fucked him by him giving them an exorcism in reverse.

Unable to stop the sexual images of him naked with so very many good, kind, and religiously devout women, she looked at him not knowing if he was the Devil in disguise or God on Earth. She looked at him with surprise while wondering if he had sex with the Holy Mother in the way he had obviously tried and wanted to have sex with her. After the pass that Mother Superior made at her, she had pegged her for a lesbian but now she figured the Holy Mother for a bisexual who swung both ways. She was so very short and so very obese that she couldn't imagine anyone wanting to have sex with her.

Yet, an image she didn't want to have, she imagined the Holy Mother on her knees and stroking Father Thomas while sucking him. An image she didn't want to have, she imagined the Holy Mother being fucked up the ass by Father Thomas while he fondled her big, saggy breasts and fingered her erect nipples. Thinking of her priest sexually with Mother Superior wasn't a flattering image to imagine only, especially with him standing before her with his big cock exposed, she couldn't stop herself from having them. The image of Father Thomas' cock impaled in the Holy Mother's mouth while fucking her face before being buried in her backside while he humped her ass was appalling. With her big tits bouncing up and down and from side-to-side, she imagined the Holy Mother's big belly shaking like gelatin.

"You have? You had sex with, I mean, you helped the Holy Mother see the light and find her faith again through a reverse exorcism by injecting her mouth and her ass with your holiness, your goodness, and your faith?"

Playing his game, she couldn't believe she was saying what he wanted to hear. Yet, for her to have sex with her priest, she needed to believe that he could renew her belief in God and restore her faith in her religion. Still hard for her to swallow but willing to believe if it mean she'd be having sex with her priest, she needed to believe that there was such a thing as reverse exorcism. Why not? She just needs to have faith to believe that there is such a thing as reverse exorcism.

If there was exorcism, why wouldn't there be reverse exorcism? If a priest can remove evil from a person and from a soul with an exorcism, why can't a priest reinsert the Godliness of faith in a nun and goodness in a faithful parishioner? It all made sense to her now, especially with her added dose of justification from her being so sexually frustrated and horny. It all made sense to her now, especially with him standing before her with his exposed erection and ready to give her sex.

"I have helped the Holy Mother see the light and find her faith again," he said nodding his head in the affirmative. "Moreover, the Holy Mother is proud that I've never lost a nun to her service under my tutelage."

He moved closer to her to whisper his words in her ear while placing her hand on his erect penis.

"Father," she said.

With just the mere touch of her hand placed upon his penis, as if an electrical current invigorated her, she looked down at his big cock filling her small hand. He gave her his most reverent smile as soon as she touched his hard prick. As soon as she touched his hard prick, she had shivers traveling down her spine. As soon as she touched his hard prick, as if she was 18-years-old again and touching her first cock in the backseat of a car after her prom, she had a religious experience. As soon as she touched his hard prick, she pushed back her long, blonde hair with her hands while sliding a slow tongue across her full lips.

Involuntary reactions, whenever she was getting ready to suck a man, with her not wanting anything to get in the way of her mouth and a cock, she always moved her hair out of the way. Whenever she was getting ready to suck a man, as if lubricating her lips, she always slid a slow tongue across them to wet them before using her lips to suck him. Whenever she was getting ready to suck a man, she always fondled the head of his cock before stroking his cock and before sucking his cock.

"With us fooling around in the rectory, we can have a little sexy fun while still keeping our vows," he said. "With my main focus on renewing your faith by giving you an exorcism in reverse, we can still combine business with pleasure and sex with religion."

If any man shouldn't be a priest, this man shouldn't be a priest. Yet, tempted to wrap her fingers around his cock and fondle him before stroking him and before sucking him, she looked at him with soulful eyes while biting her lip. This was it. This was really it. Under the guise of reverse exercise and him saving her as a nun, she was really going to have sex with her priest. It was now or never. Once she crossed this line of having sex with her priest, no matter how many Hail Mary's she said, she could never return to the innocent, faithful nun that she was before having sex with Father Thomas.


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