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Blind Vision

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Blind man uses heightened senses for great sex.
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To say that I live in darkness is not entirely true. What is true is that I can't see with my eyes, but my other senses can see for me.

I was not always blind, my vision was good until an accident a couple of years ago resulted in my loss of sight. Because I can remember what things look like, I am able to associate their scent with my memory of them. The perfume that wafts from the garden brings a picture of the flower before me. When the neighbours crank up their barbeque and I smell the aroma and hear the sound of steak and onions sizzling away it makes my mouth water.

Up to a point I can take care of myself, I know how to shave by feel so I don't need a mirror for that, the shower has a mixer tap so I can shower without help, the toilet paper is always handy so I can wipe my arse. The food is placed in a certain position by Mary, my carer, so that I can make myself a snack if I should feel hungry between meals. I can even make my own coffee or tea if required.

I have a black eye, his name is Warlock and he's a black Labrador. He is my constant companion as well as my eyes. He can walk me to the shops, especially the pet food shop where he has made friends with the staff who spoil him rotten, giving him lots of pats and the odd treat, he particularly likes pig's ears and will quite happily lie on the floor of the shop and munch away on it while I buy his food.

So, I guess you could say that I had my life sorted, and in a way I have. There is one real problem that I have that I don't know how to overcome. Actually that isn't totally correct, you see, before my accident I had a healthy sex life but after my lengthy stay in hospital and through the rehabilitation process, I found that the girl I thought would stand by me through my problems and support me, went off and married my best friend. Now I am restricted to taking matters in hand, so to speak.

I was sitting on a sun lounge in my back garden, if you can call a couple of potted shrubs in a paved courtyard a garden, soaking up the rays with Warlock stretched out beside me when Mary came and stood next to me. I knew something was bothering her, she only ever did that when she had a problem. "Simon, can I have a word with you?"

"Sure, what's the problem?"

"I've been putting off telling you this because I didn't want you to feel sorry for me, but I have to go into hospital for and operation, it's nothing serious, but I'll be out of action for a couple of weeks and there may be a period of a further couple of weeks before I can come back to work."

"No problem, you go off and get yourself better, I can take care of myself." I was thinking 'what am I going to do? How will I manage? I rely so much on her to prepare meals and do the housework and a whole range of other chores that I probably am unaware of.

"I've been giving it some thought. I know that you can take care of yourself up to a point, but you really do need someone for those things that you can't do, and I think I have a solution."

"I'm all ears."

"My daughter Stephanie, I've spoken to you about her."

"The one who has just split up with her bastard of a husband?"

"That's the one. Well she is having to move out of her apartment and is looking for a place to stay until she can find a new place of her own. I suggested that she could stay here for the time being, you have a spare bedroom that's not being used, so she could stay there, and while she's here she could help you to look after yourself."

"And you have told her that you would talk to me about it and that I'd agree with you so she can stay here?"

"Sort of."

"When can I meet her? I want to see her before I say 'yes'."

"I'll bring her with me tomorrow, you can have a chat and she can get a feel of what she will have to do around here."

Will tomorrow never come? I lay awake in bed imagining what this woman would look like. I have never seen Mary so I have nothing to go on, she may not even look like her mother, who knows? One thing, if she is as caring as her mother she will fit in fine. But then again she could be an ugly and deformed creature whose husband couldn't wait to be rid of. Hurry up tomorrow, the suspense is killing me!

Today is the tomorrow of yesterday, and I have just heard Mary's car pulling into my driveway. Two doors have opened and two doors have closed. A key in the front door lock, a puff of breeze as it opens and the rustle of packages, Mary has done some shopping on the way over. A mumble of voices, "Simon, we're here."

"I'm in the Living Room." I had been sitting here for some time with a classical music station playing softly on my stereo.

I heard them come in, there was a different perfume in the air that I didn't recognise. "Simon, I'd like you to meet Stephanie." I held out my hand and felt it grasped by a soft, small hand. The perfume was closer. "What's the perfume that you're wearing? I don't recognise it? It's somehow familiar but I can't seem to place it."

"It's Obsession."

