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Blind Date


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She tilted her head curiously, as if surprised he would ask that, "Well you're sweet and kind, you always help me with work when I need it and unlike all the other so called 'men' in the office you aren't constantly hitting on me or just... Staring. Even Charlene is guilty of that, though I have no idea why... Honestly, I thought you were spoken for!"

"I er, no I just, you know. Thought you were a little, you know."

"A little what?" she asked, a smirk on her full lips.

"You know, out of my league?" he asked and to her surprise, she laughed, reaching out with a hand and resting it on his, her touch warm and soft.

"Oh Anthony, you're funny." She giggled, smiling happily and he found himself laughing a little too, albeit uncertainly.

She quickly lured him out of his shell, her bubbly bright personality and insistent conversation all but forcing him to enjoy himself, not that he needed forcing, just that he was trying to figure out at which point the rug would be pulled out from under him.

As the date progressed and the wine flowed, his paranoia began to ebb away as they talked more and more. Despite her beauty and her skill at her job, he had expected, from her reputation as a bit of an airhead, that there wasn't much more to her than he already knew, but he couldn't have been more wrong.

He quickly discovered that she loved sports, watching it daily and keeping up with the news, playing more than a few herself, including tennis, which he too enjoyed on occasion after having played for his team in college. Though that was a main factor in her life she had a wide variety of interests outside of sport, many of which they also shared, their love of films, their love of music and, much to his surprise, a lack of luck with the opposite gender.

He blinked, certain he had just misheard her, "I'm sorry, it's been how long since your last boyfriend?" he asked, voice surprised as he sipped his coffee, their desserts finished. He knew asking the question was a bit of a faux pas, but he had to ask it anyway.

She blushed, "Oh, you heard right, five years." she said, sounding a little embarrassed, her smile slight.

"I find that really hard to believe, I mean, you're the centre of attention in every room you walk into." he smiled, knowing it was the truth.

She giggled a little, her blush brightening, "Flatterer... I'm not blind, or really that modest, I know why people look at me," she glanced down at her own impressive bust, "and I know what they're looking at when they do. It's not that guys aren't interested in me, it's just that I don't find many that I think I'm really, you know, compatible with."

He nodded along, "And you think we're compatible?..." he asked, still, despite how much he'd enjoyed the evening so far, dubious of her words.

She let out a little sigh and eyed him with an expression he couldn't read, her smile gentle, maybe anxious, maybe apologetic. He couldn't read it, but he was familiar with it. He put on a soft little smile himself, as if to tell her it was okay, that he was ready. It was a shame, really, he'd quite enjoyed the evening, but he knew he shouldn't be surprised that no matter how nice a person he was, he would be far below what she would want really.

"I dunno, I think we are..." she said, taking a deep breath, "I just, I'm..." she hesitated, looking at him, "I'm just... Not like other women."

He looked at her, the latter half of her words falling on deaf ears, the first half having gotten stuck in his mind.

"Wait, you're seriously interested in me? You?"

She hesitated, a bit of a warmer smile touching her lips, "Um... Yes? Is that so hard to believe?"

"Well, yes, actually I mean, you're... Well, you know how gorgeous you are." he said, stunned.

She smiled a little wryly, then shrugged, "Anthony, that doesn't mean anything when you really get to know me, as I said, I'm not like other women."

Anthony shrugged, his smile growing, "You're pretty perfect, honestly." he said raising a blush to her cheeks, "I'm sure whatever you think it is that sets you apart from other women it just makes you you and it won't change my opinion of you, which is pretty high right now."

"You're really, really sweet Anthony, but maybe at least hear what it is before you commit to that idea." she said, warm, but cautioning.

He looked at her, trying to be reassuring, while he knew he wouldn't mind whatever it was, if she really had to tell him to feel better about herself, he wouldn't stop her.

She nodded as if to herself to instil confidence as she picked up her coffee and took a deep sip, "Anthony... I'm packing a little extra heat..." she said, voice soft.

He stared back at her, his face a mask of pure incomprehension, "...Alright." was all he said, to cover up his obvious obliviousness.