"I have Obsession but it doesn't smell like that, it's close but no cigar."

"The Obsession for women is slightly different from the men's."

"That must be it. By the way, this black thing beside me is Warlock."

Warlock had introduced himself before I had finished my little speech, I could feel the breeze from his tail as he stood to be petted. "Aren't you the handsomest thing?" Stronger breeze from his tail.

"He'll take all the flattery you can give, so you'll have to go easy on it or he'll think that he runs the show."

'Doesn't he?"

"Sssh, don't tell him that." I told her with mock severity.

We exchanged banter for several minutes before she was called away by Mary to be shown the room that she would be sleeping in, I hadn't actually said 'yes' but it had been assumed that I would, and where everything was.

Mary, with Stephanie's help, made lunch for us, Mary didn't have any because she was on a fast before her operation, and we sat around the table discussing this and that. I sensed that Mary was putting off leaving and was unsure whether it was fear of her operation or concern about Stephanie's ability to look after me.

Mary stood up and cleared the table. When she came back she gave Stephanie a hug and tears were shed. "Don't worry Mum, you'll be fine, He's the best Doctor. I'll come in to see you tomorrow. We'll be fine, I'm sure that Simon will take good care of me."

"He'd better, or he'll have me to answer to." It was as false as it sounded.

I stood up and walked towards her. "You'll be fine, we'll be fine, and don't worry I'll make sure that Stephanie goes in to see you tomorrow."

"You'll need the car so you'd better call me a cab."

"Don't be silly, I'll take you to the hospital and then I can have the car."

"I'll come too."

"All right." So we, the four of us, piled into the car, Stephanie drove and Mary sat in the front with Warlock and I in the back.

Walking down the corridors of the hospital brought unpleasant memories flooding back. The smells of the place, the sounds of the place, call bells ringing and people scurrying back and forth, all served to remind me of when I had spent so much time here, time and operations, time and recovery, time to really hate the place. "A word of warning, when you order your meal after your operation, never, never, order the steak. Apart from the fact that it resembles a cross section of a ship's hawser both in colour and texture, it is tasteless and hard to chew. Another thing, don't worry too much if you drop a Brussels Sprout, you'll be able to catch it on the rebound, they're like squash balls."

"I'm sure that it isn't as bad as all that."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

We arrived at the Nurses' Station of the Ward she was in and after the registration procedures were completed we sat by her bed while she stowed her possessions into the cabinet next to her bed. I don't know who felt the most uncomfortable, I suspected Mary, but there was a gnat's appendage between us. Eventually, inevitably, because the nurse had come in to apply all the things that they apply in these situations, Stephanie and I said our good-byes and left. I heard the nurse say, "They make a good couple don't they?" I didn't quite catch Mary's reply.

"Do you like Indian food?" Stephanie asked as we drove home. I was seated in the front of the car with Warlock sitting up in the back seat with his safety harness on.

"I can't say that I've had much experience with it."

"No time like the present for you to experience it. There's an Indian take-away on our way home, we'll pick up something. I promise not to make it too hot or spicy."

We stopped and my nose was immediately assailed by a heady mixture of different aromas. "We'll have a Rendang and a Rogan Josh, not too hot, some Daal, Nahn bread and half a dozen Pappadums, the curries come with rice don't they."

"Oooh most certainly they do Memsahib, they come with the most excellent Basmati rice that has been cooked to perfection." I could imagine him to be just like Peter Sellers in the movie 'the Party', I even imagined that there would be a Morgan three wheeler parked out back to take him home at the end of the day.

A smile crossed my face and Stephanie burst out laughing. It was lucky that the man was relaying the order over the intercom otherwise he might have been offended, but then, if it was an act, our amusement would be praise for his performance.

Indian food was, to me, an experience that I'll never forget. I breathed in the aromas of the spices, and when I actually tasted the first forkful every taste bud in my mouth stood at attention and saluted, some spices filled the centre palate while others reacted on the outer palate and the whole combination was culinary bliss for me. I had no idea what this all looked like, the taste was nothing like that which I had experienced in the past and the textures, from the rice to the main courses with their chunks and sauce to the Nahn bread and the crunchy Pappadums. "This is great! Why have I not had this before?"