She giggled a little and shook her head, "Ahh, I hoped I wouldn't have to explain..." she said, a little regretful, "I'm a woman... But I have extra... Male parts."

"Oh." Was all he said, still confused.

"...Down... There..." she followed up to clarify with a point of her finger.

He watched her for a few long moments, then his eyebrows raised, "Oh. Ooooooh. Oooh... I think I understand."

She nodded a little, "It's why I've never had much luck with men." she said if only to fill the silence, though she knew it was obvious.

He looked at her as his mind turned over on itself, he didn't know women like her were a thing, they were rare in the world, but it was the first he was hearing about it. She was his dream girl, but she had a, well, a manhood, if he understood her right.

He would have to have a word with Anne on Monday, ask her just what she thought his type was, because it seemed, if Claire was anything to go off of, Anne believed his type was a beautiful, charming, intelligent, funny, fit, curvy women... His train of thought derailed before it even reached the point of her endowment. It didn't need to.

"I'm feeling pretty compatible if you are." he smiled.

She brightened considerably, her normal bubbly self returning at his words, assuaging her fears that he might not have been the person she hoped he was, "You mean that?" she asked, voice high and excited.

He nodded in confirmation, smiling at her, though he still had a few doubts in his mind, half wondering just what he had gotten himself into, he was certain he had made the right choice, she was his dream girl, he couldn't just let her slip through his fingers for the sake of what was in her pants.

She bit her full soft lip, squirming a little in her seat, clearly ecstatic, "I really hoped you'd say that, but for a second there..." she laughed cutely and brushed a few strands of hair behind her ears, "Then to answer your question, yes, yes I think we're compatible."

They finished their coffee's as they spoke, talking again about sports as if to normalise after such a big revelation, they ordered the bill and he, despite her protest, paid for it himself, insisting with a smile.

"Do you live far from here?" She asked and he explained where he lived to her, "I live not too far from there! I'm kind of on your route back from here, do you want to split a taxi?"

Pleased to hear that she lived close, though he had planned to walk he was more than happy at the prospect of more time with her so agreed, pulling out his smartphone and, after she had given him her address, ordering an Uber.

They stood together outside the restaurant in the cool night air, with Anthony standing at six foot and Claire at five five, he found it hard to believe a girl as feminine and slight as her could be harbouring such a different feature.

She let out a little bit of a shiver, not having brought a coat with her a gentle breeze was enough to have her fold her arms over her stomach.

Having not brought a jacket with him either he had nothing on hand to offer her, but, taking a bit of a chance he opened his arm to her.

Claire looked at him, not understand for a brief moment before it clicked and she blushed a little, stepping closer into his arm, enjoying the warmth of his body against hers.

He looked down at her, small and beautiful against his frame, a smirk touching his lips as he noticed something, "With a blush like that you'll warm up in no time."

He blushed brighter and nudged him in the ribs, drawing a laugh from him that made her smile, "I just didn't think I'd get this lucky with you." she admitted, another laugh rising from him.

"I'm pretty sure that's my line." he said, mirth in his voice as he gave her a soft little squeeze.

She unfolded her arms and wrapped them lightly around his waist, "I really, really enjoyed tonight Anthony." she said, her voice still soft taking more of a serious tone.

"Me too, Claire. I had no idea what Anne had planned for me but, I think I owe her a box of chocolates or something for persuading me into this." he grinned.

She smiled brightly and pressed her head lightly to his chest, holding him as he held her.

The uber arrived and they climbed into the back, their driver, an Asian man who greeted them pleasantly didn't engage them in conversation, assuming, correctly, that the two lovebirds would like to talk amongst themselves.

They rode in silence for a few moments, content in each other's company before Anthony spoke, "So... What do you want to do for our second date?" he asked, certain that they both wanted a repeat.

"Maybe some drinks... Maybe a movie?" she replied, looking up at him with a bright but sly smile.

"That would be nice." he smiled, "I know a couple of good spots we could go for a drink, and there's a few nice films out at the moment, we could maybe go to the cinema on Sunday? Get a couple of drinks together afterwards?"