"Mum doesn't like Indian food, it reminds her of my Father, it was his favourite and he endured impossibly hot curries just so he could brag about it. That was one of his lesser faults, but it lead to him wanting to experience India for himself. The last we heard of him he was living with some Indian lady in Mumbai."

We finished the meal and put the rubbish in the bin. "Do you mind if I watch a little TV?" Stephanie asked.

"No, that's fine, in fact I'll join you."

She chuckled, "I suppose you are going to tell me that you can see the TV?"

"No, but I could do with the company."

"You have no friends?"

"No, it's just me and the dog."

"How sad. How long have you been on your own?"

"Since the accident, that's when my girlfriend ran off with my best friend."

"The must have really hurt."

She sat beside me on the couch and flicked through the channels looking for a news broadcast. It was depressing, just a lot of news about the wars and revolutions going on around the world interspersed with natural disasters. "Where is all the good news?"

"Good news doesn't rate just as it doesn't sell newspapers." She turned the TV off.

"Would you mind if I did something?"

"Like what?"

"I want to look at you."

"How are you going to do that? I'm sorry, that came out wrong."

"That's okay." I moved my hand to where I thought she was and she took it in hers and placed it on her cheek. I moved my fingers slowly, softly, over the surface of her face, circling her eyes, stroking the full length of her nose and when I ran my finger along her lips, she opened her mouth ever so slightly and kissed it. "You are very pretty." My hand was on her slender neck heading towards her ears. "You have such soft hair." I moved closer and put my nose into her hair just behind her ear. "It smells good too." I kissed her neck and she moved against my mouth, a small sigh came from her lips.

"That feels so nice."

While my lips were on her neck my other hand was holding her cheek. I moved so that my lips covered hers and gently kissed her. Her hand came up and held my head to her while she returned the kiss.

"Would you like to look at my body?" She whispered into my mouth.

In answer my hand moved over her shoulders and down her arm to her hand. She grasped it briefly before releasing it to continue its journey of exploration. Reaching her shoulder once more I swept my hand down her side to her waist. She was slim without being skinny, and from the feel of her body there was little, if any, excess body fat. My hand moved to the underside of her breasts, then followed their curve and then over the front, pausing to feel the firmness of her breast and the hardness of her erect nipples.

I heard her buttons being undone and her blouse being removed. She reached behind her back and unfastened her bra. As it sprung free my hand cupped her breast, caressing the underside and allowing my fingers to gently rub her nipple. I bent down and smelled the perfume in between her breasts before taking a nipple in my mouth and swirling my tongue around it.

"Oh that feel so good." Her voice was so soft that I barely heard it, but in my situation barely is enough, so I moved to her other breast. It was just as good.

In the meantime, my hands hadn't been idle. I had one hand between her legs and, as my fingers brushed over the panties covering her pussy she pushed down on them. "You like that don't you."

"I love it." Her legs parted.

I continued to caress her through the thin material of her panties, my finger sliding between the lips of her pussy while my thumb gently massaged her clit. Her hips were thrusting against my hand and I wondered to myself how long she could hold out before begging for more. I decided to test the water further so I released her nipple from my mouth and moved my head between her legs. The smell of her brought back distant memories, the taste of her juices seeping through her panties brought back more memories.

I pulled her panties aside and inserted my tongue into her pussy. I have never before experienced a reaction quite like this, her hand held my head to her, pulled me into her until I had trouble breathing. It was around then that she came, an earth shattering, twitching, trembling orgasm that took her by surprise. For a few seconds there she forgot to breathe until her body cried out for air.

"Fuck that was good! Now it's my turn to 'see' your body. She started, as I had done, at the top, kissing me on the lips, moving to gently nibble my neck, her hands lifted my shirt over my head and she began to explore every millimetre of flesh, every nook and cranny. She nipped my nipples, she sucked them, she drew circles on my stomach with the tip of her tongue, and she blew air onto the wetness her tongue left on me. Her hand had located the slide of my flies and it headed south incredibly slowly until she was able to insert her hand and grab my cock. Electric shocks flashed through my body at her touch on him, the first woman to touch him in three years and it showed.