She paused, pursing her lips as if thinking it over before making a decision, "I mean, we could do that. But I've got a perfectly good Netflix account and wine cabinet at mine... Tonight, if you want."

Anthony opened his mouth in surprise and looked at her before turning his attention to the driver in the rear view mirror. The man looked at him with a sort of, 'what the hell are you looking at me for, are you an idiot? Look at her,' expression that left him certain that there was no other answer to that question, coming from a woman of Claire's calibre other than the one he was about to give.

"I uh, yeah, obviously yeah." he said, though he found himself a little anxious, beginning to wonder just where this evening would lead.

She smiled and took his hand in hers, squeezing it. Remaining quiet for the short remainder of the journey, both swimming in their own thoughts about the other. As they arrived at her place he retrieved his phone, giving his uber driver five stars and a tip.

They climbed from the car and he looked around recognising the area, living, he thought, only a fifteen minute walk from here or so.

As he looked around she had sidled up beside him, looping her arm in his and smiling up, stepping forward, her modest heels clicking on the sidewalk as she steered him towards her place.

"So you er, been living here long?" he asked, making conversation as they entered her apartment building, it was a nice building, he noticed, not unlike his own, unsurprising given how they were on similar salaries.

"Mm almost a year now I think, but I've got my lease extended for at least another two, I'm just looking to settle down, you know?" She asked with a smile as she looked up at him, fishing out her keys and opening the door to her apartment.

She kept it clean and tidy as he did, but the apartment was better decorated, the walls were painted bright colours contrasting to the mostly white of his, but with the apartments spaciousness the bright colours weren't overwhelming.

"Wow, you uh, got a bigger place than I do." he said with a bit of a chuckle, surprised, looking around then back at her, raising an eyebrow as he shut the door behind him, "How'd you get a place like this on our salary?"

She had stepped ahead of him towards the kitchen but paused at the entrance, leaning on the doorframe, a smirk on her lips as she held her hands together and stretched her arms out down in front of her, the effect pushing her sizable breasts up and together, accentuating their size, "Ooh I don't know... I think the owner took a liking to me, you know?" she giggled as she stepped into the kitchen, leaving him blushing by the door.

He stepped further in and cleared his throat, hearing her in the kitchen, the tinkling of glasses. He caught sight of himself in a mirror and tilted his head a little, reaching up to run his fingertips through his hair, doing his best to neaten it. He looked back towards the kitchen and saw Claire standing again in the doorway, this time two glasses and a bottle of wine held in her hands, a grin on her face as she caught him blushing.

"Don't worry so much!" she said, sauntering over to a couch, "You look fine, great, actually." she winked, "Joining me?" she sat herself down and reclined comfortably, looking across to Anthony expectantly.

He smiled and nodded, moving to sit beside her as she poured out two measures of white wine, handing him a glass which he sipped from gratefully.

"How about you pick what we watch?" she asked, handing him a remote, her tone soft and airy.

He took the remote with reverence and eyed it then the TV, switching it on and easily navigating the menus to Netflix. He knew this was some sort of a test, what movie would he put on? Would he put on a romance to try and woo her? Would he put on an action film because he loved it? Would he put on a comedy because all women just want a man that could make them laugh? He flicked through the selection of TV shows, movies and comedy nights and she watched with interest until he finally came to the conclusion, the only conclusion there could be.

"Ooh good choice." she purred, settling back into the seat, "But there's no way we're going to make it all the way through this film on just one bottle of wine..."

He looked at her and met her eye, unable to help himself, smiling, "Nonsense. You're only saying that because no one ever has."

As the movie progressed they did move onto the second bottle of wine. After she had gotten up to retrieve it, as she sat down she sat closer, nestling into the crook of his arm as he draped it over her shoulders.

She was far more intoxicating than the wine was, her slender body warm and soft against his, snuggled up against him as she was it afforded him a view down her top that, with his inhibitions lowered courtesy of the wine, he found himself glancing at more than once. She smelled sweet and he found himself thinking about her more than the film.

He had said he would accept her no matter what and even knowing what he did now his opinion hadn't been swayed in the least. He'd never thought of himself as anything other as heterosexual, but the thought of Claire having a manhood didn't phase him, which confused him a little. He'd never thought about it before, or fantasized about it, but it just didn't matter to him.

It was then he realised just how taken he was with Claire. She was way above anything he had ever expected to get for himself and on top of that, they had a lot in common, a chemistry even. His sexuality wasn't important, she was.

"Whatcha thinking about?" she asked curiously, a sing-song tone to her voice.

He looked down at her, blinking as his train of thought was derailed, smiling a little, "Just... Enjoying the film."

"Uhhuh... You've been staring at the credits with dreamy eyes for like three minutes." she smirked, playful.

He looked back towards the screen, the last of the credits rolling as he stared.

"Sooo, what were you really thinking about?" she pressed, urging her body tighter to his, a hand tracing in circles on his chest through his shirt.

"Just, about your..." he said, honestly, leaving the last word unsaid, knowing it didn't need to be spoken aloud.

"My cock?~" she grinned broadly, giggling a little.

Anthony blushed brightly, realising she had had the same amount to drink that he had and that, combined with her smaller size, probably meant she was quite buzzing.

"Y-yeah, that." he confessed.

She pursed her lips a little, "And?... What's the verdict now you've actually given yourself time to think about it?"

He bit his lip some, picking his next words carefully, "I... Really don't mind that it's a there."

She smirked some, "Mm... You're sure know how to compliment a lady hm?"

"Ah, sorry, I mean-"

"I know what you mean, and it's amazing, you're perfect. If you were in love with it that would be less fun." she nodded.

"Less fun?" he asked.

"Well, then I wouldn't be able to teach you how to love it..." she said, her voice low and sultry, her eyes full of promises.

He bit his lip and their eyes met, his heart pounding in his chest as she stared up at him, biting her lip, a hungry expression on her beautiful, kind features.

"I want you, Anthony..." she whispered softly.

He didn't answer, all his life he'd let chances pass him by, girls he might've had a shot with ignored, promotions overlooked, opportunities, possibilities, all passing by.

She looked hopeful.

No more missed chances. He didn't reply, he didn't need to, he kissed her.

She arched her back, pressing herself desperately to him as they met in their first kiss, her hand moving up his arm to grip his shoulder, the other bunching his shirt in her fist.

He slid his arms eagerly around her and pulled her tight, the warmth of her body exciting him in ways he hadn't felt in years, he raised a hand to run his fingertips through her hair, caressing her as they kissed, soft and passionate but with underlying currents of lust.

It was a whirlwind romance and they both knew it, but sparks were flying and they were releasing what felt like years of pent up energy, neither of them had had much luck with the opposite sex and in each other they had found someone they each found incredibly attractive and who, seemingly, understood.

With their blossoming connection and their wine weakened inhibitions, their thinly veiled pretence of not wanting to just leap at each other had fallen away quickly.

She rose to stand and as she did she dragged him by the shirt collar to stand too, all the while kissing as his hands glided down her body, tracing the lines of her body, her slender waist, her curves, resting his hands on her hips as she started to step towards the bedroom, towing him, both her hands at his collar to start unbuttoning his shirt revealing the smooth skin of his chest.

Backing towards her room she accidentally, too distracted with him backed herself against a wall and he loomed to stand over her, the kiss deepening as their tongues met, nimble and eager as they sought each other out, his hands moving down and around, cupping her ass cheeks and squeezing.

She moaned into the kiss and as he lifted her from the floor, raising she snaked her arms around his neck, his shirt now unbuttoned as she too laced her legs around his waist, holding onto him as they made out, her back pressed against the wall and her swelling gift pressing to his stomach, not that he noticed or cared.

She ran her fingers through his hair, lavishing in the sensations of such a gorgeous man paying her the attention she had so desperately craved for so long.

He pulled her away from the wall and she clung to him, the two of them breaking the kiss so they could stare at each other, open mouthed, panting softly as they stared with half lidded eyes into each other's souls.

Without a word he carried her into her bedroom, tossing her onto the bed where she bounced with a gasp, laying lounged out on the soft sheets watching him as he removed his shirt, leaving him bare chested. He was so gorgeous, so perfect as he stood over her.

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