"Mmmm, nice," she said as she stroked him, "He's a horny little devil isn't he?"

"What do you mean little?"

"A figure of speech, just a figure of speech, he's definitely not small." She pulled my trousers down far enough that she could extend her caresses, her feather touch took in my balls and lingered in the area just behind my scrotum that I find so erogenous, and my hips were doing a dance of their own until I entered heaven. Actually it was her mouth, but to me it was heaven. Her tongue played wondrous tricks, her lips circled him and squeezed him as her head moved slowly backwards and forwards along his full length.

She could feel my orgasm building to a crescendo and at the very last second, just before I reached the point of no return she withdrew her mouth from my cock. "Why are you stopping?" I breathed my disappointment to her.

"Because, my good man, I, I mean we, are going to prolong this for a long, long time. I want to experience every millimetre of you and I want you to experience every millimetre of me. By the time that we are finished I want us to know, instinctively, every erogenous point of each other's body, so that every time we make love, it will be an experience for both of us."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You can ask me anything you like, I might not necessarily answer it."

"If you are so incredibly sexy and sensual, why did your husband leave you?"

"That one I will answer. He was into kinky, you know, the whole BDSM bit, the kinkier the better for him, his favourite author was the Marquis de Sade so that should give you some idea of what he was like. I am more into sensuality, the whole erotic experience of love making. I didn't find whips and leather particularly erotic, I am more your Karma Sutra type, all for getting to know your partner so that you could both gain from the whole sexual experience."

"I'm all for that, where do we start?"

"I suggest that we get our clothes off and get into bed, we'll be much more comfortable that way."

"In that case, let's go." I stood up, hitched my trousers up so that I could walk, and led her unerringly to my room.

"That was good. You really can get around. Mum said that you weren't restricted very much in the house, and that, unless she moved something, you could go anywhere without tripping over or banging into things. I'm impressed."

"If you think that's impressive, watch this." I took off my trousers and threw them towards a chair that was always in the same place, they landed over the back of the chair as cleanly as if I had stood right in front of it and lowered them gently over the back of the chair. "For my encore." I took of my underpants and socks and tossed them, one after the other. They didn't even touch the sides of the laundry basket by the door.

"What a show-off!" Stephanie had taken her clothes off and stood so close to me that I could feel her entire length against me.

I picked her up and carried her to my bed and lowered her gently onto it. I then lowered myself onto the bed beside her. I began where I had begun before, at her head. As my lips gently caressed hers, my hands, fingers, gently massaged her scalp. A shiver ran down her body bringing an audible, just, response from her that vibrated my lips.

I kissed her eyes, her earlobes, I dragged my teeth gently across her throat, I kissed that little hollow at the top of her sternum, I moved my lips down the valley between her twin peaks before detouring to circle her left nipple with the very tip of my tongue. Her breathing was becoming quite ragged, she would take a deep breath and hold it for a long time before exhaling and catching her breath in a series of short gasps. There was no regularity in her breathing as I continued to work my way slowly down her body, pausing momentarily at her belly button, which, thankfully had no trace of lint in it.

Seemingly hours later my mouth met the outer edges of her landing strip pubes. I could detect the faint traces of hair conditioner on the hair so I sniffed my way through the mini jungle until my nose touched the hood protecting her swollen clit. "Oooh." Was all she said, but that was enough. My tongue teased her clit, its tip circling it for several minutes before the tip traced a path between her lips until it reached her puckered hole. It didn't stay long there before returning to her pussy. I licked it, I jabbed my tongue into it, my tongue had a mind of its own and each new position or action brought a response from her, be it raising her hips to allow greater penetration, or a quivering of her hips. I was enjoying the feel of her enjoyment.

I really feel sorry for those women who go through life without experiencing an orgasm. I had no reason to feel sorry for Stephanie, when she came she stayed, her orgasm continue the whole time my tongue was inside her pussy. Eventually she grabbed my hair, "I can't go on any longer, now it's my turn."


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